by Jack
If you read Bud’s article below, he’s capture a lot of my thoughts, so I’ll make this short. Romney held his own and took a lot of low blows and jabs. Obama was on his game and if you had to score it for technical points like a college debate, Obama won, but did
he really win any more votes? I don’t think so. He came off like a bully at times, strident, arrogant and condescending, sometimes grinning like Joe Biden. On the other hand Romney was the steady Eddie once again, despite attempts to rattle him.
Obama took note of the fact that Romney agree with much of his foreign policy. However, it’s not surprising that he did because most of it was generic Dept. of State rhetoric that flows from one president to the next. It’s the nasty details where it get’s interesting and there’s plenty in the details that separates these two candidates.
Romney’s statement, “We can’t kill our way out of this mess” came straight out of the left’s own camp and no doubt resonated with a lot of Barack’s supporters. Obama’s zinger was, “Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military has changed.
“We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go under water, nuclear submarines.” This was more condescending than presidential and while some may applaud this (Candy Crowley supporters) I think it will cost him in the longer run.
I’ll give Obama the technical win here, but it was still very close and it didn’t change the momentum which has Romney gaining steam every day. This is sure going to be one heck of cliff hanger by Nov. 6th.
A technical win? I beg to differ but won’t argue the point.
Obama, the community organizer is so ignorant of the military that he does not know bayonet training is de-riguer in marine and Army training an that horses are used in by the military in the Afghanistan war.
I guess all the training they get in “Community Organizing” is how to do the political Mau-Mau and play golf.
I think Obama came off as a desperate man attempting to trap his opponent. Romney refused to take the bait and instead redirected the conversation like an adult.
Obama sounded schooled at times. After four years at the helm this should be second nature to him.
a lot of pundits are saying neither candidate moved the electorate. I would be surprised if it did.
Didn’t watch, so I didn’t get to see the body language or facial expressions. I listened and read tweets about the debate. You get a different perspective than from watching on TV.
I heard a petulant Obumble’s increasing frustration when he didn’t get the response he wanted after attacking Romney. I heard multiple interruptions by Obumble – again – that weren’t controlled by Schieffer. And I heard Romney speaking clearly about his vision for America.
What I didn’t hear was any kind of question about the Benghazi mess and cover-up, but that info keeps coming out in spite of the Moron Stream Media & Obumble’s efforts to sweep it under the rug. If Obumble is re-elected, I fully expect to see impeachment hearings.
I think most folks have made up their minds as to how they’re going to vote in November. Can’t wait ’till we don’t have to hear all the attack ads.