The Butte Taxpayer’s Alliance – Patriots All

by Jack

What can a handful of local people accomplish in an election year? Apparently quite a bit. I’m talking about the Butte County Taxpayer’s Alliance. All they have is a board of directors and some cash, that’s it. But, look what they have done in the past 12 months:

1. Held no less than five public events to inform voters on issues and candidates.

2. Contributed to their favorite candidates, $250 for each.

3. Created their own website to inform the public.

4. Written articles of political importance to inform the public.

5. Attended many Chico City Council meetings to voice their opinions and show support for issues and candidates.

6. Wrote letters to the editor on behalf of candidates and issues.

7. Worked with other local citizen groups to promote awareness of key issues and good candidates, and then kept open the lines of communications within those groups.

8. Created and paid for their own radio commercials now running every day until Nov. 5th.

9. Offered their assistance, advice and support directly to their favored candidates. This was very helpful to new candidates in sorting out their race, if only to use them as a sounding board.

10. Promoted the idea of clean politics and they always took the moral high road on every decision and every action they were involved in.

11. Tirelessly gave of their own time and money in pursuit of goals our founding fathers would have approved.

12. Individual members made themselves available to other groups for public events related to good government.

13. Created and passed out fliers and cards in support of local issues and candidates.

14. Investigated voter fraud for all of Butte County, using the latest voter data available from the Butte County Elections Office.

15. Worked with public officials to obtain factual information on large taxpayer expenditures.

16. Worked with the public on matters of good governance and oversight.

I’m sure there is more, but this gives you a pretty good idea of what a few determined people can accomplish. They rarely release their names because this is not about them, it’s about doing something good for the community. They’ve established a pretty good model for others to follow. With respect to the members of the BTA we will not post their names here, at this time.

If you would like to be involved with the BTA for next year, send us your contact info in our comments section and I’ll pass it along to them. I know they would like to hear from you.

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One Response to The Butte Taxpayer’s Alliance – Patriots All

  1. Tina says:

    Wow…I am so proud of these good citizens. Thanks for sharing this with us Jack.

    I think we should let our readers know that you will not post their information to the blog.

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