Helping Arm Al Qaeda – A White House Cover Up

JERUSALEM – While echoes of the “Fast and Furious” scandal still resound in the White House, another administration decision at the heart of Obama’s Mideast policy may prove even more explosive.

Almost entirely missing from the debate surrounding the anti-U.S. attacks in Libya is the administration’s policy of arming jihadists to overthrow Mideast governments. But in the case of Libya, the arming of jihadists may have directly resulted in the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and the subsequent murder of

Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, private security employees and former U.S. Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

After changing its story multiple times, the White House finally conceded the deadly assault on the U.S. consulate was a planned attack linked to al-Qaida, as per information released by national intelligence agencies. The admission prompted Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., to call for the resignation of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice for pushing the narrative that the attacks were part of a spontaneous uprising.

King may instead want to focus his investigative energies on the larger story: How the Obama administration armed Libyan rebels who were known to include al-Qaida and other anti-Western jihadists, and how the White House is currently continuing that same policy in Syria.

During the revolution against Muammar Gadhafi’s regime, the U.S. admitted to directly arming the rebel groups. At the time, rebel leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi boasted in an interview that a significant number of the Libyan rebels were al-Qaida gunmen, many of whom had fought U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Read the full story.

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4 Responses to Helping Arm Al Qaeda – A White House Cover Up

  1. Chris says:

    I genuinely love that you linked to instead of the original source for the story, World Net Daily. Anything that brings more exposure to “Firefly” is fine by me. Jack, if you haven’t seen that show, you need to seek it out. It has a distinctly libertarian ethic to it, which is kind of strange given that its creator, Joss Whedon, is a dyed-in-the-wool progressive. Politics aside, it’s just a rollicking space western with lovable characters and quotable east-meets-west dialogue. There are only 13 episodes and a movie, and it is well worth your time.

    That distraction aside…as I said, the actual source for this story is not credible. World Net Daily is an extreme conspiracy theory site that makes most of its money selling birther merchandise. Get back to me when you have a more credible source.

    And Tina, you were just saying how you wish Obama was more like Reagan…would arming terrorists count for anything?

  2. Tina says:

    Chris: “World Net Daily is an extreme conspiracy theory site that makes most of its money selling birther merchandise.”

    Actually Chris WND has been around since before you were born. The people associated with the site have credentials that are equal to any of your favorites. Your disagreement with their positions and findings does nothing to discredit them. Acting as if you are some kind of authority in the matter is equally ridiculous.

    I don’t think I said I wished Obama was more like Reagan. I cannot imagine saying such a thing since we know that Obama is a committed socialist.

    Your last question, are you attempting to excuse the President? (It wouldn’t surprise me…progressive democrats NEVER take responsibility.)

  3. Chris says:

    Tina: “Actually Chris WND has been around since before you were born. The people associated with the site have credentials that are equal to any of your favorites.”

    “Credentials” aren’t as important as common sense and decency. Does the fact that Jerome Corsi has a PhD from Harvard make it OK for him to publish this piece of tabloidy nonsense, in which he claims that the president is secretly gay, and that his marriage to Michelle was arranged by Jesse Jackson, who was grooming Barack to be president 20 years ago?

    “A current member of Trinity church who has known the Obamas for 20 years, Carolyn, confirmed Trinity helped a lot of blacks get successful and connected.

    Thats what Wright did for Obama, she claimed. He connected Obama in the community, and he helped Obama hide his homosexuality.

    According to Robyn, Jackson explained to Michelle that she would live a life of luxury once Obama was president, and that she never again would have to worry about money.

    Michelle was nasty, and most straight guys would never be able to put up with her moods and temperament, Robyn maintained. But Obama really didnt care. Michelle had the credentials and she looked the part. Obama wasnt interested in her for sex.

    A source WND will identify as Hazel, a long-term member of the Trinity congregation, insisted Obama remained sexually involved with men after his marriage to Michelle.

    I remember being at this function at Reverend Wrights house, one of the many parties Wright had, in 1996, Hazel recalled.

    I went to the room where all the coats were on the bed, because I wanted to leave. I was surprised to find the light in the room was off and the coats were on the floor, she said. Then I realized there were two men hugging and kissing in there. One of those men was Obama. This was long before anybody knew Obama, before he became famous like he is today.

    Hazel has been telling this story in Chicago since 1996.”

    Please tell me you’re not stupid enough to believe this disgusting drivel, Tina, or shameless enough that you think it’s acceptable for a reputable organization to publish.

    “Your disagreement with their positions and findings does nothing to discredit them.”

    No, the fact that they repeatedly lie discredits them. World Net Daily continues to whine, “Where’s the birth certificate?” even though Obama has produced two legal birth certificates, which have been verified by numerous fact-checking agencies and officials of the Hawaiian government as legitimate. Their continued crusade to cast doubt on Obama’s birth certificate is dishonest and full of lies. That is not a matter of “disagreement;” it is a matter of fact. Period.

    The Southern Poverty Law Center documents more hateful lies from Wing Nut Daily:

    “It featured a six-part series claiming (falsely) that soybean consumption causes homosexuality and promoted Scott Livelys vile opus The Pink Swastika, which says that gays were behind the Holocaust. It has identified the first leftist as Satan, and declared that Muslims have a 20-point plan for conquering the United States by 2020. It has warned of secret plans to create a North American Union, advised readers to invest all their assets in gold, and promoted myriad, if conflicting, theories about when and how the world will end.

    Its most enduring claim, by far, is that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to serve as president because he supposedly is not a natural-born U.S. citizen.

    WNDs stable of writers includes birther conspiracist Jerome Corsi; Bob Unruh, a former Associated Press reporter who once sued his fifth-grade daughters school after it forbade her to distribute promotional materials for his wifes vacation bible school; black neo-secessionist Walter E. Williams, who in a 2002 WND column wrote that the Civil War was an unconstitutional exercise of federal abuse and usurpation; and a panoply of other far-right and ultraconservative voices.

    The online paper is also a launching pad for a new generation of extremists. Kevin DeAnna, founder of the white nationalist student group Youth for Western Civilization, was recently hired as marketing coordinator. DeAnna, 29, also has written articles for WND including one that asserted that Earth Day falls on April 22 in order to honor Lenins birthday. Another young pundit who benefits from WNDs patronage is Jason Molotov Mitchell, 33, a self-declared Christian Supremacist who wants his co-religionists to reject effeminized American Christianity and start advancing the Kingdom on earth.”

    That site is a haven for extremists and bigots, Tina. Stop trying to cover for them.

    And no, I am not trying to “excuse” the president. I think he handled the Benghazi incident horrendously. I don’t know what he knew or when he knew it about the motivations for the attack. I do know that I am not going to trust the discredited liars at WND to tell me.

  4. Chris says:

    Some conservatives have chosen to take a stand against the extremists in their movement such as World Net Daily. Responding to a WND article in which Jerome Corsi baselessly asserts that the government is building “concentration camps for political dissidents, such as in Nazi Germany,” John Henke writes:

    “In the 1960’s, William F. Buckley denounced the John Birch Society leadership for being “so far removed from common sense” and later said “We cannot allow the emblem of irresponsibility to attach to the conservative banner.”

    The Birthers are the Birchers of our time, and WorldNetDaily is their pamphlet. The Right has mostly ignored these embarrassing people and organizations, but some people and organizations inexplicably choose to support WND through advertising and email list rental or other collaboration. For instance, I have been told that F.I.R.E (The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) – an otherwise respectable group that does important work – uses the WND email list. They should stop. [SEE UPDATE II]

    No respectable organization should support the kind of fringe idiocy that WND peddles. Those who do are not respectable.

    I think it’s time to find out what conservative/libertarian organizations support WND through advertising, list rental or other commercial collaboration (email me if you know of any), and boycott any of those organizations that will not renounce any further support for WorldNetDaily.”

    Tina, will you join the call for greater responsibility and honesty in the conservative movement? Or will you stand with the modern-day Birchers who will do or say anything to win?

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