by Jack Lee
It’s no secret that I’m strongly supportive of conservative values, because they coincide with our founders values. But, I won’t lie to you for the sake of my bias! I wish I could say the same for our President.
Today’s breaking news reveals how key advisers within the White House had real time information that our embassy at Benghazi was an attack by an Al Qaeda affiliate, and it did not stem from a protest rally over a video. Yet, to this very day Biden and Obama
continue to defend their original story was the best, most accurate, information available. That simply is not true and now we have the irrefutable evidence. Also the attack at Fort Hood was not work place violence!
Joe Biden was never considered a pillar of virtue, but Barack Obama was an untested commodity. . . until Benghazi. Now we know and we have been deceived.
The only question that remains unanswered is, why did they attempt to deceived the America public?
Every American should do a little soul searching on this one, because this is not a partisan issue. This is a breach of ethics, one that breaks the bonds of trust between the American people and this Presidency. One could make the case that this trumps Watergate, because this time it’s a national security issue.
If Obama’s Administration is willing to put forth a deception of this grand scale, for whatever reason, then there should be no question, his value to us has been compromised. He’s unworthy of our support and he should be fired on Nov. 6th. If he isn’t fired, then I can only conclude too many voters placed Obama’s self-serving socialist agenda ahead of common sense and the good of the nation.
When you go to the polls on Nov. 6th you have a big decision to make and I hope you let the facts and your conscience be your guide.
According to one article the cover story for the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and others in Benghazi is also tied to this story and begs further investigation:
Obama’s shuck and jive must end with his Benghazi lies. This lunatic must go, the empty chair must be filled.
Pie: “Obama’s shuck and jive..”
Watch out Pie, you’ll be accused of being a racist for using those words. Palin and Cuomo did, and while the MSM hasn’t printed one word about Obama’s covering up what happened in Benghazi they’re all over Palin for using those words.
Obama knowing of the terrorist attack did nothing to protect the Americans at our Embassy, supplied arms to hard-line Islamic jihadists, went on world tours apologizing for America, bankrupted and put our nation into trillions of dollars of debt while turning our nation into a Socialist state, not to mention passing bills without consulting Congress. I’d say this is more than reason for impeachment. Oh yes, I forgot to mention the treason he committed while sitting at the table with the Russian President in from of the entire country when he thought nobody could hear what he was whispering. If “any” other President had comitted “any” one of these acts, he would have been impeached right away. Let’s fire him now!
“Today’s breaking news reveals how key advisers within the White House had real time information that our embassy at Benghazi was an attack by an Al Qaeda affiliate, ….”
Yeah, from the embassy in Tripoli: “Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibilty for Benghazi Attack” … “on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli.”
Me, I’m going with a prudent administration, that don’t go off half-cocked over a facebook posting, let alone a twitter tweet.
And: “Fourteen hours after the attack, President Obama sat down with Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes” for a previously scheduled interview and said he did not believe it was simply due to mob violence.”
Yep, prudent, presidential, … and you all are blowing into a leaky bladder. Quit, before you pass out.
Libby being honest with the American people doesn’t require “going off half cocked”. It does require leadership qualities.
The lies, the weird video cover story, the continued lies that became conflicting stories, Hillary stepping forward to stop the buck…strange goings on.
The leaky bladder’s home base is the oval office.
Rand Paul:
Excellent find once again Tina, you sure come up with some goodies. Hope people are paying attention, this one is big but if nobody cares or notices… well, we’ll see.
I am soooo upset our MSM is NOT reporting what happened in Benghazi. Four US citizens died after fighting for over 7 hours, there was US military help an hour away, a drone provided live-feed to the WH, emails sent to 300-400 at the WH during the attack, and we were told it was all because of a video. We were lied to. WHY? Why wasnt the military sent in to save them. Chris Stevens died hours later in the hospital from smoke inhalation. The security team died from wounds with their guns in their arms. We deserve the truth. These four mens parents deserve the truth.
This article is weeks old, but does a great job of presenting the facts with a time-line and quotes that isnt being reported by ABC, CBS and NBC.
“Libby being honest with the American people ….”
I cannot understand why you think he wasn’t, and quite willfully, in spite of all manner of evidence to the contrary.
Again: “Fourteen hours after the attack, President Obama sat down with Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes” for a previously scheduled interview and said he did not believe it was simply due to mob violence.”
First, it was a mob. Then, it was more than a mob. Then, it was probably AQ related. Then, arrests were made in Libya. Then, arrests were made in Tunisia. Yesterday some Libyans in Cairo blew themselves up when security forces arrived to arrest them.
Things are moving along real well. Your opposition is really getting to be kind of hysterical … and decidedly personal.
Apparently, you must believe that Obama is some heinous character, and grasp at non-factual straws to bolster this belief … because then you can hate him for reasons other than garden variety racism. But you are out of luck.
Obama is a splendid fellow … and a good zinger, too … “dates bacy to they’re boyhood in Kenya”. Funny, funny.
“I am soooo upset our MSM is NOT reporting what happened in Benghazi.”
You might want to consider the possiblity that there is nothing to report … that hasn’t been … and that you are, once again, being manipulated. You really should consider it.
“Why wasnt the military sent in to save them.”
Again. Would you please think about this. First, that would be an invasion of another country … unsanctioned by the Congress, remember. But we might of done it anyway (we do that) … except that, by the time we’d moblized, everyone who died would have already been dead, so it would have been a pointlessly violent, and illegal thing to do … and we didn’t do it.
If you think about it, everything you are fussed about is, just, totally irrational. You’re just fussed because you want to be.
Diana: “Obama knowing of the terrorist attack did nothing to protect the Americans at our Embassy, supplied arms to hard-line Islamic jihadists, went on world tours apologizing for America, bankrupted and put our nation into trillions of dollars of debt while turning our nation into a Socialist state, not to mention passing bills without consulting Congress. I’d say this is more than reason for impeachment. Oh yes, I forgot to mention the treason he committed while sitting at the table with the Russian President in from of the entire country when he thought nobody could hear what he was whispering. If “any” other President had comitted “any” one of these acts, he would have been impeached right away. Let’s fire him now!”
The problem, Diana, is that none of these things actually happened. Your passion would be admirable if you used it to get accurate information.
Wrong! I’m “fussed” because this IS news worthy and the liberal biased MSM is not reporting it. They were all over Bush over Iraq, but the silence on this is deafening.
Stevens died in a hospital hours after he was removed from the burned out remains. The others were killed five to six hours later in the safe house from a morter that hit the roof they were on, while military support was approximately an hour away in Italy and in the water off of Libya shores.
If I was the mother of one of those men I’d be demanding answers from outside of the WH just like Terry Sheehan did when she camped outside of Bush’s home in Texas.
You Libby and your liberal disregard for the lose of another human being is disgusting. I’m sure if your son had been killed you would have sent a thank you note to Obama for allowing your son to die so he could use him to get reelected. Sick!
The truth does not lie. It just is what it is and should be reported for the facts and not twisted, edited and used for political gain.
Unrelated (?) news tip —
Obama raises the bar in rhetorical speech for children.
As expected Libbya, like all progressives, must do the Moron Mambo to explain away this abject failure in Benghazi by an inept and incompetent Obama administration. For those who do not know, US embassies are US sovereign soil, just like embassies are for every other country on the planet.
Troops could have easily been deployed (with Libyan approval and even assistance) to protect and evacuate embassy personnel without it being perceived by anyone except ridiculous progressive pinheads like Libbya and their depraved Muslim terrorist allies as “an invasion”.
Libbya adds another big, fat, stupid fail to her long and steady record of big, fat, stupid fails. This makes me wonder.
I take people at face value, even on the internet, but I have wondered this before. Is Libbya (and her equally stupid harpy/liberal/progressive peers Chris and Princess) sincere or is she an idiot, dumber-than-a-bag-of-doorknobs farce fabricated by some rancorous and angry conservative trying to make progressives look more stupid than they already are?
No, it is not me. I do not play such silly games and would not even consider it.
Pie: “… big, fat, stupid fail to her long and steady record of big, fat, stupid fails … equally stupid harpy/liberal/progressive … idiot, dumber-than-a-bag-of-doorknobs farce …”
Sounds like a silly game to me, and to other people too, I shouldn’t wonder.
And I have an unrelated comment. I’m noticing that you don’t seem to be posting about your candidate at all. Could this have something to do with it?
October Surprise: Romney may have screwed over his friends ex-wife
By Alex Seitz-Wald
Documents unsealed by a court in Massachusetts today show that Mitt Romney created a special share of stock to help a friend give his ex-wife less money during a nasty divorce, and then testified that she got a fair price, even though she made a fraction of what the shares were worth just a year later. Romney testified that Tom Stemberg, the founder of Staples, had properly appraised the value the companys shares at $2.25 during the divorce, but a year later the share price closed at exactly ten times that amount on the first day of its IPO.
Those rich boys stick together! You can read the rest of it on Salon … and this is going to go over real big with the ladies.
Charles Woods, father of former Navy Seal Tyron Woods killed in Benghazi speaks out about his sons death.
I want to honor my son, Ty Woods, who responded to the cries for help and voluntarily sacrificed his life to protect the lives of other Americans. In the last few days it has become public knowledge that within minutes of the first bullet being fired the White House knew these heroes would be slaughtered if immediate air support was denied. Apparently, C-130s were ready to respond immediately. In less than an hour, the perimeters could have been secured and American lives could have been saved. After seven hours fighting numerically superior forces, my sons life was sacrificed because of the White Houses decision. This has nothing to do with politics, this has to do with integrity and honor. My son was a true American hero. We need more heroes today. My son showed moral courage. This is an opportunity for the person or persons who made the decision to sacrifice my sons life to stand up.
Full story:
I too have become disillusioned
Aug 22
Posted by Mason I. Bilderberg
[Note: Though one year old, this article seems more relevant today.]
August 18, 2011
Obama: The Affirmative Action President
By Matt Patterson
Years from now, historians may regard the 2008 election of Barack Obama as an inscrutable and disturbing phenomenon, a baffling breed of mass hysteria akin perhaps to the witch craze of the Middle Ages. How, they will wonder, did a man so devoid of professional accomplishment beguile so many into thinking he could manage the worlds largest economy, direct the worlds most powerful military, execute the worlds most consequential job?
Imagine a future historian examining Obamas pre-presidential life: ushered into and through the Ivy League despite unremarkable grades and test scores along the way; a cushy non-job as a community organizer; a brief career as a state legislator devoid of legislative achievement (and in fact nearly devoid of his attention, so often did he vote present); and finally an unaccomplished single term in United States Senate, the entirety of which was devoted to his presidential ambitions. He left no academic legacy in academia, authored no signature legislation as legislator.
And then there is the matter of his troubling associations: the white-hating, America-loathing preacher who for decades served as Obamas spiritual mentor; a real-life, actual terrorist who served as Obamas colleague and political sponsor. It is easy to imagine a future historian looking at it all and asking: how on Earth was such a man elected president?
Not content to wait for history, the incomparable Norman Podhoretz addressed the question recently in the Wall Street Journal:
To be sure, no white candidate who had close associations with an outspoken hater of America like Jeremiah Wright and an unrepentant terrorist like Bill Ayers would have lasted a single day. But because Mr. Obama was black, and therefore entitled in the eyes of liberaldom to have hung out with protesters against various American injustices, even if they were a bit extreme, he was given a pass.
Let that sink in: Obama was given a pass held to a lower standard because of the color of his skin.
Libby a lot of stocks are worth more a year later…there’s no there there.
Me thinks the lady is delusional (and possibly looking for fame and fortune).
Between the hijinks of these two women and that nutty Elizabeth Warren you progressives are looking a bit ridiculous…it is no surprise that you don’t take this situation more seriously.
Diana I don’t know how you found Post Scripts but we’re sure glad you did. Thank you for contributing to this story. As always the left would like us to shut up and go away but we aren’t going to do that. Hope you post again.
Peggy: Just read that and came here link.
John Podhoretz @jpodhoretz Tweets —
The question that comes to mind is, Has any politician ever said anything quite as horrifyingly wrong as this? Ever?
Libby: So, I guess you stand by your unbelievably moronic assertion that using troops (i.e. the military which is often charged with embassy security) to protect and evacuate embassy personnel before the attack or even during would be perceived as an invasion?
I rest my case that you are either a fabrication or you actually are a dumber-than-a-bag-of-doorknobs idiot.
This just published to YouTube (I checked 1/2 hour ago and it was not there.) Obama’s campaign continuing outreach to youth —
Libby: “I cannot understand why you think he wasn’t, and quite willfully, in spite of all manner of evidence to the contrary.”
Well of course you don’t Libby because you don’t want to. The video story was repeated for weeks and it had ZERO to do with this event. THEY MADE IT UP. In my neighborhood that is called willful deception! But that’s only part of the smell emanating from this event.
Read Rand Paul and Washington Times above or watch this interview:
The President flying off to Las Vegas for a fund raising campaign event so soon after this was going on…dishonorable…tacky…definitely un-presidential.
Thanks Pie…scheduled for front page in AM.
Pie, Are you talking about Biden, Clinton or both?
In my opinion what Biden said is disgusting beyond comprehension for a normal human being. What Clinton said should be criminal. She told the father she would see the man who made the video, was arrested and prosecuted knowing he was innocent.
While both are typical remarks coming from this administration I believe Clintons was more egregious since she knew she was lying to the father with his son in a casket only feet away. She even possibly watched the men die on those roofs from the drone that was sending live feeds back to the same situation room she watched bin Laden die in.
Joe, just being Joe scares me to think he could, God help us, be our president. Obama WILL go down in history as our worst president ever, if Joe doesnt succeed him.
“Libby a lot of stocks are worth more a year later ….”
Ten times more? … in a year? I don’t think so.
I don’t think so either. I think the lady is a “Bull%#$*&#”…as Obama might put it.
” I think the lady is a “Bull%#$*&#”…as Obama might put it.”
Alas, the IPO price is a matter of fact. And I actually just read that transcript you posted … and of course Romney did not exercise. The shares were never anyhing but a device to defraud the divorcee, and all but worthless … which is the point of the whole thing, right?