Doing the Right Thing Always Comes With a Price

by Jack

On Sat. at noon the Tea Party here and in other cities in California, staged a well behaved, lawful assembly over the Benghazi incident and the murders of four Americans. As you know, many questions remain unanswered and the answers to date have caused many of us to be disgusted. Something was terribly wrong with how this was handled and the Tea Party wanted to rally support to get the truth out.

In Chico, the old parking lot at the closed Bank of America was the staging ground for these conservatives from a number of political parties. Most were over 60, but there were younger families there too. They carried large American flags to show their patriotism and they had signs questioning the Benghazi inaction and deception. These were the folks that filtered out to the four corners of Notre Dame at the Skyway, They stood there quietly, but sometimes waving to those supporters honking or giving a thumbs up. I noted that the majority of people passing by were very supportive and that was gratifying and personally reassuring that patriotism and common sense are still alive.


Then there were the others. Those were the people who hate such gatherings. I can’t imagine why…but they do. The mildest of them would look away, refusing to acknowledge the presence of so many flags and caring Americans. And a few others gave us the finger and a few yelled obscenities as they sped past.

At one point the westbound lane of the Skyway was backed up 15 cars deep at the long stoplight. This placed the outside lane within a few feet of a long line of protesters. Then it happened. A man in a late model sedan, his wife and children in the car, started chanting “Obama, Obama, Obama” and shaking his fist in the air, obviously in an attempt to provoke this decent gathering of older Americans present only to demand justice and accountability for murdered Americans. Why would anyone in this country feel hatred or anger towards such a decent purpose? Was it because they dared to ask questions about the Obama Administration or was it over the expression of free speech, so close to a contested election that angered these jerks? Whatever it was, there were those who felt hate so much they had to spew it at the demonstrators. I wondered, why would this screaming driver try to provoke a crowd of people with his family in his car? That was irresponsible. He was being a bully and cowardly because he was using his wife and children as a shield. He continued to shout insults as the light changed and traffic moved forward, even though his frightened wife rolled up her passenger window to silence his venom from the crowd.

These random incivilities, by people favoring another side, was yet another glaring example of the difference between two philosophies that dominate today’s politics.

On one side we have the conservatives and that means folks who are predisposed to be reserved, prudent and that is a life style that extends to all things, not just politics. It is especially true among the older, and wiser citizens. And on the other side are the radical, the rude, the imprudent, the in-your-face jerks, who would incite violence and insult decent, caring people, even if it meant putting their family at risk.

When the leftists arrived in Washington to celebrate their victory they left behind tons of trash, when the Tea Partiers arrived in Washington much later and in even greater numbers, they left the same space cleaner than when they arrived. Contrast that and their Tea Party protests later on to the Occupy movement, with thier arsons, the mountains of trash, the rapes, the murders and vandalisms in every city they protested.

We have a clear choice on Nov. the 6th to send a message which group we support, which philosophy we think is worthy. Then be prepared to embark a great mission to restore what has been good and decent about us. The left have tried to destroy our founders’ values and the idealism that made us great. They want to change America into their vision of a socialist nation, but on Nov. the 6th they will hopefully be dealt a serious setback, and not a moment too soon!

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26 Responses to Doing the Right Thing Always Comes With a Price

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Nothing surprises me about the behavior of Chris’ comrades who continue to threaten riots and violence if Romney wins.

    Yep, when Michael Moore creates a political ad wherein an elderly woman declares “I want the Republican party to know, if your voter suppression throughout this beautiful country enables Romney to oust Barack Obama, we will burn this mother****** down!”

    And another says, “If the Republicans steal this election, I am going to track down Mitt Romney and give him the worlds biggest ****-punch. What’s the matter sonny, you never heard that phrase, ****-punch? Right in the *******.”

    Moore speaks, progressives listen! Hilarious!

    Chris, here is a link to a story on left wing threats of violence —

    So, now that I have linked to a site that you and your violence threatening, bloodthirsty, zombie peers so vehemently hate, what do you think of me now?

    The supreme irony in all this is that progressives, with the cooperation of a liberal dominated media, have a long record of trying to falsely attach violence, hatred, bigotry, and racism to the Tea Party. In that they have failed because such are antithetical to the vast majority of Tea Party participants. (In every crowd there are a few kooks.)

    Yet how do progressives, liberals, Democrats, and Occupy zombies act?

    BURN THE MOTHER*****R DOWN is the hilarious rallying cry of Chris’ crowd.

    And progressives expect to be taken seriously.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    More progressive violence and merry prankster fun! Join the hilarity!

    Oct 2012 — Obama supporters dump roofing nails in the parking lot where a Tea Party rally was held.

    Oct 2012 — Rev. Joseph Lowery (who gave the benediction at the 2009 inauguration of President Barack Obama) “All white people are going to hell… I dont know what kind of a ni**er wouldnt vote with a black man running.”

    Nov 2012 — Bill Maher “If you’re thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you”

    Nov 2012 — Sacramento Black Pastor receives death threats for not supporting Obama.

  3. Tina says:

    Jack I want to publicly thank you and the entire crew of Tea Party folks that took time out from their busy day to stand up for America, for the families of our brave soldiers and ambassador, and for truth to be revealed in the Benghazi case. Fantastic!

  4. Peggy says:

    Darn, I missed being there. Have to join up with the TP group. They sound like my kind of people. Ones who put love of country as it was founded and putting fiscally responsible elected representatives in office and getting rid of those, both democrats and republicans, who won’t produce a balanced budget and operate within it.

    Harry Reid has defied our constitution by refusing to bring a budget before the Senate and Obama’s budget got zero votes from his own democrats. This IS the definition of incompetence and all of them need to be fired.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Ditto Tina!

    It is nice to see that despite threats of violence and hate heaped upon the Tea Party the participants and organizers remain unfazed and are willing to go to the public square to peacefully air their grievances.


    Compare and contrast Tea Party events to “Occupy Anywhere” and the gulf between reasonable, law abiding people legally gathering and left wing liberal lunatics on a rampage becomes very clear.

  6. Post Scripts says:

    No thanks necessary Tina, it was my pleasure to help out, but I’ll pass along your comments to. the Tea Party folks. They organized it and did a great job IMHO

  7. Harriet says:

    Jack, Liberals do not “cross the aisle” They have their own agenda and that does not include conservative thought of any kind.

    Drudge, Breitbart and other sites are replete with stories of this kind.

    Does not surprise me one bit.

    You were by the Raley’s center at the bottom of the hill?
    I would have gone down to say hi with my oxygen tank had I known. I can’t stand around too long because it gets heavy, 🙂
    I just donate once in awhile to the Tea Party, figure it can help with gas or whatever.

  8. Chris says:

    Jack, I’m sorry about the jerks who decided to antagonize your meeting. Counter-protests are one thing, but flipping off a group of peaceful protesters is not the right way to go about it. I disagree with your characterization of the differences in behavior between liberals and conservatives. Pie Guevara, for example, could never be described as “reserved” or “prudent” based on the way he treats the opposing view here.

    Pie Guevara: “Oct 2012 — Rev. Joseph Lowery (who gave the benediction at the 2009 inauguration of President Barack Obama) “All white people are going to hell… I dont know what kind of a ni**er wouldnt vote with a black man running.”

    Nov 2012 — Bill Maher “If you’re thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you””

    Both of these were (very bad and inappropriate) jokes. Not actual threats. I’ve never found Bill Maher funny and I wish he would stop trying to represent liberals; he makes us look bad.

    Lowery is a historic advocate for civil rights. You took his words slightly out of context, but even in context I think they were inappropriate and he should not have said this.

    As for the death threats, Obama supporters get death threats too. It’s terrible, but I don’t think we can say for certain which side is worse based on the actions of a few fanatics.

    “The Monroe County Reporter says that the Rev. Lowery “said that when he was a young militant, he used to say all white folks were going to hell. Then he mellowed and just said most of them were. Now, he said, he is back to where he was.”

    Lowery told FOX 5’s Amanda Davis on Thursday that he has made those remarks a number of times over the years, and they were not meant to be taken seriously.

    The 91-year-old Lowery, who gave the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration in 2009, is also quoted as saying “We’ve turned our backs on the faith.”

    “America is going to hell in a hand basket. We need to straighten up so God can use us,” Lowery said, according to the newspaper report.

    Fellow civil rights icon and former U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young, who was also at the rally, defended Lowery.

    “I immediately thought that I hope that it’s not taken out of context,” Young said. “He said, I think, ‘Are there any press here? This is off the record.’ And it was clear he was about to tell a joke.”

    Young says that he’s known Lowery for decades and he doesn’t believe there was hate behind the words.

    “I think it was just one of those attempts to be humorous that, out of that context, isn’t really that funny,” Young said.

    Young told Amanda Davis that anyone who knows Lowery knows that he isn’t racist and that he’s spent his life fighting for civil rights working with all people.”

  9. Harold Ey says:

    Chris’s comment about Pie ‘Pie Guevara, for example, could never be described as “reserved” or “prudent” based on the way he treats the opposing view here’. Chris who do you think you are kidding? You have made it a habit of calling out people on a regular basis when their point of view differers from yours. Chris, It would be just as, if not easier to post many more links to your many attacks on various opinions posted on Post Scripts and even other blog’s like Gates.
    Please do not be so hypocritical, when your treatment of others clearly indicates the need for expressing your opinion differently. However considering it’s Obama you are constantly safeguarding all the time, most here reason the aggravation you exhibit. I would even venture to say that if your ideology support was directed toward a more deserving person than Obama we might even find some areas of compromise that would benefit America’s people, both Liberal and Conservative.

  10. Chris says:

    Harold, there is a difference between “calling out people,” and asking someone “How small is your penis?” As Pie Guevara did the other day. One is a legitimate part of debate, the other is not. I may be aggressive sometimes in my debating style, but I am not abusive. Pie is.

  11. Tina says:

    Chris I disagree. I think you are sometimes covertly abusive and often use language to disparage or demean people. You have a running vendetta against a certain talk show hosts which you often bring up out of the blue…baiting people. You sometimes seem hateful rather than thoughtful. You find it necessary to discredit people’s opinions and thoughts based on their sources even though, we all know, your sources are often as left leaning and/or radical as any we might use on the right.

    I think you should either clean up your own act or just leave it alone, let words fall where they may, and trust that our readers can distinguish between information or opinion and invective.

    But that’s just me.

  12. Tina says:

    Jack this goes beyond competition in an election. It springs from false accusations that the Tea Party is a racist organization. It stems from the decades old campaign to paint the Republican Party as a party of racist. it is the most obnoxious and destructive political lie ever put forth in America.

    There are democrats and civil rights advocates that have taken it so far that they have become anti white…particularly anti-white men…they discriminate, they hold up ugly stereotypes as the norm, and they rile up people of color by insisting that those white republican people are all racists. I’m really sick of it. I’m sick of it because it is divisive and hurts blacks and Hispanics unnecessarily and I hate it because it bares no resemblance to truth. The Democrat Party is guilty of creating and furthering this ugly false narrative and I call them out for it. It’s time they were publicly challenged for their lies.

  13. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Chris: Harold, there is a difference between “calling out people,” and asking someone “How small is your penis?” As Pie Guevara did the other day. One is a legitimate part of debate, the other is not. I may be aggressive sometimes in my debating style, but I am not abusive. Pie is.

    That was a legitimate (and “hilarious”) question directed at Chris’ mirth over his mentor Michael Moore’s political ad featuring elderly people which advocates genital mutilation and foments hatred and violence. (Something progressives find hilarious for some reason.)

    Evidently Chris’ penis is small enough for him to whine about me slapping him in the face by approaching him at his level. A progressive penis, to be sure. Nigerians would have trouble finding it.

    The register of just how abusive Chris is measured by his own contributions. I have never seen a contribution from him in the comments section that was not dripping with condescension, ridicule, and snot slinging. All I have ever done is throw his excretions right back in his face. I admit to often doing it in a shock value manner, but only as an honest pie throw so richly deserved.

    In no way should my reactions to the simultaneously arrogant and whimpering tiny penis Chris be taken as “calling him out”. That is a complete misunderstanding of my goals concerning my interactions with him. I merely intend to reflect him back at himself, and in a far more honest and direct way than the fraudulent posture he constantly struts. That really gets his goat, which I fully admit I find amusing … at times.

    Nevertheless, as much as I enjoy pushing the buttons of the hypocritical phony Chris, it is time to move on and leave the poor, dumb, obnoxious jerk alone.

    It is November 5th. I shall endeavor to have nothing to write about Chris until at least December 5th.

  14. Tina says:

    Hmmmm…a one month fast declared by Pie. I salute your effort and intention and wish you a peaceful respite.

  15. Libby says:

    “It is November 5th. I shall endeavor to have nothing to write about Chris until at least December 5th.”

    “Penis” … as a term of abuse (and isn’t it just?) … three times in one post! Pie, we will miss you.

  16. Libby says:

    “They carried large American flags to show their patriotism and they had signs questioning the Benghazi inaction and deception.”

    Questioning? I wonder. Wasn’t there, and so can’t really say, but I think it would have taken a little more than some flag waving to motivate “the finger.”

    I have to tell you that I find these insinuations that Obama, personally, made any effort to alter perceptions of the incident for political gain monumentally offensive … quite savagely indecent, actually. You have not a shred of evidence. You simply hate the man.

  17. Pie Guevara says:

    I have been considering responding to him only in classical Latin. Maybe after December 5th.

  18. Harold Ey says:

    Libby you need to RETHINK your position on the finger that Jack reported, first off Jack is not likely to embellish any activity for or against his position regarding politics, if you have not figured that out by now you must still be ‘glance reading’ this blog (as per your own statement a while back) It seems to take very little to provoke a liberal supporter these days, one possible reason, their fear of having to become self reliant and less Dependant on Government as the liberals start to lose power. As to statements of Obama and Benghazi being offensive to you, you best get use to it, because the Truth is there and the more non bias media delves into the facts the worst Obama is looking. Lastly Jack does not hate Obama as you so scarcely write, Jack is no more or less offended than any other American who has realized the lies along with Obama’s actions to America these past four years. One last thought, having any FAITH in Obama’s ability to lead America effectively must be religion based , because there is no scientific proof that any of his policies have EVER WORKED anywhere prior.

  19. Tina says:

    Libby: “I have to tell you that I find these insinuations that Obama, personally, made any effort to alter perceptions of the incident for political gain monumentally offensive … quite savagely indecent, actually. You have not a shred of evidence.”

    This is what comes from being nakedly partisan and listening to media that pretends to be unbiased but is actually solidly in the tank for democrats and Obama and is willfully covering for them!

    Where exactly was President Obama during those seven hours, 5 PM till midnight in Washington, on Sept. 11? He had no further appointments scheduled. He has released no pictures, provided no specifics. Was he in the situation room throughout? After the 5 PM directive, was he there at all? There are many questions about what orders did or did not issue from the White House, and who gave them, or didnt, during the Sept. 11 Benghazi attack. But they all lead back to the president. Hes the commander-in-chief, as he reminded the country on Thursday, while campaigning in his Air Force One bomber jacket.

    On a normal evening, there may be no call for the American public to know exactly what their president does with his time. But this was no normal evening. This was a terrorist attack, on the anniversary of Sept. 11, in which an al Qaeda affiliate, claiming credit, was so visible on the ground as to deter CIA agents from approaching a hospital to retrieve the body of the first American ambassador to be murdered since the administration of President Jimmy Carter.

    All we have of the timeline for Obama himself during these events is that he met with the Secretary of Defense and a number of other senior officials at 5 PM, Sept. 11. He gave a somewhat odd statement in the Rose Garden at 10:35 the next morning. He then dropped by the State Department. And at 2:05 he left he left the White House for a campaign trip to Las Vegas. When do we see the rest of the President Obama 9/11 timeline?

    Credibility: When President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton stepped into the Rose Garden the morning of Sept. 12, they likely knew the attack on our Benghazi consulate the day before was organized by terrorists.

    They knew because they were likely privy to a flurry of emails among administration officials discussing the attack in real time. Yet they said nothing about what they knew and, worse, had done nothing to mount a rescue despite American forces being less than an hour away during the seven-hour blitz.

    White House and State Department officials were informed just two hours after the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11 began that a radical Islamic militant group had claimed responsibility, according to official emails obtained by Reuters. The emails, reportedly put out by the State Department, specifically mention that the Libyan militant group Ansaral-Sharia had taken credit for the attack almost immediately and called for additional terrorist acts. The correspondence provides a glimpse into how U.S. diplomats described the fiery assault, as it was happening, to officials in Washington, D.C. The terrorist attack claimed the lives of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, including two former Navy SEALs and a State Department official. It took the Obama administration nearly two weeks to completely rule out an anti-Muslim video as the cause of the attack. Numerous Obama administration officials, including White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and even Obama himself, went on TV at different times and old millions of American citizens that the attacks were due to a spontaneous protest sparked by the video. Now it has been uncovered that the administration knew within hours that a terrorist group had proudly admitted they attacked the U.S. compound.

    Read a letter to President Obama asking for the truth from a Marine serving in our Senate here:

    Libby, rather than mounting a substantive defense of the policy or decision that Obama had that showed he made an effort to help those in Benghazi your defense amounts to an accusation based on your own snarky, unsubstaniated opinion.

    You would be all over a President Bush in a similar circumstance and, I might add, you would be speaking about him in the most ingracious and deplorable terms. But you are not even the slightest bit curious or dismayed at what looks like a terrible inability on the part of the President to make the right decision to defend our citizens and troops nor at his obvious attempt at cover-up prior to an election.

  20. Libby says:

    I was just being curious about what these “questioning” signs actually said. Because if they made the sort of claims I described, well, that would justify the finger … in my opinion, of course.

    “Lastly Jack does not hate Obama as you so scarcely write,….”

    Recent postings do not back this up; they starkly refute it. Disagreeing with policy is all very well. Go to it. But Jack and Tina have gone all “Obama is a Muslim” with quite a passion. No rational conservative blogger would have posted that silly thing you found, for instance.

  21. Chris says:

    Tina, I find it baffling that you can’t tell the difference between my substantive arguments–which are, admittedly, sometimes sarcastic or outraged–and Pie’s constant, unvcivil, abusive flaming against every poster with a different opinion. It’s not just against me; he has viciously insulted Princess as well, simply for breaking with conservative ideology on a few issues. I can’t believe you responded to his last comment, in which he literally resorts to a dick-measuring contest, with nothing but “I salute your intention.” That is shameful behavior for a blog moderator. If a liberal commenter talked to a conservative commenter with that type of language, you would not only condemn them, you would use it as evidence that liberals are bullies. You consistently hold liberals and conservatives to different standards, and it is extremely hypocritical and unethical of you.

    Pointing out that someone’s behavior is unethical is not “hateful” in the same way that questioning someone’s penis size is. This should be obvious to everyone. Why isn’t it obvious to you?

  22. Pie Guevara says:

    Evidently some whimpering fools do not get it (and never will). Which do you (the general “you” as in anyone who may read this) prefer? The promotion of violence and genital mutilation by progressive political ad makers whom progressive creeps who frequent these pages find hilarious or my putting the mirror to such jerks with a query on penis size? (No need to answer, that was completely rhetorical, the only reasonable answer is neither.)

    Which is the more shameful? (Again rhetorical.) The original instance of pleasure and mirth expressed by a certain unnamed person or my in-his-face parody and satire of it? Yes, I should probably be ashamed for so savagely picking on this particular whimpering imbecile who struts these pages like bully in a 3rd grade recess yard.

    This time I really think I hit a nerve. The “substantive” bully reveals himself to be a whining wimp with his latest outrageous and specious charge that the folks who run Post Scripts “consistently hold liberals and conservatives to different standards.”

    Do not be deceived by this prevarication from the tiny one. I have not answered him in the cause of conservatism, far from it. I have merely administered a strap to a hooting, jeering fool.

    Q) When has any condescending, hate filled, derogation packed, angry, snide and snotty post from the tiny penis, genital-mutilation-is-funny-especially-when-it-comes-from-old people creep ever been denied a voice?

    A) Never.

    Perhaps I should take to heart the advice of the sage Mark Twain, “Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

    OK, I get Mulligan, moved up to December 6th.

  23. Chris says:

    “The promotion of violence and genital mutilation by progressive political ad makers”

    Cut the sh*t, Pie. You are not stupid enough to believe that the senior citizens in that satirical video were actually promoting violence or genital mutilation, and no one here is stupid enough to believe that you honestly took it that way. It was a joke. No rational person could possibly feel threatened by the elderly people displayed in that piece of satire. You are choosing to misinterpret it as an actual call to violence, just because it suits you politically. I don’t know who you are trying to fool with this, but it doesn’t make anyone look bad but yourself.

  24. Libby says:

    Pie … not even 24 hours? Sad.

    On the other hand, such wits as you got need all the exercise they can get.

    “The promotion of violence and genital mutilation by progressive political ad makers whom progressive creeps who frequent these pages find hilarious or my putting the mirror to such jerks with a query on penis size?”

    I know it’s got a lot of words in it, but it’s not a sentence, let alone a question. And after you’ve read it three or four times, trying to figure out why it is not a sentence, you might want to just reconsider the whole thing.

  25. Tina says:

    Chris: ” You are not stupid enough to believe that the senior citizens in that satirical video were actually promoting violence or genital mutilation, and no one here is stupid enough to believe that you honestly took it that way.”

    I’m pretty sure nobody took it that way. The question is…was the video promoting lies and hatred in a thoroughly disgusting way? Does that matter to you at all?

    The Democrat Party has proven itself to be a pretty grungy mob and will ultimately be judged by this kind of promotion but they have every right to hang themselves, speech wise, just like any other American.

    It is a serious thing to elect a president as we have discovered over the last nearly four destructive years. In my own personal opinion we would be wise to shun the grunge.

    Chris it seems to me that you are guilty of the very thing you say you despise. You are apparently “stupid enough” (by your own words) to believe that Rush was “reporting” as “truth” a headline he saw in the news, rather than bringing it up as a topic for consideration and discussion, and that he was doing it just to promote hatred against Obama.

    Rush (like many of us in his audience) does not trust President Obama. His secretiveness, his methods, and the duplicitous nature of his motives are very troubling. Distrust, suspicion, and disagreement are not, however, hate. Speculation is not intent to promote hate. Admitting an error is not a proven method for promoting a lie.

    Every time you bring this stuff up a stronger case can be made that you are promoting hatred toward Rush Limbaugh. To what possible end? He has no power to enact laws or levy taxes. He just expresses his ideas and opinions while talking about current events or historical things.

    Rush’s audience is just as capable of gleaning information and truth from Rush’s show, even his humor and satire, as any of us here at Post scripts were in the case of the video…so how is it different?

  26. Jane Dooley says:

    A man in a late model sedan, his wife and children in the car, started chanting “Obama, Obama, Obama” and shaking his fist in the air, obviously in an attempt to provoke this decent gathering of older Americans present only to demand justice and accountability for murdered Americans.

    Everything that comes after the word “air” is an analysis and judgment on your part, not a fact.

    Why would anyone in this country feel hatred or anger towards such a decent purpose? Was it because they dared to ask questions about the Obama Administration or was it over the expression of free speech, so close to a contested election that angered these jerks?

    How do you know he felt anger or hatred? Again that is the author of this blog’s analysis. Perhaps the man just supports Obama…

    Whatever it was, there were those who felt hate so much they had to spew it at the demonstrators.

    Last I checked the word/name “Obama” was not hate speech.

    He continued to shout insults as the light changed and traffic moved forward, even though his frightened wife rolled up her passenger window to silence his venom from the crowd.
    Perhaps she felt frightened by the crowd, not her husband. Also, again, “Obama” is not an insult; did he actually say anything else?

    And on the other side are the radical, the rude, the imprudent, the in-your-face jerks, who would incite violence and insult decent, caring people, even if it meant putting their family at risk.

    Why would saying “Obama” be putting your family at risk, though? I thought this was a gathering of civil, decent, prudent people–you know, the sort of people who you would have NOTHING TO FEAR from by stating your support of the president? Surely such gracious and decent people can accept that not every single other person feels the same way? Surely they can shrug it off, smile and wave, be civil in disagreement? I’m not sure that calling “the other side” things like “rude” and “jerks” really proves your point here… In my book, decent people–and there are decent people supporting just about any cause you can imagine–don’t engage in name-calling like that. It’s sad 🙁 I have never voted for Obama and he’s not my preferred candidate either, but I’m really sad to hear these personal attacks and they seem really odd to me…

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