Barack More Popular Than Saddam

By Jack

Imagine, President Barack Obama received more than 99% of the vote in more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio on election day. In fact, there were a substantial number of precincts where Mitt Romney got exactly zero votes. Outside of North Korea and the bad old days in Iraq, I’ve never heard of such an amazing vote count.

I know Obama was popular in Ohio and he ran a pretty good campaign, but he must have employed some mesmerizing tactics we’ve never seen before to get that kind of results. Romney received 30.12% of the vote in Cuyahoga County. There were even a bunch of precincts in Cuyahoga County that Romney actually won. However, this is still incredible because in more than 50 different precincts, Romney received 2 votes or less.

Is this just an amazing victory for Obama or is it something else?

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8 Responses to Barack More Popular Than Saddam

  1. Joseph says:

    In Philly in 59 districts Romney supposedly received no votes. So there was voter fraud in more places than Cuyahoga County.

    I wouldn’t be surprised at all to one day learn that the Schwabistas messed with the voting box here, too. But of course Mayor Ann and her allies can just bribe college students like the good old Brown Buzzard. Plus the conservatives foolishly ran too many candidates, so maybe the Schwabistas don’t need to go to the trouble of messing with ballot boxes…well for this election anyway.

  2. Peggy says:

    Heard about the George Soros Secretary of State Project (SOSP)? Answers some of the results.

    Heard a county in PA had 6,900 votes and Romney got zero. Wonder what the odds of that happening are? A zillion to one? Not likely without some help from your friends.

    The Puerto Rico vote also is hard to believe since they voted down becoming our 51 state at least twice in the past. And Fortuno brought them back from bankruptcy to a booming economy and lost too. I just don’t believe it with Obama going down there to campaign.

  3. Peggy says:

    Remember in an earlier post I said my brother in Nevada said their ballots were changing from Romney to Obama at a 10% rate? Well, the 10% change also happened in another state. How many more?


    Poll watcher sees Romney ballots changed
    Witness to voting says he monitored as software redirected choices

    Up to 10 percent of the ballots cast at a polling station in Pennsylvania reverted to a default, which gave Barack Obama a vote no matter who the voter had selected, according to a poll watcher who was a witness to the proceedings.

    The incident took place in the state where officials claimed Obama got a total of 19,605 votes in 59 voting divisions to zero for Mitt Romney and not far from the 100 precincts in Ohio where Obama got 99 percent of the vote, a feat not even achieved by third-world dictators, according to Market Daily News.

    With evidence mounting that the vote tabulation did not reflect the true choices of voters, talk-radio icon Rush Limbaugh echoed the Daily News, saying Monday: Third-world, tin-horn dictators dont get [these percentages]. I mean, the last guy that got this percentage of the vote was Saddam Hussein, and the people that didnt vote for him got shot. This just doesnt happen. Even Hugo Chavez [of Venezuela] doesnt get 100 percent or 99 percent of the vote.

    It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on Election Day. He said the software he observed would change the selection back to default to Obama.
    He said that happened in about 5 percent to 10 percent of the votes.

    He said the changes appeared to have been made by a software program.
    Ashcroft said the format for computer programming has a default status, and in this case it appeared to be designating a vote for Obama each time it went to default.
    He found it suspicious that Romney and Obama were in a virtual tie in most polls, but Obama then suddenly surged ahead by a number of points on election night.
    How the heck does that happen? he wondered.

    He said as a poll watcher, he was not allowed to communicate with officials there, so his concerns were submitted later to the state GOP.


  4. Toby says:

    I bet nothing is done about it.

  5. Tina says:

    It’s the Chicago way. It’s a syndicate not a party. They cannot be shamed. Morality is for fools…the devil incarnate. They have control of the judiciary so complaints would fall on dead ears…literally dead. They will cause a lot of pain as they play Godfather in a Santa suit with our economy, incomes, and nest eggs but their constituents don’t care as long as they get a free phone. There was talk earlier of taxing our 401K’s. there’s always more ways to punish the wealth builder in Santa has plenty of coal in that sack!

    Are we having fun yet?

  6. Harold Ey says:

    OH, you mean in the USA, for a moment I figured you were going to say in the Middle East.

  7. Peggy says:

    Wisconsin legislators are getting the job done.


    Wisconsin legislators call for arrest of federal officials implementing Obamacare

    Nine members of the Wisconsin state legislature say they plan to back a bill to arrest federal officials who try to implement Obamacare.

    The states Republican Gov. Scott Walker must decide by Friday whether the state will draft a health care exchange plan under Obamacare or surrender the task to the federal government.

    Just because Obama was re-elected does not mean hes above the Constitution,

    Read more:

  8. Chris says:

    Had you cited the actual source for this story, your readers may have learned some facts which show that this result may not be as fishy as it first appears. From the Philadelphia Inquirer:

    “These are the kind of numbers that send Republicans into paroxysms of voter-fraud angst, but such results may not be so startling after all.

    “We have always had these dense urban corridors that are extremely Democratic,” said Jonathan Rodden, a political science professor at Stanford University. “It’s kind of an urban fact, and you are looking at the extreme end of it in Philadelphia.”

    Most big cities are politically homogeneous, with 75 percent to 80 percent of voters identifying as Democrats.

    Cities are not only bursting with Democrats: They are easier to organize than rural areas where people live far apart from one another, said Sasha Issenberg, author of The Victory Lab: The Secret Science of Winning Campaigns.

    “One reason Democrats can maximize votes in Philadelphia is that it’s very easy to knock on every door,” Issenberg said.

    Still, was there not one contrarian voter in those 59 divisions, where unofficial vote tallies have President Obama outscoring Romney by a combined 19,605 to 0?

    The unanimous support for Obama in these Philadelphia neighborhoods – clustered in almost exclusively black sections of West and North Philadelphia – fertilizes fears of fraud, despite little hard evidence.

    Upon hearing the numbers, Steve Miskin, a spokesman for Republicans in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, brought up his party’s voter-identification initiative – which was held off for this election – and said, “We believe we need to continue ensuring the integrity of the ballot.”

    The absence of a voter-ID law, however, would not stop anyone from voting for a Republican candidate.

    Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia who has studied African American precincts, said he had occasionally seen 100 percent of the vote go for the Democratic candidate. Chicago and Atlanta each had precincts that registered no votes for Republican Sen. John McCain in 2008.

    “I’d be surprised if there weren’t a handful of precincts that didn’t cast a vote for Romney,” he said. But the number of zero precincts in Philadelphia deserves examination, Sabato added.

    “Not a single vote for Romney or even an error? That’s worth looking into,” he said.

    In a city with 1,687 of the ward subsets known as divisions, each with hundreds of voters, 59 is about 3.5 percent of the total.

    In some of those divisions, it’s not only Romney supporters who are missing. Republicans in general are nearly extinct.

    Take North Philadelphia’s 28th Ward, third division, bounded by York, 24th, and 28th Streets and Susquehanna Avenue.

    About 94 percent of the 633 people who live in that division are black. Seven white residents were counted in the 2010 census.

    In the entire 28th Ward, Romney received only 34 votes to Obama’s 5,920.

    Although voter registration lists, which often contain outdated information, show 12 Republicans live in the ward’s third division, The Inquirer was unable to find any of them by calling or visiting their homes.

    Four of the registered Republicans no longer lived there; four others didn’t answer their doors. City Board of Elections registration data say a registered Republican used to live at 25th and York Streets, but none of the neighbors across the street Friday knew him. Cathy Santos, 56, founder of the National Alliance of Women Veterans, had one theory: “We ran him out of town!” she said and laughed.

    James Norris, 19, who lives down the street, is listed as a Republican in city data. But he said he’s a Democrat and voted for Obama because he thinks the president will help the middle class.

    A few blocks away, Eric Sapp, a 42-year-old chef, looked skeptical when told that city data had him listed as a registered Republican. “I got to check on that,” said Sapp, who voted for Obama.

    Eighteen Republicans reportedly live in the nearby 15th Division, according to city registration records. The 15th has the distinction of pitching two straight Republican shutouts – zero votes for McCain in 2008, zero for Romney on Tuesday. Oh, and 13 other city divisions did the same thing in 2008 and 2012.

    Three of the 15th’s registered Republicans were listed as living in the same apartment, but the tenant there said he had never heard of them. The addresses of several others could not be found.

    On West Albert Street, Duke Dunston says he knows he’s a registered Republican, but he’s never voted for one.

    The leader of the 28th Ward is Democrat Anthony Clark, who grew up under the tutelage of the late power broker and Democratic ward leader Carol Ann Campbell. Clark is also a city commissioner, one of three elected officials who oversee Philadelphia elections.

    “In the African American community from 33d to 24th between Ridge and Somerset, there is a large population of Democrats and there are not many Republicans in there at all. I think it’s the issues. People are not feeling that Romney is in touch with them,” Clark said.

    Despite the Democratic advantage in the 28th Ward, Clark says he also makes sure party workers are getting the vote out.

    “People get out, give out literature, talk to people about the issues. Also, they work the polls,” Clark said. “People know them in their divisions.”

    Clark struggled to recall anyone in his area who ever identified as a Republican. Though that is not something anyone would likely volunteer to a Democratic ward leader, Clark eventually remembered Lewis Harris, the GOP leader in the nearby 29th ward, and that rare species: an urban black Republican.

    Harris, in an interview, said he works for the GOP mostly because he believes city neighborhoods need attention from both parties.

    “I open the door to the community and let them be exposed to diversity in the political party,” Harris said. “I want political community-based leverage.”

    Harris cast his vote for Romney, but he’s also an Obama fan.

    “I love both of those people,” he said.

    Nationally, 93 percent of African Americans voted for Obama, according to exit polls, so it’s not surprising that in some parts of Philadelphia, the president did even better than that.

    In the entire city, Obama got 85 percent of the vote. His worst showing was in South Philadelphia’s 26th Ward. There, the president garnered 52.3 percent of the vote, compared to 46.6 percent for Romney.

    Paula Terreri, 57, a 26th Ward Republican who describes herself as a devout Catholic, said outside the polls on Tuesday that she voted for Romney because she opposed abortion.

    Many parts of Philadelphia and other big cities simply lack Republican voters, a fact of campaigning that has been true since Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, Stanford University’s Rodden said.

    In 2008, McCain got zero votes in 57 Philadelphia voting divisions. That was a big increase from 2004, when George W. Bush was blanked in just five divisions.

    As the first African American president, Obama held immense appeal to black voters, but skin color is only part of the story, said Mark Sawyer, a political science professor at UCLA.

    Previous Republican candidates, including Richard Nixon and Jack Kemp, supported affirmative action and urban development, but their party has abandoned those stances, Sawyer said.

    Romney’s comments, including talking about people who want “more free stuff from the government” after a visit to the NAACP, only further distanced African Americans who felt the comments played to stereotypes about welfare, Sawyer said.”

    I suppose you left most of these facts out because the “voter fraud” narrative was too good to resist.

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