Teachers Flock to Marxist Conference

This Saturday, the Midwest Marxist Conference was held at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. The event was teeming with teachers who spoke about the new found bond between the radical socialists and their Teachers Union. The all-day event, which collected money to support Chicago Socialists and featured a communist bookstore, provided students on-campus along with the radical left community to plan the next phase in their activism.

Becca Barnes, a Chicago Teachers Union teacher and organizer with Chicago Socialists, proclaimed at the beginning of the conference that “the struggle here in the United States has entered a new phase. Nowhere have we pointed the way forward more clearly than here in Chicago with the teachers union strike.”

Read more here.

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4 Responses to Teachers Flock to Marxist Conference

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    As Gomer Pyle would say, “Well SUPRISE SUPRISE!”

  2. Tina says:

    And yet our friends on the left insist we are shrieking scare mongers when we point out that Marxism rules in both education and the Democrat Party.

  3. Peggy says:

    I’ll bet they’re getting ECU credits too. Plus filling their bags with books and worksheets to use in their classes.

    Anyone who still has a child in public schools needs to have their head examined. They all need to be home schooled or in a private school. Vouchers are the only way to get kids a viable education.

    Parents need to fight the unions on this. Schools are paid by daily student contact. Less students means less money going to the teachers and unions.

  4. Libby says:

    They do that every year, several hundred of them. The nation can take it.

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