1 in 5 Americans on Welfare

Fast Fact: One in five Americans now on medicaide designed only for the poor.



Fast fact #2: Spending in the last year of life accounted for 27.4 percent of all Medicare outlays for the elderly. minorities and for those living in ZIP code areas with high poverty rates. Medicare per capita spending for minority decedents was about 28 percent higher than for others, while spending for beneficiaries in high-poverty ZIP codes was 43 percent higher than in ZIP codes with the lowest poverty rates.

Source: http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/20/4/188.full

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11 Responses to 1 in 5 Americans on Welfare

  1. Tina says:

    I believe diabetes contributes greatly to this which is one reason Michelle Obama made nutrition her signature issue. Unfortunately, changing menus in schools will do very little to change the outcome. The best medicine would be to change the economic and moral values that pervade in poor areas. A high school education, marriage, and strong moral values will do more to uplift a sou from poverty than any government program ever could.

    But we are not humane (just ask a progressive) so we should shut up and go away with our radical ideas. It is cruel of us to think that minorities, given a real choice, would choose education and opportunity, morals and strong marriages over hand outs from the people who care in the progressive Democrat Party.

    I don’t know how it is cruel to think that most minority and poor white individuals have the same abilities as others who are more affluent and accomplished but apparently it is. I don’t know how it is cruel to think these groups have the same hopes for their children as more affluent white folks but apparently it is.

    I do know that when I try to discuss it I am called a racist…and my candidate for president is rejected.

    Obviously keeping minorities needy is a superior model in terms of caring, can anyone tell me why?

  2. Chris says:

    Tina: “A high school education, marriage, and strong moral values will do more to uplift a sou from poverty than any government program ever could.”

    Two out of the three things you listed ARE government programs.

    Tina: “It is cruel of us to think that minorities, given a real choice, would choose education and opportunity, morals and strong marriages over hand outs from the people who care in the progressive Democrat Party.”

    I’m not sure why you think these are mutually exclusive. Education costs money. As we saw in the vote on Prop 30, the Democrats are typically the people willing to spend that money.

    The best thing we can do for marriage is to create a strong middle class–I don’t believe Republican policies, which focus on strengthening the upper class, are suited for this purpose.

    “Obviously keeping minorities needy is a superior model in terms of caring, can anyone tell me why?”

    Welfare doesn’t create the need. The need is created by a lack of jobs and low pay. Romney offered nothing to address these problems. He claimed that if we lower regulation and taxes on the rich, jobs will follow. That just hasn’t happened. Jobs will follow when we put regulations on outsourcing and offshore accounts, so that corporate titans really will have to invest in America–two things Romney has shown no indication of getting serious about, which isn’t surprising given that he has benefitted strongly from these practices.

  3. Harold Ey says:

    Chris’s reply regarding Tina’s post is more telling of the Progressive Liberals desire to prevent personal growth and responsibility in minorities. Tina commented a positive thought on the problem, then Chris actually defines the real problem with the Liberal party in the closing sentence of his comment ‘ As we saw in the vote on Prop 30, the Democrats are typically the people willing to spend that money’. Actually what they are willing to do is manipulate tax money wastefully, the Lottery and prop 98 should have help solve the schools money needs, but liberals figured out a way to bleed funds dedicated to the schools. Then Chris ask this question ‘Obviously keeping minorities needy is a superior model in terms of caring, can anyone tell me why?’, the answer is simple Chris, to provide Liberals a larger vote! Also your wrong about Romney and his direction /plans for the country in improving Americas economy, which he believed is best served by bringing us together as one country, verse’s Obama’s ideas of REVENGE is your best vote!

  4. Libby says:

    And when 100% of the population is covered under a federally funded healthcare plan … we will have finally joined the rest of the civilized world.

  5. Chris says:

    Harold Ey: “Then Chris ask this question ‘Obviously keeping minorities needy is a superior model in terms of caring, can anyone tell me why?’,”

    I didn’t ask that sarcastic question, Tina did. That’s why there are quotation marks around it.

    The rest of your comment doesn’t actually address any of my arguments, so I’m not sure how to reply.

  6. Tina says:

    Yes Libby, we will have joined all of the countries of the world going bankrupt, delivering less than exceptional healthcare and few breakthroughs in cures and treatments, with taxes on personal income through the roof!

    Those systems are touted by people who never need more than their yearly physical and because they can’t stand the thought of paying a couple of hundred bucks out of pocket the people who actually need surgery or cancer treatments are told to stand in line, take a pill, or die earlier.

    It’s immoral but splendidly progressive!

    Even in your favorite, Denmark, service is crap and taxes are very high (see last link below)





    after seeing the level of service our already incredibly high taxes gets us, the last thing I was left thinking was: Gee, wouldnt it be great if we could give even more of our money to the state? On the contrary, I was left with the nagging question: This is what a 50 percent tax burden gets us?

  7. Libby says:

    “Those systems are touted by people who never need more than their yearly physical and because they can’t stand the thought of paying a couple of hundred bucks out of pocket ….”

    And don’t we betray our membership in a privileged class. Tina, people who take home $1200 a month do not have the $100 for the doctor, and surgeries are out of the question.

    You will never get it, will you?

  8. Tina says:

    Those people qualify for medical in California (medicade elsewhere)….you know that.

    Obamacare has placed even more people on this program which will make their service worse, not better.

    As you know they are served by local doc-in-the-box walk ins and emergency services at hospitals, the latter of which is a stupid way to go but Obamacare is not the answer. Obamacare is just causing docs to rethink their profession (retire) or refuse to serve people on these programs. Obamacare is causing students to rethink plans to become doctors…not worth it.

    Pelosi/Reid/Obama are the dumb as a box of rocks trio that thinks by writing pages and pages of regulations and laws they have actually accomplished something positive for the poor. All the self congratulatory pats on the back will do exactly zot for the poor…it will only make matter worse for us all.

    You don’t give a damn about making life better for the poor. You care about assuaging middle class guilt. You think that because you believe single payer is better it is, ignoring all evidence to the contrary.

    You are such a phony!

  9. Harold Ey says:

    Chris, you as well as any reader knew full well that was a comment, not a question. Yes it was made up of sarcasm, so are you indirectly informing us that you you the only one privileged to use sarcasm?
    As to the rest of my comment, yes they did, you most likely just do not like the reality of people understanding how much waste there is in Government, especially if it steps on your special interests. Eventually tax payers will understand Prop 30 as the Liberals flock on it like a bunch of buzzards feeding on carrion.

  10. Libby says:

    “Those people qualify for medical in California (medicade elsewhere)….you know that.”

    And if everybody were on it, it would be much better run … and … nobody would be in a position to sneer at “welfare” recipients.

    We’re gonna do it!

  11. Chris says:

    “Chris, you as well as any reader knew full well that was a comment, not a question. Yes it was made up of sarcasm, so are you indirectly informing us that you you the only one privileged to use sarcasm?”

    Harold, I honestly have no idea what you’re trying to say. You claimed that I asked a question, but that question was actually asked by Tina.

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