Posted by Tina
Jobs! We need jobs. There isn’t much hope that many new jobs will be created now that President Obama has been re-elected and will double down on his anti-business agenda. The news out this morning about unemployment is a bitter pill for those of us who understand how jobs are created; people are hurting, America is in decline, and the ranks of the poor will continue to grow wiping out gains made in the middle class.
The Labor Department reported today that new jobless claims rose by 78,000 in the first week after the election. Breitbart reports
Some of the new claims, especially in New Jersey, were due to Hurricane Sandy–but these were offset by a decline in claims filed in New York. The highest numbers of new filings came from Pennsylvania and Ohio, where there were thousands of layoffs in the construction, manufacturing, and automobile industries.
Both states had been targeted by the presidential campaigns. President Obama highlighted his record of job creation in Ohio in particular, focusing on the automobile industry. The state reported 6,450 new jobless claims in the week after the election–second-highest after Pennsylvania, which recorded 7,766 new claims.
How long will it take for the people to figure it out exactly who is the author of this decline in American progress and exceptionalism? Even if they figure it out will it be too late?
American voters have become a lazy bunch by in Large. Most vote on ‘sound bite’ ads, or dependence of Government for income and life style. Those people are the ones who have figured out the system and how it works to their advantage, and it may be too late to reverse this trend. Entitlements should be a cuss word by definition, as it has no real meaning in a productive society of workers. Lazy, shortdog sucking crime infested communities who clearly show no ambition, have become the voting base of the elected. How do you motive someone who has no need to work? Accepting, no encouraging their life style is not how our Government should be approaching the problem. Currently there is a mentality of spend to get elected and we have no immediate measure to prevent this from continuing, WHY? Because we continue to re elect the same people to power, and the reality is they seek the position for their goals not ours. We need to wake up and understand we don’t have control over Government people, and we can’t make the world rosy all the time, especially with entitlements. Entitlements drag people down eventually, lack of goals in life is the fore runner of sloth, and Government hand outs are currently the root of the problem, not the solution. Government involvement in natural disasters is important and necessary, Government involvement in maintaining a less than purposeful lifestyle is sadly an unnatural disaster. Countries are failing, one after another, and looking for hand outs from more prosperous countries, Americans have to stop depending on Government, especially a Socialist one, and realize that only self reliance can advance them to the next level.