Posted by Tina
Ed Asner is the snide voice for this dishonest piece of “art” produced by the California teachers union.
Please keep in mind as you watch that this piece of “art” represents the “folks” who teach future generations in California schools.
What is the purpose of this “art”? California is run completely by Democrats that the teacher’s union helped to elect. They won the whole enchilada in the last election. If I have time I’m going to try to count the lies embedded in this weird message. Take a look and see if you can figure out why Asner and the Teachers Union think they need to take a baseball bat to the heads of the “folks” without power in Sacramento…and see which lie you’d like to refute:
Here’s a hint about this piece of trash…the teachers pension and healthcare perks are a big reason that California has pot holes in its roads and massive debt. California teachers are paid well. They get a lot of vacation time. They can retire early and receive a great retirement benefit. You could say in fact that teachers, for many Californians, are the rich!
Here’s the deal! Ed and the gang are upset about a deal Gerry Brown is negotiating with Democrats in the legislature:
The retirement age for new teachers will be pushed back two years; they’ll have to fork over about another 1 percent of their pay into the retirement system. And their bosses – principals and administrators – will see a ceiling of $132,120 as the portion of their pay used to calculate retirement pay. Those in the highest-paid jobs, earning $200,000 plus, may see pensions reduced by tens of thousands of dollars.
These are the primary changes specifically to members of the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, or CalSTRS, from pension reforms negotiated between Gov. Jerry Brown and Democratic leaders. The package, which will affect every state and local public employee to various degrees, was unloaded on lawmakers Tuesday, four days before the end of the legislative session.
Union leaders uniformly condemned the plan (most without having read the details), including California Teachers Assn.President Dean Vogel, who said “it will make it more difficult to attract and retain experienced educators to our classrooms.” Republican legislators condemned the secrecy behind the Democrats’ deal and said it didn’t go far enough to cut back on public pensions.What’s not yet known is how much the combination of decreased benefits and higher contributions for public workers would chip away at the huge unfunded liability in state and municipal pension systems: $65 billion alone for CalSTRS, the nation’s second-largest pension system, behind only CalPERS, the California Public Employee Retirement System.
Gov. Jerry Brown said Tuesday that the proposals would save state public systems between $18 billion and $30 billion over the next 30 years, but there’s no documentation yet to prove it.
I suggest they use math…it works for future teachers we know.
Here’s a few facts to chew on as you ponder the rich teachers in California that are now being told it’s time for them to “pony up”:
California ranks number one in the highest pensions for public employees — outranking even New York and New Jersey. Here there are a whopping 856,000 teachers and other school personnel across 1,900 districts currently within the California State Teachers Retirement System. The average pension for each of those teachers in California is $1 million over a 20-year period. Which means we have created a “millionaire teachers” class within the California economy.
Some school administrators take home $200,000-per-year pensions. And as reported recently by the Associated Press, some of those administrators have taken advantage of a little-known retention plan to take lump sum cash payouts of $147,000 on top of those already-bloated pensions. These are the kind of winnings one could only get through a lottery — or, as we say in California, just your average day at the school playground.
Ed…dude…your party has created ALL of this mess. Your party is having to face the music. The teachers, via their union and in collaboration with Democrats, have been milking the pockets of all California taxpayers for decades just to line your own now silk lined pockets.
The exodus out of California continue…good luck with those pot holes and pension in the future! Your lack of appreciation for those who actually produce the wealth you’ve used to line those silk pockets has finally done us all in.
A horrifying video. And Ed Asner is a millionaire . . . what is up with that?
I find it very strange that most of us don’t seem to understand that due to our progressive tax system taxpayers making even $200,000/yr. in this country already contribute something like 50-100 TIMES OR MORE the total amount of total state and federal taxes that those making $20K/yr. or less contribute. And that these higher earning people have generally invested far more in their education, taken on far more stress and responsibility, worked far harder in their lives, and also created far more jobs than most of those at the lower end of the income spectrum. Most (not all) of these high earners and high achievers are actually our current day HEROES and are driving our economy (what is left of it); however, parts of our “politically correct” and “progressive” society choose to endlessly demonize them. Why? Is it due to sheer jealousy . . . laziness . . . white self-hatred . . . something else?
You tell me.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss . . . From “Celebrity Net Worth” :
Rachel Maddow Net Worth $12,500,000
Barack Obama Net Worth $11,800,000
Stephen Colbert Net Worth $45,000,000
Susan Rice Net Worth $23,500,000 +
Eric Holder Net Worth $5,700,000
Chris Matthews Net Worth $16,000,000
Ed Asner Net Worth $1,500,000
Keith Olbermann Net Worth $35,000,000
Anderson Cooper Net Worth $100,000,000
Oprah Winfrey Net Worth $2,700,000,000
George Soros Net Worth $20,000,000
Add in all the rock stars, and all the Hollywood fools selling sex, cigarettes, and violence to your kids . . . but wait, there’s more . . .
Naked protesters swarm the heartless at SF City hall —
I’m amazed the ordinance even passed. Is that by any chance Libby in the straw hat?
Thanks for weighing in Mike, hope you will come back and post with us more often.