Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Was She All That?

by Jack

There are a lot of liberals wailing and morning over the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but don’t get me wrong, that’s okay.  It’s their choice, but was she really all that deserving, was she really a champion for women’s rights? 

She did help win this for women, meaning she cast 1 of the 5 votes in favor of equal opportunity:  They are now admitted at previously all male military academies, like Virginia Military (VMI) Institute or West Point.  On the flip side VMI, et al had to lower their physical standards to accommodate the weaker sex.  Can’t understand  how this makes for better war fighters, but, well, women are included for better or worse. This and one other case was essentially the extent of what she did for women. 

She dissented in Bush V. Gore, but a majority put George W. in the White House. Remember Florida and the hanging chads? Yep, she cast that nay vote for Gore.  Bad decision.

Here’s one I like… 1997,  United States v. O’Hagan, in which she wrote that “a person who trades in securities for personal profit, using confidential information misappropriated in breach of a fiduciary duty to the source of the information” can be found guilty of violating Securities and Exchange Commission rules. A reasonable decision even though Martha Stewart didn’t like it, but it has nothing to do with women’s rights, so no points.

Bet you didn’t know that RBG was part of the reason the crazy people are on the street today? She was one of the 5 justices that ruled in the infamous 1999 Olmstead v. L.C. decision, in which she said states under the Americans for Disabilities Act “are required to place persons with mental disabilities in community settings rather than in institutions when the State’s treatment professionals have determined that community placement is appropriate, the transfer from institutional care to a less restrictive setting is not opposed by the affected individual, and the placement can be reasonably accommodated, taking into account the resources available to the State and the needs of others with mental disabilities.” No points scored for feminist here.

In 2007 Gonzales v. Carhart this SC vote went against partial birth birth abortions (thankfully) and Ginzburg was in the minority. Clearly this was a setback for feminist who would like to abort babies that could be born viable. Can’t really give her any feminist points for losing this big case, can we?

Also in 2007 RBG was a dissenting vote when the majority dismissed an equal pay case in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 550 U.S. 618 (2007). This was an employment discrimination decision of the Supreme Court of the United States.[1] Employers cannot be sued under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 over race or gender pay discrimination if the claims are based on decisions made by the employer 180 days ago or more. Justice Alito held for the five-justice majority that each paycheck received did not constitute a discrete discriminatory act, even if was affected by a prior decision outside the time limit. Ledbetter’s claim of the “paycheck accrual rule” was rejected. The decision did not prevent plaintiffs from suing under other laws, like the Equal Pay Act, which has a three-year deadline for most sex discrimination claims, Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire Rubber Co. U.S.C. 1981, which has a four-year deadline for suing over race discrimination at retirement.  However, her performance evaluations showed she was doing less work than her male counterparts and thus received slightly less pay.

She was also one of the votes in Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015, that made same sex marriage legal in all 50 states. Once again 0 points for the liberal feminists.  But, she certainly scored points with the democrats! “RBG was a positive vote in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, 2016. This struck down a Texas law that required doctors performing abortions in their office to have admitting privileges at the local hospital that meet certain surgical standards. It was argued this was an unnecessary requirement that made it more difficult for women to get an abortion. We can give RBG a break even score here. Some won and some lost.

RBG strongly advocated that, non-citizens aka aliens, should not get a fast track treatment for deportation.  Her vote was popular among illegal aliens and aliens that did illegal things, but as for the general population of citizens, eh, they would have preferred we kept the fast track solution. Again, no women’s rights points on this one either.

In the final analysis RBG didn’t really do much for the nation, but she helped the democrats out here and there. So there’s her big track record. Did she change the lives of women everywhere….nah, that’s just a bunch of democrat baloney.

Posted in Constitution and Law, Politics and Government | 9 Comments

Pelosi won’t rule out using impeachment as option to stop Trump Supreme Court pick

Posted by Pie Guevara

Pie Guevara appears in Post Scripts courtesy of Jack Lee and Tina Grazier. Pie Guevara is an unregistered trademark of Engulf and Devour Investments LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Walton Industries which, in turn, is wholly owned by David Walton.  So there!


Posted in Humour, Politics and Government | Leave a comment

Brace Yourself, You T’aint Seen Nothin’ Yet

Posted by Pie Guevara

Pie Guevara appears in Post Scripts courtesy of Jack Lee and Tina Grazier. Pie Guevara is an unregistered trademark of Engulf and Devour Investments LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Walton Industries which, in turn, is wholly owned by David Walton.  So there!


I usually don’t make my predictions public (because I am so bad at it) but here goes…

Prediction: President Trump will nominate a candidate to the Supreme Court to replace the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg before the election.  When he does Democrats and their volunteer street thugs will erupt in destructive and sustained show of outrage and barbarism. More than they have already.

More cities will burn, more businesses destroyed, more public property vandalized and torched, more people assaulted and killed and more police, fire and EMS personnel will be targeted.

If you thought the despicable and outrageous treatment of Brett Kavanaugh was disgusting, you t’aint seen nothing yet. Senator Dianne Feinstein and her gang of goons in the Senate will certainly be up to the task.

Feinstein staff member Heather Sawyer who leaked Christie Blasey Ford’s allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Street party, Portland Oregon

Update: I wrote and published the above before reading this —

Almost immediately after news of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, some verified Twitter users threatened arson and apparent violence in order to block Republicans from replacing her before the elections.

“If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f—–g thing down,” author Reza Aslan tweeted. He later responded to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s vow to hold a vote on President Trump’s nominee. “Over our dead bodies, literally,” he tweeted.

Read this and more Twitter threats here — SCOTUS battle prompts threats, calls for arson: ‘Burn Congress down’






Posted in Police, Crime, Security, Politics and Government | 16 Comments

The 1776 Commission

1 Comment

Trump Leads the Resistance to the Left’s Cultural War on America

Posted by Pie Guevara

Pie Guevara appears in Post Scripts courtesy of Jack Lee and Tina Grazier. Pie Guevara is an unregistered trademark of Engulf and Devour Investments LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Walton Industries which, in turn, is wholly owned by David Walton.  So there!


I missed this important speech on Thursday. Many thanks to Peggy for providing a link in the comments section. It is well worth the twenty odd minutes of  your time to watch and listen.

Let there be no doubt, the left is at war. That war has, inevitably, turned from a protracted,  systemic program of child abuse in K-12 and higher by indoctrinating ideologues posing as educators to violence in the streets. It won’t get any better until the adults say enough is enough.

Posted in Behavior and Psychology, Education, Politics and Government | 2 Comments

Trump Calls Out Left-wing Indoctrination in Schools

by Jack

“President Trump alleges ‘left-wing indoctrination’ in schools.”

This was the New York Post headline and I was pleased to see it!
You don’t have to say “alleges” Mr. President, the evidence is pretty clear!

This is the raw, unvarnished truth and for that reason, it will never be spoken by a democrat.  If there was ever a reason to leave the democrat party and vote republican, socialism and the threat to capitalism is it.  The rabid left in academia has been poisoning the hearts and minds of our kids since they started to turn socialists back in the 1950’s.  Their time should be coming to an end.

There is no reason to employ a teacher who spouts anti-American rhetoric in public schools.  They need to go and we need to starting filling their empty seats with with people who understand and embrace the principals that founded this country.  Anything less is not wanted or needed.



The Most Consequential Election in our Lifetime

by Dan Coats

We hear often that the November election is the most consequential in our lifetime. But the importance of the election is not just which candidate or which party wins. Voters also face the question of whether the American democratic experiment, one of the boldest political innovations in human history, will survive.

Our democracy’s enemies, foreign and domestic, want us to concede in advance that our voting systems are faulty or fraudulent; that sinister conspiracies have distorted the political will of the people; that our public discourse has been perverted by the news media and social networks riddled with prejudice, lies and ill will; that judicial institutions, law enforcement and even national security have been twisted, misused and misdirected to create anxiety and conflict, not justice and social peace.

If those are the results of this tumultuous election year, we are lost, no matter which candidate wins. No American, and certainly no American leader, should want such an outcome. Total destruction and sowing salt in the earth of American democracy is a catastrophe well beyond simple defeat and a poison for generations. An electoral victory on these terms would be no victory at all. The judgment of history, reflecting on the death of enlightened democracy, would be harsh.

The most urgent task American leaders face is to ensure that the election’s results are accepted as legitimate. Electoral legitimacy is the essential linchpin of our entire political culture. We should see the challenge clearly in advance and take immediate action to respond.

The most important part of an effective response is to finally, at long last, forge a genuinely bipartisan effort to save our democracy, rejecting the vicious partisanship that has disabled and destabilized government for too long. If we cannot find common ground now, on this core issue at the very heart of our endangered system, we never will.

Our key goal should be reassurance. We must firmly, unambiguously reassure all Americans that their vote will be counted, that it will matter, that the people’s will expressed through their votes will not be questioned and will be respected and accepted. I propose that Congress creates a new mechanism to help accomplish this purpose. It should create a supremely high-level bipartisan and nonpartisan commission to oversee the election. This commission would not circumvent existing electoral reporting systems or those that tabulate, evaluate or certify the results. But it would monitor those mechanisms and confirm for the public that the laws and regulations governing them have been scrupulously and expeditiously followed — or that violations have been exposed and dealt with — without political prejudice and without regard to political interests of either party.

Also, this commission would be responsible for monitoring those forces that seek to harm our electoral system through interference, fraud, disinformation or other distortions. These would be exposed to the American people in a timely manner and referred to appropriate law enforcement agencies and national security entities.

Such a commission must be composed of national leaders personally committed — by oath — to put partisan politics aside even in the midst of an electoral contest of such importance. They would accept as a personal moral responsibility to put the integrity and fairness of the election process above everything else, making public reassurance their goal.

Commission members undertaking this high, historic responsibility should come from both parties and could include congressional leaders, current and former governors, “elder statespersons,” former national security leaders, perhaps the former Supreme Court justices David Souter and Anthony Kennedy, and business leaders from social media companies.

This commission would be created by emergency legislative action. During that process, its precise mandate, composition, powers and resources would be defined. Among other aspects, the legislation would define the relationship between the commission and the intelligence and law enforcement communities with the capability necessary for the commission’s work. And it would define how the commission would work with all the individual states.

Congressional leaders must see the need as urgent and move quickly with common purpose. Seeking broad bipartisan unity on such an initiative at such a fraught time goes against the nature of the political creatures we have become. But this is the moment and this is the issue that demands a higher patriotism. No member of Congress could have any valid reason to reject any step that could contribute to the fundamental health of our Republic. With what should be the unanimous support of Congress, the legislation must call upon the election campaigns of both parties to commit in advance to respect the findings of the commission. Both presidential candidates should be called upon to make such personal commitments of their own.

If we fail to take every conceivable effort to ensure the integrity of our election, the winners will not be Donald Trump or Joe Biden, Republicans or Democrats. The only winners will be Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Ali Khamenei. No one who supports a healthy democracy could want that.

Dan Coats was the director of national intelligence from 2017 to 2019. He served as a U.S. senator from Indiana from 1989 to 1999 and again from 2010 to 2016. From 2001 to 2005 he was the U.S. ambassador to Germany. Currently, Mr. Coats is a senior adviser with the law firm King & Spalding.


Arsonist Arrested in Chico

by Jack

As if the people of Chico have not suffered enough.  First at the hands of homeless bums, then from liberals on the City Council, then from COVIDS, then more bums, then the wild fires, draught, air pollution and more bums overrunning the town.

Today, a 34 year old homeless woman was caught trying to burn down Bidwell Park.  She was observed by several witnesses lighting brush fires in Bidwell Park from the One Mile recreation area to Caper Acres.

Police eventually caught up to the woman near Caper Acres (a children’s playground) and arrested her for arson.  At least this time she was not cited and released as has been the order by the liberals on the city council.

Once again you can thank the liberals on the city council for letting transients camp in the park, against the City Code,  then they were forced to evict them when the citizens descended on city hall.

We’ve never allowed camping in the park until the city was overrun with bums and then COVIDs hit.  The the liberals on the council gave them permission to camp (shelter in place) so they wouldn’t be roaming around.  Well, they never did shelter in place and they could be seen roaming all over town scrounging and stealing whatever they could.  The liberals couldn’t imagine this ever happening?

This isn’t the first time we’ve had fires in the parks cause by bums, its just the most recent.  I think its about the 10th time this year, if you count the Otterson Bridge area.   This has citizens angry and ready to turn into a mob and run these cretons out of town.

We know one of these days a camp fire at a bum site is going to get out of control and burn down part of our city.  Nobody has any business lighting camp fires around here, especially in this tinder dry park and they sure shouldn’t be trying to camp in the park either, that’s been illegal in the park for many decades.  This is a place for families, not a place for bums to dump their garbage and use the creek for their personal toilet.

Posted in Police, Crime, Security | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Conservative Teachers Dare Not Oppose the Left

by Jack








It is widely known that if a teacher or professor in the State of California identifies themselves as a conservative and openly objects to Marxist organizations they will soon be looking for a new job.  Today’s educators dare not say, all lives matters, they dare not say, I support police officers,  they dare not oppose the tearing down of monuments and the rewriting of our history, or support the candidate of their choice and they dare not oppose in any way the rioting and looting the rabid left says is excusable, if not justifiable.

Fredrick Douglas had this to say about such bullies and tyrants, “Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants. It is the right which they first of all strike down.




Palestinians Fire Rockets Into Israel

Posted by Pie Guevara

Pie Guevara appears in Post Scripts courtesy of Jack Lee and Tina Grazier. Pie Guevara is an unregistered trademark of Engulf and Devour Investments LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Walton Industries which, in turn, is wholly owned by David Walton.  So there!


At the same time as Israel, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed normalization agreements at a White House ceremony in Washington today Palestinians in Gaza fired rockets into southern Israel wounding two people. How much you want to bet those rockets were supplied by Iran? Thank you Barack Obama. You were such a swell president.

Everyone should know by now that President Donald Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Booby Prize. (Formerly known as the Nobel Peace Prize.) The prize became a bad joke ever since Palestinian terrorist Yasser Arafat was a co-recipient in 1994.

Sing it along with Pie —
Yasser, that’s my  Arafat
Nasser, I don’t mean Sadat
Yasser, that’s my Arafat now

The Goreacle got one for PC fear mongering of climate hysteria and Obama got it for doing nothing. Will Trump be awarded the prize”  Oh, c’mon, it is a leftist booby prize.

“The precise timing in which the Emirati-Zionist agreement emerged confirms the nature of the black scheme whose chapters are being woven to reconstruct and reshape the geographical and political landscape in the region,” announced Hamas representative Mahmoud al-Zahhar yesterday.

Uh, works for me, dude.

Now, after viewing the vid and photos think of the Palestinian terrorists’ spiritual analogues here in the US — Antifa, Black Lives Matter and any other of the various and sundry anarchists/Marxists/leftists rioting with impunity. Then think, “What if Iran were supplying them with rockets?”

Posted in Global Issues, Police, Crime, Security, Politics and Government | 2 Comments