Kamala Harris – A Frightening Choice as VP

by Jack

Democratic presidential Candidate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., speaks during a town hall for the American Federation of Teachers in Detroit, Monday, May 6, 2019. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

To think that the candidate who folded early in her presidential bid because her message didn’t go over with the people, would now be Biden’s top choice for VP?  That is scary on a number of levels.

Harris is an extreme socialist and she is a  gun-grabber.  She backed a lot of anti-gun legislation that made potential criminals out of gun owners unable to keep pace with these so-called assault weapon laws passed recently.   These CA [only] gun laws were based more on the desire of liberal to impose their will on gun owners out of their own personal bias and hate for firearms.   Those idiots created a lot of misunderstandings and false perceptions and Kamala Harris the socialist has backed them every step of the way.  Yeah, she is a very really a scary person to have next to  the president.

The one party legislature in CA banned all kinds of things on the AR-15 rifle that were more or less just cosmetic or for convenience of the shooter, not something to make it more lethal.   How is banning a pistol grip on an AR-15 going to help anything?  It is not, because its not a  lethal upgrade – purely cosmetic.

A detachable magazine verses a non detachable magazine makes little difference, except for the convenience of the sport shooter.  Enthusiasts like to pre-load various types of ammunition for either hunting or for target shooting and a detachable mag makes it easy and it looks kind of cool, but that’s about it.   An adjustable stock is an illegal feature now, but why?  It doesn’t make it more lethal.   Whether the stock is 15 inches, 14 inches or 13 inches long should not matter.  This is just a comfort feature, but it doesn’t make it more lethal!

Harris backed these stupid do-nothing laws against the AR-15 and she also backed laws that made it extremely costly for gun manufacturers and gun importers to do business in CA.   That has negatively impacted CA financially and put a crimp on the 2nd amendment.

The state has imposed a plethora of expensive testing rules and regulations that are pointless, because they are already covered at the federal level.  However, they do put a restraint on trade in CA and that’s a good thing say democrats.  It makes it hard to turn a profit here for gun dealers, importers and manufacturers.  And the ultimate loser are the gun buyers who denied the opportunity to buy low cost surplus firearms or a variety of new firearms, that are perfectly safe and legal in all but the bluest states.  The worst 3 states are of course are once again California, Hawaii and New York.  But, despite their draconian anti-gun legislation, they have had no impact of criminals who use firearms and there goes their alleged reason for having strict gun laws.

Its a time tested fact that criminals don’t give a rats behind about gun laws.  All these arbitrary laws have done is to make a gun owner more likely to [accidentally] break a technical law and be ruined.   It had nothing to do with crime and safety, that was always a big lie.  This was and is, about the socialist democrats real agenda to eventually confiscate all firearms and have total control over us.   And now we have one of the worst gun-grabbers in history as Biden’s best pick?  She’s potentially a heart beat away from the presidency!

Kamala Harris is a frightening choice for Biden’s VP.   I don’t think he could have done much worse than this anti-capitalist, socialist, gun-grabber.

Posted in Constitution and Law, Police, Crime, Security | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Midge Says it All


Breaking News – Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department

by Jack

The breaking story is $140M was allegedly sent to Sacramento County to fund COVID-19 relief as part of the first national bailout.  Instead of using the bailout money for its intended purpose 104M was diverted to fund the unsustainable benefit package for the SCSO.

Why is the SCSO having financial difficulties?  One need only look at the state’s shrinking tax base.  The one party system of Marxist-Socialists aka democrats occupying the legislature has been systematically forcing businesses and jobs out of CA and in turn the state’s entitlements and welfare have attracted the nation’s most incorrigible poor.  These people are the gravely mentally ill, the hardcore unemployed and drug addicted transients that now overwhelm the CA taxpayer based funding, designed for CA poorest families and homeless, but not the nation’s poorest and most dysfunctional and certainly not for illegal aliens.

This shrinking tax base is why Gov. Newsom says they have no money in the treasury to fund the 25% of share costs for Trump’s unemployment benefit extension.   However, the Gov. was able to generously fund benefits for illegals.  According to the Independent Sentinel,  California runs like a socialist country of its own. T hey spend $25 billion a year on illegal aliens and ignore their infrastructure. Their priorities are foreigners above all.

Note:  The $25B figure could be high, according to FAIR, the real cost is only $23B.  They break it down thusly, “Californians bear an enormous fiscal burden resulting from playing host to a massive illegal alien population estimated to consist of almost 3 million foreign nationals.  The annual expenditure of state and local tax dollars on services for that population and their children is $23 billion. That total amounts to a yearly burden of about $1,800 for each legally present California household.”


Seattle Has Begun the Police Cuts – More to Follow

by Jack

First they voted on a resolution to defund the police by 50%, now they have started down that path.  The Chief’s salary will be cut by 40%, about 100 officers will be fired.  

The Seattle City Council voted Monday to move forward with a controversial proposal that would begin the process of defunding the police department.  (Chief Carmen Best is shown on left)

The 7-1 vote comes despite objections from the city’s police chief, mayor and the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild.

The plan would ultimately slash funding to the department but not the 50% some had sought. Seattle currently has around 1,400 police officers, and the current plan would see about 100 cut. It was also cut the police department’s $400 million budget by about $3 million, according to KOMO.

Councilmember Kshama Sawant was the sole “no” vote because she felt the proposals didn’t go far enough, while Debora Juarez abstained, according to MyNorthWest.com.


The council reviewed a final set of amendments Monday before the vote, which included reducing the police department by up to 100 officers through layoffs and attrition as well as cutting the $285,000 annual salary of the Police Chief Carmen Best and other top officers. Best is the city’s first Black police chief and the pay cut would put her salary well below her White predecessor.

The council’s plan also removes officers from a team that dismantles homeless camps.

“While we can’t do everything in this summer rebalancing package, we have set the path forward for tremendous work in front of us as a council and as a city,” Councilwoman Teresa Mosqueda said.

The move to defund the city’s Navigation Team, and redirect the money to homeless outreach services such as REACH will “dramatically restrict the city’s ability to address unauthorized encampments,” Jason Johnson, Interim Director of Seattle’s Human Services Department, wrote in a letter to the council last week.

Some council members have said the initial cuts are a first step to more sweeping reductions and a rethinking of law enforcement in Seattle.

“It’s important to show community members that we hear them, that we’re working towards the same goal,” Councilwoman Teresa Mosqueda said last week.

Mayor Jenny Durkan and Best have urged the council to slow down its discussions about police budgets, saying the issue can be taken up in earnest when the 2021 city budget is considered. They also argued any layoffs would disproportionately target newer officers, often hired from minority communities, and would inevitably lead to lawsuits.

The police chief has resigned in protest.  Carmen Best, Seattle’s first Black police chief, announced she is stepping down Monday after a city council vote approved cutting the budget by nearly $4 million and reducing the department by as many as 100 officers.

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Jason Whitlock Editorial on George Floyd

by Jason Whitlock

Will anyone locked inside the NBA’s groupthink bubble react to the leaked bodycam footage of George Floyd’s arrest and tragic death?

The Daily Mail, a London-based newspaper, published the bodycam videos of two of the four former Minneapolis police officers charged with crimes in Floyd’s death.

The videos show police verbally and physically struggling to get Floyd to comply. Floyd appears panicked, disoriented, desperate and totally non-compliant. He complains that he can’t breathe while standing on two feet. He claims his mother just died and that he can’t sit in the back of the police car because he’s claustrophobic. He repeatedly begs the officers not to shoot him. He worms the upper part of his body out of the police car and asks to lay on the ground.

Early on during the encounter, long before the police restrain Floyd on his stomach, a female bystander shouts at Floyd to quit “resisting” and a male bystander pleads with Floyd that he can’t “win.”

At the beginning of the video, when Floyd is behind the wheel of the car he was driving, an officer draws and points his gun when Floyd initially refuses to show both of his hands. When Floyd complies, the officer holsters his weapon.

The behavior of the police officers seems appropriate and restrained given Floyd’s level of resistance and bizarre conduct. The footage reasonably explains how and why Floyd wound up on the ground with multiple officers restraining him.

The video does not justify officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes. But it does offer context why Chauvin would be reluctant to believe Floyd’s “I can’t breathe” cries. Nearly every word out of Floyd’s mouth was a desperate lie.

Here are the takeaways from the footage:

  • Floyd’s behavior escalated a routine arrest into a possible abuse of force.
  • The George Floyd case is not a race crime. No rational person can watch that footage and conclude the police were motivated by Floyd’s black race.
  • It’s going to be virtually impossible to convict former officers Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao of any crime.
  • It will be equally difficult to convict Chauvin of murder.

Professional athletes elected themselves the National Internal Affairs Department for American police. The NBA’s Orlando bubble is the headquarters for the NIAD.

Will anyone ask NIAD spokesmen LeBron James, Steve Kerr, Gregg Popovich and Adam Silver for their thoughts on the leaked Floyd footage? Will one of the media information ministers locked inside the bubble be allowed to query James, Kerr, Pop or Silver on this topic? Will one of the woke warriors on Dan Le Batard’s radio show run a poll asking whether the leaked video footage is funny?

The NBA, the NFL and Major League Baseball chose to drape themselves in Black Lives Matter symbols and view all negative encounters between black people and white people as examples of white supremacy.

Life is far more complicated than the race-baiting that gets retweeted and liked over Twitter. What happened to George Floyd is more complicated than the substance-less assertion that Derek Chauvin acted out of racial animus. Chauvin abused his power. His defense lawyers will argue he was baited into abusing his power by Floyd.

It’s the same excuse pro sports’ Three Stooges — Adam Silver, Roger Goodell and Rob Manfred — will make years from now when the mainstream media finally objectively evaluates this era of sports.

Moe (Silver), Larry (Goodell) and Curly (Manfred) have been played and used by anarchists and communists who are using opportunists to promote an American race war.

Their fear-driven leadership has turned America’s great unifier — sports — into a racial divider.

At some point, NFL and NBA ownership must realize they need leadership that is unafraid of their athlete employees. Kowtowing to LeBron’s social media following is a deadly mistake.

This is no longer a debate about declining TV ratings for pro sports leagues. That’s inconsequential. This is about the preservation of American freedom and ideals. The subversion of sports culture is directly tied to the subversion of American culture. Sports culture proved the strength of our melting pot, the power of a diverse meritocracy. Live sporting events shaped popular culture.

We don’t have a suitable replacement. Academia? Go look at the results produced by the white liberals in control of our academic institutions. You want to see white supremacy? Visit Yale, Harvard or any of their Ivy League brothers. Hollywood? Please. Every narrative arc for black characters is now fixated on police interaction and/or racism. The music industry? If you’re not covered in tattoos and willing to portray yourself as a ho, pimp, drug dealer and gangbanger, the music industry is highly reluctant to support you.

The above groups are now the main allies of professional athletes. The above groups are united in their belief that systemic racism killed George Floyd and that Floyd had no responsibility to protect his own life.

The actions of the above groups, along with the mainstream media, guarantee that the second wave of George Floyd riots are going to be more deadly and destructive than the first wave.

The second wave will come when Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng, Tou Thao and Derek Chauvin are acquitted of all serious charges.

When those riots happen, the Three Stooges, LeBron James, Colin Kaepernick and all the other entitled millionaires will be locked in their gated bubbles watching poor people’s lives destroyed on CNN.

No one will ever question them about the roles they played in stirring the racial outrage.

Posted in Morals and Ethics, News Media, Police, Crime, Security | 3 Comments

Leaked Video Exposes George Floyd’s Death As Tragedy, But Not Malicious

posted by Jack


Sports journalist Jason Whitlock responded to the leak of body camera footage from the death of George Floyd by arguing that “no rational person” can watch it and conclude that Floyd was killed over his race.

“The George Floyd case is not a race crime,” Whitlock wrote in his   Tuesday Outkick column with the headline “Leaked Video Exposes George Floyd’s Death As Tragedy And Race Hoax Used To Divide Us” a day after the Daily Mail published the camera footage. ”No rational person can watch that footage and conclude the police were motivated by Floyd’s black race.”

Whitlock said that while the footage “does not justify officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes,” it shows “the behavior of the police officers seems appropriate and restrained given Floyd’s level of resistance and bizarre conduct.” He added that it will be “virtually impossible” to convict the three other officers present of any crime and “equally difficult” to convict officer Chauvin of murder.

The journalist pointed out that the video shows Floyd appearing to be “panicked, disoriented, desperate and totally non-compliant” and that “he complains that he can’t breathe while standing on two feet.”

Whitlock, who is black, then tied the coverage of the newly leaked footage to the sports world and Black Lives Matter as a whole, wondering if prominent sports figures and league officials will talk about the video as extensively as they talked about Floyd’s death.

“Professional athletes elected themselves the National Internal Affairs Department for American police,” Whitlock said. “The NBA’s Orlando bubble is the headquarters for the NIAD.”

“Will anyone ask NIAD spokesmen LeBron James, Steve Kerr, Gregg Popovich and Adam Silver for their thoughts on the leaked Floyd footage? Will one of the media information ministers locked inside the bubble be allowed to query James, Kerr, Pop or Silver on this topic? Will one of the woke warriors on Dan Le Batard’s radio show run a poll asking whether the leaked video footage is funny?” he continued.

Whitlock was referring to ESPN Host Dan Le Batard’s Tuesday apology for posting a poll on social media asking if it was “funny” that Orlando Magic forward Jonathan Isaac tore his ACL and will miss the remainder of the season days after refusing to kneel for the national anthem or wear a Black Lives Matter T-shirt along with his teammates.

“The NBA, the NFL and Major League Baseball chose to drape themselves in Black Lives Matter symbols and view all negative encounters between black people and white people as examples of white supremacy,” Whitlock continued.

He concluded the piece by making the case that the media in both sports and politics will deserve the blame for the second wave of riots “when Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng, Tou Thao and Derek Chauvin are acquitted of all serious charges.”

“No one will ever question them about the roles they played in stirring the racial outrage,” he added.

Whitlock has been a vocal critic of the Black Lives Matter movement over the last few months, including in early July when he appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program and slammed the group’s self-proclaimed Marxist ties.

“There’s no way you can do any homework on Black Lives Matter and not see that it’s a Marxist political organization. It’s not about black death. It’s not about black men,” Whitlock told Carlson in regards to the topic of reports that the NFL plans to play a “black national anthem” before games in the upcoming season.

“It is a political move. It’s a communist political move,” he continued. “I’ve seen many of these guys, they claim they’re in Christianity and their religious beliefs — do they understand Black Lives Matter, communism, Marxism, is anti-religious?”

Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of Black Lives Matter, embraced accusations of Marxism in the group during a 2015 interview.

“We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories,” Cullors said. “And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk.”

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More Injustice Against Police? A Trial is Pending

by Jack

There is no showing whatsoever that the inmate was treated any differently because of his race and that the officers did not do everything their training demanded.  As a result of public pressure brought on by the media, 5 former officers were dismissed including a registered nurse.  They are currently being investigated for involuntary manslaughter!  The video, shows 3 black officers, 2 white officers and the white female nurse all trying their best to take care of an inmate who was suffering some sort of seizure. Watch the video of this and you will see the care and compassion they offered the inmate.

You will note the professional conduct of the team as they moved the inmate to a place where he could be treated.  At no time did anyone say or do anything that would indicate anything other than trying to help the inmate.  He has brain damage and he’s out of his mind.  They used handcuffs to restrain him from hurting himself.  He’s struggling and the he breaks the cuff key off in the handcuff.  He was face down in order to cut the cuffs.

The response team was patient, methodical and tried repeatedly to calm the inmate the whole time he was having a brain seizure.   Despite all this effort, the patient’s underlying medical condition caused him to die two days later in the hospital.  For that unfortunate death the police are vilified and the inmate is now treated like a martyr.  The Sheriff apologized to his family and named a wing of the jail after the deceased and terminated all the personnel involved in the attempted rescue.

Why he was in jail in the first place was never mentioned, but apparently it had something to do with attacking a female.

USA TODAY – Videos released Wednesday show an incident at a North Carolina jail that lead to the death of a Black man who was restrained while having a medical emergency last year.

Several news organizations, including The News & Observer and The New York Times, petitioned a judge to publicly release the videos that show officers “hog-tying” John Neville, 56, who died of a brain injury in December three days after police arrested him.

One of the videos runs nearly 20 minutes and is from the body camera of one of the five detention officers involved, who were all fired last month. Another is almost 26 minutes. Over the course of 45 minutes of being held in an observation cell, Neville would “sustain injuries that would eventually cause him to lose his life,” Forsyth County district attorney, Jim O’Neill said last month. Both were reviewed by USA TODAY.

The Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office did not publicly acknowledge Neville’s death for more than seven months. Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough previously said he withheld word of Neville’s death at the request of the family and their attorneys.

Five detention officers and a nurse were charged last month with involuntary manslaughter: Sarah E. Poole, Antonio M. Woodley and Christopher Stamper; Corp. Edward J. Roussel and Sgt. Lavette M. Williams; and nurse Michelle Heughins.



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What’s the Best Handgun in the World?

Posted by Jack

Glock pistols are by far the most popular brand of a handgun in the world and one of the most popular sidearms in America. Glock is a weapon of choice among a lot of civilian handgun owners, as well as many law enforcement agencies.  Many people would argue that a Glock 17 is the #1 handgun in the world today.  However, there’s another that is clearly the best when you consider the combinations of longevity, firepower, reliability, production numbers, features and most importantly, an original design that was way ahead of it’s time when it was first introduced.  That handgun is the Colt M1911.  This was John Moses Browning’s crowning achievement in a handgun.

In the the last 30 years I have never found a top 10 handgun list that did not include the venerable old Colt 1911.  It was a revolutionary design that has stood the test of time and combat.  There are just too many things about a Colt 1911 that over shadows the competition.   

At the turn of the last century the United States was engaged in a conflict with Moro tribesmen in portions of the Philippine Islands. The U.S. had seized the islands as a protectorate and one of the spoils of war at the termination of the Spanish-American War. In May 1899, 800 U.S. Marines landed on the island of Jolo. Initially things were relatively peaceful, but a series of mis-translations of a treaty led to the Islamic Moro people to instigate hostilities. Among the Moro was a faction called “juramentado,” Spanish for “one who takes an oath,” an extremely zealous group of Muslims who felt it was their honor-bound duty to kill all Christians. The juramentados were fierce fighters who reputedly bound parts of their bodies prior to combat to reduce bleeding and took local drugs to minimize the perception of pain.

Unfortunately for many U.S. officers, the government had replaced the heavy—but quite reliable— .45-caliber Single Action Army with a lighter Colt double-action revolver. Chambered in .38 Long Colt, the Colt New Army 1892 was a beautifully made gun, but its ballistics—a 150-grain, round-nose lead bullet at 770 fps, yielding 195 ft.-lbs. of energy—were pretty anemic. Even during the war with Spain, the revolver didn’t cut it for American forces. When put up against the Moro juramentados many officers learned of the cartridge’s shortcomings the hard way. Reports of juramentados absorbing a cylinder-full of .38 Long Colts and still beheading the shooter with a keris knife were disturbingly regular. In something of a panic, the Army reissued Single Action Army revolvers from reserve stocks, and purchased some M1902 .45 caliber double-action revolvers. The Ordnance Board established an evaluation committee led by Col. John T. Thompson (inventor of the Thompson submachinegun) and Col. Louis A. La Garde. They determined the need for a semi-automatic pistol that fired a .45-caliber bullet in order to reliably stop close-range combatants.

When the Army announced its intent to replace the .38-caliber revolver with a .45-caliber pistol several companies leapt at the chance for a lucrative government contract. John Browning had already been developing a semi-auto pistol for Colt designed around a .38-caliber cartridge similar to the .38 Super. For a genius like Browning, it wasn’t too difficult a task to upsize both the pistol and cartridge to .45 caliber.

220px-Pistol_Browning_SFSA Browning 9 mm Hi-Power semi-automatic pistol

The pistol trials began in 1906, and samples from Colt, Savage, Smith & Wesson, DWM, Knoble, Bergmann and White-Merrill were tested. Both the Browning and Savage designs were selected for further testing. That testing revealed some shortcomings in both pistols, and the Army asked for more refinements in the designs. Browning traveled to Hartford, Conn., to supervise the changes. He teamed up with a young Colt employee, Fred Moore, and they painstakingly ensured that the pistols to be submitted were the finest they could produce. On March 3, 1911, the Army began a torture test. Each pistol would be fired 100 times, then allowed to cool for five minutes. After each 1,000 rounds the pistols would be cleaned and oiled. After 6,000 rounds, the pistols were tested with deformed cartridges, some with bullets seated too deeply, others not seated enough. The test pistols were soaked in water, mud and even acid. Browning’s design passed every test without a single failure—the first of any firearm to survive such a 6,000-round test. (A Pearl Harbor Commemorative .45 is shown left)

On March 20, 1911, the Ordnance Board released a report of its findings that said, “Of the two pistols, the board was of the opinion that the Colt is superior, because it is more reliable, more enduring, more easily disassembled when there are broken parts to be replaced, and more accurate.” Nine days after that report, the Army designated the Colt Automatic Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911 to be its official sidearm. Two years later the Navy and Marine Corps adopted the 1911 as their handgun as well.

To continue reading the history, please click the link.  


In service 1911-present
Used by Over 20 nations, see Users below for details
Wars As standard U.S. service pistol:

In non-US standard use:

Production history
Designer John Browning
Designed 1911[7] and 1924 (A1)
Manufacturer Colt Manufacturing Company
Produced 1911-present
No. built Over 2.7 million
Mass 39 oz (1,100 g) empty, with magazine[7][9]
Length 8.25 in (210 mm)[7]
Barrel length
  • Government model: 5.03 in (127 mm)[7]
  • Commander model: 4.25 in (108 mm)
  • Officer model: 3.5 in (89 mm)

Cartridge .45 ACP
Action Short recoil operation[7]
Muzzle velocity 830 ft/s (253 m/s)[7]
Feed system 7 round standard detachable box magazine[7]
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Antifa says they’re battling the far rightwing

From the Atlantic… a history of ANTIFA

Antifa’s activists say they’re battling burgeoning authoritarianism on the American right. Are they fueling it instead?

Since 1907, Portland,  Oregon, has hosted an annual Rose Festival. Since 2007, the festival had included a parade down 82nd Avenue. Since 2013, the Republican Party of Multnomah County, which includes Portland, had taken part. This April, all of that changed.

In the days leading up to the planned parade, a group called the Direct Action Alliance declared, “Fascists plan to march through the streets,” and warned, “Nazis will not march through Portland unopposed.” The alliance said it didn’t object to the Multnomah GOP itself, but to “fascists” who planned to infiltrate its ranks. Yet it also denounced marchers with “Trump flags” and “red MAGA hats” who could “normalize support for an orange man who bragged about sexually harassing women and who is waging a war of hate, racism and prejudice.” A second group, Oregon Students Empowered, created a Facebook page called “Shut down fascism! No Nazis in Portland!”


Chaos by the Bay – A Must See Video

by Chris F. Rufo

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