San Francisco Subsidizing a Meth Lab? lol

by Jack

San Francisco police busted a meth lab in a hotel room that was rented out by the city to house frontline workers and a portion of its massive homeless population during the coronavirus pandemic.

Law enforcement responded to a 911 call about a “strong chemical odor emanating from a guest room” at the Civic Center Motor Inn on Saturday. When police arrived, they found the ingredients for the drug, along with other paraphernalia, and arrested two people who were staying in the room.

“Officers conducted an investigation and discovered chemicals known to make narcotics, which were isolated to one guest room,” a representative from the department told Fox News. “Two adults were arrested for narcotics-related charges, some of which are possession of controlled substances, possession of controlled substances for sales, manufacturing controlled substances, and conspiracy.”

The hotel is taking part in the city’s Alternative Housing program that was created, in part, to protect vulnerable populations, including people experiencing homelessness, during the pandemic. San Francisco’s program offers hotel rooms to those who have no place to quarantine during the pandemic, such as frontline workers who may live with people susceptible to the virus. Frontline workers and people without homes are managed separately under the program. As of Wednesday, 345 frontline workers and 2,527 people without homes to quarantine in were in the program.


Horrible Reporting Adds to Racial Tensions

by Jack

Horrible Reporting Adds to Racial Tensions, this title says it all.   Our mainstream media is not delivering the truth, just a leftwing version of it.  We know why too.  It’s deliberately done to disparage President Donald Trump and create more controversy for his administration. It also feeds the BLM narrative about police.  They  (rabid lefties) want to brand Trump as a racist president and the cops across America, well, they are racist thugs too.  They (cops) are allegedly embolden by his leadership and that is why the left wants to defund them!  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Take this opening paragraph from a lead story in the popular Washington Post, “The public outcry following the shooting deaths of George Floyd in Minnesota, Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, Sean Reed in Indiana, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky — and on Friday night, Rayshard Brooks in Georgia — has given the Black Lives Matter movement new urgency. Recent weeks have brought heightened attention to the safety of black Americans in public and private life.”   This is how this anti-police news story begins…. but they have already got the story wrong!   

  1. George Floyd, did not die from a police shooting and technically he did not die in police custody.  He did die in an ambulance in route to the hospital.   The police summoned the ambulance after Floyd had difficulty breathing which came after he resisted arrest.

A county autopsy report later concluded his death was probably due to a heart attack and complications from illegal narcotics.  Another autopsy performed for his family concluded an officer cut off his airway.   Trial and a massive civil suit are both still pending.

2. Ahmaud Arbery was not shot by police!  Police were called to the scene where Arbery lay dead.  Following this shooting involving 3 men and investigation began, eventually it would lead to the arrest of the 3 men.  Trial is pending.

3. Breonna Taylor, was shot in an exchange of gunfire between three plainclothes detectives trying to serve a search warrant on her apartment, where she resided with her boyfriend.  Narcotic trafficking was suspected.  One officer was wounded.  For more information follow this link.

4. Rayshard Brooks, was on parole, he was suspected of being intoxicated behind the wheel of a vehicle in a Wendy’s drive thru that was part of a larger parking lot.   Brooks resisted arrest, grabbed the officer’s taser as he broke free.  He fired it several times at the pursuing officer and that’s when the officer fired back.  Watch this so-called murder of black man.  It’s a long video, but if you think cops are all out to kill black males then you need to watch the whole thing.

5. Sean Reed ,  (see below)  was stopped by police after reckless driving and evading.  In a foot pursuit he yelled at the pursuing officer, “F— you cop.” Then according to witness he fired a pistol at the officer.  Prior to that he was on Facebook actually talking during the pursuit and he declared he was not going down easy, that he was going to start shooting… yeah, he said this moments before he started shooting.   Don’t believe me, watch this video.

This was a bad guy caught on tape being bad.  He had a rap sheet showing violence, he had made threats against the police, he didn’t even have a drivers license… but thanks to a bunch of uninvolved agitators saying he was murdered we’ve got all kinds of people, including the Gov. calling for this big investigation and he wants the FBI to be called in too.   But, the police are the PROBLEM!  A trial is pending against the officer.








Mob Descends on Police Officer’s Home

posted by Jack

Because the MSM Didn’t Cover this Story…..we did:

Armed Mob Of Protesters Marches On Home Of Officer Involved In Justified Shooting

Colorado Springs, CO – A group of armed “protesters” marched to the alleged home of Colorado Springs police officer on Monday to demand he be fired for fatally shooting an armed suspect during a 2019 robbery investigation.

An El Paso County grand jury spent a month investigating the Aug. 3, 2019 death of 19-year-old De’Von Bailey before determining that the fatal shooting was justified, Colorado Public Radio reported.

Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) Sergeant Alan Van’t Land and Officer Blake Evenson were both cleared of criminal charges and have since returned to active duty, according to the Associated Press.

On Monday, the one-year anniversary of Bailey’s death, a mob of armed demonstrators marched into a neighborhood where Sgt. Van’t Land allegedly resides, KRDO reported.

Videos showed the crowd as they walked down the middle of the street chanting Bailey’s name.

They stopped outside a home and proceeded to chant “Black Lives Matter” and anti-President Trump slogans.

At one point, the crowd blocked a vehicle from driving down the roadway and surrounded it while chanting “murderer,” as the driver recorded them with a cell phone, the video showed.


You Won’t Find this on the Mainstream News

posted by Jack

Maybe it’s just me who feels this way, but until Obama arrived on the screen there was no BLM, there was no race based protesting in sports and racial division was almost gone.  The thought that police departments were racist, black male killing animals and that the police were the problem in America….all that didn’t exist.  The trend that cities defund their police agencies didn’t exist either.  Police statistics haven’t changed, but it seems our culture sure has.  Radicals are finding fault and rioting before the truth has a chance to come out.  The extreme media bias was not nearly as severe before Obama. 

While 21-year-old Colorado resident Oghaleoghene Atunu was driving down a suburban street, he spotted a trio of 11- and 12-year-old boys walking home from school. Oddly, the Aurora man began circling the area before slowly pulling up behind the children as if he were following them. Without warning or provocation, Atunu suddenly did the unthinkable.

After slowing tailing the young boys, Atunu hit the gas, jumped the sidewalk, and mowed down two of the three children before speeding off, according to KDVR. One of the victims, Josh Piazza, was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries. Fortunately, the second victim walked away with only minor injuries.

Oghaleoghene Atunu
Despite intentionally running over 2 white children, 21-year-old Oghaleoghene Atunu has not been charged with a hate crime. (Photo Credit: Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office)

Disturbingly, surveillance video showed Atunu noticing his victims and circling the area as if to find the best way to create the most damage. However, despite both the investigators and the Arapahoe County District Attorney’s Office confirming that the crash was intentional, many were stunned to find that Atunu would not face a hate crime charge. Thanks to a tip from a local citizen, Atunu was quickly identified by his 2004 Buick Rendezvous and arrested.

Although he doesn’t face a hate crime charge, he was subsequently charged with 15 counts, including 3 counts of attempted first-degree murder; 2 counts of attempted first-degree assault; 2 counts of child abuse; 1 count of first-degree assault; 1 count of failing to remain at the scene of an accident involving serious bodily injuries; 1 count of vehicular assault; 1 count of failure to notify police of an accident; 1 count of hit-and-run; 1 count of reckless driving; 1 count of driving a vehicle with an expired driver’s license; and 1 count of failure to observe/disregard a traffic control device.

Oghaleoghene Atunu
Josh Piazza was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries. (Photo Credit: Provided)
Oghaleoghene Atunu
While Oghaleoghene Atunu spends time in police custody, Josh Piazza has a difficult road to recovery ahead of him. (Photo Credit: Provided)

Despite the footage of his behavior leading up to the incident, Atunu maintains that he lost control of his vehicle and hit the children, according to 9 News. He claims that he then became scared and fled the scene.

Can you imagine the coverage the MSM would have given this story if the kids were black and the driver was white?  And that’s the reason I am putting up this story.   There are bad white people and bad black people.  It’s not about white people need sensitivity training, white people need cultural awareness, white people need to…. NO!  Any conversation about racism needs to involve people of all color.  We’ve got to stop this war that is pushing racial division and that means honest reporting.   We don’t have honest reporting and haven’t for several decades.


Black Lives Matters Makes an Offer few Businesses Can Refuse

Posted by Jack

From the Washington Sentinel – A Black Lives Matter group has begun threatening local businesses in Louisville, Kentucky, and telling them if they don’t give protection money, their shops will be looted.  Just like the Mafia, these BLM terrorists have now moved to extortion.   (This is supposed to be where the FBI enters the case and starts indicting mobsters for racketeering. )

One business owner has had enough and is speaking up. Fernando Martinez owns several Mexican-style restaurants in the area, and he said he is shocked by the Mafioso tactics now being perpetrated by the Black Lives Matter terrorists in the city.

“There comes a time in life that you have to make a stand and you have to really prove your convictions and what you believe in,” Martinez wrote in a Facebook post reported by the Courier-Journal. “… All good people need to denounce this. How can you justified [sic] injustice with more injustice?”

Latest: Pro-Trump Herschel Walker Slams Pro Sports For Supporting BLM  

As soon as Martinez made his feelings on the matter public, BLM terrorists surrounded his business and began harassing him and his customers.

The BLM terrorists have been telling businesses that they will be targeted for looting and destruction unless certain demands are made.

Some of those demands include:

  • Adequately represent the Black population of Louisville by having a minimum of 23% Black staff;
  • Purchase a minimum of 23% inventory from Black retailers or make a recurring monthly donation of 1.5% of net sales to a local Black nonprofit or organization;
  • Require diversity and inclusion training for all staff members on a bi-annual basis;
  • And display a visible sign that increases awareness and shows support for the reparations movement

So, what happened to Matinez’s restaurant?

BLM threatened the employees so badly that they refused to come to work because they feared for their lives. His restaurant was vandalized. And he had to shut it down in the face of the daily attacks.

How is Black Lives Matter any different from any other criminal gang?

(What would you do if it was your business that BLM threatened.  Would you pay the protection money or risk your business being destroyed? )


Posted in Police, Crime, Security | Tagged , , , , | 13 Comments

Anarchy Reigns Supreme in Portland – Seattle Rioting Continues

posted by Jack

They are burning Bible’s and the American flag in Portland.  In Seattle a councilwoman incites a mob to riot and leads them to the police chief’s home.

Portland protesters were filmed burning Bibles and the American flag as protests continue in the city for more than two months.  Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz responded to a Friday video of people burning what was described as a “stack of Bibles” on Twitter Saturday, saying, “This is who they are.”

Protesters have targeted federal property, most notably the federal courthouse, in recent weeks as the violence continues.

“These aren’t late-night demonstrations,” Oregon U.S. Attorney Billy Williams told reporters in July outside the federal courthouse. “This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish between — you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting.”

“I’m just saying there needs to be a distinction made between lawful, constitutionally protected protest, and this. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is,” he added.

An agent with the Department of Homeland Security anonymously described the scenes as “totally surreal.”

“A totally surreal experience. You get large, nonviolent demonstrations where people march, they chant, they give speeches, then shortly after are replaced with a smaller crowd, though still large, who immediately start trying to break into and destroy the federal courthouse. They have transposed their hatred for the president and for law enforcement onto the physical structure of the federal courthouse, and the uniformed personnel whose job is to protect that courthouse,” the agent told the Center for Immigration Studies.

“They throw homemade Molotov cocktails, try to set the walls on fire, try to cut and pry through the plywood covering the glass walls, all the while screaming vitriol until their voices are cracked and hoarse. When DHS personnel are visible, they throw frozen water bottles at them, canned goods, paint, and gasoline. They try to shine high powered lasers into our eyes, which can cause permanent damage. They chant and spray paint “feds go home” as one of their slogans, and that could be easily achieved. If they could prove they wouldn’t destroy the courthouse, DHS personnel would go home. It is that simple,” the agent added.

President Trump has moved federal law enforcement officers to cities seeing repeated riots and violence and has been vocal in his condemnation of local leaders not controlling the situation.

SEATTLE:  Seattle’s Chief of Police called on Seattle’s City Council to stand up against “mob rule” after “aggressive” activists reportedly targeted her home over the weekend, which scared her neighbors. “I wanted to update you on recent events, particularly those that occurred late last night,”  Best wrote in a letter addressed to City Council President Lorena González and Public Safety Chair Lisa Herbold. “A residence of mine in Snohomish County was targeted by a large group of aggressive protestors late last night.

One commenter replied, “I could understand civil disobedience in the face of an unpopular law. But there IS NO unpopular law. There are a bunch of thugs, ginned up by the Democrats to be lawless. Those same democrats are protecting these thugs FROM the law and endangering the people who, theoretically, voted them into office (isn’t THAT ironic!?). When a society’s law makers become law-breakers, it’s up to the armed populace to organize and eliminate the problem by force, if necessary.”

Another wrote, “If you swore to support and defend the Constitution and carry out the laws as written, then stop hiding behind the city council and do your job. It doesn’t matter what the city council and mayor want. If they say no tear gas, then shoot the violent rioters. Put it back on them that less lethal methods were forbidden. They can’t stop you from clearing highways and city streets. There are laws on the books so enforce them. Your citizens pay for police protection. Give them what they’ve paid for. You are not a security force for imported and homegrown agitators.

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Meet the Army’s New Handgun

Posted by Jack

The civilian version is called the SIG P320, but it’s essentially the same as the Army’s full size pistol the M17.  A slightly smaller version is offered called the M18.

On January 19, 2017, the United States Army announced that the SIG Sauer P320 MHS variant had won the military’s Modular Handgun System trials. The P320 is known as the M17 (Full-Size) and M18 (Carry) in U.S. Military service. Though the pistol will remain chambered in 9 x 19mm NATO rather than a larger caliber, the contract allows the Army and other services to procure SIG Sauer’s proposed XM1152 Full Metal Jacket and XM1153 Special Purpose ammunition.

Some shooting enthusiasts might argue the Army is not really gaining anything over their previous pistol made by Berretta.  Both the SIG Saur and Berretta (shown left) are semi-auto and chambered for a 9mm round.  However, the Army says the winning difference is the modular system that allows all sorts of goodies to be hung from the SIG, such as a suppressor, flashlight, laser sight or an extended capacity magazine.

For us old school types (boomers mostly) either weapon is good in its basic form.   We would say, if you can’t hit your target with iron sights, you need more practice, not a laser.   We’re not thrilled about the caliber, but it’s ok.  Old schoolers would suggest at least go with a .40 cal and preferably a .45 cal, but that’s not an option in today’s Army.

GLOCK sued the Army and said the bidding was rigged to favor the SIG, but they have since backed off.  A GLOCK contract would have saved the taxpayers about 30% over the cost of a SIG.

Speaking of SIG’s  A NORCAL police department recently sold all 40 of their semi-auto SIG .45’s (only 7 years old, barely used) for the bargain basement price of $320 each!  Why?  They scaled back to a whimpy 9 mm… pfffffft.  Go figure?  Yeah, I bought one of the .45’s.  I probably should have bought more, but CA being the costly state that it is, the transfer cost would have made my profit margin a little too slim.

Did I ever mention that CA is not a business friendly state?  I think I have, maybe once or twice.

Posted in Business, Industry and Finance, Military | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Good News From Seattle – Sorta

by Jack

I can hardly contain myself, the news is that good.   As you must know by now the city council in Seattle marches to the beat of a different drummer than the rest of us.  To show you just how different, they’ve passed a resolution that I pray will come to fruition, because they deserve it.

This council, the smartest in the nation, more liberal than San Francisco, has in it’s infinite wisdom, prepared the draft resolution below, indicating their intentions to reinvent the police department with community specialists, without guns, pepper spray and tear gas.

I want them to get their way, not because I have anything against the citizens of Seattle, even though they elected the council, but moreover because this could be one of the greatest teaching moments in American history, if only this council will follow through.

If you don’t have time to read the Seattle resolution, here’s a summary:

The Seattle City Council proposed a resolution to defund the city’s police department and create a “Civilian-led Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention” on Friday.

The new resolution prioritizes the creation of a civilian-led safety department to supervise the city police. The resolution also aims to reassign current police responsibilities, including emergency dispatchers and parking enforcement, to other city departments and shift an unspecified amount of money from the city’s police to fund “community-based investments.”  This would be tiny houses and communal type living facilities where residents can ride bicycles and will have no need for cars.

The resolution says the council is dedicated to “addressing the racist institution of policing” and confronting “the Seattle Police Department’s role in perpetuating racism and violence.” It also blames the police department for using tear gas and rubber bullets to control violent rioters in the city.  There is no need for such mean things, says the city council.

Earlier this month, seven of the nine city council members said they would support a 50 percent cut to the city’s police department—a move that Seattle police chief Carmen Best said would be “absolutely detrimental” to the city.  But, what does he know, compared to the city council?

“Just lopping off 50 percent of our officers, I would think at this time would be a reckless maneuver and I’m hoping that people will calm down and look at ways that we can have a real plan in place of how we might transfer some of the responsibilities and services to other areas.”  A reckless maneuver, ya think so Chief?  That’s pretty tough talk, better watch it or they might cut your pay too.

Rioters in Seattle have rampaged the city for weeks, burning police cars, using Molotov cocktails to set the juvenile detention center on fire, and looting local businesses. Last month, a group of anti-police protesters took over a police precinct and attempted to create a police-free autonomous zone, which was disbanded after four people were shot to death and others were allegedly sexually assaulted in the area.  It was not quite the picnic the mayor claimed it to be.

Now their resolution – read it and feel free to send them a letter of encouragement:


A RESOLUTION related to policing and public safety establishing the Council’s intent to create a civilian led department of community safety & violence prevention; identifying actions in 2020 to remove certain functions from the Seattle Police Department and provide funding for a community-led process to inform the structure and function of a new department of community safety & violence prevention; requesting modifications to policing practices; requesting reporting to the Council; providing guidance on lay-off decisions; and establishing a work program and timeline for creating a new department…body

WHEREAS, the Council recognizes that the nation’s and Seattle’s history of racism and the current impact of institutional racism and structural racism cause over-policing and  underinvestment in communities of color and especially in Black communities; and

WHEREAS, the Council is committed to confronting structural and institutional racism as a fundamental step towards addressing the racist institution of policing; and

WHEREAS, in May 2020, Minneapolis police officers [murdered]George Floyd, setting off  nationwide protests against police brutality and for justice for Black victims of police violence; and 

WHEREAS, these protests forced many nationwide and in Seattle to confront the racism that has been plaguing the Black community for centuries and spread to other communities of color, the harmful impacts of white supremacy culture, and the Seattle Police Department’s (SPD) role in perpetuating racism and violence; and

WHEREAS, during the course of the protests, thousands of complaints were lodged against SPD for their arrests, threats of arrest, and use of force against City and County residents, including the indiscriminate use of tear gas, blast balls, and rubber bullets; and

WHEREAS, SPD has allegedly used these tactics against legal observers, medical personnel, and journalists; and Ketil Freeman / Greg Doss / Lish Whitson / Asha Venkataraman LEG Public Safety Dept Reorg RES D1 Template last revised December 2, 2019

WHEREAS, in response to both recent events and through the efforts of decades of organizing, anti-racist organizations coalesced around the following demands made to the City by Decriminalize Seattle and King County Equity Now: 1. Replace current 911 operations with civilian-controlled system; 2. Scale up community-led solutions; 3. Invest in housing for all; and 4. Fund a community-led process to create a roadmap to life without policing; and

WHEREAS, the co-leads of the City’s Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI) sent a letter on 8 June 8, 2020 to the Mayor requesting that she “Commit to a community participatory budget process. The anti-racist organizations named above must oversee and co-design a community-centered process to determine how the funds are reinvested”; and

WHEREAS, members of the communities most impacted by policing support the demands to the City to push back against the harm the police cause to the Black community and correct years of failure to invest in Black communities; and 

WHEREAS, the Council recognizes that over many years, more social service functions have fallen to police officers because of the defunding of social safety nets, among which are mental health, public housing, health care, and education; and

WHEREAS, the lack of funding in these systems also disproportionately affect communities of color, compounding the harms of over-policing; and 

WHEREAS, though SPD has been under consent decree since 2012 and has been making reforms to the department, SPD officers continue to kill Black city residents more often than they kill white residents; and 

WHEREAS, the Council acknowledges the harm that policing and other institutional racism has 23 caused to Black communities; and Ketil Freeman / Greg Doss / Lish Whitson / Asha Venkataraman LEG Public Safety Dept Reorg RES D1 Template last revised December 2, 2019 3 1

WHEREAS, RSJI principles to which the Council has committed include centering communities most impacted by the City’s policies; and

WHEREAS, by taking the lead of anti-racist organizations by meeting their demands, the  Council is implementing its commitment to racial justice work; and 

WHEREAS, the Council is committed to implementing public safety for all residents, and not just for white people; and 

WHEREAS, by working to fulfill the anti-racist community’s demands, the Council has the potential to address the systemic root causes of violence; and

WHEREAS, although the Council is unable to immediately effect all the changes demanded by community, this resolution lays out a commitment to achieve community’s goal through a clear timeline and work plan;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE, THE  MAYOR CONCURRING, THAT:  Section 1. Intent to Form a Civilian-led Department of Community Safety & Violence 15 Prevention. The Council intends by the fourth quarter of 2021 to create a new civilian-led 16 department that will take a holistic approach to public safety. Creation of such a department will 17 be informed by the process and principles outlined in Decriminalize Seattle’s and King County 18 Equity Now’s 2020 Blueprint for Police Divestment / Community Reinvestment attached to this 19 Resolution as Attachment 1. 20 Section 2. Actions in 2020. By the end of November 2020, the Council intends to 21 consider legislation that would: Ketil Freeman / Greg Doss / Lish Whitson / Asha Venkataraman LEG Public Safety Dept Reorg RES D1 Template last revised December 2, 2019 4 1 A. Remove 9-1-1 communication functions and related communications 2 funding from the Seattle Police Department (SPD) and establish those operations in a temporary 3 new department or temporarily place those functions in an existing civilian-led department; 4 B. Remove the Office of Emergency Management and Harbor Patrol 5 functions from SPD and establish those functions in the Seattle Fire Department; 6 C. Remove parking enforcement functions from the Seattle Police 7 Department and establish those functions in the Seattle Department of Transportation; 8 D. Provide sufficient appropriations in a Finance General Reserve and 9 staffing support for a community-led research and participatory budgeting effort to inform the 10 structure and function of a new Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention; 11 E. Fund new appropriations through phased reductions to SPD’s budget; and 12 F. Make other reductions of not less than $____________for community13 based investments. 14 Section 3. Interim Modifications to Current Practices. While the structural changes 15 contemplated in Section 2 of this Resolution are developed for Council consideration, the 16 Council requests that the Chief of Police undertake the following: 17 A. 9-1-1 Response. Prioritize 9-1-1 responses as follows: 18 1. Calls involving reports of firearms; 19 2. Calls where a slow response could reasonably result in loss of life 20 or serious injury; 21 3. Calls involving sexual violence; and 22 4. Calls involving reports of abuse or neglect of vulnerable 23 populations, such as children, elders, and people with disabilities. Ketil Freeman / Greg Doss / Lish Whitson / Asha Venkataraman LEG Public Safety Dept Reorg RES D1 Template last revised December 2, 2019 5 1 B. Biased Policing. Work with the Council, Mayor’s Office, and Community 2 to determine the enforcement practices that should be deprioritized based upon a 3 disproportionate impact on BIPOC communities, including disproportionate impacts resulting 4 from the partnership between SPD and the Department of Corrections (DOC) for persons in 5 DOC supervision. 6 Section 4. Reports to Council. The Council requests that Chief of Police and City Budget 7 Office provide the following reports to the Chairs of the Public Safety and Human Services 8 Committee and Select Budget Committee by September 15, 2020: 9 A. A report detailing expenditures by year since 2010 for contracts with law 10 firms defending the City from claims brought against SPD and individual officers. The report 11 should include information disaggregated by race for officers involved in the claims and the 12 claimants. 13 B. A report detailing expenditures in 2020 on weapons and equipment. 14 Section 5. For any personnel cuts in 2020 or 2021, the Council requests that the Chief of 15 Police: 16 A. Pursue out-of-order layoff authority from the Public Safety Civil Service 17 Commission; 18 B. Prioritize laying off officers with sustained complaints; 19 C. Consistent with the consent decree, maintain sufficient qualified, first line 20 field supervisors; and 21 D. Make no layoff decisions that conflict with the City Charter obligation to 22 maintain adequate patrol staffing in every district. Ketil Freeman / Greg Doss / Lish Whitson / Asha Venkataraman LEG Public Safety Dept Reorg RES D1 Template last revised December 2, 2019 6 1 Section 6. Work Program and Timeline. The Council adopts the following conceptual 2 work program and timeline for creating a new Department of Community Safety and Violence 3 Prevention. Actions Time Frame Council and Mayor consider: ▪ Reducing SPD’s budget ▪ Funding a community-led research process ▪ Removing specified functions from SPD ▪ Work with SPD and community to identify police practices with a disproportionate impact on BIPOC communities August 2020 – November 2020 Community-led organizations: ▪ Conduct research ▪ Conduct a participatory budgeting process ▪ Recommend a structure and functions for a Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention ▪ Present recommendations to the Council and Mayor August 2020 – July 2021 Council, Mayor and City Attorney ▪ Develop draft legislation for public review ▪ Identify any necessary City Charter amendments ▪ Develop ballot language for Charter amendments, if necessary, and submit it to King County Elections for a November vote April 2021 – June 2021 Council and Mayor: ▪ Introduce, consider, and act on proposed legislation creating a new Department of Community Safety &Violence Prevention and making associated budget changes September 2021 – November 2021 4 Section 7. The City Council will not support any budget changes to increase the Seattle 5 Police Department’s budget to offset overtime expenditures above the funds budgeted in 2020 or 6 2021.




Posted in Education, Police, Crime, Security, Politics and Government | 10 Comments

Police Don’t Want to Work at the DNC

by Jack

MILWAUKEE — More than 100 police agencies are withdrawing from agreements to send personnel to bolster security at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, in part because they’re concerned about a recent directive ordering police in the city to stop using tear gas to control crowds.

A citizen oversight commission last week directed Milwaukee’s police chief to publicly account for why the department used tear gas during protests in late May and early June after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and to change Milwaukee’s police policies to ban the use of tear gas and pepper spray. The Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission said in its order that Police Chief Alfonso Morales could be fired if he fails to comply.

That order came amid intense scrutiny of police tactics at protests in Portland, Oregon, and elsewhere.

My son reported that while on riot duty in San Francisco, they were not allowed to use tasers.  In some big cities the police can’t use pepper spray or they can’t use tear gas canisters or flash bangs.   There is no consistency between agencies.  It all hinges on the bias of these non-sworn city council people who have no clue about police work.

I don’t wish anyone to be hurt because of this foolish micromanaging of police, but if innocent people get hurt because police were not allowed to use the non-lethal weapons…I hope a big fat lawsuit follows. The council people should be individually sued too, the current law prevents this, but that law needs to go!



They Came Here Because We’re the Best – Now They Want to Change Us

by Jack

This vile woman in the tweet below would be comical if not for the tens of thousands of softheaded fools that think she is right.  They elected her, knowing her agenda and that scares the Hell out of me.  This would have been unthinkable 40 years ago and yet here we are today with a number of radicalized elected officials from the city councils all the way up to Congress, determined to overthrow the Constitution.

Is it any wonder that Seattle had an uprising against America with people like this council woman in charge?   In my opinion, she’s complicit in what caused that uprising and the deaths that followed.   BLM can get all worked up over George Floyd, but this is far more serious, it pales by comparison to anything BLM wants to dredge up.   This woman calls for attacks on Amazon (that’s extortion) and she’s advocating for socialism.  She totally  against capitalism!  So I wonder, where’s the push back when it’s really deserved?

Councilwoman Sawant should be removed from her office forthwith and charged with extortion and treason.  She must be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law because she has clearly violated her oath of office, i.e., to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  And she brazenly did it in public for all to see, what gall!  She must really feel secure to go this far.   Free speech has its limits and this woman has crossed it.

People like her, Omar and AOC are the enemies of democracy and I don’t think that’s hyperbole, the evidence is out here in abundance.

They are setting this country up for collapse by chipping away at our Constitution, pushing for socialism (communism lite) and using race baiting and class warfare to divide us.  They are using classic Marxist rules of engagement…its never been more obvious.   These elected officials have become enemies of freedom, they are encouraging those who would commit violence in order to destroy our system of government.  Can they make it anymore clear?  It’s time to push back people.