Cities People Want to Flee (Chico makes it in the top 20)

Posted by Jack

Article in MoneyWise Magazine.

Chico — not far from northern California’s historic Camp Fire — is part farming community, part college town. (Chico State University has a student body of about 17,000 undergrads.)

The wildfires may be one reason the Chico metro area makes this list. Others likely include the area’s surging violent crime rate and its above-average rate of non-residents (bums) in poverty.

But while Redfin says many residents are eager to leave, bidding wars are common for homes here, and they’re selling for an average $328,000.

Editors note:  Little Rock, Arkansas is a nicer place to live than Chico, CA according to Moneywise.  Have we hit the skids or what?  Chico is turning into a dump and the foul four (liberals) on the city council encourage makeshift bum encampments, filthy, dangerous, drug infested tent camps in our city parks, as the fallout in crime from said places soars.  Ain’t that just dandy?

This place is sinking fast and the liberals on the council and the soft headed liberal voters have once again caused this mega-disaster.  Chico is like a small version of San Francisco, where bums rules, drugs and crime are out of sight, filth everywhere and liberals control the whole show.   And you know where San Francisco rates – that place is #1 on the list of cities people just can’t wait to leave.  And who was the last Mayor of that dump?  He’s our governor of course – he fixed SF and now he wants to make CA just like it.

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Does the Left Know the Difference Between a Protester and a Criminal?

by Jack

Rep. Gerald Nadler-D, excoriated AG Robert Barr and the Justice Department for, and I am paraphrasing, “turning a blind eye to necessary reforms to police departments, for dismissing Black Lives Matter protests and for flooding streets with federal agents to stop protesters.  Nadler went on to say how the federal police were being politically biased, trying to stop protesters from merely exercising their free speech.

Nadler closed without allowing Mr. Barr an opportunity to respond.  However, the next representative yielded his time to Barr.   Barr replied the demonstrators Nadler was referring to were not non-violent!   That police officers acted solely in defense of public property when they were attacked by rioters with explosive devices, rocks and bottles.  Three officers may have suffered permanent blindness from a high powered laser directed at them.  Other officers have suffered severe injuries from flying bottle, balloons filled kerosene, broken glass and bricks and explosive fireworks type devices.

The Federal police were assigned to protect federal property (public property) from rioters because the local police would not.   Barr explained these are NOT the simple protesters that Nadler was trying to depict.  These were criminals that have attacked police and laid siege to a court house for two months, doing everything they can to destroy it or burn it down.   Meanwhile the Portland police are no where to be seen.  They were told to stand down by the Mayor and a corrupt city council.


More About Black Lives Matter

posted by Jack

by Paul Joseph Watson @ Prison Planet

I’m quite upset and confused about using #BLM, and it brings tears to my eyes. For a movement that one would think was for us, we were being used as puppets to further the agenda of George Soros. We have been screaming that black lives matter means that black lives matter too, but that is not the case in Soros’ eyes. I was on Twitter, yeah, I know that’s not a credible source, but I saw that Deray McKesson is being funded by George Soros. So, I decided to do some research and found that Deray McKesson [is] funded by Soros.

deray_mckesson_to_run_for_baltimore_mayor.jpg_1689854194owner Screen-Shot-2016-07-11-at-5.20.36-PM-768x153

A director at Soros’s Open Society Foundations says the billionaire Soros, did not give money to Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi, the three activists who rallied together to create Black Lives Matter after the death of Trayvon Martin. Neither of the three have been found to have any connection with Soros or his funding group.

BLM-6However, Deray McKesson has been accused of being paid for his participation in protests, lives in a multi-million dollar home owned by the Soros’ Open Society Institute, philanthropists James and Robin Wood in Baltimore, Maryland, and is making the movement look bad beyond a shadow of a doubt.  Soros is a Hungarian-American business magnate, investor, political activist and author who is of Jewish-Hungarian ancestry. He is known as “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England” because of his short sale of US $10 billion worth of pounds, making him a profit of $1 billion. He funded and backed Obama, but then told Hillary Clinton that he wish that he had not, because what he wanted to have done was not done. He is also the puppet master and responsible for coup and mass murder in Ukraine.


Soros “predicted” riots, police protests and civil war in America. While one may think that war is good to prevent blacks from being mistreated in the U.S., what good is it for us all to die in the process? The leading man, Deray, for BLM lives in a multi-million dollar home owned by this person while telling us to go out and protest, to be killed and jailed. Yes, he went to jail, but did he extend his hand to help have the rest of the protestors with him released? No! While something so beautiful that many of us have been hoping for to relieve us of social and institutional racism as well as police violence, McKesson and Soros are not working for our benefit. We applaud when athletes and actors get on stage and scream black lives matter, but do they really?

Everyone seems to see what is happening to us, but we are inundated with black on black crime accusations, racist accusations, and indifference. It looks to me like Soros found another way to make money at the expense of black lives. I’m heartbroken.

Ignorance was bliss… You be the judge.

Next up BLM leader and spokesperson get’s it wrong again…

Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson continued his pattern of jumping to conclusions and getting his facts wrong on Wednesday when he tweeted out to his 200,000 followers that the man who fatally shot a TV reporter and cameraman in Virginia was white.

McKesson quibbled with initial reports that the shooter — who had not been identified at the time — was a disgruntled ex-employee. The activist, who began touring the country as an organized protester after the Michael Brown shooting last year, appeared to believe that the shooter was white. He compared the initial reports to how Muslims are characterized as “terrorists” following similar incidents.

Turns out the shooter McKesson was talking about what a 41 year old black male.  Oops.

In many of the cases he’s protested — from the Michael Brown case to Freddie Gray’s death to Sandra Bland’s — McKesson has made claims to his large Twitter following that turned out to be false.  Double oops… lol


Is BLM a Racist Organization?

posted by Jack

Black Lives Matter (BLM) was founded in 2012 by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, for what the organization terms as “the validity of Black life.” It is also sometimes called an ideological reincarnation of the Black Panther movement that flourished in the ’60s.

BLM was created in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman, who murdered and manslaughtered a 17-year-old boy called Trayvon Martin. According to BLM, Zimmerman committed the crime as a result of the “virulent anti-Black racism” that “permeates our society” and continues to magnify “the deep psychological wounds of slavery, racism and structural oppression.”

BLM has faced criticism over the years for its controversial statements and quotes. Here are some of them:

DeRay Mckesson, a Black Lives Matter leader, was under fire in May 2015 for his controversial tweets about the police.   McKesson had criticized former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who called the Black Lives Matter movement racist. McKesson said that the police were ”engaged in ethnic cleansing” in one of his tweets.

Tweet:  The police are killing people. Officer Friendly is akin to the myth of the American Dream — seductive but a deadly illusion nonetheless.

Tweet: This “feared for my life” language is perhaps the new execution motto of America’s largest gang, the police.

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Racist Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Toronto

posted by Jack

On Feb. 9, Yusra Khogali tweeted, “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz.”

She also tweeted, “whiteness is not humanxss, in fact white skin is subhuman.  All phenotypes exists in the black family.  And white ppl are a genetic defect of blackness. ” She then launches into a long diatribe about black superiority and how white people being defective because of lack of melanin, kinda reminds me of Luis Farrakhan’s bigoted rhetoric.

Editor’s note;  Based on her logic would Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Hawaiian, native Americans all be genetic defects in her world?  This woman is every bit the nut case that Farrakhan is and yet she leads Black Lives Matters in Toronto? lol

It made national headlines last week when Jerry Agar, a Newstalk1010 pundit and Toronto Sun columnist, found it, printed it out and posted a photo of it online after a two-week protest outside police quarters — dubbed BLMTO Tent City — came to an end amid a face-to-face meeting with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.

James Di Fiore, writer and film producer said,  “Now, normally my white skin would admittedly preclude me from even suggesting that a black activist should hang up the megaphone, but Khogali has made a habit of directing violent, hateful language towards people with white skin, so much so that I feel comfortable calling her out. She once mused that just by having white skin, white people are sub-human. She tried to qualify that statement by saying white people did not have a high amount of melanin, which prevents them from absorbing light, and with it a sense of moral clarity.

Recently, Khogali labelled Justin Trudeau a “white supremacist terrorist” for not changing our refugee policy as a response to Donald Trump’s executive order that would temporarily halt the flow of refugees and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Trump’s decision is controversial even among Republicans, but to saddle Trudeau with a label as hyperbolic as “white supremacist terrorist” is to engage in a kind of activism that belittles your own cause.”


Give Appeasement a Try and other Famous Last Words…

by Jack

Right now, the mobs are having their way, toppling historic statues, vandalizing and fire bombing public buildings.  They have taken over entire city blocks of Seattle,  illegally seized private property, looted stores and even seized a police station and done millions of dollars in damage.  And this is but a fraction of carnage foisted on the public by zealot anarchists to zealot Marxists, all hiding behind the pretext of being a simple protester, a social justice warrior, just exercising their right to free speech.

Liberal-democrat mayors and governors own this problem,  because they helped create it.  It was their leftist rhetoric and their policy decisions (sanctuary cities) that set the stage for this violence.  But, now that its here – they have absolutely no idea how to control it.

In democrat dominated cities across America, the anarchy spreads.  And not surprisingly, the response from the liberal regimes in those afflicted areas is always the same;  restrain law enforcement, take no action, better yet… take a knee.  Agree with and appease the anarchists and rioters whenever possible.  Ask them nicely to end their violence, looting and burning, so some day they might all sit down and have a meaningful dialog.

So far, that hasn’t worked.  But, as Portland’s mayor says, give it some time, the rioting has only been going on for 56 days and Rome wasn’t burned in a day!   At the present time, both the mayor of Portland and the governor of Oregon, see no need federal law enforcement to step in to protect federal property, like the federal court building in Portland under siege and attacked with sledge hammers, fire bombs, rocks and bottles as the mob chants, “Burn it down!”




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Camping in CA

by Jack

Vacations this summer are being drastically scaled back, to either day trips or camping trips.  Most camping would be to State and Federal Parks.  But, this year that kind of camping could be difficult.  As you may know, some of these recreation facilities were temporarily closed due in part to the COVID’s pandemic.  However, the good news is, now most parks are open.   The bad news is, it won’t do you any good…you may not be able to get in!  Even if you had reservations you may not be able to get in!

The CA State parks, especially those in really scenic places like, Leo Carrillo near Oxnard or MacKerricher at Fort Bragg, were offered to homeless first.   They were given priority over families with reservations, because the state was desperate to have them “shelter in place” and the gov. wanted it that way.

Notice of reservation cancellation was sent out, but unfortunately many people were already on the road and then they show up and are told their reservation is no good?  Looks like Ma and Pa Kettle got their first bunky, so tough luck.

Gov. Newsom started authorizing State lands to be opened to homeless free of charge, starting last January.  The giveaway project has exploded into a homeless camper’s bonanza ever since.

Imagine, being able to stay at high quality camp grounds for as long as you want and no charge?  Wow, free showers, bathrooms, garbage pick up, and with your food stamps and welfare check…you got it made, free food and money to burn!

To be eligible you need only declare yourself homeless, say you need to “shelter in place”, those buzz words will get you lots of expensive stuff for free.  You might get yourself a free camping tent or even a state trailer!  It doesn’t matter where you’re from or how long you been in California.  You can be coming straight from Oklahoma, Arkansas, even Mexico, it’s all good.  California has the money and resources to take care of you and yours…indefinitely, in some cases you will get free booze and free drugs!  What a country!

You may have come here on the lamb or seeking better welfare, but with CA vast resources  you can stay and camp here forever.  You will be entitled to the free stuff long after COVID’s is gone, so don’t worry.   See, CA understands socialism.  They know you deserve a basic income without working for it and that you will remember to vote democrat.  You will remember…right?

Oh and those rich people with their fancy schmancy reservations, hey, you don’t need no stinkin reservations.


Open Letter Chicago Tribune Re Red Skins

Dear Mr. Page:

I agree with our Native American population. I am highly jilted by the racially charged name of the Washington Redskins. One might argue that to name a professional football team after Native Americans would exalt them as fine warriors, but nay, nay. We must be careful not to offend, and in the spirit of political correctness and courtesy, we must move forward.

Let’s ditch the Kansas City Chiefs, the Atlanta Braves and the Cleveland Indians. If your shorts are in a wad because of the reference the name Redskins makes to skin color, then we need to get rid of the Cleveland Browns.

The Carolina Panthers obviously were named to keep the memory of militant Blacks from the 60’s alive. Gone. It’s offensive to us white folk.

The New York Yankees offend the Southern population. Do you see a team named for the Confederacy? No! There is no room for any reference to that tragic war that cost this country so many young men’s lives. I am also offended by the blatant references to the Catholic religion among our sports team names. Totally inappropriate to have the New Orleans Saints, the Los Angeles Angels or the San Diego Padres.

Then there are the team names that glorify criminals who raped and pillaged. We are talking about the horrible Oakland Raiders, the Minnesota Vikings, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Pittsburgh Pirates!

Now, let us address those teams that clearly send the wrong message to our children. The San Diego Chargers promote irresponsible fighting or even spending habits. Wrong message to our children.

The New York Giants and the San Francisco Giants promote obesity, a growing childhood epidemic. Wrong message to our children. The Cincinnati Reds promote downers/barbiturates. Wrong message to our children.

The Milwaukee Brewers. Well that goes without saying. Wrong message to our children.
So, there you go. We need to support any legislation that comes out to rectify this travesty, because the government will likely become involved with this issue, as they should. Just the kind of thing the do-nothing Congress loves.

As a die-hard Oregon State fan, my wife and I, with all of this in mind, suggest it might also make some sense to change the name of the Oregon State women’s athletic teams to something other than “the Beavers” (especially when they play Southern California). Do we really want the Trojans sticking it to the Beavers?

I always love your articles and I generally agree with them. As for the Redskins name, I would suggest they change the name to the “Foreskins” to better represent their community, paying tribute to the dick heads in Washington DC.


George Floyd Death – Murder, Accident or Natural Causes

by Jack

The court of public opinion, famous for getting it wrong, has ruled the death of George Floyd a deliberate homicide by one police officer. That one officer, whether innocent or guilty now seems to represent the entire 700,000 police officers in America.  If I were him, I would at least ask for a raise, doesn’t seem like $62k a year is nearly enough for all that responsibility.  3 other officers were found guilty by association, not sure how they can be charged with a murder, so it must be guilt by association. 

Meanwhile, the media circus continues unabated;  Saint Floyd the Martyr has been laid to rest in his golden coffin, with full honors and accolades befitting the most notable champions of the civil rights cause, like Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Malcom X, Congressman William J. Jefferson and the great orator, Sir Rodney King.  

However, there is one little problem.  This case must actually go to trial to determine guilt using evidence.   Dangit!   This is where things get a bit sticky, because pesky facts can get in the way of what otherwise was a slam dunk case using public opinion and hearsay.

A trial court will hear from the Coroner about the actual cause of death.  This is going to be a big hurdle because Floyd’s years of drug and alcohol abuse left him with life threatening heart problems and the stress of resisting arrest could have lead to heart failure.  Yeah, that’s a tough one, but it gets worse for the prosecution.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, try this little experiment.  Have someone, preferably someone you trust, who weighs about 65% of your body weight, kneel on the right side of your neck as you lay on your left side.  Go very slowly, we don’t want you to break anything!  Allow the applying of more and more weight to your neck and when it starts to close off your airway, yell stop.   I suggest you continue talking too to see if this action impedes your voice.

What did you learn from this reenactment?

Well, if your anatomy is like most human beings you will note that your windpipe (trachea) is located in the [front] of your throat.  Putting a knee on the right side your neck doesn’t close off your airway (trachea).  That’s like trying to choke someone with only one hand and no fingers, its possible, but its nearly impossible.

Placing a knee across your thyroid cartilage (adams apple) might do it, but that’s not what happened here.  We are talking about a knee on the right side of neck only.

Now I ask you, (remember you are under oath now) is it [possible] to close off the trachea (wind pipe) by placing a knee on the right side of the neck?  The answer is a technical… yes.  But, now I ask you, is it [likely] to cause choking and death?  The answer must be, no.

Now given the condition of George Floyd’s heart and arteries, is it [possible] that he suffered a stress induced heart attack?  The answer must be yes.  Is it [likely] that he suffered a heart attack and that was the proximate cause of death?  Again, the answer must be, yes.   Is it [ highly likely] that he actually died from heart attack cause by his resisting to arrest?  The answer is an unequivocal, yes.  Now lets take a look at the toxiccology report, if it shows illegal drugs in his system, especially meth a medical would have to say drugs amplify underlying medical conditions and the combination of alcohol and drugs, plus bad heart, plus blocked arteries and resisting arrest are far more likely that anything else to be the cause of death.

Experts will tell you that when you choke someone to death, they usually die before you stop choking them.  It’s very rare that a victim of choking will be alive when the ambulance arrives and then die while being transported to hospital.  This is what happens with heart attack victims.

Given the above circumstances, a medical pathologist might even go so far as to say the odds of a heart attack causing death in Mr. Floyd’s case is at least a 100,000 times more likely than a suffocation death caused by a collapsed trachea due specifically to right side pressure on the neck from a knee.  The likelihood of that happening is, as you have all demonstrated, a near impossibility.  Lets be honest, to say that was the cause of death is by no means a certainty.

All the…. “he said she said” testimony is nice, but it pales in comparison to the autopsy report listing the true cause of death.  The whole case should hinge on this report, but juries are fickle and sometimes they are bias.  If they believe a bought and paid for medical doctor over the county pathologist, justice may not be served.

However, this medical report is the first big hurdle that the prosecution must clear, because if they can’t show “beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty” that the officer’s actions by placing a knee on Floyd’s neck was the one and only proximate cause of Floyd’s death, nothing that follows matters much.   There is a lot to follow too,  beyond the medical report that also favors the officers defense.  This case is far, far from a slam dunk.

If the trial ends without a conviction for the lead defendant what then?  Back to burning down the city?




Saint Floyd Buried in a Golden Casket

We’ve become a nation of fools….

Saint Floyd, an American hero….

Even presidents are not buried like this. …A golden coffin;
hundreds of thousands of mourners sobbing. … Thousands kneeling,
apologizing to the black population of the country…

The Mayor of Minneapolis clutching the coffin with the body of ‘THE MOST WORTHY OF THE WORTHY’ citizens of America. His sobs are interrupted by cries of “SOO…….OOOORY again continue on the rise.

Choking on saliva, the ex-wife of the murdered weeps, though, the last time she saw him was 6 years ago. ..That’s when he left her with her three-month-old daughter. He hadn’t sent alimony to his daughter over the years. However, the unhappy widow has been crying for a week that she was left without a breadwinner.

Therefore compassionate Americans collected oodles of money for her. She’s received almost $ 20,000,000 so far from the world and money continues to flow in.

The University of Massachusetts has established a George Floyd scholarship.

The great Floyd’s rap sheet listed drug trafficking and armed
robberies (last time, holding a pregnant woman by the throat and
putting a gun barrel to her belly while demanding money). Then he worked a deal with the investigators. Floyd handed over all his
accomplices so they reduced his sentence by several years.

Floyd’s autopsy revealed drugs in his blood. …This is the national
hero of America of the 21st century??

But there were followers. The Floyd love affair lives and grows.

Mass robberies and violence, as a sign of respect and grief for
George, swept the US and now grows into a world wide event.

Some of the most beautiful areas of our cities, including New York and Los Angeles plus many others have now been destroyed.

A 17-year-old girl was terribly raped, many police officers were
injured. Cars, squares, parks were burned.

US democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden and the leading democrats in the country fell to their knees for over 8 minutes in homage to America’s latest hero.

Finally, Floyd’s family was awarded with a folded American flag, a
the symbol meant to honor our heroes for their heroism and devotion to our
country. …I am at a loss to understand what is occurring in our country!!!

God Bless America