by Jack
Authors note: The statistics used to determine water quality at noted in Chico waterways were taken from the lab report as posted on Facebook. I took those numbers and divided them by the State of California’s published levels for safe water and determined the ratio.
If any relevant changes to this report are made known I will post an update.
Chico- After 3 months of water quality testing* in local creeks the findings are not looking good for the citizens of Chico, CA.
Possibly dangerous levels of fecal coliform bacteria and e coli have been discovered in the surface water at some of Chico’s most popular recreational areas, namely Sycamore Creek above and below the One Mile recreational area, Comanche Creek and Humboldt Park.
The varying ratios of water born coliforms coincidentally mirrors the density and proximity of homeless encampments filled with trash found near to the sites tested for water quality.
Chico citizens are warned that high levels of fecal coliform that comes in contact with open skin cuts or scratches, could lead to typhoid fever, hepatitis, dysentery, gastroenteritis and other infections. Possibly dangerous levels of E-coli, higher than California’s own water quality standards, were found in the area of One Mile, Chico’s most popular swimming area, according to lab analysis information provided to me.
Coliform is a group of bacteria including around 18 bacterial species, which indicates the sanitary quality of the drinking water. Escherichia coli, often abbreviated as E. coli, is a type of bacteria commonly found in the digestive systems of warm blooded animals. One specific strain can cause serious digestive system upset, however, leading to diarrhea and nausea, which can leave an infected person weak and dehydrated. It may also produce a toxin that damages the kidneys and weakens the small intestine walls in children. Part of the reason that this bacteria is so dangerous is because there is no effective cure for an infection.
How did this pollution suddenly happen in such a wide spread area? The evidence points to the City of Chico’s own City Council.
On April 7th, 2020, in a closed door session, the liberal majority on the Chico City Council, approved the Brown New Deal. This action rescinded the City Code for preventing camping within the city limits.
The City now allows camping in certain designated areas of city parks, including Bidwell Park. (This has led to illegal camping in Bidwell Park and excessive camps in designated areas) The new legislation allowed homeless camps to be as close as 50 feet from water ways although state law said no closer than 500 feet! The poorly written legislation was passed quickly, under the pretext of emergency sheltering-in-place for homeless during the Covid’s pandemic.
In hindsight there has been no evidence to support any sheltering in place has happened. Quite the contrary, the occupants are highly mobile and the camps function like a place to party. I’ve personally observed how some will party by day and pillage by night. The city endorsed encampments have simply become a place for addicts, drug abuse, bums and crime.
The total camp numbers ebb and flow as they are occupied randomly by derelicts, addicts, alcoholics, parolees, drifters, etc. They can congregate, use drugs, drink booze and socialize without any concern for the police or the pandemic rules, like social distancing or wearing face masks.
Suddenly Chico has a serious drug problem, including heroin and methamphetamine. Trash, used drug needles tossed carelessly away, bits of drug paraphernalia, abundant bicycle parts, stolen shopping carts filled with trash, these are common scenes in the bum camps and yes, some of it winds up in the creeks where kids swim and families picnic.
Chico police have been impacted too with orders to leave the bums alone. Yet they must deal with numerous complaints of vandalism, disturbances of the peace, fighting, shootings and theft reports, all associated with the occupants of these new camps.
Neighbors to the camp areas report thefts from their vehicles, mailboxes, also graffiti, noise pollution and trash. They generally feel threatened and insecure by the new park residents living and polluting in the once pristine parks.
The outbreak of crime, in particular thefts by addicts to support their deadly habit, has become known as the Homeless Tax. This would be that hidden cost from crime being imposed on the citizens of Chico thanks to an errant city council that seems to be more concerned about bums and junkies than the health of their own citizens. The people they think they are helping are not from Chico, but they come here because they know they can take advantage of the bleeding heart liberals. They feed them, give them money and allow them to do their drugs and other crime thinking they are helping them get back on their feet…what a crock.
In response to the latest public health risk, a lawsuit has been filed by Attorney Rob Berry, against the City Council and the City of Chico to rescind the Brown New Deal, passed by council members, Ms. Alex Brown, Mr. Scott Huber, Mr. Karl Ory, Mr. Randal Stone and Mrs. Ann Schwab.
*Water Quality Testing done by FGL Analytical of Chico.