by Jack

It’s been widely circulated among the snowflakes (code word for young, college students with no life experience) and other fragile and ridiculous people, that the word picnic is racist.  They point to the history revisionists, sometimes found in the Black Lives Matter movement, that are eager to tell us the word picnic is another code word for… “pick-a-ni- – – r.”

You may wonder, how do those 3 words that are obviously racist, relate to what we commonly call a picnic?  Yet that is what is being pushed on the internet, especially by the race baiters.  I think someone is trying way too hard make something racist that really isn’t.

Of course all the people who love to be politically correct buy right into this explanation with no investigation whatsoever, because it fits with their narrative of a racist America.

Now you can search the internet looking for the origins of the word “picnic” and you are bound to come across this highly fictionalized explanation.  It goes like this,  white people liked to have social gatherings outside their big mansions, with lots of delicious foods and drinks for their guests.  As they sat around drinking of course they needed some amusement.  This is the time the men folk would grab a couple of black men from a special holding cage.  These hapless slaves would be told to make a run for it or die!

For those that got away, well, they would be free.  But, allegedly nobody ever made it.  As the black slaves fled in terror, the evil white men would unleashed the hounds, mount up their horses and run them down like a fox hunt.   The black men were soon captured, brought back to the social gathering where they were tortured and hung for the amusement of the white Southern gentry!

Imagine all those refined women and children, the country gentlemen – all laughing, drinking, yelling as they hanged black slaves, perhaps as their little white kids looked on with delight!   This sick depiction of Southern life is one of the most outrageous lies I’ve ever heard,  And because of this lie we’re supposed to stop using the word picnic.

Aside from there being absolutely no evidence that such a crime ever took place, there is abundant evidence that use of the word picnic was from the French words picque-nique in the 1700’s  Its meaning was similar to today’s meaning: a social gathering where each attendee brings a share of the food. The French piquer may have referred to a leisurely style of eating (“pick at your food”) or it may, simply, have meant, “pick” (pic).   Further, SNOPES reported that internet claim that the word ‘picnic’ originated with crowds gathering to witness lynching’s was FALSE.


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Dangerous Police Cuts from New York To Los Angeles

by Jack

LAPD, once considered the nation’s finest law enforcement, with over 10,000 sworn personnel, is facing a $150 million dollar budget cut this year.   This is yet another knee jerk reaction to the fake BLM narrative about systemic racism and police brutality.  LAPD is not perfect, but name an institution of it’s size and job description that is?

In addition, a $25 million dollar cut will defund L.A.’s school police, leaving the gang riddled high schools to be protected by unarmed yard supervisors and cross walk guards.  That ought to work, right?

LA’s cuts might be an extreme example, but similar type cuts to police are being made across the USA.  In some cases it is happening in the most crime riddled cities where good policing is needed the most.  The decisions to defund police are coming from liberal democrat politicians, like Alexandra Ocasio Cortez who wants New York to make more cuts to police than already proposed.   Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared Tuesday that “defunding police means defunding police” and that proposed budget cuts to the New York City Police Department aren’t enough to combat inequality. Many of her liberal colleagues have long favored going soft on crime as a way to address surging black on black crime statistics.

Some cities are suggesting that it’s time for police officers to take out liability insurance as qualified immunity is repealed.   This is insanity on a grand scale… thanks to democrats. But, this time their failure won’t result just corrupt practices, it is going to be felt in in a wave of crime and lost lives.   This is reckless endangerment and if anybody ought to carry liability insurance, it should be the democrat politicians who propose defunding police.

I’ll go out on a limb now, but I would say it won’t take more than a few months for the City of Los Angeles to figure out they made a terrible mistake cutting their police force.

Are you wishing you had bought an AR-15 before the communists in CA made them all illegal?  Or does that wry smile on your face indicate you were ahead of the curve?



Domestic Marxist Terrorists Work for Black Lives Matter

Posted By Pie Guevara

Pie Guevara appears in Posts Scripts through the gracious courtesy of Jack Lee and Tina Grazier and is an unregistered trademark of Engulf and Devour Investments LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Walton Industries which, in turn, is wholly owned by David Walton.  So there!

Domestic terrorists are working for Black Lives Matter. If you want to know what BLM is really all about, all you need to do is open your eyes.

“In Provo, Utah, a group of armed Black Lives Matter terrorists surrounded a vehicle at an intersection.  The driver would not exit the vehicle to be beaten by the mob.  One of the BLM activists pulled a gun and demanded the driver come out, when the driver refused the terrorist opened fire shooting the driver.”  See article and video here — BLM Shooting Provo Utah

Convicted terrorist  Susan Rosenberg raising money for BLM —





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How Long Will Our Democracy Last?

by | Jul 4, 2017

How long will our Democracy Last? Although the United States is not a true democracy where simple majority rules, we are a republic with a strong lean towards democracy.

From a historical perspective the average lifespan of a democracy is about 200 years.
Some say between 200 and 250.

Since the Declaration of Independence 1776, the United States is getting “old”…
241 years this July 4th, 2017.

After doing some internet research on “the life-cycle of a democracy”, many of the results return a common timeline as follows:

1. From bondage to spiritual faith
2. From spiritual faith to great courage
3. From courage to liberty
4. From liberty to abundance
5. From abundance to complacency
6. From complacency to apathy
7. From apathy to dependence
8. From dependence back into bondage

The question is, where do you think we are on this timeline?  Looks to me like we’re somewhere between 7 and 8.

Where do you think we’re headed?  Since today is July 4th, rather than simply dishing out a patriotic message I thought that I would consider the state of our nation compared with the historical life cycle of a democracy.

Current events are unfolding that indicate state and local governments are running out of “other people’s money”, and we all know that the federal government is in debt up to its eyeballs… coupled with our evident extreme political differences…

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”

“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”


National Anthem History

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South Dakota Governor’s Address at Mount Rushmore

Posted By Pie Guevara

Pie Guevara appears in Posts Scripts through the gracious courtesy of Jack Lee and Tina Grazier and is an unregistered trademark of Engulf and Devour Investments LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Walton Industries which, in turn, is wholly owned by David Walton.  So there!

Required viewing: South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem at Mount Rushmore, 7/3/2020.

Excerpt from a statement by Governor Noem, —

I want to make one thing clear: the men honored on Mount Rushmore weren’t perfect; nobody is. They all had flaws. But they all had tremendous virtues as well, and they did incredible things for our country. Today, America is the greatest nation in the history of the world, and that is in no small part thanks to each president memorialized on Mount Rushmore. We can learn from their successes, and we can also learn from their mistakes. And in doing so, we must continue to fight for the American ideal that each of them spent their lives striving for: “All men are created equal.”


Posted in Culture, Politics and Government | 4 Comments

Facts About Covids-19


Chicago – 14 Killed 63 Wounded Over Weekend

by Jack

The following should be a statistical improbability, but it is a statistic that is often repeated in cities like Chicago, Detroit, Flint, Baltimore, Oakland, Compton-Watts, New York,  etc.  Of the 77 people shot over the weekend in Chicago, all were black or African-American, none of the known shooters were white and none were shot by police.

What can we deduce from this relatively common occurrence? (a)  There is systemic racism among police.  (b) Black lives don’t matter. (c) It’s time to defund the police.  (d) More social service workers are needed. (e) Cities run by democrats are the worst for violence and corruption.

If you answered anything but b and e, you would be wrong.

Meanwhile in New York, the black on black homicide rate for June is up 200%, that would be a 3 fold increase.   Overall, the city’s homicide rate has reached a five-year high with the number of shootings increasing 42 percent from a year ago, city police Commissioner Dermot Shea said Thursday.

Shea blamed a combination of a justice system which has been suppressed in producing criminal indictments; a deteriorated social safety net, which he claims is sending released prisoners into homelessness; bail reform laws that eliminate bail for most misdemeanor and “nonviolent” felonies; and case deferments, WNBC in New York reported.

“We cannot keep people safe without keeping bad, dangerous, people off the streets,” he said. “You have a criminal justice system that’s imploding. That’s the kindest way to put it.”  California voters were duped into similar so-call criminal justice reforms that released many habitual offenders back into society and this has had similar results.

Now, lets take a quick look at how democrat control has worked for San Francisco:   S. F. crime statistics report an overall upward trend in crime based on data from 17 years with violent crime increasing and property crime increasing. Based on this trend, the crime rate in San Francisco for 2020 is expected to be higher than in 2016.

The city violent crime rate for San Francisco in 2016 was higher than the national violent crime rate average by 78.95% and the city property crime rate in San Francisco was higher than the national property crime rate average by 122.03%.

In 2016 the city violent crime rate in San Francisco was higher than the violent crime rate in California by 59.55% and the city property crime rate in San Francisco was higher than the property crime rate in California by 113.13%.

The chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime in Compton is 1 in 26. Based on FBI crime data. Relative to California, Compton has a crime rate that is higher than 89% of the state’s cities and towns of all sizes.  Yes, of course Compton, like Chicago, is run by democrats, haven’t you been paying attention?




Oxford Fights Back – Allegedly

Subject: Rhodes Scholars, the letter was unsigned and we have no way of verifying its authenticity.  However, we do know there is controversy over the Rhodes statue and Oxford has at times issued declarations that it will not remove the statue.  This letter is submitted for your consideration, because some of the points made are relevant to situations in the USA.


This letter is a response from Oxford to Black Students attending as Rhodes Scholars, who want to remove the statue of Oxford Benefactor, Cecil Rhodes.

Interestingly, Chris Patten (Lord Patten of Barnes), The Chancellor of Oxford University, was on the Today Programme on BBC Radio 4 on precisely the same topic. The Daily Telegraph headline was “Oxford will not rewrite history”.

Patten commented “Education is not indoctrination. Our history is not a blank page on which we can write our own version of what it should have been according to our contemporary views and prejudice” Rhodes
must fall????

“Dear Scrotty Students,

Cecil Rhodes’s generous bequest has contributed greatly to the comfort and well-being of many generations of Oxford students – a good many of them, dare we say it, better, brighter and more deserving than you.

This does not necessarily mean we approve of everything Rhodes did in his lifetime – but then we don’t have to. Cecil Rhodes died over a century ago. Autres temps, autres moeurs. If you don’t understand what this means – and it would not remotely surprise us if that were the case – then we really think you should ask yourself the question: ”Why am I at Oxford?”

Oxford, let us remind you, is the world’s second oldest extant university. Scholars have been studying here since at least the 11th century. We’ve played a major part in the invention of Western civilization, from the 12th century intellectual renaissance through the Enlightenment and beyond. Our alumni include William of Ockham, Roger Bacon, William Tyndale, John Donne, Sir Walter Raleigh, Erasmus, Sir Christopher Wren, William Penn, Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA), Samuel Johnson, Robert Hooke, William Morris, Oscar Wilde, Emily Davison, Cardinal Newman, Julie Cocks. We’re a big deal. And most of the people privileged to come and study here are conscious of what a big deal we are. Oxford is their alma mater – their dear mother – and they respect and revere her accordingly.

And what were your ancestors doing in that period? Living in mud huts, mainly. Sure, we’ll concede you the short lived Southern African civilization of Great Zimbabwe. But let’s be brutally honest here. The contribution of the Bantu tribes to modern civilization has been as near as damn it to zilch.

You’ll probably say that’s “racist”. But it’s what we here at Oxford prefer to call “true.” Perhaps the rules are different at other universities. In fact, we know things are different at other universities. We’ve watched with horror at what has been happening across the pond from the University of Missouri to the University of Virginia and even to revered institutions like Harvard and Yale: the “safe spaces”; the” black lives matter; the creeping cultural relativism; the stifling political correctness; what Allan Bloomrightly called “the closing of the American mind”. At Oxford however we will always prefer facts and free, open debate to petty grievance-mongering, identity politics and empty sloganeering. The day we cease to do so is the day we lose the right to call ourselves the
world’s greatest university.

Of course, you are perfectly within your rights to squander your time at Oxford on silly, vexatious, single-issue political campaigns. (Though it does make us wonder how stringent the vetting procedure is these days for Rhodes scholarships and even more so, for Mandela Rhodes scholarships) We are well used to seeing undergraduates – or, in your case postgraduates, making idiots of themselves. Just don’t expect us to indulge your idiocy, let alone genuflect before it. You may be black – “BME” as the grisly modern terminology has it – but we are color blind. We have been educating gifted undergraduates from our former colonies, our Empire, our Commonwealth and beyond for many generations. We do not discriminate over sex, race, color or creed. We do, however, discriminate according to intellect.

That means, inter alia, that when our undergrads or postgrads come up with fatuous ideas, we don’t pat them on the back, give them a red rosette and say: “Ooh, you’re black and you come from South Africa. What a clever chap you are!”  No. We prefer to see the quality of those ideas tested in the crucible of public debate. That’s another key part of the Oxford intellectual tradition you see: you can argue any damn thing you like but you need to be able to justify it with facts and logic – otherwise your idea is worthless.

This ludicrous notion you have that a bronze statue of Cecil Rhodes should be removed from Oriel College, because it’s symbolic of “institutional racism” and “white slavery”. Well even if it is – which we dispute – so bloody what? Any undergraduate so feeble-minded that they can’t pass a bronze statue without having their “safe space” violated really does not deserve to be here. And besides, if we were to remove Rhodes’s statue on the premise that his life wasn’t blemish-free, where would we stop? As one of our alumni Dan Hannan has pointed out, Oriel’s other benefactors include two kings so awful -Edward II and Charles I – that their subjects had them killed. The college opposite – Christ Church – was built by a murderous, thieving bully who bumped off two of his wives. Thomas Jefferson kept slaves: does that invalidate the US Constitution? Winston Churchill had unenlightened views about Muslims and India: was he then the wrong manto lead Britain in the war?”

Actually, we’ll go further than that. Your Rhodes Must Fall campaign is not merely fatuous but ugly, vandalistic and dangerous. We agree with Oxford historian RW Johnson that what you are trying to do here is no different from what ISIS and the Al-Qaeda have been doing to artifacts in places like Mali and Syria. You are murdering history.

And who are you, anyway, to be lecturing Oxford University on how it should order its affairs? Your “rhodesmustfall” campaign, we understand, originates in South Africa and was initiated by a black activist who told one of his lecturers “whites have to be killed”. One of you – Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh – is the privileged son of a rich politician and a member of a party whose slogan is “Kill the Boer; Kill the Farmer”; another of you, Ntokozo Qwabe, who is only in Oxford as a beneficiary of a Rhodes scholarship, has boasted about the need for “socially conscious black students” to “dominate white universities, and do so ruthlessly and decisively!

Great. That’s just what Oxford University needs. Some cultural enrichment from the land of Winnie Mandela, burning tire necklaces, an AIDS epidemic almost entirely the result of government indifference and ignorance, one of the world’s highest per capita murder rates, institutionalized corruption, tribal politics, anti-white racism and a collapsing economy. Please name which of the above items you think will enhance the lives of the 22,000 students studying here at Oxford.

And then please explain what it is that makes your attention grabbing campaign to remove a listed statue from an Oxford college more urgent, more deserving than the desire of probably at least 20,000 of those 22,000 students to enjoy their time here unencumbered by the irritation of spoilt, ungrateful little tossers on scholarships they clearly don’t merit using racial politics and cheap guilt-tripping to ruin the life and fabric of our beloved university.

Understand us and understand this clearly: you have everything to
learn from us; we have nothing to learn from you.


Lady Tell’s It Like It Is!



From Good