BLM Protesters Struck by High Speed Vehicle that Skirted Roadblock! One Dead.

by Jack

CNN - A 24-year-old activist Summer Taylor, (see below right) was struck by a vehicle during a protest in Seattle early Saturday morning has died, a spokesperson for UW Medicine reported.  Another protester, 32-year-old Diaz Love, (see below left) was also struck by the car and is in serious condition in intensive care at Harborview Medical Center, the hospital said.

The alleged driver, Dawit Kelete, drove around a series of “support vehicles” that protesters were using to block I-5 and protect themselves, and onto the shoulder of the freeway, where protesters were standing.

“A vehicle drove through the closure and struck multiple pedestrians on the freeway,” Trooper Rick Johnson said in a tweet.

WSP spokesperson said, “My hope is the result of this tragedy, the protesters will reconsider their desire to be on the interstate because I cannot guarantee their safety, plain and simple.”

Watch as this idiot drives at high speed around several trailing vehicles used by Black Lives Matter protestors to block traffic.

As you can heard from the video the witness claiming the driver tried to escape and he was pursued by someone in a pickup truck.

It’s hard to believe, but Seattle police gave BLM protestors permission to block the freeway.   They said it was better to give them permission march on the freeway because they couldn’t block them anyway.  They said they used roadblocks to separate them from the cars at freeway speeds.   The cops are now re-thinking protest rules after a car driven by 27 year old Dawit Kelete (shown left) ran down two white female BLM protestors.

Update:  It was just learned that Kelete apparently drove the wrong way on a freeway access ramp to gain entry to the freeway.

Update:  The latest decision from Seattle police is to deny protesters the right to march on freeways, citing that it was too dangerous.  Duh.





Happy 4th of July


Lift Every Voice and Sing

posted by Jack

I’ve got something important to share with you, because a lot of folks don’t know about this poem (below) that became the lyrics for a famous song.  Famous at least within the black community and until recently it has remained within the black community.  But, the black minority in this country would like to have it played at all sporting events as the Black National Anthem.  And that would be okay with me, except in order to have your own National Anthem you must first have your own nation, otherwise it’s just a song.  It may be a very meaningful song, it may be an extremely spiritual song of great importance, but in America, the land of the great melting pot, there can be only one national anthem and this isn’t it.

However, if the people of the United States feel it’s time for a new national anthem, then we have a process for that and it doesn’t start with force or coercion.

This song could become our new national anthem if enough of us agree.  It’s not a bad song at all, in fact the song is very inclusive.  It opens with “Lift every voice and sing…” I like that.  Every voice, not just life every black voice, but lift every voice!   This is what America is about, “every voice, every life,” because all lives matter – yes, we all matter.  And the Bill of Rights that goes with our Constitution says so!

So, I wonder if I like this poem/song, is that cultural appropriation?   Will I be chastised as being politically incorrect once again?  I hope so, because I am ready to defend my position and this song.  It’s a great song because it says something profound that we should all be able to agree on.   Would I want to adopt it as our national anthem…ummm, probably not, but that shouldn’t take away from it’s greatness.  The closing 4 lines are,

“Shadowed beneath Thy hand,
May we forever stand,
True to our God,
True to our native land.”

The author is talking about God’s hand, and being true to God and being true to their native land.  Now by definition that would be the United States of America.  The country that offered them inalienable rights and freedom.  And it was first sung as a song to commemorate the birthday of Abraham Lincoln.

Show me what country, Shadowed beneath Thy hand,
May we forever stand,
True to our God,
True to our native land.

Our native land?  That would be the USA , where else they should call their native land? Don’t say Africa, that’s a continent, filled with many countries, mostly corrupt and despotic.  And none of them offer the security, freedom and opportunity that black people have in America.  And when the poem/song refers to God, that would be our Christian God.  The same one that ordained our “God given inalienable rights.”  This was the God Americans knew in the 1900’s when this poem/song was written.

And now the poem that is known as the Black National Anthem and I get it and they are welcome to call it that, but in truth its not and nobody should try to force it on America.
Now here it is:

Lift Every Voice and Sing


Lift ev’ry voice and sing,
‘Til earth and heaven ring,
Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise
High as the list’ning skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
Let us march on ’til victory is won.

Stony the road we trod,
Bitter the chastening rod,
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
Yet with a steady beat,
Have not our weary feet
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered,
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,
Out from the gloomy past,
‘Til now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
Thou who has brought us thus far on the way;
Thou who has by Thy might
Led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,
Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee;
Shadowed beneath Thy hand,
May we forever stand,
True to our God,
True to our native land.

James Weldon Johnson

James Weldon Johnson– (June 17, 1871 - June 26, 1938) was an American author, educator, lawyer, diplomat, songwriter, and civil rights activist.  Only in America could a black man in that day have risen to such great heights.



Posted in Culture, Education | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Life In Chico and Other Places Infected by Bums

by Jack

Today my son (a cop) saved a homeless Hispanic man from a heroin overdose and a few hours later he arrested an illegal alien.  That guy was addicted to smoking meth.  The latter is from Nicaragua and was arrested in the commission of  commercial burglary (second time in two months).  In both cases addiction was the motivation for their bizarre behaviors.  Drug abuse has both of them severally disabled and forced to steal to support their habit…so much for drugs being a victimless crime.  It is not!  Only forced incarceration will stop these addicts…. or a bullet.

For these losers at life, there is almost a 99.9% chance neither will ever recover.  They will be addicted until death.  They will never hold an honest job or in any way contribute to society.  These are today’s homeless and they will be lifelong burdens, costing taxpayers and their victims millions before they final chapter is over in their worthless lives.

There are now tens of thousands of criminals living as homeless people on the street, in cities all over the west coast.  They are addicted to meth, crack or heroin.  They exist from one fix to the next, thanks to the charity of others and then these bums turn around and steal from them or worse.

In Chico heroin was never a problem – but it today.  A lot of things were never a problem until today, but thanks to liberals it’s not the nice little place we grew up calling home. The liberals have made sure of that.  California’s one party politics has caused a massive go-soft on crime.  It has left the citizens of CA at the mercy of the predators.  CA reduced the penalties, cut incarcerations and simultaneously decriminalized low level drugs offenses and now we have a huge mess. 

The democrat socialist club of Chico and liberals on the City Council make it too easy for the addicted bums to live on the city streets during the day and pillage at night.  Where do the liberals think thee bums get the money to feed their habit?  They sure don’t work for it!

So, our bums are given free tents, free clothing, free drug cookers, free rubber tie offs, free needles and in some cases, they are given free hotel rooms with free booze provided!  That would be Operation Room Key.   CA has rented over 16,000 hotel rooms for the bums, but they have about a 20% walk away rate even with the catered meals.

The bums get free food at any number of nice places around Chico, including meals that the do-gooders bring to them, so they don’t have to eat at the Mission!  Oh, it’s a great life!  The bums take full advantage of medical services at the ER at great expense to you and me.  Drugs are a serious social problem and sometimes their drug addictions leads to  violence, such as homicides.  Then we pay once again to keep them locked up, sometimes for life.

A spike in thefts, stabbings, robberies, burglaries, car clouts, bike thefts and muggings can be direct traced right back to the so-called homeless.  Time after time when these bums are contacted and offered free shelter, they turn it down, saying they don’t want the rules that go with it.  They prefer to camp in a city park and bathe in the creek.

They can’t come and go as they please at the rescue mission or the Torres shelter, but when they are sleeping in Civic Center Park, well, there’s nothing to stop them from their criminal activities.  They prefer to live this way, because they are addicts!  Their life is kept far from hitting rock bottom because of enablers in this town with their freebee.  These foolish enablers and codependents, they have done this to us.  The liberals and  socialists are doing their worst to ruin this country (see video on this page).

The useful- fools in Chico firmly believe that all these homeless people need is a tiny house and they want you and me to pay for it.  I would like to shove that tiny house right up their…. it’s BS!  I’m beyond disgusted.



Watch This and Tell Me if it Sounds Familiar

posted by Jack


China Lied People Died: The Truth About The World's Deadliest "Virus"

What is the deadliest thing mankind has ever encountered in history? Disease, famine, nuclear weapons? Not even close. By sheer body count, it’s an idea. One that thrives on absolute power and control, and will stop at nothing to achieve complete domination.This is the story of the deadliest virus in the world, COMMUNISM. You can’t kill an idea, but ideas can kill you. We must fight this virus to survive.#Truth #Coronavirus #China #CommunismKills

Posted by Turning Point USA on Saturday, June 27, 2020


The Great Awakening

by Jack

Did you hear about the arrest of the guy who orchestrated the attack on the statue of Andrew Jackson in Washington DC?   He is a prime example of today’s violent anti-American protestor.  He had ties right back to the ANTIFA lunatics.  He was self radicalized and he is one of many thousands that represent a clear danger to America, the Constitution and even to your family.

People like him exist for one reason only and I want you to think about it.   Who gave them permission to do what they do?  Who gave them the authority to trample on the law and the God given rights of good citizens?   In a way, we did.  We did because we took no action to stop them.  We let the vocal minority take over city after city.  We let them spew their poison because they dangerous, highly organized and intimidating.

The leftist’ answer was to seek appeasement, defund the police and all well be better.  That was a lie and it will not get better.  History tells us that dictators will always rise up when there is an opening, an absence of moral resistance, when there is divided leadership or when there is fear among the people to stand up for what is right.

I ask you, what would today look like if the huge angry mob had come out in Minneapolis to defend stores against the thugs, arsonists and looters?   Those rioters had no moral or legal authority to run wild, so why oh why did we let them?   Our inaction only made matters worse.

What would today look like if the huge angry mob came out to defend  the historic statues that were being torn down by the evil mob determined to erase history.   History is not evil, history is not racist, it is just history and we learn from it.  There is a greater danger when we fail to learn from history; When we cave to the demands of those that would rewrite our history to something of their liking.

What would today look like if the huge angry mob came out in Seattle and said no, you will not take over this police station and you will not foment insurrection!  But, there was a void in leadership and lives were lost.  The damage was enormous and the scars of division run deep.  Once again those that did this evil… escaped justice.

What would today look like if the huge angry mob came out and said NO to the haters and race baiters trying to convince America that all the men and women in law enforcement are systemic racists, that white people or capitalism [is] the problem and that we must all bow down before the alter of political correctness?

What would today look like if the huge angry mob came out and said no we are not going to play the so-called black national anthem before sporting events.  We are not going to sit by while athletes take a knee during America’s National Anthem.   We will not be told to shut up. Yes, its okay to say “all lives matters!” They do.

What would today look like if the huge angry mob came out and said no we’re not going to change the name of Rhode Island the Providence Plantation.  We’re not going to boycott Aunt Jemima pancake mix or Uncle Ben’s rice.  These are not racists things.  And we’re not going to stop using Ladies and Gentlemen for something gender neutral…  90% of America says get over yourself.

What would today look like if the huge angry mob came out every time the other mob to attack lawful MAGA supporters, burn the American flag and destroy public property?

Well, stick around folks, because the push back is coming.  The huge, angry mob is preparing.  They are in every city facing the threat of identity politics and the turmoil it creates.   This is a righteous anger and its welling up against evil people and their foolish, misguided followers.  This is the beginning of change and the restoration of justice.  This is the feeling coming from the overwhelming majority of Americans.

When the citizen-patriots come out in force and the thugs suffer their first loss, the next time the rout will get even easier.  Eventually, when they have been spanked into submission, then and only then will the radicals learn who truly runs this country and it’s not them!

This will be the great awakening and I can’t wait.


Nothing less than the integrity of science is at stake.

By Pie Guevara

Pie Guevara appears in Posts Scripts through the gracious courtesy of Jack Lee and Tina Grazier and is an unregistered trademark of Engulf and Devour Investments LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Walton Industries which, in turn, is wholly owned by David Walton.  So there!

Climate alarmism versus integrity at National Academies of Science


Citizens for a Safe Chico

By Pie Guevara

Pie Guevara appears in Posts Scripts through the gracious courtesy of Jack Lee and Tina Grazier and is an unregistered trademark of Engulf and Devour Investments LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Walton Industries which, in turn, is wholly owned by David Walton.  So there!

Regarding Jack’s recent post Civic Center Park Turns into Garbage Dump, have you had enough yet?

If so go to Citizens for a Safe Chico and contribute. Listen to the radio ad. Watch the videos. Read the articles. If you have an account on Facebook you can visit them there too. The same videos that are on the main internet site also appear on their YouTube site.

We must stop these wrong headed, extreme left-wing political elitists from destroying our town and parks with their deranged policies that have increased crime dramatically, turned our waterways into open sewers and garbage dumps, are destroying the human and natural environment and completely disregard the health and safety of our citizens and our children. To this end Randall Stone and the rest of the lunatic liberal mob on the Chico City Council must be dethroned. Otherwise this terrible and intolerable situation will only get worse.


Posted in Culture, Environment, Health and Medicine, Police, Crime, Security | 2 Comments

On the Bright Side

by Jack


Even though bees had a ‘very good year,’ with the second smallest winter hive loss in 14 years, according to an annual survey released in March, agriculture experts continue to look for alternative pollination techniques.  Eijiro Miyako, an associate professor at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology has successfully used soapy bubbles to pollinate a pear orchard by delivering pollen grains to targeted flowers in the most delicate way, utilizing a tiny drone.


Black Lives Matter protestor is being hailed as a hero after he came to the rescue of a counter-protestor who was injured at an anti-racism rally in London.

Patrick Hutchinson’s face has been featured on news outlets around the world since he was photographed carrying the far-right demonstrator to safety during the protest near Waterloo Bridge this weekend. 

Hutchinson says that it had been the first anti-racism gathering that he had attended since the movement gained worldwide traction following the death of George Floyd. Although the event was meant to be a peaceful protest for police reform, fights broke out in London after counter-protestors gathered in opposition to the rally.

“It was pretty hectic,” Hutchinson told Bloomberg QuickTake in the interview below. “It was almost like a stampede. It was lots of people.”

After Hutchinson and his friends joined the rally, he witnessed the white demonstrator fall to the ground following a violent altercation between the protestors and counter-protestors. Since the man was surrounded by people, he was unable to get up from a fetal position.

“His life was under threat,” Hutchinson recalled. “I sort of just thought, ‘well, if he stays here, he’s not gonna make it.'”

As Hutchinson’s friends formed a protective ring around the injured man, Hutchinson hoisted him onto his shoulders and carried him away from the crowd.  Hutchinson then passed the injured man off to nearby police officers who thanked him for his courageous actions.

“I want to see equality for everybody. I am a father, a grandfather and I would love to see my young children, my young grandchildren, my nieces, my nephews have a better world than I have lived in,” Hutchinson told CNN. “The world I live in has been better than my grandparents and my parents and hopefully we can continue until we have total equality for everyone.”


19-year-old Jose Nuñez Romaniz was helping his grandfather buy a pair of socks online when he noticed his account balance was low. So he drove to the nearest Wells Fargo to his home in Albuquerque to make a deposit. Little did he know, he was about to make an incredible discovery.

When he arrived to make his deposit, Jose noticed a clear plastic bag on the ground filled with cash. It turned out to be $135,000 worth of $50 and $20 bills.

“When I first saw it, I kind of stared at it for a few seconds, not knowing what to do,” Jose told the New York Times. “I was very shocked. I’ve never seen so much money.”

Crazy thoughts raced through his head. Was someone going to kidnap him? Was this some kind of practical joke? After taking a moment to collect himself, Jose did what he knew was the right thing: he called the police. They soon discovered that the money had accidentally been left behind by a worker tasked with refilling the ATM.

Albuquerque Police Dept.

“This money could have made an incredible amount of difference in his life if he went down the other path, but he chose the integrity path and did the right thing,” Office Simon Drobik, a spokesman for the Albuquerque police told CNN.

Officer Drobik later told The Times: “I’ve seen a lot of stuff in 21 years, but this was unique and refreshing for the department and city.”

Albuquerque Police Dept.

Jose’s childhood dream has been to work in law enforcement himself, as a crime scene investigator and currently studies criminal justice at Central New Mexico Community College. On Tuesday, he received an unexpected call from Officer Drobik, asking him what it was like to be considered a “hero” in his community—and even though Jose said he didn’t feel like a hero, the mayor and police chief held a ceremony to honor him, anyway.

Mayor Tim Keller praised the young man’s honesty in returning every penny of the money, saying, “Man, we all know that temptation. Even just to take a little, just one of those bundles off the top. I mean that had to be really hard.” 

Local businesses have showered Jose with rewards. He has received gift cards from local restaurants, sports gear, and season tickets for University of New Mexico football courtesy of ESPN radio. He was also given a $500 scholarship from an electric company.

And, perhaps best of all, the police chief invited Jose to apply for a job as a public service aid for the department.

It was also the best gift for Mother’s Day. “She called me and almost started crying… She told me I did the right thing and that she was proud of me.”




Civic Center Park Turns into Garbage Dump

by Jack

24 Jun Chico – Young adults and teens were congregating in Chico’s Civic Center Park, mostly around the amphi-dome.  No it was not for a concert, these were homeless people.  Like birds coming to roost, they start filling the park as the sun goes down.  The park would be where they will sleep for the night.   It’s a routine for that is repeated every evening about 9 pm.   For many of them it’s a regular meeting place where they’ve stayed for months.   Their numbers seems to be growing too.   I have mention that some of these people will go out stealing, especially if they have a drug habit.  That’s been a big problem for Chico.

As I walked around the park this evening, I noticed two older guy (classic looking bums) standing about 20 feet apart from each other, facing some invisible person.  Both were chatting away with this invisible person.  I wondered, if I moved one of them in front of the other, would these two schizophrenics then have an endless conversation with each other?  I no, not funny.  It was just a thought.

She comes running by me.  She’s a chubby girl with a half shaved head and Dred locks. She repeatedly bangs what look like a block of dried crusty bread on the corner of the curb.  She is barefoot, wears fish nets and a mini skirt 3 sizes too small.   I’m told this is the fashion with street kids.

On the other side of the park I can see a few young travelers already in sleeping bags.  Character after character are represented in this later night gathering spot.   And what a menagerie it is.

And then there is the trash and plenty of it!  We once has a really clean park, but those days are long gone.  Some corners of the park are worse than others, but one spot in particular is really bad.  It must have taken a lot of effort to trash up, yes, it is that bad!  The garbage consists of paper bags, candy wrappers, newspapers and whathaveyou.  They are all spread out across 20 feet of sidewalk… its disgusting.  I walk around the mess, fearing the possible diseases that might lurk therein.   A stolen Raley’s shopping cart marks the spot of this trash dump.

I am appalled by what I see and I wonder why the cops can’t move in and start rousting these dropouts.  You and can’t littler!  You and I can’t camp in downtown.  You and I can’t sell drugs there.  But, the police are told by our council to leave the homeless (by choice) alone.   There is a broad mix of humanity here, older bums, new bums, a few crazies, young travelers and no doubt some drug addicts.

This park was built for the citizens of Chico, but the regular folks don’t come here anymore.  They stay away because of filth and kooks.  This park cost us plenty and it was not built for itinerants to set up a camping site.  It was not for the bums to dump their trash wherever they want, just because they can’t be bothered to carry it to a nearby garbage can.

Their food source is obviously abundant, so are ice chests filled with cold drinks.  Nobody has do without, thanks to the local libs (codependents) that feed these people.

I’m told by police that heroine, coke and meth are common in the park, so is prostitution.   My friend who is walking with me, jokingly asks, “Would it be illegal if we moved all this trash over to city hall?”  I’m thinking, city hall already has plenty trash… in the form of four council people that have greatly contributed to this mess.