The Boogieman in the Shadows

by Jack

It’s about time for the adults to step forward and take charge.   We’ve got too many highly emotional people running their mouth about perceived racism lurking in the shadows like the boogieman.

“Oakland -  For your Friday enjoyment, a delightful mix of mistake, moral panic, and virtue-signaling by a left-wing politician willing to go any lengths, no matter how stupid and pandering, to prove how woke she is.

It started a few days ago with a report of nooses found hanging from a tree in a park in Oakland. The city was stunned. Had some white supremacist chosen to lash out amid the protests over George Floyd’s killing by displaying a notorious symbol of lynching’s?  The matter had to be investigated by the FBI, said the Mayor. “

Nah, turns out these were ropes used by kids to swing on.  An unidentified black male said he made them, they were not nooses, just swings.  Oops.

Next up, the outrageous case of Bubba Wallace, NASCAR driver.  He protested the flying of the Confederate flag at NASCAR events and won.  He reported a noose was found in his garage at the track.  This sparked widespread universal outrage and it results in NASCAR drivers walking behind Wallace to show their support.  Only one problem, the FBI determined it was a garage door pull and it had been up since at least last year, long before Bubba arrived.  Oops.

So now the FBI is called on to investigate playground swings and garage door pull ropes, ok, it’s not like they got anything better to do, right?   Well, I guess it could have been worse, Jussy Smollet could have walked into it and hurt himself.


Andy Jackson Too Tough for the Mob and More

by Jack

WASHINGTON - Tensions were high in front of the White House Monday night after Black Lives Matter protesters worked to remove the Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Square.   But, protestors weren’t successful.  The statue, like a giant stone wall, proved to be too much for them to topple.

Additionally, Secret Service confirmed to USA TODAY that members of the press were asked to leave the White House grounds after CNN first reported that their staffers and other members of the White House press corps were told to vacate.

Confederates toppled, Columbus beheaded: Protesters rip down controversial statues

A Secret Service spokesperson told USA TODAY, “On Monday evening, in response to the increasingly violent demonstrations in Lafayette Park, four members of the media were directed by the Secret Service to leave the White House grounds.”

Next….Jimmy Kimmel put on leave?  Late Night show host Jimmy Kimmel has come under fire for being racially insensitive for a skit he did in 1997.  The skit was repeated several time until 2004 and it was ten carried on YouTube.   Presumably his immediate departure was in response to pressure from the radical left mob. Kimmel explained he just  decided to take the summer off and go into  hiding, seclusion, a more relaxing environment.

Kimmel joins the ranks of many disavowed liberals that have said or done something the rabid left mob wants punished.  This includes comedian Joe Rogan, a former Bernie Sanders supporter.  Rogan made the mistake of allegedly laughing at the wrong time about female comedians.

The far left mob was nearly successful in getting Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson fired when they went after his sponsors and threatened a consumer boycott.  Earlier a mob of Antifa social justice nuts began harassing and chanting threats outside the home of Tucker Carlson Wednesday night, and the group banged on his front door as the Fox News host’s wife was inside.  The mob warned Carlson that he and his family are not safe.

A survey this week by Rasmussen, a right-leaning pollster, found that 62 percent of likely voters now have a favorable opinion of Black Lives Matter. At the same time, Rasmussen found that Donald Trump‘s approval rating was 43 percent. That’s almost 20 points lower.

And by the way, Trump was not alone. Black Lives Matter is far more popular than Joe Biden, too. It’s more popular than America’s religious institutions — all of them. It’s more popular than the media, the Congress and big business.

Black Lives Matter is more popular by double digits than both the Democratic and the Republican parties. It’s almost as popular as the U.S. military. It’s much more popular than the pope.

Attacking Images of a White Jesus?

Shaun King, BLM supporter wants to destroy white Jesus images.    From the, “Christian iconography doesn’t matter to Black Lives Matter booster and hard-left activist Shaun King — that is, if it happens to portray Jesus and other biblical figures as white.

In fact, he wants it destroyed.

Obviously inspired by the cultural revolution claiming statues coast to coast and fearing descent into irrelevancy, King expressed the above in two Monday tweets, making news in the process.”

TWEET #1   “Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been. In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark. Tear them down.”  

9:42 AM · Jun 22, 2020

TWEET #2   “Yes. All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down.”

10:07 AM · Jun 22, 2020

King, a left-wing journalist who co-founded the “Real Justice PAC” — a group aiming to help elect hard-left, criminal-enabling prosecutors — is an opportunist (he has been accused of fundraising corruption) and obviously wants attention. But since he has gotten it, and because his words can affect our cultural revolution’s direction, they should be addressed.


Congress Discusses Removing Qualified Immunity

by Jack Lee

The Supreme Court created qualified immunity in 1967, describing it as a modest exception for public officials who had acted in “good faith” and believed that their conduct was authorized by law.

Qualified immunity protects police officers from civil suits while acting within the scope of their sworn duty.  It does not protect them from prosecution for criminal offenses.  Qualified immunity to protects police officers from being harassed by frivolous or unwarranted civil suits that would prevent or reduce their ability to perform their duty.  This serves the greater good and the interests of the nation.

The unfortunate death of George Floyd in Minneapolis has once again inflamed the black community and galvanized a number of  militant groups with varying agendas.  That has contributed to the mob violence in a half dozen large cities.   The City of Seattle has lost control over it’s capitol hill region to anarchists while the mayor and governor dither, unsure what to do.  In San Francisco demonstrators torn down the statue of Francis Scott Key in Golden Gate Park in full view of police who were ordered not to intervene by the mayor.  Other old historical monuments are being desecrated under the pretext of ridding ourselves of racism.  A climate likely to start mob violence now spreads from coast to coast fueled by allegations of police misconduct.

As a result, Congress is under pressure to prevent further rioting and looting.  The democrat controlled Congress views removing the qualified immunity protection as a way of appeasing the various protest groups that now allege systemic racism by law enforcement against black defendants, citing the case of George Floyd.  Congress is discussing how to remove this layer of protection from law enforcement nationwide.

On the other hand….under our current system, law enforcement is the only entity that can be charged with both a Civil Rights violation and the underlying criminal offense, thus resulting in double jeopardy.  For example, an officer found guilty of involuntary manslaughter can be charged again under Section 242 of Title 18 USC which makes it a crime for a person acting under color of authority to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.   This federal crime can carry a sentence far more harsh than the punishment for the original criminal offense! So they get one (qualified immunity) and they lose one, (double jeopardy).

The American people once recognized that police officers must frequently confront violent criminals, often at the risk of their own lives in order to protect ours.   The Supreme Court  offered them qualified immunity so the police could perform their dangerous duties to the fullest extent possible by law.  The citizens thought this was good for their police force and good for our society, until recently.

Now consider this:

About 700,000 police officers are charged with the protection of life and property in a country of over 350,000,000 citizens.  Every year police can expect over 280,000,000 9-1-1 calls.  Out of that number, there are millions more contacts that are self-initiated by police.  That represents many opportunities for something to go terribly wrong and occasionally it does.

According to the statistical data kept by the FBI and the Dept. of Justice,  police were cleared of all wrongful death shootings and in-custody deaths, with the exception of two cases last year that are now pending trial.  On average questionable deaths by police range between 4 and 6 per year.  Of the total average of police involved shooting deaths over the last 5 years, 24% involved black males suspects.  This percentage is suspiciously overrepresented because blacks comprise only 13% of the US population.  Many progressive groups cite this as clear evidence of systemic racism in law enforcement.

However, upon closer review, evidence shows that black male suspects represented a majority all violent crimes.  The FBI UCR 2016 – Of adults arrested for murder, 52.0 percent were Black or African American, 45.4 percent were White, and 2.6 percent were of other races.  White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.0 percent of those arrests.  Black or African American juveniles comprised 52.0 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes.  Therefore the 25% number of shooting deaths of blacks is not overrepresented at all, but is actually under represented!

A growing number of citizens have been seduced by the lies and treachery from well funded, militarized organizations claiming to represent the black minority.  Those groups are determined to rewrite our history in order to gain traction for the eventual over throw our current form of government – that they claim is an institution built on racism.

Our first line of defense against this takeover is law enforcement.  They are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution as well as our lives and property, but without our support they are struggling against overwhelming odds.

For the so called social justice militants to succeed they must first destroy the institution of law enforcement as we now know it and that starts with discrediting police within our community.   It’s worth repeating, law enforcement can’t do their job without our community support.   To change our government the American people must be convinced that law enforcement [IS] the problem and that all the rioting and looting is a justifiable response to their systemic racism.  In other words, the police made them burn, loot and riot.  A classic defense position among narcissistic criminals.

So, I ask you…. is the militant left winning the hearts and minds of leftwing progressives and their socialist allies?  Is Black Lives Matters selling what the black community wants to hear, what progressives want to hear?   Is the average American no longer appreciative to the thin blue line that is sworn to protect them?

Qualified immunity was a small gift from a grateful nation and it would appear that as a nation…. we are no longer grateful.




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Shocking News from Seattle

by Jack

After declaring 6 blocks of Seattle its own separate country, radicals immediately set up a wall to keep people out.   Almost as soon as they closed down the police precinct the mob  learned how tough it is to govern.   Armed with baseball bats the mob chased down a suspected thief over a stolen cell phone, only to discover the dimwit that owned it had simply misplaced it.   Days later we see AR-15s being handed out to some of the rebels inside the barricades .

The Mayor called this just a silly block party, nothing to be concerned about.  She assured everyone there was no need for police to move in and move the occupation force out.  Now there has been a shooting and a homicide inside the compound of rainbows and unicorns. At first the mob would not let police in to tend to the victim.  That was brilliant.

This can no longer work out just fine and it’s not a block party, if it ever was.  Its an armed insurrection and people have been shot.   So, what’s the mayor and the governor going to do about it?  The immediate answer is, they have no clue what to do.  So far the only actions taken has been to cave in to the demands of the radicals.   So much for the summer of love.

News summary, and I warn you it all looks bad.  The nation is under siege from the radical left and nobody is trying to stop them.  It reminds me of how the Taliban operate -  destroying their history.  Statues of Francis Scott Key, Ulysses S. Grant, and others… torn down by the American Taliban…it’s an outrage.  They should have been stopped long ago, because they are now emboldened and it will only get worse.

  • Seattle Police are investigating a homicide that happened early Saturday in which one person was killed and another in critical condition in Seattle’s “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest,” or (CHOP) zone.
  • One man is dead and 11 people suffered non-life-threatening gunshot wounds after an early morning shooting in Uptown Minneapolis.
  • Among the statues torn down by protesters for their historical ties to slavery: A statue of Francis Scott Key in a San Francisco park. Key wrote the U.S. national anthem “The Star-Spangled Banner” and owned slaves.
  • North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper had two Confederate statues outside the state capitol in Raleigh removed after protesters toppled other statues.




Happy Father’s Day

by Jack

For all you fathers out here who have been a role model for your children and kept them on the straight and narrow congratulations!   This is your day and you deserve to be recognized for your hard work, love and support that has kept your family safe and secure.

Since the beginning of recorded history we have recognized that children need a caring, loving mom and dad to be the best they can be as responsible, productive  adults.  Without that wonderful background, without your thoughtful guidance and education, they could wind up as democrats.


“Father’s Day is a day of honoring fatherhood and paternal bonds, as well as the influence of fathers in society. In Catholic countries of Europe, it has been celebrated on March 19 as Saint Joseph’s Day since the Middle Ages.  In America, Father’s Day was founded by Sonora Smart Dodd, and celebrated on the third Sunday of June for the first time in 1910. It is held on various days in many parts of the world all throughout the year, often in the months of March, May and June.” Wikipedia




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by Jack

Care homes and rehab hospitals are mandated by the State of California to provide infection control methods which translates to isolation wards in every rehab and care facility in the state.   Obviously, this is to keep their regular patient census safe from the dreaded and deadly COVIDs-19.   The protocols for quarantine are written out in great detail are they very stringent!  If followed they would provide excellent patient protection.  There is only minor problem, not any of these facilities have enough PPE (personal protection equipment) to comply with the state mandates.

In Chico this means that nurses will gown up before entering a quarantine contamination area and when they exit, they will hang their PPE outside the patient’s room…uh, for the next nurse to use?  That’s right, in other words its mainly for show.  They can’t provide new gear every time a nurse walks into an infected patient’s room.

Should a COVID’s patient actually be placed in one of these care facilities the virus will spread like a wildfire, if it as easily transmitted as advertised.   The nurses will be exposed first, then they will carry the virus to every patient in their ward.   Sounds pretty bad, but that depends on bad the COVID’s virus really is, does any know?   So far there have been no mass outbreaks in these fake quarantine (unprotected) facilities with all their at risk elderly and those others with underlying health issues.

Well, this is exactly what happens when the State mandates something that can’t be done.  Sure, it looked great on paper, but in practice, it can’t work.  There seems to be a huge disconnect between the powers at the highest level of government and those working at street level.  This is not exactly new is it?

You might wonder, is anybody in hospital management screaming about this huge flaw in their quarantine system?  Nope.  Not that I am aware of; its business as usual, except these places are operating on the down low, putting on a little show for the public and for the health department that should be doing inspections to make sure they are in compliance.

The county health department would prefer not to know about this, because what can they do?  They can’t supply the PPE gear to every place that is required to have it, they don’t have the money and the inventory is woefully short even if they did have the ability to pay for it.  So the COVIDs dance continues and everyone is hoping they won’t get caught when the music stops.


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Liberals Kill Nancy Green’s Legacy

by Jack

Nancy Green’s story is one that could only have been written in America.  A true rags to riches story and an inspiration to anyone facing great adversity.   Her story is about to be lost because of the movement by BLM, et al to erase history.

Nancy was born into slavery in 1834, in Montgomery County, Kentucky.  She was a domestic servant, but after the civil war, Green was freed.   She moved to Chicago where she again worked as a housekeeper and cook for a wealthy family by the name of Walker.

To earn a little extra money, Green saw an ad looking for people to model products and she thought she might give a try.  As luck would have it, she was just what two young entrepreneurs were looking for and they hired her!   She became the first African-American model for a new milling company.

She was the face and Aunt Jemima was her name.  The concept for the character had already been scripted by Charles Rutt and Chris Underwood, the founders  of the Pearl Milling Company.   They created America’s first ready-mixed pancake flour and their registered trade mark was Aunt Jemima.

They renamed the company the Aunt Jemima Manufacturing Company.  In 1893 they sold the Aunt Jemima Manufacturing Company to the R.T. Davis Milling Company.  Green stayed on and made her first live public appearance that same year at the  Columbian Exposition (aka Chicago World’s Fair).

Green was a hit at the worlds fair (as was her pancakes) and her fame continued to grow.  Throughout her life she would support many civil rights causes, including women’s suffrage.   She lived until 1923, but her success story and legacy didn’t end there.  They continued on to inspire and amaze millions who only knew her as Aunt Jemima.  The lady on the box of pancakes.

Unfortunately, this is a new day and groups like Black Lives Matter and their liberal supporters demand that the name “Aunt Jemima” be withdrawn from the pancake flour, because they say its racist!  I don’t think Nancy Green would approve of this erasing of history.  This was a name made her a fortune and she used her fame and money to contribute so much to impowering black people in America.   Her legacy is soon to be lost on future generations because of the new American Taliban’s that wish to defile history.

Also to be censored out of existence is the Indian maid on Land O Lakes butter and Uncle Ben’s rice.  All Civil War statues are disappearing and several paintings that hang in the Senate will be taken down, because they belonged to famous Confederates.    But, history deserves to be remembered, both the good and bad.  This is how we learn.   Our American history serves a noble purpose, even if those who are remembered weren’t, like Aaron Burr or Benedict Arnold.   Nancy Green’s story ought to be remembered.

From the famous passage in George Orwell‘s novel 1984: “He who controls the past, controls the future; and he who controls the present, controls the past.”.

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More on Chico Ladies Fight Back

by Jack

Part two of two

CONT-  Road Rage Guy’s behavior was of course repugnant, but it’s illustrative of what decent people of Chico run up against almost daily.

Our city is being divided along political lines.  On one side, we have the highly emotional progressives that substitute feelings for facts and live in a land of rainbows and unicorns.    They think tiny houses and freebees for all is the answer; that if the mean ol employed folks would just treat the bums, drunks and drug addicts real nice they will be nice. They won’t steal, rob or create mounds of trash… you just have to be nicer to them, oh, and provide them with a tiny house.

Currently the local democratic socialist club and their progressive allies, give out free tents, free food and they support the free needle giveaway program.  That comes with cookers and a rubber tie off for injecting heroin.   They also they support wet shelters (those places with no rules to cover drunken behavior’).  They support a lot of things that are wrong that trash our town.

The 4 progressives on the Chico council have played a big role in attracting problem people to Chico.  For example, they recently supported giving bums free hotel rooms and if that wasn’t enough, they gave permission for bums to camp in Bidwell Park.  That is illegal according to the City Code.  Of course that has caused a major trash problem among other things… we saw that coming, except for the progressives.  They were all taken by surprise that the trash would be so bad!

However, the more the community complained about the growing bum population,  the more militant the activists opposing them have become, including the four on the city council.

Some of our local radicals have resorted to intimidation tactics.  They’ve broken out the large plate glass window at an ice cream parlor 3 times because the owner is one of two conservatives that still serves on the city council.  Other conservative owned businesses have been similarly attacked with graffiti and vandalism.   Even a billboard was recently destroyed south of town.  The billboard said something similar to…welcome to Chico, home of bums and drugs.  A true statement too!  Heroin and methamphetamine overdoes are common in Chico and only a few years ago they were almost non-existent.  As the drug problems has grown so has a host of street crimes, such as car burglaries, bike thefts, stabbings and worse.

Families coming to Chico to see their child off to college at CSUC are often appalled by what they see.  This has resulted in students leaving and going to a safer community.  You know things are really bad when a police car is firebombed next to the university police station, right?  The list of crimes is horrific and yet the police get absolutely no support from the progressives or the 4 liberals on the council.  They want to defund the police!  It’s absolutely a crime what is happening here.

The two sides are clearly divided between the average citizen and the militant progressive.  The latter of course is the source of the violence and its growing.  But there is a new group of people rising up to meet this challenge.  They have had enough of this crime, drugs and trash and they are not going to be intimidated, but most are senior citizens and not physically able to stand up against the rabid left.   Still, they do what they can, like the  ladies petitioning in the parking lot or the Chico First Group that seeks safe playgrounds for the kids.



Road Rage Guy and Older Ladies in Chico

by Jack

Sunday – Chico CA:  A small group of older ladies were petitioning for the recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom.  They had a table setup, safely tucked away in the corner parking lot.  The exact location would be near the old Toy’s Are Us store off 20th Street.  The ladies had been there for about an hour when two men in a newer red SUV drove by.  The driver, name withheld, I’ll just call him Road Rage Guy, did a double take and immediately started yelling at the top of his lungs, F___ YOU!

When this went down I happened to be walking to my car.  When I heard the yelling I watched with grave concern as the driver turned sharply left and accelerated towards the parking area where the ladies gathered.  His tires screeched, engine rev’d and into the lot he charged!  I envision something terrible about to happen as the car got closer to me.

Near the middle of the parking lot, the Road Rage Guy hit the brakes, skidded to a stop, the drive threw open his door and leapt out running.  Instinctively, I ran to position myself between the ladies and the man, expecting the worst.  But, he turned away from them, ran up to a plywood sign and kicked it.   The sign had an arrow on it to direct petition signers towards the table.

Road Rage Guy only kicked the sign (this time) and sent it flying and ran back to his car.  He threw it in gear and sped off down a side street with tires squealing, all the while yelling, “F— YOU!”

The whole incident couldn’t have last more than 60 seconds.

The man’s description, his vehicle and custom CA license (MOTRBER) was reported to police department.  While nothing was damaged this man’s actions constituted an act of voter intimidation and that part is pretty serious.

End of Part One




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Letter to the Editor

by Cherokee Jack

Did we really need a second pandemic? This virulent racial guilt trip we’re enduring is doing more damage than covid-19.

Why are the mainstream media and the liberal establishment treating the looting and arson and violence like perfectly legitimate behavior? It’s because they will never get over the idea that Hillary wasn’t elected.

After that setback, they failed to sell their phony Russian conspiracy agenda, so now they’ve gone to an old standby. Charging an opponent with racism when they can’t find a legitimate issue is one of their favorite sports.

The latest decree that all Caucasians are automatically racist at birth is the new liberal version of the Doctrine of Original Sin. Future historians will study about how easy it was for them to instill guilt in even the most innocent, and how they used that guilt so effectively.

It’s disheartening to see so many business and civic leaders apologizing for fabricated sins, like Soviet citizens arrested in a KGB purge. It’s been sad to watch how they meekly fall into line once they’ve been called down for expressing an opinion outside the approved agenda.

At least the looters know this isn’t about race. For them, it’s just an opportunity to do their thing without consequences. For the liberal instigators, it’s their way of saying they want to be in charge.

It seems to be working.