Picking Nits – Ala New York Times

by Jack

The story inferred Trump claimed  his administration spent $2 trillion on the military and he was wrong.

“This is misleading. The $2 trillion figure refers to the defense budgets for the past three fiscal years: $671 billion in 2018, $685 billion in 2019 and $713 billion in 2020. But Mr. Trump’s suggestion that the military was “depleted” when he entered office and had seldom received such a large amount of money is wrong.

Adjusted for inflation, the Pentagon operated with larger budgets every year from the 2007 fiscal year to 2012 fiscal year, peaking at $848 billion in 2008.

Under Mr. Trump, the amount appropriated for procurement — buying and upgrading equipment — averaged $132 billion over the past three fiscal years. That is lower than the annual averages of $134 billion under President Barack Obama and $140 billion under President George W. Bush.”  Really NYT, this is your big story on Trump?  Pffft. 


How I see It….Minneapolis Part 2

by Jack

2012 – The Black Lives Matters organization got its start because of the Trayvon Martin incident in Florida.  The cops had nothing to do with the death, but they were quickly labeled the bad guys by BLM and even our president.  The democrat run news media was caught using doctored surveillance footage to incite viewers.  But, despite this false start, BLM gained momentum.  What they alleged may not have been honest, but it was popular. After all it served a greater purpose to advance black unity and militancy.

2020 Orlando Seminole news  – “The start of the Black Lives Matter movement can be traced to thousands of protesters who crammed into a park in an Orlando suburb eight years ago to demand justice after the death of Trayvon Martin.”

The Black Lives Matter organized was founded on the false assumption that Martin was the victim, but he wasn’t.  He was the aggressor.  And the suspect (Geo. Zimmerman) turned out to be the victim.  The victim was determined to be justified in defending himself.   But, doubts raised by BLM made it appear otherwise and the controversy took on a life of its own that still lingers.

2014 – The Michael Brown incident in Ferguson.   Rioting followed one day after an officer fatally shot Michael Brown.  Obama’s Justice Department took charge of the investigation and to everyone’s surprise, the officer was vindicated.  It was a good shoot.  Brown was proven to be the attacker. A false story arose that brown was trying to surrender, had his hands up and said to the officers, Don’t shoot.”  Remember, “You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,”  President Obama said. “All of us have to do some soul-searching to figure out how does something like this happen,” he continued. “And that means that we examine the laws and the context for what happened as well as the specifics of the incident.”

Both Obama and BLM promoted this false narrative that allowed the now famous line to spread, “hands ups – don’t shoot.”  But, it never happened.  It was lie told by Brown’s friend and refuted by eye witnesses.  Yet the lie lives on because this is what people apparently want to believe.

BLM got the story wrong in Florida and supported the wrong side.  BLM got it all wrong again in Ferguson Missouri and again they were joined by the president who embraced the wrong side and made it clear he was against the police officer.

This further stoked the lies that the police were the problem – not the black defendants.

2015 – Baltimore, Md.   One day after Freddie Gray died in police custody the rioting began.  The anger against police resulted in six officers being suspended and put on trial.  The evidence supported the officers and the were completely cleared of any wrong doing.    BLM tried to make Gray as the iconic victim of police brutality.  This further fueled the hatred within the black community and promoted the lie that systemic racism within white law enforcement was a growing threat.   The arresting officers were both black and white.

2016 – Milwaukie, Wi.   BLM accused police again of racist misconduct in the case of Sylvie Smith.  Police stopped a car for suspicious activities in a residential neighborhood.  Both men fled on foot.  Sylvie was armed with a semi-automatic handgun.  He was later shot in the right arm and chest, by one of the officers and died.  The handgun, along with 500 additional rounds of ammunition, had been reported stolen during a March burglary.  The police were vilified by the black community.  The black suspects were characterized as the victims of trigger happy cops and the case against bad cops builds!

2020- Then along came a little gift from China.  Some might call it a wonderful, perfect, blessed gift of COVIDS-19.  Another crisis has arrived and right before the election.  The dems suddenly had all sorts of new angles from which to launch attacks on Trump.  The nation went into lockdown as did many other countries.  Isolation led to frustration and after months of flattening the curve I think many of us were ready to riot!

May – 2020 The Covid’s-19 virus had barely begun to wane when another gift arrived in the form of a new allegation of police brutality now in Minneapolis, MN.

George Floyd, drug addict, convicted of armed robber was reported tryin to pass a counterfeit $20.   He either died of a heart attack due to medical complications or he was asphyxiated by a police officer using an unapproved control hold.   BLM  did even have time to get to the scene before blacks were rioting, burning and looting.

You might think that George Floyd was far the kind of guy you might want to take point on a civil rights claim, however, if you are BLM, Al Sharpton and crowd, you just go with what you got.  And what you got is Floyd died in police custody.  This time video evidence puts the burden of proof on the cops, because they were tried and convicted in the court of public opinion before the autopsy report was done.  It’s Baltimore all over again.

What a break for the lamestream media, for the discredited Black Lives Matters organization and for the democrats seeking to oust Trump.  Now all these co-conspirators had ammunition to indict the nation’s law enforcement and the real target… Donald J. Trump.

The awful circumstances surrounding Floyd’s death were enough to start the looting and burning, but they also started something else.  We’re looking at anarchy.  One city after another fell victim to rioting and looting in the name of George Floyd.  The democrat governors and mayors, Mostly in cities run by democrats that ironically had women mayors and women as their chief of police, had no response to the lawlessness.  All they could do is wring their hands and tell the cops to back off.   Seattle is out of control, a police station was evacuated and turned over to the ANTIFA mob.  A very violent  insurrection by the ANTIFA mob captured a police department and six blocks of central Seattle.

So, if you connect all the dots laid out for you now by groups like BLM, the democrat media, Obama, the race-baiters, ANTIFA, it’s easy to see how they all overlap and lead right back to blaming Donald J. Trump.

What a terrible price America and our law enforcement officers have had to pay just so the radicals could dump Trump and clear the way for worse to come.

Posted in Constitution and Law, Police, Crime, Security, Politics and Government | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

How I See It … Minneapolis, et al

by Jack

In the wake of several recent deaths in which looting and rioting followed, it is yet to be determined if there was a crime.  The police officers in question, may (or may not) have been a contributing factor.  Yet, all police across America are coming under unbelievably intense criticism and worse.  97 officers have been murdered in the last 5 months, thousands have been injured and the rioting continues.

What is hard for me to believe is all the looting and violence is allegedly because .1% of all police caused deaths per year are of a questionable nature.   Last year there were ten such deaths, 9 were cleared.  Where’s the epidemic?  A reasonable person might think that the police should be lauded for so few lethal encounters!  That they (cops) should be recognized for their outstanding public service.  But, no we have half the nation upset and trying railroad all of law enforcement for a few anomalous incidents involving a couple of bad officers out of the 700,000 police officers nationwide.   It just doesn’t make any sense to me.

If there is something that is epidemic here, it’s how blacks react to every police shooting of a black male with looting and arson, as in Ferguson, MO.  Blacks (and a few whites) turned into a mob and destroyed and looted everything they could, allegedly because they were incensed over lies told by an unreliable, involved black male, a friend of the deceased.

In Baltimore it happened again over an in-custody death.  The officers were charged, their names were dragged through the mud.  The looters ran wild for days.  There was a time when you thought the mayor was ready to turn over the keys to the city to the mob, before it was proven beyond a doubt that the police had NOT acted improperly.

But, look who capitalized on this unfortunate incident.  Certainly the looters, they made of with untold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, but then there were the black leaders who amplified a false narrative.  And then there were too many gutless politicians, who would rather side with the mob or seek appeasement as a solution, when there was no basis for appeasement!

This same old scenario has happen many times in last 20 years because of the great divide that has been created by liberalism; in our schools, in our government and in our society in general.   The rise in racial tension and violence is consistent with the rise in liberalism aka the socialists in the democrat party.

The pathetic part is black America is being used by these people and they don’t even know it.   They are being told a lot of misinformation that proclaims they oppressed and victimized by whitey and the cops.  If you hear that BS long enough, I don’t care who you are, you are going to start believe it at some point.

Well, the facts speak volumes and blacks are not being  victimized by police, by whites or anybody except perhaps for their own racist leaders and racist politicians who stand to profit over this insane rabble rousing.   You can thank these opportunists that create hate for their own advantage.  These pandering politicians, this anti-Trump media and all the phony leaders who make their living off exploiting crisis’ are all more to blame for black deaths far more than the police

President Obama tried to insert himself into this fakery about black victimization and three times he was proven wrong.   However, despite being proven wrong, President Obama mere presence and support gave credibility to the victim narrative and to the idea that law enforcement goes out of their way to arrest, brutalize and kill innocent black males.  Obama may be the biggest dupe of all because I think he believes that false narrative coming from his own party and from black and white militants involved I BLM and other leftwing organizations.

I’m convinced that when the history is written about these times, the whole truth will come out. It may not surface for many generations, but it will happen.  I take consolation that even though lies can travel faster than the truth, they can’t out live it.

End of Part 1


Defund the Police!

by Jack

The Minneapolis city council thinks it would be wise to defund their police department in the wake of the George Floyd death.  The gang of four on the Chico city council think’s so too.

Hmmm, lets see, should we back the Black Lives Movement, build tiny houses, wet shelters and engaged in free needle giveaways or should we fund the police department?

Gee, that’s tough one.

So, I say lets do a big social experiment to find out!  If we want to know the true value of police to a community, then I say lets go ahead and defund them.  Close up and board up the local cop shop.  Do without the cops and then hang on, THE PURGE starts the first night the cops are gone.  How safe do you think the hood will be then?  How safe do you think unarmed, anti-gun progressives, will be?

Yes, by all means, lets defund the police, so the progressives can find out the true value of the thin blue line.   I’m guessing after the first 24 hours even the most radical liberal will have their answer and perhaps with it, a change in attitude?


Posted in Morals and Ethics, Police, Crime, Security, Politics and Government | Tagged , , , | 18 Comments

Black Lives Really Don’t Matter

by Jack

Black lives really don’t matter, if they did, the focus would be on the thousands of blacks killed by other blacks every year!  In the inner cities, drive by shootings are as common as a flat tire.  There’s never a protest march for those victims, why?

What really matters to BLM is a few cases per year of those unjustifiable killings by police.  They can use these rare incidents to extort money from many sources.  Blacks killing blacks doesn’t pay a dime and the news doesn’t generate headlines…it’s way too common. That’s why there are no marches and no grand funerals, heck we don’t even know their names.  What really matters are the exceptional cases that can translate into money and power.  The race-baiters, like Al Sharpton and crooked politicians, never miss a chance to exploit the exceptional deaths as if they were every day occurences.

The media gladly gives these exploiters a podium because their sensationalism creates revenue as it increases ratings.  If it bleeds it leads has never been more true.   This exploiting of an isolated tragedy is a win-win for the mainstream media and the race-profiteers.

Jesse Jackson leverage himself into fame and wealth through extortion and he is praised for it!  He never improved the lives of the black Americans he claimed to represent, but he did improve his own.   The mere threat of Jesse Jackson using the black mob against a major business had the CEO’s paying out millions in protection money.

The huge number of black criminals say it was inevitable to cross paths  with police many times.  One could rationally argue that the incidents of arrests compared to the incidents of unjustifiable police killings is insignificant.  And without either reducing the number of black criminals or the number of police, the statistics aren’t likely to improve.

In the progressive’s mindset, the answer is clear.  The answer is, deny the black criminals exist and defund the police!  Skip past the truth about black homicides, armed robberies, gun violence,  rapes and violent crimes of various types.   The police must be made to look like the problem.  And why not?  It worked so well against the law abiding gun owners to get draconian gun legislation passed.  Now we just accept that gun owners are the problem – same thing will work on police.

When faced with this kind of  mass insanity and all hysteria coming from those with a hidden agenda the opposing side looks timid and defenseless.  Democrat governors, mayors, council members, protesters, all rabid liberals, all screaming their lungs out about police violence overwhelm the voices of reason.   It is impossible to have a meaningful dialog in this environment.   Public safety says their should be, but the devotees to the rabid-police narrative don’t want it!   They know honest dialog will dillute their message and expose their lies.  This sort of honesty and openness can’t be allowed; why it would be economically devastating!  It would vindicate law enforcement while shifting accountability and responsibility back to systemic violence in the black community.   If that happened, would they be at risk for losing their [victim status]?  A status that has served them so well in the past?   We’ll never know,because openness and honesty is not wanted the mob.

PS  If “All lives matter” is wrong to say, but “black lives matter” isn’t, what are we really saying?  



Posted in Constitution and Law, Culture, Police, Crime, Security | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Project 1619 – Explaining Why There is a Growing Racial Divide in America

Posted by Jack

Project 1619 began it’s life as a series of magazine articles by the New York Times on the history and impact of slavery in America.  It was in 1619 when the first slaves arrived in the Virginia colony from Africa.  The articles were designed to be compelling evidence that America was founded in slavery and that the ripples of slavery has permeated and tainted every aspect of America. 

It infects our capitalist system and its in every area of a privileged white society.  Project 1619’s  narrative poses that slavery is the root cause of today’s unrest and injustice against blacks in America, especially by police, says the articles.

This is why blacks are saying there is systemic racism and oppression against them in ways that privileged white Americans need to know and understand, if there is to be justice and peace. (Fair enough)

1619 says in effect, that until we can all (meaning black and woke white America)  can come together and tear down the institutions of slavery that America was founded on, including the capitalist system, black America will continue to be de facto slaves, suffering the indignities of white oppression.  Until America is rebuilt under a new paradigm, blacks will continue to endure the social, psychological and economic conditions born from slavery. (the details about what should be torn down is scary)

If you believe the above, you would be mostly wrong.  You have only heard a seriously biased interpretation of our history and a sloppy interpretation at that.  This is a disservice to everyone!

History deserves to be remembered as it was and not what we would like it to be.   This attempt at revisionist history is now being taught in thousands of our schools as fact.  This makes the 1619 Project dangerous because so many of the conclusions are based on false information.  Unfortunately, it plays perfectly into the radicals narrative that is dividing and undermining our society.

Can you spare 15 minutes of your time now to hear the rest of the other story, the real story about Project 1619 and it’s goals?

Posted in Behavior and Psychology, Culture, History | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

More Information from Heather

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More Talking Points About Discrimination from Anti-gun Web Site

Posted by Jack

A new report from the Violence Policy Center (VPC) shines a light on how Black people die in the United States. Black Homicide Victimization in the United States: An Analysis of 2016 Homicide Data taps unpublished data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation‘s (FBI) Supplementary Homicide Report (SHR) to rank states according to the number of Black teens and adults murdered there; the latest data available is from 2016.

The analysis reveals a national crisis. From the report:

According to the FBI SHR data, in 2016 there were 7,756 Black homicide victims in the United States. The homicide rate among Black victims in the United States was 20.44 per 100,000. For that year, the overall national homicide rate was 5.10 per 100,000. For Whites, the national homicide rate was 2.96 per 100,000.


The homicide rate for Black male victims was 37.12 per 100,000. In comparison, the overall rate for male homicide victims was 8.29 per 100,000. For White male homicide victims it was 4.39 per 100,000. The homicide rate for female Black victims was 5.07 per 100,000. In comparison, the overall rate for female homicide victims was 1.97 per 100,000. For White female homicide victims it was 1.55 per 100,000.

VPC Executive Director Josh Sugarmann says these statistics should spark outrage. “The devastating and disproportionate impact homicide, almost always involving a gun, has on Black men, boys, women and girls in America is a national shame,” he says. “These deaths devastate families, traumatize communities and should provoke an outcry for change. The goal of our research is to help educate the public and policymakers, spur action and aid community leaders already working to end this crisis.”

The ten states with the most homicides of Black adults and teens are:

  1. Missouri
  2. Wisconsin
  3. West Virginia
  4. Illinois
  5. Indiana
  6. Kentucky
  7. Michigan
  8. Tennessee
  9. Louisiana
  10. Pennsylvania

In homicides of Black people with an identified weapon, a gun was used 87 percent of the time. Of those guns, 66 percent were handguns. Karen Abrams, interim executive director for States United to Prevent Gun Violence, insists the nation needs to acknowledge that Black and Brown people are disproportionately affected by gun violence.

“Every day, state by state across the nation, we see how gun violence disproportionately traumatizes communities of color, a tragedy confirmed by these deeply disturbing numbers,” she said. “At States United, we will continue to focus a race equity lens on the scourge of gun violence. Our 32 grassroots state organizations make change happen every day to end gun deaths and injuries—so many of which are inextricably linked to racial oppression—and nurture safer communities for all.”

Read the full report—and see where your state ranks—here.

Post Scripts can’t guarantee every single statistical fact posted here is 100% accurate, because there is often a slight disagreement even within government reporting agencies.  However, the statistics noted are generally consistent with the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports and they appear accurate within a plus or minus a 2% error rate.  


Factual Talking Points on Police Racism You Need to Know

Posted by Jack

According to a report by the Washington Post that is said to be extremely accurate by Bernard Kerik, former New York City Police Commissioner, 998 people were shot and killed by police in the U.S. in 2018. The racial breakdown is 405 whites, 210 black, 148 hispanic, 35 some other race, and 200 of unknown race. 47 were unarmed, 23 white, 17 black, 5 hispanic, 2 race unknown.

These numbers do not support to common claim that blacks are disproportionately shot and killed to being killed by the police.

In 2016, latest numbers I found, 2,870 blacks were shot and killed by criminals of any race ; 2,570 were   killed by other blacks; 243 by whites; and 57 by criminals of other races.

More that 12 times as many blacks were shot and killed in 2016 by other blacks as by the police in 2018. Almost twice the number of whites were shot and killed by police in 2018 as the number of blacks shot and killed by police in 2018. As noted above, 23 whites were unarmed and 17 blacks were unarmed.

“”Unarmed” does mean the shooting was not justified. Police, as well as citizens acting in self defensive, are permitted to act upon appearances so long as it was reasonable. A toy gun that looks real pointed a police officer or a private citizen can created a reasonable  belief that one is facing imminent death or serious bodily injury. Shooting the one holding the toy gun will be justified in that instance.

From the Daily Wire. . .

1. Data shows that 93 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.

The left’s rebuttal is that that 84 percent of white homicide victims are killed by other whites, but The Wall Street Journal‘s Jason Riley points out that the white crime rate is “much lower than the black rate.”

2. According to Riley, “Blacks commit violent crimes at 7 to 10 times the rate that whites do.”

Blacks committed 52 percent of homicides between 1980 and 2008, despite composing just 13 percent of the population. Across the same timeframe, whites committed 45 percent of homicides while composing 77% of the population, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Here are some more statistics from the FBI:

In 2013, the FBI has black criminals carrying out 38 per cent of murders, compared to 31.1 per cent for whites. The offender’s race was “unknown” in 29.1 per cent of cases.

What about violent crime more generally? FBI arrest rates are one way into this. Over the last three years of data – 2011 to 2013 – 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black.

3. Black crime is even more prevalent in the country’s largest cities and counties.

Heather Mac Donald writes in her book The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe that in Chicago, IL, blacks committed 76 percent of all homicides, despite composing 35 percent of the city’s population. Blacks also accounted for 78 percent of all juvenile arrests. Whites, who compose 28 percent of the city’s population, committed 4 percent of its homicides and 3.5 percent of its juvenile arrests. Hispanics, who compose 30 percent of the city’s population, committed 19 percent of its homicides and 18 percent of its juvenile arrests. (Another eye-opening fact from Mac Donald’s research is that only 26 percent of murder cases were solved in Chicago.)

Blacks are 10 percent of the population in Los Angeles, CA, but commit 42 percent of its robberies and 34 percent of its felonies. Whites make up 29 percent of the city’s population, and commit 5 percent of its robberies and 13 percent of its felonies.

In New York City, blacks committed “75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime,” despite only composing 23 percent of the population, said Mac Donald in a Hillsdale speech. Additionally, 2009 Bureau of Justice Statistics numbers show that in 2009, “blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties.”

4. There were almost 6,000 blacks killed by other blacks in 2015.

By contrast, only 258 blacks were killed by police gunfire that year.

5. The percentage of blacks arrested for crimes is consistent with police reports.

This is according to the National Crime Victimization Survey

This data disproves the notion that racism is what drives higher rates of arrests among the blacks than among whites or broader America.

6. According to Riley, “Black crime rates were lower in the 1940s and 1950s, when black poverty was higher” and “racial discrimination was rampant and legal.”

If it’s not racism and poverty that are blame for the high black crime rate, then what is?

7. According to Mac Donald, “A straight line can be drawn between family breakdown and youth violence.”

As economist Thomas Sowell points out, before the 1960s “most black children were raised in two-parent families.” In 2013, over 72 percent of blacks were born out of wedlock. In Cook County -which Chicago belongs to – 79 percent of blacks were born to single mothers in 2003, while only 15 percent of whites were born to single mothers.

“Until that gap closes, the crime gap won’t close, either,” writes Mac Donald.

Post Scripts can’t guarantee every single statistical fact posted here 100% accurate, because there is often a slight disagreement even within government reporting agencies.  However, the statistics noted are generally consistent with the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports and they appear accurate within a plus or minus a 2% error rate.  

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What is Peaceful May also be Against the Law

By Jack

IDIOT:  Anybody who goes to a protest to some extent accepts that an arrest could be an inevitable occurrence. But there’s not a bone in my body that thought I would be getting arrested when I went to Atlanta’s City Hall on Monday to peacefully protest.

POLICE:  What do you mean by peacefully protesting?  Because failure to disperse after being declared an unlawful assembly, failure to heed a police do not cross line, running through a police roadblock, interfering or obstructing an officer in the performance of his or her duty, these are all arrestable offenses.   You can claim you were protesting peacefully, but that really doesn’t matter if you are also breaking the law.

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