Memorial Day and What it Means

by Jack

Twice a year we honor our military.  One is called Veterans Day.  It is celebrated out of appreciation for all who wore the uniform with honor.  The other is Memorial Day.  You don’t wish a vet a happy Memorial Day, May 25th.  It isn’t a happy day.   This is a time to reflect on those military men and women who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

They died fighting against tyranny to protect and preserve the ideals that founded our democracy.  They didn’t die for free drug needles, tiny houses, universal healthcare or cradle to grave safety nets.  They died to defend freedom and they trusted that future generations would it preserve it.

Our democratic republic form of government, with it’s inalienable rights, has allowed us to prosper to our fullest abilities.   At the same time, we’ve had to endure tremendous challenges, from civil war to foreign wars in order to keep it.  But, none of those things was a greater threat than that that comes from within… in the form of socialism and the corrupt influences of big government.

This Memorial Day… remember the precious legacy given to you by our fallen heroes.  And accept it with the care and responsibility it deserves.  Show your responsibility when you exercise your right to vote.  Do it with due diligence and with respect to the ideals of our Constitution.

Freedom was never free, it came at a very high price.  Don’t you ever forget it.

————————— end ——————————–

The senate democrats propose a bill that would add 50% tax to ammunition sales to  discourage gun ownership.  This bill reads like the tyranny it would be.

Meanwhile, in the Land of Lincoln, state Sen. Ann Gillespie, D-Arlington Heights, is sponsoring Senate Bill 2468 to mandate a 10 percent retail sales tax on guns she terms “assault weapons” as well as magazines capable of more than 10 cartridges.

2020 poll: 77 percent of Democrats back socialism, but most voters don’t.

3 in 4 Democrats would support a socialist for president: poll


Posted in Education, History, Politics and Government, Veterans' Issues | 2 Comments

Memorial Day

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COVID’s Update

by Jack

Based on the latest reports the mortality rate for C-19 (Covid’s) is .6%.  That’s 6/10ths of one percent.  This is not the plague, far from it.  We’ve got pretty decent reporting and tracking of the virus now and we’re doing ok.  If you happen to be one of the .6% that passes away, this is not much consolation.  But, for the rest of the world… take comfort in known this too shall pass.

Part of the problem with Covid’s was the way it was reported by our over-eager news media.

A constant barrage of weak information and inaccurate modelling on the network news 24/7 led to a lot of worry and some poor decision making.  For example, the over producing of ventilators.  Turned out the majority of Covid’s cases actually did worse on a ventilator than not.  Well, maybe they can repurpose them into less expensive C-pap machines?

Remember this news report, “”FEMA says, ‘we’re sending 400 ventilators,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said at a Wednesday news conference. “Really? What am I going to do with 40 ventilators when I need 30,000?” Turns out he didn’t need anywhere that, 400 hundred was too many for New York.

Cuomo actually caused a number of unnecessary deaths when he sent Covid’s patients to nursing homes claiming the feds made him do it.  Actually they didn’t.  That was left up to the discretion of the states and only if it became absolutely necessary.  I wasn’t.   Cuomo got it wrong, even thought this one was a no brainer.  C’mon, why would anyone think sending Covid’s cases to a rest home filled with elderly people would be a smart move?  Yet he gave the order and people died.

And lastly, despite the protest gatherings for the past 5 weeks and the tens of thousands of beach goers in 5 states, there were no spikes in Covid’s.  What do the experts attribute that too?  Ultraviolet  light – weak sunlight kills that virus like crazy.




“The European Virus”

by Jack

The coronavirus outbreak is the first pandemic of the woke era, and as such, it isn’t surprising that there is a fierce debate over how to refer to it without offending all our social justice warriors and champions of political correctness.  MERS, was caused by a virus first identified in 2012, stands for the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or even more offensively, the camel flu.  Nobody flipped out over that reference, but just 8 years later times have sure changed.

Without running the risk of being flamed, you can’t call it the China virus or even the Wuhan virus today.  But why not?  Because several ago the World Health Organization cautioned against calling a disease by a geographic location or someone’s name because it might be stigmatizing.

Therefore, we should stop calling it Lou Gehrig’s disease, the Johnstown Flood, Hurricane Katrina or the Great Chicago fire, lets just say a flood…somewhere or call it hurricane #21A.  We wouldn’t want to be stigmatizing, right?

How does Gov. Cuomo get away calling the China virus  the European virus, it’s not from there?  And he’s done that more than once.  But, why?  He is blatantly telling the world how far he’s willing to go to not offend Communist China.  He telling us the words the left deems acceptable!

Let me leave you with this thought:  How do you change the way people think? You can start by changing the words they use.  When you control the words, you control the narrative.  This is how totalitarian regimes throughout history have controlled their people.




The Eagle

  • THE  EAGLEThis is Amazing…It is no wonder there are scriptural references to the eagle!  No wonder the bald eagle has such a significant symbolism to our country!!!!

    When it rains, most birds head for shelter; the eagle is the only bird that, in order to avoid the rain, starts flying above the clouds…

    An amazing tidbit about the Eagle’s eyesight:  The eagle can probably identify a rabbit moving almost a mile away. That means that an eagle flying at an altitude of 1000 feet over open country could spot prey over an area of almost 3 square miles from a fixed position.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did.


On this Day Amelia Earhart Began Her Around the World Flight

by Jack

On this day in 1937, Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, set off on a record breaking flight around the world.  Her aircraft was a state of the art twin engine Lockheed Electra.

They were presumed lost at sea while in route to Howland Island in the Pacific, part of the final leg of their journey.  At the time Howland Island was home for a small US Navy installation where Earhart and Noonan would tank up and resupply for the final flight back to California.

A faint radio message was detected indicating Earhart was flying in a circle having difficulty finding Howland Is.  Then there was silence.  The Navy was unable to get vector on the source of the radio transmission.  Despite a massive air sea search no trace of Earhart or her plane was found.  In 1940, 3 years later, a British survey group discovered human remains on tiny Nikumaroro Island located just outside the search area.

FILE – In a March 10, 1937 file photo American aviatrix Amelia Earhart waves from the Electra before taking off from Los Angeles, Ca., on March 10, 1937. Earhart is flying to Oakland, Ca., where she and her crew will begin their round-the-world flight to Howland Island on March 18. (AP Photo, file)

“Gerald B. Gallagher, the resident British administrator on Nikumaroro Island in the early 1940s, told British officials that a partial human skeleton was located under a Ren tree on the island, along with part of the sole of a woman’s shoe. Evidence of a campfire was also located nearby. Gallagher’s communications with British officials were discovered by historian and author Peter McQuarrie in 1997, according to the aircraft recovery group.

Gallagher told the British officials he believed he may have found Earhart’s remains, and he was ordered to ship the evidence to Fiji for analysis. But along the way, the remains were confiscated by a senior medical officer in Tarawa, who was unaware of their possible significance, and they were never seen again. 

In 1991, when members of the aircraft recovery group were scouring Nikumaroro, they located what appeared to be pieces of two different shoes under a Ren tree. They were unable to make any specific identification as to whom the shoes belonged to, but they may have identified the tree that Gallagher had written about.”  Source: National Geographic  

Years later a more thorough search of Nikumaroro turned up more bone fragments that were 99% likely to be that of Earhart and wreckage of an aircraft thought to be part of her Lockheed Electra.

What went wrong?  Noonan was known to be a heavy drinker.  According to witnesses the night before the fatal flight from Papua New Guinea to Howland, he tied one on.  This incident caused a verbal exchange between Earhart and Noonan.   The hangover probably didn’t help Noonan’s navigating skills as they were about 100 miles off course by the time they reached their general destination area.

In addition the low band radio antenna on the Lockheed had not been accurately tuned and this reduced it’s performance.  At the time they didn’t think it would be a problem as it worked well enough. (Earhart is shown next her radio transmitter)

However, Earhart was on the edge of her radio reception and flying away from Howland when she tried to make her emergency radio contact.

Had the antenna been better would she have been able to find Howland Island?  We’ll never know, she was forced to make a crash landing on the beach at Nikumaroro.  The rest is now part of history.

NOTE:  Had the Navy rescuers extended their search area another 30 miles Earhart would have probably been found.



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Wha… Progressives Lie?

by Jack

Last Sunday, a very small and very peaceful protest group gathered on the sidewalk about 50 feet from the tent owned by NVHRC for their “needle giveaway” program.  This was in a public place called Windchime Park.  The NVHRC are suspected sources of the dirty needles that have been showing up around Chico in parks and transient camping sites.

The objective of this little band of protesters was to offer an alternative message to the addicts showing up for the free drug kits.  This message came in the form of a flier, telling where people with a drug problem could go to get help.   I know… shocking, right?

The NVHRC doesn’t do this, they just give out drug needles and other stuff to make it easier to do drugs.  So, this group wanted to do something more positive.

They were not there to disrupt the needle program.  Their whole purpose was to provide information to those arriving to get their free kit, containing syringes, rubber tie offs and NARCAN in case of an overdose.

The pro-rehab folks had just arrived and had not yet begun to pass out fliers, they were just chatting among themselves.  Someone in this group mentioned what a dangerous place Chico had become with all the shootings, stabbings thefts, etc.   Then one of the ladies produced a little hand-held taser and said with a wry smile, that’s why I carry this..  Two other ladies chuckled and they carried pepper spray and a taser.  They group thought this coincidence was sort of funny, but also quite telling of just how much Chico had changed!

Now you might have though this was a non-event, but when progressives are around you never know how they might interpret things.

Now let me make this really clear, the ladies didn’t threaten anyone, didn’t brandish their defensive items, it was just a light hearted moment.  They were just talking amongst themselves.  However, that’s all it took.

Hours later some wackos took it to an internet chat room.  The exaggerations that followed were absurdly overblown.  They were angry and almost hysterical about the ladies threatening them with weapons!  Anywho… the story of the weapon toting ladies grew and grew as fast as it was repeated.  It spread among activists in Chico like a wild fire.  Even one of the filthy four, a council person, got into the act, calling for an investigation!

However, The ladies had their own video evidence and it shows that what was being alleged never happened.  It was a complete fabrication to discredit them.  Imagine that, liberals lying to injure a political enemy?  How unusual!

A few helpful facts now to put this story into perspective:  The police were called to the scene, but only after a [supporter of the needle program] tackled a man filming them and tried to take his cell phone.  The victim was actually attacked twice before police arrived, but he declined to press charges.   That was about as violent as it got and nothing was said about the taser or the pepper spray.  This was legal to own and it was not used to threaten anyone.

I’ve been told now that some of the libs in favor of the free needle program have created a Go Fund Me page to raise a defense fund.  They have already collected over $5000, but I’m not exactly sure why?  I am thinking it must have something to do with the lies told on the net about the protest ladies, but who knows?




Posted in Behavior and Psychology, Police, Crime, Security, Politics and Government | 11 Comments

Bidwell Park is Being Trashed – Chico Progressives Break Their Promise

by Jack

It was announced in the local newspaper about a week ago, that the local democratic socialist club of Chico was going to take care of the trash left behind by their favorite people, bums and junkies.

Well that lasted about a day.  Picking up trash proved to be too much work for them.

If Annie Bidwell could only see what the filthy four on our city council have done to her grand gift to the people…. Bidwell Park.  The bums camping, the drugs, the needles, the trash and the ever present stolen bike parts.  What a mess.

I bet if John Bidwell were alive today he would have formed up a posse and run the scum out of Chico in 24 hours.  The Bidwell’s would not tolerate all these freeloaders!  All the stealing,  the illegal drugs, the overdoses, vandalisms.  The bums think they can do anything they want here.


Well, poor ol Shubert’s Ice Cream Parlor was attacked again, the same plate glass window was broken out once more.   What’s that make now, 3 or 4 times in the last 2 months?  (Mrs. Shubert shown left-just kidding)

Based on everything I know about this crime and other similar hate crimes in our recent past,  I would strongly suspect that a hardcore group of radical progressives are behind it.

They are the most hateful group in Chico.  They’re irrational, vindictive and highly organized.  But, that’s just my humble opinion.  Shubert’s is owned  by Casey Reynolds a conservative on the city council.  She opposes the filthy four.  That’s all the motive hateful radicals would need to do some damage to Shubert’s.  But, come Nov. I think the local people will have had enough and vote to unseat 2 or 3 of these terrible council people and restore some sanity to our city council.

The really sad part is, even if the bad guy/s were caught in the act, the local police would be forced to turn em loose with a citation at the very most.  They’re pressured by the gang of four to go easy on bums and junkies…because they just nice homeless folks down on their luck.








Democrat Assemblywoman Says F-U to TESLA and Elon Musk

by Jack

If the Assembly Hispanic Caucus is the honorable and dignified group they claim to be, you might expect them to immediately distance themselves from the vulgar remarks made by their member,  democrat legislator Lorena Gonzales, when she tweeted a “F- – you” to Elon Musk.

This tweet was in response to his complaint about CA’s heavy handed quarantine unnecessarily damaging TESLA.   Following her insult, Musk threatened to close TESLA California operations and leave for either Texas or Nevada.

We’ve reached a new low in government when such profanity by an elected official of the CA state assembly can pass for acceptable conduct.

Musk said on Twitter Saturday that the TESLA company is preparing to file a lawsuit against the county of Alameda where Tesla is based and will move its headquarters and future operations out of California.

Musk made the threat amid an escalating battle with the Alameda County Public Health Department over when operations at the automaker’s plant in Fremont can restart amid the COVID-19 pandemic.  Musk had previously provided the county with a plan for safe working conditions, that included social separation, masks, gloves, etc., but one appointed bureaucrat in county government blocked it and refused to move an inch.  One unelected bureaucrat in county government had the sole authority to block a multi-billion dollar company and put millions in tax revenue and hundreds of jobs at risk because they were vested with too much power.  And it was all done without logic, reason and facts.

Assembly woman Gonzalez, a well known leftist union hack, tweeted her profane comment Saturday evening, then on Sunday she apparently tried to walk it back a little by explaining her emotional outburst.  However, as of today, not one ranking democrat, from the governor on down, has criticized her disgraceful and immature behavior!

Who is Gonzalez?  She authored two job killing bills, AB 5 and AB 51. The first bill affected independent contractors and the 2nd repealed mandatory arbitration for labor disputes.

No matter what job she held, Lorena Gonzalez says, her late mother told her never to change who she was, this included being foul-mouthed and a strong woman.

In her second year in the state Assembly, Gonzalez is a new face for the labor movement in Sacramento, pushing for guaranteed sick leave and job protections for grocery store workers. She’s been an influential voice for illegal aliens.


Posted in Behavior and Psychology, Business, Industry and Finance | 32 Comments

California Public Employees Retirement Money Sent to China

by Jack

A major financial scandal is brewing in CA and the liberals in Sacramento say, nothing to see here, move along now.   The California Public Employee Retirement System known as CAL PERS, is ranked as the wealthiest public retirement system in the world.  And one of their largest investment is in China, arranged by a first generation Chinese-American, who was at one time recruited to work for a Chinese financial company that the FBI says is responsible espionage.

U.S. lawmaker calls for ouster of CalPERS CIO over China ties: letter

In a letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom, U.S. Representative Jim Banks of Indiana said Yu Ben Meng, the CIO of California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), should at least be investigated.

“Governor Newsom, if it were up to me, I would fire Mr. Meng immediately,” Banks wrote in the letter.

“At the least, I think a thorough investigation of Mr. Meng’s relationship to the Chinese Communist Party and a comparison of CalPERS investments in Chinese companies before and after Mr. Meng’s 2008 hiring are both warranted,” he added.

A U.S. citizen born in China, Meng has twice worked for CalPERS, the first time starting in 2008 and the second time beginning in January 2019 when he became CIO managing $400 billion in investments, according to the CalPERS website.

In between the CalPERS stints, Meng worked for three years as deputy CIO with China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), which oversees China’s U.S. Treasury security holdings, the website says.

Citing an online article in China’s People’s Daily, Banks asserted that China’s Thousand Talents Program recruited Meng for the job at SAFE. According to the FBI, TTP is a part of “China’s non-traditional espionage against the United States.”

Fox News:  A Republican lawmaker slammed the response of California’s state pension fund as “deeply oblivious,” two days after he called for the firing of its chief investment officer over accusations that the fund invested in Chinese companies blacklisted by the U.S. government.

“This is a deeply oblivious and ignorant response,” Rep. Jim Banks told “Mornings with Maria“ Friday. “What we know is that CalPERS, the largest state pension fund in America, invests in almost 300 Chinese companies.”  End

It is a breach of common sense and morals to invest in a nation that is continually stealing our intellectual property to gain a financial and military edge on America.  This is a totalitarian nations that does not recognize human rights.   If that wasn’t clear before the COVIDs virus it ought to be now.   Yet, here is CAL PERS sending billions to China to invest in businesses that engage in spying and undermining of American interests.  Something is very wrong here and there needs to be an investigation. 



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