Posted by Tina
Flagrant IRS abuses have created outrage, resentment, and anger in the American people. Investigations into the growing scandal will continue throughout the summer in Congressional hearings and in the courts. Some have called for a special prosecutor to look into the matter of IRS targeting of conservative groups. These groups were denied 501c4 designation for political reasons. Applications were delayed and questions asked of applicants were political in nature and unrelated to their application. The IRS and several key individuals are facing a number of lawsuits, one is asking for a class-action suit. It looks like we’re in for a long hot summer of further discovery, legal battles, and investigations:
Norcal Tea Party Patriots filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Cincinnati. They allege their constitutional rights were violated when their application was targeted for extra scrutiny by the IRS and are seeking a class-action status”
“The IRS engaged in a tactic of suffocating NorCal Tea Party Patriots and other similarly situated groups with requests that were so searching and extensive that they would have presented a serious challenge even for sophisticated businesses,” the Colfax, Calif.-based group wrote in its complaint.
American Center for Law and Justice represents 25 Tea Party Groups across America. These groups claim that the IRS and the Obama administration abused their authority, violating the First and Fifth amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The persons named are alleged to have “unlawfully delayed and thereby effectively denied approval of Plaintiffs’ applications for tax exempt status” and this treatment was based “solely upon Plaintiffs’ political viewpoints.” Those named in the lawsuit: IRS, Attorney General Eric Holder, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, Steven Miller, former acting IRS chief, and Lois Lerner and Holly Paz. This morning a representative of the ACLJ indicated there will be at least ten additional TP groups joining in this lawsuit within a week.
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a lawsuit asking that the IRS “initiate a process to bring its rules on 501(c)4 nonprofits in line with federal law”.
There is a pattern or structure of widespread Democrat Party community organizing behind the abuses of power that are now being exposed at the IRS and other departments of government. Since the IRS scandal broke several Democrats have made public statements decrying these abuses of power but some of those same Democrat Congressmen made public statements and wrote letters encouraging the IRS to scrutinize conservative groups. Max Baucus of Montana was one such Democrat. He’s announced he will retire when his term is finished and, hoping to salvage his reputation perhaps, has taken a bull dog stance regarding the IRS. He co-authored a letter with Orin Hatch demanding answers from the IRS to 41 questions by May 30th.
The IRS is a union shop and the union gave a lot of money to Democrats and the Obama campaign going back to the 2008 election. The American Spectator shows an extremely suspicious connection between President Obama and Colleen Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees Union. Kelley visited the White House at 12:30pm on Wednesday, March 31st. The very next day the policy targeting conservative groups began. Kelley bragged in an interview: “We are looking for a return to what we used to call partnership. I don’t really care what it’s called. For me, it’s about collaboration.”
There is a distinct sense that this administration with the collaboration of its supporters, is entitled to its abuses:
Julian Bond, Chairman Emeritus of the NAACP said the targeting of conservative groups was “legitimate”:
“I think it’s entirely legitimate to look at the Tea Party. I mean, here are a group of people who are admittedly racist, who are overtly political, who tried as best they can to harm President Obama in every way they can…They are the Taliban wing of American politics and we all ought to be a little worried about them.”
Projection, anyone? The Tea Party is not “admittedly” racist but even if it were, this abuse by a taxing authority is not an acceptable method for dealing with racism. And likening Tea Party groups to the Taliban? Please. The IRS, the IRS union head, Eric Holder, Julian Bond and other players in this egregious abuse share the same attitude regarding equality under the law, as powerful Washington elites of the party in power they get to choose who is eligible to have their rights trampled and those who will get favored treatment:
Frontpage Magazine probes the background of the non-profit run by Obama’s half brother in Kenya. Not only was his approval by the IRS swift, within a month after application, but it was made retroactive:
he IRS approved charitable status for the foundation, which was run by President Obama’s brother and named after his father, in about a month’s time.
The IRS also agreed to give the group this important financial status retroactively, back to 2009, when it had begun its fundraising.
As the article indicates the Barack H. Obama Foundation had red flags planted all over it and should have given the IRS pause:
It has been learned that the relationship between President Barack Obama’s half-brother Malik Obama and Sudan’s President Omar Al-Bashir is much closer than previously thought. Malik is the Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) as reported by all major Saudi press, including Okaz. …
…The IDO has been created by the Sudanese Government, which is considered by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist state. This places Malik Obama in bed with terrorists and working as an official with a terrorist state.… “The only evidence where monies were spent involves the Barack H. Obama Recreation and Rest Center in Kenya, which housed Malik’s 12 wives in a facility that includes a restaurant and a mosque with a madrassa.”
If anything all Americans should be very worried about a Party that will stoop to such lows.
The President is doing his best to appear unconcerned and as existing outside of the scandal. He has called this targeting by the IRS “outrageous” but I’m afraid this scandal, and many others, has his signature as a community organizer written all over it.