American War of Independence (1775-83)
KIA and mortally wounded: 7,000
Disease: 63,000
TOTAL: 70,000
United States, Indian Wars (1775-1890)
Individual conflicts:
Whites: 5,000
Indians: 8,500
Wars under the gov’t:
Whites: 14,000
Indians: 30-45,000
Whites: 19,000
Indians: 38,500 to 53,500
Anglo-American War of 1812 (1812-15)
US: 12,000
Mexican-American War (1846-48)
USA: 11,000
Mexico: 6,000
TOTAL: 17,000
American Civil War (1861-65)
United States: 360,000
Confederacy: 260,000
TOTAL: 620,000
Civilians: 50,000
USA, Reconstruction (1865-76)
1998 World Book Encyc.: 5,000 southern blacks murdered by whites
Spanish-American War (1898)
Spain: 5,000
USA: 5,000
TOTAL: 10,000
Philippines Insurgency (1899-1902)
US, battle: 5,000
Filipino, battle: 20,000
Filipino civilians: 250,000
Mexican Revolution (1910-20)
According to a report from the US Congress dated 17 Feb. 1915, the Mexican Revolution killed 213 US citizens in Mexico, as well as 36 US citizens inside the US — often from stray bullets in border towns. Also, 92 Mexicans were killed inside the US because of the Revolution
Russian Civil War (Dec.1917-Oct.1920)
Russians: 500,000
Allied Intervention:
Japan: 1,500
UK: 350
USA: 275
France: 50
Finland: 50
World War I (1917-18)
116,516 Americans killed
8,500,000 military deaths total
World War II (1941-45)
USA – killed 292,131 – wounded 671,801
It is estimated the war in Russia alone killed about 25 million people. Estimates of casualties put the number of those killed at five million in Poland, one million in Yugoslavia, five million in Germany and six million in the Holocaust. Most historians agree that the death toll was about 50 million.
The Korean War (1950-53)
The war took the lives of more than 30,000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of South Koreans.
Vietnam (1965-73)
U.S. forces withdrew from a conflict that killed 3 million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans.
Gulf War (1990-91)
USA: 145 killed in action and 121 killed in accidents.
Iraq War II (2003-2011)
4,800 KIA, 31,965 wounded (Cost of Iraq War now exceeds 2 trillion dollars)
1,879 KIA, 10,780 wounded
2001 – Present