American War Graves at Normandy


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Total U.S. War Deaths



American War of Independence (1775-83)

KIA and mortally wounded: 7,000
Disease: 63,000
TOTAL: 70,000


United States, Indian Wars (1775-1890)

Individual conflicts:
Whites: 5,000
Indians: 8,500

Wars under the gov’t:
Whites: 14,000
Indians: 30-45,000

Whites: 19,000
Indians: 38,500 to 53,500


Anglo-American War of 1812 (1812-15)

US: 12,000


Mexican-American War (1846-48)

USA: 11,000
Mexico: 6,000
TOTAL: 17,000


American Civil War (1861-65)

United States: 360,000
Confederacy: 260,000
TOTAL: 620,000
Civilians: 50,000


USA, Reconstruction (1865-76)

1998 World Book Encyc.: 5,000 southern blacks murdered by whites


Spanish-American War (1898)

Spain: 5,000
USA: 5,000
TOTAL: 10,000


Philippines Insurgency (1899-1902)

US, battle: 5,000
Filipino, battle: 20,000
Filipino civilians: 250,000


Mexican Revolution (1910-20)

According to a report from the US Congress dated 17 Feb. 1915, the Mexican Revolution killed 213 US citizens in Mexico, as well as 36 US citizens inside the US — often from stray bullets in border towns. Also, 92 Mexicans were killed inside the US because of the Revolution


Russian Civil War (Dec.1917-Oct.1920)

Russians: 500,000

Allied Intervention:
Japan: 1,500
UK: 350
USA: 275
France: 50
Finland: 50


World War I (1917-18)

116,516 Americans killed
8,500,000 military deaths total


World War II (1941-45)

USA – killed 292,131 – wounded 671,801

It is estimated the war in Russia alone killed about 25 million people. Estimates of casualties put the number of those killed at five million in Poland, one million in Yugoslavia, five million in Germany and six million in the Holocaust. Most historians agree that the death toll was about 50 million.


The Korean War (1950-53)

The war took the lives of more than 30,000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of South Koreans.


Vietnam (1965-73)

U.S. forces withdrew from a conflict that killed 3 million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans.


Gulf War (1990-91)

USA: 145 killed in action and 121 killed in accidents.


Iraq War II (2003-2011)

4,800 KIA, 31,965 wounded (Cost of Iraq War now exceeds 2 trillion dollars)


1,879 KIA, 10,780 wounded

2001 – Present

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World War Two Vets

16,112,566 individuals were members of the United States armed forces during World War II. There were 291,557 battle deaths, 113,842 other deaths in service (non-theater), and 670,846 non-mortal woundings. In November 2012, the Department of Veterans Affairs estimated that approximately 1,462,809 American veterans from this war were still living. The survivors average age is 94. In a few short years their will almost no WWII Vets and for most their stories will go with them.


Origins of Memorial Day

To honor the tradition of Memorial Day we are reprinting the original order that was established the veneration of those who died in the sefvice of their country. We have preserved the orginal grammar and spelling of Gen. Logan’s order establishing Memorial Day in the interest of authenticity.

I. The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land. In this observance no form or ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit.

We are organized, comrades, as our regulations tell us, for the purpose, among other things, “of preserving and strengthening those kind and fraternal feelings which have bound together the soldiers, sailors, and marines who united to suppress the late rebellion.” What can aid more to assure this result than by cherishing tenderly the memory of our heroic dead, who made their breasts a barricade between our country and its foe? Their soldier lives were the reveille of freedom to a race in chains, and their death a tattoo of rebellious tyranny in arms. We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. All that the consecrated wealth and taste of the Nation can add to their adornment and security is but a fitting tribute to the memory of her slain defenders. Let no wanton foot tread rudely on such hallowed grounds. Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and found mourners. Let no vandalism of avarice of neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten, as a people, the cost of free and undivided republic.

If other eyes grow dull and other hands slack, and other hearts cold in the solemn trust, ours shall keep it well as long as the light and warmth of life remain in us.

Let us, then, at the time appointed, gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor; let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us as sacred charges upon the Nation’s gratitude, — the soldier’s and sailor’s widow and orphan.

II. It is the purpose of the Commander-in-Chief to inaugurate this observance with the hope it will be kept up from year to year, while a survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of his departed comrades. He earnestly desires the public press to call attention to this Order, and lend its friendly aid in bringing it to the notice of comrades in all parts of the country in time for simultaneous compliance therewith.

III. Department commanders will use every effort to make this order effective.

By order of




Adjutant General




Scientists looking to find fault – Almanor quake

by Jack

Scientists looking to find fault – Almanor quake.

Rumor has it… when nervous officials in the Obama Administration read the headline, “strong>Scientists looking to find fault – Almanor quake” they wanted to issue an immediate press release denying it was their uh, er, fault and further they never heard of the terrorist group “Al Manor” prior to the attack.

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You Can’t Fix Stupid – But, You Can Vote Them Out!

by Jack Lee

Despite the headlines and the abundance of public information, it’s a safe bet that very few voters in the City of Chico are aware of our pending insolvency or are even much concerned about it. That just amazes me.

For them, this latest fiscal scandal is just another one of these things that (1) they had no control over, (2) can’t change and (3) won’t really affect them anyway, no matter what happens. Never mind the fact, they helped elect the people that caused it! That they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to it when a couple of good people on our City Council raised the alarm and called for help.

aaaaaa1234These indifferent citizens never stop to realize what a bankrupt City budget does to people…even to them. But, because their world is just fine at the moment, they don’t notice the steep rise in burglaries, the increase in armed robberies, more rapes and even a few more homicides each year. Yet, if we only had the recommended number of police officers on the beat, a lives could have been spared, a few rapes prevented and so on. These are real things happening to real people and that’s why we should all be concerned.

But, it doesn’t stop with crime, the ripples of fiscal damage extend to our most basic City services too like fixing pot holes, park maintenance and even leaf pickup. Things are just things we expect will get done. And then there is the human toll down at City Hall. This City employs people who are just like us. They own houses, they have kids in school and yes, they pay taxes too! When these good people get a pink slip the damage is never far away from us; they’re our friends and neighbors.

Special units in Chico PD, from narcotics to gangs, were folded up months ago for a lack of money and that has resulted in a sharp increased in gang and drug activity. That area also impacts the number of robberies, burglaries, thefts and more. But, unless these low information voters happened to be right there to see it, these increases in crime are meaningless to them.

The fact is, the average citizen is insulated from crime by the odds. It’s always happening to others and never them, or so they would like to believe. It only becomes an outrage when they are the victims – then they notice! But, it’s too late, the damage has been done and when it’s a human life there’s no reset button. The time to be pro-active was years back when they had the chance to save the City budget, now the money is gone and they are still electing the wrong people?

We had a 24% turnout in the last municipal election when we elected 4 council members. That number could have changed the entire fiscal awareness and competency level and impacted future spending policies and business attraction. These are issues that have long plagued the old liberal dominated council.

But, for some reason the voters chose to replace the four empty seats by returning two liberal incumbents and adding one more liberal, which kept the council makeup exactly as it had been when they were blowing through $20,000,000 tax dollars that caused the City to be in a fiscal crisis facing bankruptcy by November, 2013 when the last of the money runs out.

It’s said that in a republic/democracy people get exactly the kind of government they deserve. Never has that been more apparent than right here, right now in little old Mayberry (Chico). I guess when this crisis finds it’s way to enough door steps maybe it will get fixed, but for now the low information voters are having their way with us. And they can because 75% of you didn’t vote in the last election and apparently you don’t stay informed enough to be motivated to do your civic duty.

As a side thought, it’s almost comically ironic that voters think a municipal election matters least to their lives, when in truth it most directly affects their lives!


Re: Benghazi, Elite Teams, and US Military Readiness

Posted by Tina

Most of the American people know very little about the military so it is not at all surprising that the current administration could claim that our military could not respond to attacks on Benghazi in less that 9 to 12 hours and get away with it…so sorry, it just couldn’t be done. But some Americans probably felt uneasy when told this explanation and others may have thought it just wasn’t plausible…something didn’t sound right. Objections aren’t generally raised, however, when unease and questions of plausibility are the main arguments. Most shrug, it’s up to others to figure this out. And yet there remains that persistent nagging thought: What do you mean the US military couldn’t respond? We’re talking the United States Military here…what about our elite response teams? What about the military as a band of brothers…what about the, “I got your back” mentality?

Indeed. What about it?

If you’re one of those Americans who, for whatever reason, doesn’t quite buy the administrations story about Benghazi you need to read “U.S. Military: We Could Have Saved Ambassador Stevens,” by Jonathon Moseley – The American Thinker. Do so and your unease will turn to anger, your discomfort will turn to sadness and feelings of deep inexplicable betrayal.

Think of it…our government playing like our military could not possibly respond. I know what military guys would say about that…NFW!

Something is terribly rotten in DC.


“Enroll America” – Donation Probe Under Way, Did Sebelious Cross a Line?

Posted by Tina

You may have heard that the Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelious, has been soliciting donations from private businesses to promote “Enroll America”. What you may not have heard is some of the grimy details behind the curtain of secrecy that permeates in this administration. Now some of those that have been pressured are objecting in what could become another scandal:

The links between a nonprofit promoting President Obama’s healthcare law and the White House have created an “air of expectation” that insurers will contribute to the group, according to an insurance industry official.

Current and former administration officials have taken on leadership and fundraising roles for Enroll America, a nonprofit aiming to make sure people sign up for new coverage options. As the ties grow deeper, the organization has come to feel like “just an arm of the administration,” said one official who works closely with insurers.

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has already come under fire from congressional Republicans because she has raised money for the organization.

Big surprise! This administration does not operate under the concepts of a free people or a private sector. They operate under that infernal, imperious “we” that suggests the collective is in control when in actuality the elite’s of the collective mandate.

Apparently some of these businesses have contacted their Congressmen because the GOP is now widening their probe into the matter:

Sebelius is attempting to impose a quasi-tax on insurers by pushing them for donations at the same time they have to qualify themselves and their health-care plans with HHS. Enroll America has former and current Obama administration figures in its top ranks, making the connection even more explicit. Refusing to ante up for Enroll America might prejudice HHS in its determinations — a suggestion that would have sounded unlikely until this month’s IRS corruption scandal showed federal agencies perfectly willing to discriminate based on politics.

If indeed that was Sebelius’ plan, it violates the concept of the separation of powers. The executive branch is accountable to the legislative branch primarily through the power of the purse. An attempt to bypass that accountability by setting up supposedly independent private organizations and then twisting arms using enforcement power to fund them would be a serious breach of that division of power. The committee wants to know exactly what Sebelius and HHS may have threatened or promised in exchange for those funds.

It’s going to be a long summer of in Washington DC featuring lies, dark comedy and revelation after surprising revelation!

Wouldn’t it be grand if after all of the wheeling and dealing, backroom deal making, opting out and fuss this very bad healthcare law was just overturned? According to those polls repeal would reflect the will of the people…what a concept!

I hope you all enjoy this “kickoff to summer” weekend. I also urge you to take time out to reflect on those who have given their lives in service to this nation Their sacrifice will form the perfect context for consideration throughout the summer of the many failings of our government. Big government is simply not workable. And specifically, Chicago style politics will not do for the greatest nation ever conceived in human history or for the memory of America’s fallen patriots.


Time for Fundamental Transformation of Big Government!

by Tina Grazier

The IRS isn’t just charged with hiring more IRS agents; it is creating a whole new bureaucracy to monitor and enforce Obamacare’s oppressive rules and regulations. Read directives from the Inspector Generals report here.

It begs the question how can anyone believe that Obamcare will make healthcare more “affordable” for Americans. The truth is this law is another progressive attempt to transfer wealth but clearly the cost for the bureaucracy will add to our debt, raise our taxes, and cause the cost of healthcare to go up. How big is this bureaucracy> According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) the cost for the bureaucracy is high:

To implement all of Obamacare’s tax increases, the IRS has needed additional infusions of taxpayer funds. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimated that the IRS would spend $881 million on implementing the law from 2010 through 2013 and that, of that amount, the IRS would spend more than half a billion dollars from an Obamacare implementation “slush fund.”[5]

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew recently testified before Congress that the IRS had approximately 700 full-time equivalent staff working on Obamacare implementation.[6] However, in its budget request this spring, the IRS assumed that a force nearly three times that size—1,954 full-time equivalent employees—would work on the law’s implementation in the coming fiscal year.[7]

Obama is a big cheerleader for big government and big government solutions.

Isn’t it ironic that David Alexrod now defends and excuses the President from any responsibility in the current scandals of big government, IRS, AP, Benghazi and others, by saying, “Part of being president is there’s so much beneath you that you can’t know because the government is so vast.” Funny, the buck stopped at Bush’s desk but not Obama’s even though he’s the one that thinks big government is the best thing since sliced bread and far superior to the private sector or individual freedom.

Is Big governmen too big to fail? Is it too big to adequately manage? Or is it just too big to manage effectively so that corruption isn’t rampant and debt doesn’t grow. That linked video is informative but it is also old…our debt was $15.8 trillion sometime prior to the election; it has grown to $16.8 trillion today with unfunded liabilities of $124 trillion.

So Yes, our government is too big to manage and too costly to support. Some Presidents manage to do a better job than others but the truth is it has been too big for decades. The problem is progressive notions that government should have control over aspects of our lives that we could manage better in the private sector or at the state and local levels. It is time to bite the bullet; it’s time to fundamentally transform our big federal government by eliminating departments and seriously reforming programs. It is time to push dependency on government back and create greater opportunity for self-reliance and independence.


How to Explain Obama Administration Sympathy for Terrorists in Nigeria?

Posted by Tina

The Obama administration has used drone strikes to slaughter Al Qaeda. It is said that he had a “kill list” and personally chose when to target persons on this list, collateral damage not withstanding. So how to explain his State Department’s appeal for “human rights” when Nigerian war planes target Islamist insurgents:

(Reuters) – Nigerian warplanes struck militant camps in the northeast on Friday in a major push against an Islamist insurgency, drawing a sharp warning from the United States to respect human rights and not harm civilians. … Secretary of State John Kerry issued a strongly worded statement saying: “We are … deeply concerned by credible allegations that Nigerian security forces are committing gross human rights violations, which, in turn, only escalate the violence and fuel extremism.”

The United States is the biggest foreign investor in Africa’s most populous nation, notably in its energy sector, and buys a third of Nigeria’s oil. Washington “condemns Boko Haram’s campaign of terror in the strongest terms”, Kerry said, but urged Nigeria’s armed forces to show restraint and discipline.

Some terrorists are more equal than others?