A young man believed to be British soldier has been beheaded in a barbaric attack by two men on a street outside Woolwich army barracks in South East London. In the shocking scene, one of the killers addressed witnesses saying, “you will never be safe.”
In broad daylight two men in their mid-20s used their car to run down a man dressed in a military uniform and then they attacked him with knives, killing him and apparently trying to behead him while shouting “God is greatest” in Arabic, according to witnesses. 
“They were hacking at this poor guy,” an eyewitness said. “They were chopping him, cutting him. These two guys were crazed. They were just animals.”
Shocking footage recorded by witnesses during the carnage and made public by ITV shows a man holding a meat cleaver with blood on his hands using jihadist rhetoric to justify the violence.
“We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you,” the attacker said, with the body of the victim lying just yards away. “The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day.” A local Muslim spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity and said “This has nothing to do with Islam. it’s heartbreaking, it’s heartbreaking.” Rather, he wished it had nothing to do with his religion, but in point of fact it does and the attackers made that quite clear.
“This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” the attacker added, apparently referring to British military efforts in Afghanistan.
Witness… “We thought the two guys were helping him. We then saw two kitchen knives like you would find in a butchers shop, they were hacking at this poor guy literally. We thought they were trying to remove organs or something. One of the black guys then shouted to me and my partner to get in the car. I then moved the car down the road and dialed 999.”
Witness continued, “…there was no way a human could take what they did to him. They then dragged the dead man into the middle of the road and then stood on the pavement waving the gun about, as if they were proud of what they had done.” And indeed they were proud as they shouted praises to Allah. The wanted passers by to take their pictures and they waited near the headless corpse for the police to arrive. When they did, they attacked, no doubt hoping to be martyred. Both men were subdued, one was shot and remains hospitalized in fair condition. The other was stunned and is in police custody.
Not much is known about the attackers, however one is believed to be a jihadist, possibly from Nigeria. The attacker shown in the pictures spoke with a British accent. British police are checking on the pistol they possessed. Few details are known about it. However, the police think it was probably obtained illegally British residents were disarmed in the early 1950’s. The UK’s actual gun control laws began in the mid-1920’s by requiring a license to own a firearm. This eventually led to confiscation. The British homicide rate remains largely unchanged despite the complete ban on firearms, although in the last two years there was a decline of about 14% for no explainable reason.