Weird Stuff


  1.  New light bulb that works with chemicals to produce it’s own electricity.

  2.  The CPU in the worlds smallest computer measuring less than 1/16th  of  an inch across.

  3.  Artist concept of a spaceship

  4.  A deep sea creature

  5.  An on/off switch  for the Hadron super collider

  6.  A child’s plastic toy

  7.  A plant that grows in South American swamps









to believe eh? 


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Elderly RAF Vet Beat by Muslims in UK

RAF veteran beaten by muslim youth” shouting “death to soldiers”

AN RAF veteran told yesterday how he was battered in the street by two thugs who shouted: “Death to soldiers”.  Anthony O’Brien, 69, was head-butted and punched to the ground by the men.

The pair then fled. Grandad Mr O’Brien – who had been wearing his RAF blazer and a Remembrance poppy – was treated in hospital for bruising to his face and an injured nose. He said: “The yobs who did this to me are nothing but cowardly scum.”

Father-of-two Mr O’Brien, who served in the Sixties, was attacked walking home from the pub in Fallowfield, Manchester, where he and pals had discussed arrangements for an old colleague’s funeral. He said: “I saw these two lads and, as I got near, they started shouting and swearing.

“They were shouting, ‘F****** shoot all you bastards and blow your soldiers up. Death to all soldiers.’ I was scared.

“I was wearing my RAF blazer and a poppy – I wear it regularly because it’s smart and I’m proud of it. I thought they were drunk or something. I told them to leave me alone but the little fella hit me on the side of my head.

“Then the other fella head-butted me. Then they ran away.”

The attack has left him in a wheelchair with heart trouble and breathing problems.   PC Michael Seddon, of Greater Manchester Police, described the attack as “brutal” and appealed for information. The suspects were described as mixed race.


Soldier Beheaded in S/E London by Terrorists

aterrorist.jpa12gA young man believed to be British soldier has been beheaded in a barbaric attack by two men on a street outside Woolwich army barracks in South East London. In the shocking scene, one of the killers addressed witnesses saying, “you will never be safe.”

In broad daylight two men in their mid-20s used their car to run down a man dressed in a military uniform and then they attacked him with knives, killing him and apparently trying to behead him while shouting “God is greatest” in Arabic, according to witnesses. aterro254

“They were hacking at this poor guy,” an eyewitness said. “They were chopping him, cutting him. These two guys were crazed. They were just animals.”

Shocking footage recorded by witnesses during the carnage and made public by ITV shows a man holding a meat cleaver with blood on his hands using jihadist rhetoric to justify the violence.

“We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you,” the attacker said, with the body of the victim lying just yards away. “The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day.” A local Muslim spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity and said “This has nothing to do with Islam. it’s heartbreaking, it’s heartbreaking.” Rather, he wished it had nothing to do with his religion, but in point of fact it does and the attackers made that quite clear.

“This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” the attacker added, apparently referring to British military efforts in Afghanistan.

Witness… “We thought the two guys were helping him. We then saw two kitchen knives like you would find in a butchers shop, they were hacking at this poor guy literally. We thought they were trying to remove organs or something. One of the black guys then shouted to me and my partner to get in the car. I then moved the car down the road and dialed 999.”

Witness continued, “…there was no way a human could take what they did to him. They then dragged the dead man into the middle of the road and then stood on the pavement waving the gun about, as if they were proud of what they had done.” And indeed they were proud as they shouted praises to Allah. The wanted passers by to take their pictures and they waited near the headless corpse for the police to arrive. When they did, they attacked, no doubt hoping to be martyred.  Both men were subdued, one was shot and remains hospitalized in fair condition. The other was stunned and is in police custody.

Not much is known about the attackers, however one is believed to be a jihadist, possibly from Nigeria. The attacker shown in the pictures spoke with a British accent.  British police are checking on the pistol they possessed. Few details are known about it. However, the police think it was probably obtained illegally British residents were disarmed in the early 1950’s. The UK’s actual gun control laws began in the mid-1920’s by requiring a license to own a firearm. This eventually led to confiscation.  The British homicide rate remains largely unchanged despite the complete ban on firearms, although in the last two years there was a decline of about 14% for no explainable reason.


Memorial Day – 27 May 2013





Chico Council Meeting – Scandal Unfolds

by Jack

In case you missed the discussion on Item 4.6 of the Council agenda, here’s a brief update, but also it will be available for the public to watch on your computer within a few days. Just go to the City website and look for the link “watch council meeting”. The latest video available is dated 5-7-13, but 5-21-13 should be out any time.  Watch the last 41 minutes, if nothing else!

Okay, now for the update. It looks like Chico’s former finance officer, Jennifer Hennessy made a real mess of things. She was hiding deficits by shifting them into areas other than the general fund in order to give the appearance of solvency. Words like “unbelievable”, “mismanagement” and even “forgery” were being kicked around while looking at her method of bookkeeping. Hennessy is long gone, she bailed before things got totally out of control.

Remember Toby Schindelbeck, candidate for city council? One of his gripes was Hennessy was’nt giving Council a written financial report every month as required by our Charter. He was labeled by the leftists as just making waves to get attention. No, he wasn’t, he was on to Hennessy’s mismanagement…and as it turns out he was right.

Three of the current council were long time council members and they were part of the leftist group that spent the city broke and blew through over 20 million bucks in recent years.  Members of the audience were highly critical of their incompetence and called for their resignation.

If you watch the the last 41 minutes of the council meeting please take note of how some councilors responded to calls for their resignation…it wasn’t pretty, in fact it was downright disrespectful and rude.   The often petulant, cathartic responses to their citizen critics was completely true to their past practice and I think we’re all getting just a little tired of it.  Gruendl, Golof and Schwab, you better be more respectful to your citizens.   Given what you did to us you’re lucky to still be on the council.   

You would think that these Council members (that were part of this outrageous scandal) would have decency to step down at this point.   But, no…. they’re blasting back at the citizens, can you believe that?  They’re refusing to accept any responsibility, what gall!  What an insult to the people.

If there are hero’s to be found amid this stinking mess then it must be people like Councilman Mark Sorensen and former Councilman Larry Wahl.  They warned us.  They were the first to loudly point out the irregularities, but nobody wanted to hear it.   Then there is our City Adminstrator Brian Nakamura and his finance officer Chris Constantin.   Both of these new hires took over knowing the City faced severe financial problems.  They later discovered that some of those who contributed to this scandal are also on the City Council…. and of course they serve at the pleasure of the Council.  That had to come as a shock, what a tough spot to be in.  But, they’re making the best of it and they’ve been very forthcoming about everything they’ve discovered.    

FAIR WARNING:   Voters are pretty darn mad and if those council people who helped get us in this mess don’t behave themselves there could be a recall coming soon.   So they better play nice - because we’re watching their every move.


Marathon Bombing: Man Shot by FBI

Posted by Tina

A local ABC affiliate in Orlando, Florida is reporting that an FBI agent has shot and killed a man who was being questioned in connection to the Boston Marathon bombing:

Khusen Taramov said he and Ibragim Todashev were being questioned as part of the bombings by the FBI official and law enforcement officers in Orlando.

Taramov said Todashev, 27, knew bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev because both were MMA fighters.
Taramov said they were interviewed nearly three hours, and at some point, “something went wrong,” and Todashev was killed.

“There was some sort of aggressive movement that led the FBI agent to believe he was under threat and he opened fire,” the law enforcement official told ABC News.

“(The FBI) took me and my friend, the suspect that got killed. They were talking to us, both of us, right? And they said they need him for a little more, for a couple more hours, and I left, and they told me they’re going to bring him back. They never brought him back,” Taramiv said.

The FBI confirmed that a person was shot and killed, but would not disclose details about the investigation.

“The agent, along with two Massachusetts State Police troopers and other law enforcement personnel, were interviewing an individual in connection with the Boston Marathon bombing investigation when a violent confrontation was initiated by the individual,” the FBI said in a statement.

This is interesting….

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2013 YTD Stabbings Exceed all of 2012

A reminder to use due caution when walking around the downtown area where the bums hangout…. 

“CHICO — With eight stabbings in two days, an overwhelmed Chico Police Department has been relying on some backup.

The department has needed to call on outside agencies to initially respond and take control of a scene until Chico officers become available, said patrol Sgt. Mike Nelson.

During two stabbings reported at 9 p.m. Sunday, Chico police did not have the resources to respond to both and relied on their partnership with the Butte County Sheriff’s Office.

Chico police showed up to one incident 14 minutes after the initial call.”

There have been more stabbings in Chico since Jan. 1 than in all of 2012.   Use caution and be aware of your surroundings.  Do not let anyone surprise you, asking for spare change.   This is situational awareness and it could help keep you safe.  Be aware 360 degrees at all times.

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Implied Consent Was Part of Every Scandal

by Jack

Washington can be a dangerous place for naive, reckless or incompetent people that wield great power.  There”s no end of things they can get into and cause trouble.   So it’s a given that if you are a democrat you are going to get in trouble, the trick is to avoid being caught.  

aaaaa Anti-Obama MemeOne of the many secret compensating components for holding on to great power as a lackadaisical liberal is, only put your name on the dotted line when it’s absolutely necessary.  (Clinton’s Legacy, Page 112)   Instead, use implied consent.   This is derived from an overall policy that is made clear to your lieutenants.  They are told, it’s your call to manage your people, but you know what I want done.  (See Chicago Politics, page 236-242, C.Y.A. Chapter)  

In a practical sense this avoids micromanaging, but it also provides shelter if the big “S” hits the fan, as it’s prone to do in Washington.  (See Politics 101, page 84, Plausible Deniability)   Success is derived from finding the proper balance between policy communication and your liberal supervision, assuming the policy itself is not flawed.  If it is flawed, then nothing good can be expected, you’re screwed.  (See Politics 101, page 164, Fruits of the Poisoned Tree and The Obama Memoirs, Red Press, 2012)

In the Obama Administration there has been a clear absence of cogent policy guidance and that has led to an excess of subordinates making those big decisions formerly made by the guy with sign on the desk that reads, “The Buck Stops Here.”  This still might be okay if such decision making was not being made based on assumptions due the lack of  presidential communication and his flawed policy.  (See Politics 101, page 19, Assumptions Make an Ass Out of You and Me and We’re All Screwed, Jay Carney, Random House, 2013)

Apparently President Obama has read very few books on politics, except those few translated from Cyrillic and this only compounds his lack of experience.  (See Lost in Translation, page 65 and  How to Be a Good Liberal Leader, by Joe Vissarionovich Stalin, Red Press, c1948, and How to be a By-stander as President, by Martin VanBuren, 1862) 

Any Questions?



New Details About Benghazi Surface

Posted by Jack

State Dept. was there to buy back ground to air Stinger Missiles they had previously given to rebel forces, report says.  

Stevens’ mission in Benghazi, they (whistleblowers) will say, was to buy back Stinger missiles from al-Qaeda groups issued to them by the State Department.

Hillary Clinton still wanted to proceed because, in part, as one of the diplomats said, she wanted “to overthrow Gaddafi on the cheap.”

This left Stevens in the position of having to clean up the scandalous enterprise when it became clear that the “insurgents” actually were al-Qaeda – indeed, in the view of one of the diplomats, the same group that attacked the consulate and ended up killing Stevens.




Two stabbings on same spot last weekend

CHICO — The police department is investigating two unrelated stabbings near a downtown bar this weekend.  Detectives are looking into why they took place at the same location.   Police theorize that stabbers are running out of new places to stab people, thus the over lap.

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