Chico City Council Meeting Tonight

The Chico City Council Adgenda:

1.2. Call to Order – 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 421 Main Street
1.3. Invocation – John Warwick – Pacific Asian Missions
1.4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
1.5. Roll Call
1.6. Closed Session Announcement
1.7. Chamber of Commerce Local Business Presentation – Matson & Isom Technology Consulting
2. CONSENT AGENDA – All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are to be considered routine and enacted by one motion.


 The Council will consider the introduction of an ordinance and adoption of a resolution amending Titles 12 and 12R (Parks and Playgrounds) of the Chico Municipal Code. At the 8/27/12 Bidwell Park and Playground Commission meeting, Commissioners recommended (7-0) that staff forward the attached ordinance and resolution to the City Council for adoption which implements additional minor modifications. In addition, the attached resolution reflects Council action at its 2/19/13 meeting to accept the BPPC’s recommendation to implement a comprehensive smoking ban in all City parks, greenways, preserves, and open space areas, with direction to staff to ensure that such a ban would not conflict with the existing Bidwell Park golf course lease (Carried 4-3, Morgan, Sorensen, Stone dissenting).

 (Report – Dan Efseaff, Park & Natural Resources Manager)

 4.5 CONSIDERATION OF A REPORT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING SOCIAL HOST, SIT-LIE, AND ACE (ALCOHOL, COMPLIANCE AND EDUCATION) ORDINANCES At its March 26, 2013, meeting, the City Council directed the City Attorney to provide additional information on three topics: Social host ordinances, sit and lie ordinances and alcohol compliance and education ordinances.
Recommendation: This report is presented for the Council’s information, no action is requested.

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Bird Feeder Video – R rated

Itried to post this video which I thought was funny and made a good point.  I can’t seem to post any video images with our new software so here is the direct link.  The languages is a little rough, but the guy has something important to say, worth watching.

<iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

While you’re at it, check this one out…makes another great point…




Feinstein Cronyism Nets Hundreds of Millions

Senator Dianne Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, created the investment firm, Blum Capital. Blum Capital is part owner of the construction firm, Perini-Zachary-Parsons. Dots connected so far? Perini-Zachary-Parsons has won the bid to build high speed rail track that will link Madera to Fresno, California. Once built, the Reason Foundation estimates that the railway will lose between $124 million to $373 million a year.

If you’ve never heard of Madera California and have barely heard of Fresno, you are not alone. But California’s mania in pursuing this fiscally suicidal venture is not what is spotlighted, here. As Mr. Rogers might have asked, Can you say ‘Conflict of interest’?” Or “graft”?

How did Perini-Zachary-Parsons manage to snag this prize? With the “lowest” bid, Blum’s company, miraculously, came up the victor. Their bid, $985,142,530, comes to $35 million per mile. At the moment, no one is asking the question of how it happened. The project is state funded. And, once again, Senator Feinstein’s dynasty makes out while the state and nation she represents tunnels ever deeper into the septic tank.


Feinstein has been tied to cronyism, using taxpayer funds, several times in the past. According to, in a report from June, 2012, Feinstein used her position and the information she was privy in order to:

  1. Appropriate funds through the U.S. Senate Military Construction Subcommittee. Feinstein was serving on this committee and forced funding to companies owned by her husband. The pair netted somewhere around $5 million for their pains. Oh yes; the company prominently concerned was Perini.
  2. Allocate TARP Funds to the FDIC. Feinstein proposed legislation to funnel $25 billion in taxpayer funds to the FDIC. The FDIC had just awarded Blum’s real estate organization (he served on the board), the CB Ellis Group, a contract to resell foreclosed properties at rates higher than industry norms. The problem with Feinstein’s redirection of tens of billions of taxpayer dollars? According to the Washington Times: “the California Democrat (Feinstein) isn’t a member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs with jurisdiction over FDIC; …the agency is supposed to operate from money it raises from bank-paid insurance payments-not direct federal dollars.”
  3. Obtain a mysterious grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. In 2009 Feinstein and her husband invested in a “green,” renewable fuels company, Amyris. Weeks later, the DOE awarded Amyris a grant of $24 million; yes, taxpayer money. Amyris then took the stock public with an IPO that snagged the company another $85 million. Think Feinstein and Blum made their investment back?

Even if one believed in the miraculous regularity with which Feinstein/Blum’s “luck” occurs, Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, a non-profit organization dedicated to monitoring Washington ethics, says Feinstein’s explanation isn’t kosher. His research confirms that: “…neither the FDIC nor MILCON connections pass muster under the U.S. Senate Ethics Rules or the U.S. Criminal Code.”

Senator Feinstein excels at creating scenes of high dudgeon when she is confronted with facts she doesn’t like. And she still gets away with fiscal murder at taxpayer expense. If California wants to bloat the sewer that was the Golden State until it explodes, that’s their problem. But if Californians continue to re-elect venal specimens like Feinstein to the Senate, term after term, the billions it costs the rest of America is our problem.


Benghazi Update – “What Does it Matter?”

This is a follow on to the story submitted by Tina, Greg Hicks on Benghazi: “I never reported a demonstration; I reported an attack on the consulate”  See her story below for more details.


by Jack Lee

“What does it matter?”   Hillary Clinton at the Benghazi hearing.   Only a tepid reply was heard from empanaled Republicans. 

I was appalled that my GOP representatives didn’t respond to Hillary more forcefully, but then few facts were known and thankfully it’s not over.  Redemption and justice may still be possible.  

Congressman Darrell Issa-R from CA (49th district) is continuing to aggressively investigate Benghazi and this Wednesday we’re going to hear some very interesting testimony that could expose not only Clinton as a liar, but other’s within the Obama Administration, possibly right up to the President.   

 “The American people still don’t have the full truth about what happened both before and after the murders of four brave Americans.  Our hearing will examine new facts about what happened and significant problems with the administration’s own review of Benghazi failures. While President Obama and his administration may be inclined to give free passes to senior officials who bungled their responsibilities, this committee will expose what they did and hold them accountable to the public. Getting the full story is critical to ensuring that this does not happen again.” Congressman Darrell Issa

The following are findings from five Congressional panels that have been investigating Benghazi and these revelations are more than enough to justify further investigation:

  • Reductions of security levels prior to the attacks in Benghazi were approved at the highest levels of the State Department, up to and including Secretary Clinton. This fact contradicts her testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on January 23, 2013.
  • In the days following the attacks, White House and senior State Department officials altered accurate talking points drafted by the Intelligence Community in order to protect the State Department.
  • Contrary to the Obama Administration’s claim, the talking points were not edited to protect classified information. Concern for classified information is never mentioned in email traffic among senior Administration officials.

We’ve only recently learned that our FBI investigators were refused entry to Lybia for three weeks following the Benghazi attack because of a riff between the White House and the newly elected Lybian President, Mohamed Magarief.   One day after the Benghazi attack Magarief went on national television and stated unequivocally that an Islamic terrorist group connected to Al Qaeda had attacked the US Embassy.   The White House, for reasons yet to be determine, said this wasn’t true.  They countered and undermined his statement.   Using Ambassador Susan Rice (shown here) as the lead spokesperson,  she went on a media blitz claiming the attacks in Lybia and Egypt were not premeditated, but simply a mob response to a YOUTube video defaming the Profit Mohamed.  

President Magarief was incensed by this and rightly so.  His integrity was challenged and his honor was insulted by the Obama Administration and as a result he immediately cut off cooperation denying the FBI entry to investigate the attack.  

President Magarief came to hold office right after Mohamar Kaddafy was taken out by force.  His control over Lybia was tentative at best and here is the White House essentially telling the world he didn’t know what he was talking about.   As it turns out Magarief was 100% right and it was the White House that was utterly and completely wrong.   (No wonder he was livid and told the FBI to take a hike.) 

The Benghazi hearing this week will feature a key witness previously unknown.  He is Mark I. Thompson, a former Marine and now the deputy coordinator for operations in the agency’s counterterrorism bureau. 

It’s been leaked to the press that Thompson will give his account of what happened on the night of Sept. 11, as the Obama administration scrambled to respond to the Benghazi terror attacks.  It’s believed he will give damning evidence that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a key aide cut her department’s own counterterrorism bureau out of the chain of reporting and decision-making.  

Thompson is considered a whistle-blower and it’s believed that his account was suppressed by the official investigative panel that Clinton convened.   The Accountability Review Board (ARB). Thompson’s lawyer, Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. attorney, says his client (Thompson) has been subjected to threats and intimidation by as-yet-unnamed superiors at State, in advance of his cooperation with Congress. 

If these findings and the latest allegations hold up,  it will not only be a public relations disaster for the Obama Administration, but it will expose petty interagency turf wars, bureaucratic deceit and a conspiracy by a number of high ranking officials to deliberately fool the American public for personal political gain.  By comparison such audacious and deliberate wrong-doing makes Watergate look like a high school prank.


Wanna Golf Course Mansion for $150,000?

Have you considered picking up some bargain homes on the market? I ran across a few I thought you might like. The first is an all custom, modern, 4,100 plus sq. ft. home on the fairway at a private country club. It has 6 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, huge lot 1 acre lot, detached 3 car garage, storage building, deck, custom trim thru-out, round top doors, curved staircase, parquet wood floors, heated basement, completely finished, curved driveway that will hold over 20 Cadillacs, very solid home…would you believe $174 or best offer? I bet $150k would take it.

Next is a modest Victorian, and a custom brick home that needs almost nothing. How do you like these prices so far? It gets better. There’s hundreds of good homes available under $20k and just as many free for the taking, they would be foreclosures in need of rehab, but the City will give them to you if you will start paying the property tax.

You may wonder, so what’s the catch, are they radioactive?   No, really nice homes in nice neighborhoods.  One of them has a front row view of the city skyline that will knock your socks off.  These are homes in Detroit, Mi.   Detroit has been a casualty of liberal democrat city management for the last 50 plus years, then when the great recession hit they tanked.   Detroit has an exodus of people by the tens of thousands, they’ve writing it off as a dying city, one that was once one of America’ most desirable places to live and work.  But, thanks to a host of problems brought on by corruption, stupidity, greed, unions, economic bubbles, phoney bailouts, Obama’s polices, out sourcing, welfare, plant closures and changing times… Detroit has imploded!   It’s a city in hock, overrun with crime and unable to meet its debt or pay it’s workers.    Sounds a lot like California, eh?

It’s so bad there that the city will give you a house if you will take over the taxes!   Of course crime is very high, but not in all areas, some are areas are very safe and quite livable. 

The good news is, the situation is completely fixable, but it will require a purge in elected office holders and welfare bums.  It will also require an massive campaign to import immigrants eager to work and thrive who are not part of the current problem.    There’s nobody who sees opportunity better than new Americans.  Can you imagine what a half million industrious Chinese could do to turn this city around or Eastern Europeans? 

As the economy improves those lost jobs will come back and propery values will start to recover and then it could snow ball into a huge recovery!  But it’s going to take awhile, a strong leader with an iron  will to make it happen. 

Detroit spent decades getting into trouble, it’s going to take some time to rebuild and recover, but it is absolutely possible.      It just needs new management, and it needs new citizens not connected to the old ways of doing things.   Then it’s time to kick butt and run off the gangs and criminal predators that now infest the city center and projects…that will take a minor war, but it can be done a whole lot easier than trying to control just one province in Afghanistan….and so much more rewarding too!   

Detroit is the first major American city to completely collapse and it may not be the last.    This is exactly what happens when you repeatedly violate the laws of economics and common sense.  And who else better equipped to do that than liberals!  And they do it with a straight face too.   Motor City can make a comeback right along with the auto industry, but serious changes must come with it and a whole element of Detroit’s population needs to be driven off and removed from power forever.

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Greg Hicks on Benghazi: “I never reported a demonstration; I reported an attack on the consulate”

Posted by Tina

Reporting for CNN, Jake Tapper gives a preview of testimony that will be given this week on the terrorist attack in Benghazi. Greg Hicks indicates he was surprised when Susan Rice claimed on the Sunday talk shows that Benghazi was the result of a “spontaneous demonstration” and indicates some higher-ups are being shielded:

Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said Sunday on CBS that Hicks will testify Wednesday in a congressional hearing on the deadly attack in Benghazi.

“In our system, people who make decisions have been confirmed by the Senate to make decisions,” Hicks told investigators.”The three people in the State Department who are on administrative leave pending disciplinary action are below Senate confirmation level. Now, the DS (Diplomatic Security) assistant secretary resigned, and he is at Senate confirmation level. Yet the paper trail is pretty clear that decisions were being made above his level.

Whom might Hicks be referring to? He specifically mentions Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy.
“Certainly the fact that Under Secretary Kennedy required a daily report of the personnel in country and who personally approved every official American who went to Tripoli or Benghazi, either on assignment or TDY (temporary duty), would suggest some responsibility about security levels within the country lies on his desk,” Hicks said.

Darrell Issa is to be commended for pressing forward in pursuit of the truth about this colossal security failure.


Power, Corruption, and Immigration Law

Posted by Tina

Thanks to research done by Michael Bargo Jr. at The American Thinker we can all rest assured that immigration control, and a considerable amount of gun and bomb violence prevention, is already within the power of the US government and the various states. Turns out, we don’t need more immigration control measures, we already have them! But there’s a problem. The radicals in control simply ignore the laws and instead work tirelessly to facilitate illegal entry into the United States.

Instructions are given to would be illegal immigrants in Mexico to show them how to apply for benefits once across the border. In some areas a form to register to vote is included with food stamps. Some American cities offer sanctuary to anyone that has come here by illegal means. These are some of the ways leftists encourage and support illegal entry into our country. But there’s another…have you heard of the “Matricula Consular” card?

I have to confess, this is a new one for me:

…the Cook County, Illinois, board of commissioners passed a law making the Matricula Consular card, which does not have background checks, a valid form of I.D. The Chairman of that Committee is John Daley, the brother of Bill Daley who served as Obama’s Chief of Staff. The president knows of these I.D. issues and has the authority to stop them.

At the same time Democrats have made the Matricula Consular card available to immigrants, they have aggressively fought any moves to “document” these persons through official channels. For example, they fight Voter I.D. laws, national I.Ds., and efforts to restrict the decennial Census count to citizens. All of these actions have one goal in common: they are efforts crafted to ensure that Democrats stay in control of their “documentation.”

Consider a few statistics that Mr. Bargo gathered together:

In 2011 the General Accountability Office (GAO) published a report called “Criminal Alien Statistics.” This report listed the types of crimes for which illegal aliens were actually convicted from 2001 to 2009. Those who wish to prevent bombings such as occurred at the Boston marathon should note that from 2001 to 2009 the DOJ convicted 68 illegal aliens of terrorism related acts. These included actions related to the bombing of public places. (P. 25) In this time period the DOJ convicted an additional 9 illegal aliens who had links to international terrorism. (P.26). Illegal aliens were 17% of the total inmate population convicted as a result of terrorism-related investigations. These terrorists were able to enter the country unhindered due to the lack of background checks performed upon illegal immigrants.

Seventy-three percent of all criminal aliens incarcerated came from Mexico and four other Central American countries. Persons born in these countries are the ones most likely to illegally enter the U.S. through the southern border.

And with regard to murder, the crime Democrats use as the rationale for passing strict background checks, the report found that in 2008 in the five states of New York, Texas, Arizona, Florida and California there were 6,300 illegal alien inmates convicted of homicide. An additional 1,550 were convicted of weapons violations. The homicide rate for illegal aliens was particularly high in New York State were 27% of all person convicted for homicide were illegal aliens. This suggests that if the background checks required by the normal process of legal immigration were conducted, the great majority of these 6,300 homicides would have been prevented. These background checks are already mandated by Federal law yet Democrats are primarily responsible for ignoring them. (emphasis mine)

This administration is corrupt and power hungry. What passes for leadership, and what passes for or concern in incidents like Sandy Hook, is pure partisanship conniving for a radical agenda and absolute power and control. Our country has been smeared and weakened by one big pile of radical progressive Democrat Party stink…as a result we are adrift and sinking fast.

(Stay tuned this week for details on Benghazi from a few good patriots stepping up.)

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How Was the President’s Speech in Mexico?

Posted by Tina

The President traveled to Mexico City to speak before a gathering of students at the Museo Nacional de Antropología (National Museum of Antropology). Among the many things he talked about, the President mentioned the violence that the people of Mexico have suffered. In the process he decried the number of guns in Mexico that he claims come mostly from the United States. While he vowed to uphold the American people’s Constitutional right to bear arms, he promised he would work toward reform of America’s gun laws. I was disappointed that our President would travel to Mexico to complain about our laws like an uninvolved bystander. The President didn’t come across as genuine to me. In many ways he seemed to be pandering, going for the votes…campaigning!

As he spoke of guns and violence he did not mention the Fast and Furious program that authorized guns to be intentionally walked across the border and into the hands of violent drug cartels. He didn’t mention the border patrol agents or the 300 Mexican’s that lost their lives because of this program. He did mention the violence in Mexico caused by America’s demand for illegal drugs:

In the United States, we recognize our responsibilities as well. We understand that the root cause of much of the violence here—and so much suffering for many Mexicans— is the demand for illegal drugs, including in the United States.

While taking responsibility for America’s drug users he skipped over the part about dangerous Mexicans living in America, growing weed, and pushing drugs on our streets. He didn’t mention the gangs that have settled in our cities and towns or the violent crimes they commit. And he didn’t mention the numbers of Mexicans in our prison system:

Of the immigrants in state prison, the most come from Mexico, according to the CDCR data. As of December 2010, they show a total of 15,985 inmates from our neighbor to the south. Of those, 1,928 are listed as being here legally, having no ICE hold.

Another 14,057 California prisoners are illegal immigrants from Mexico that are on an ICE hold or potential hold.

The President didn’t mention the costly burden that our states must bear for the illegal activity or the prisons to hold them. (Prison cost alone is in the millions of dollars in California).

Other than violence and crime, President Obama was effusive in his admiration for the strides the Mexican people have made in terms of their economy and democracy. But some Mexican’s in attendance were puzzled by his praise:

“[That was] a really good speech by President Obama, but what Mexico was he talking about?” said Jose Carlos Cruz, 24, a graduate student in international relations. “Unfortunately in our country, the situation is terrible: There’s poverty, unemployment, and even worse, the future is anything but promising.

“How nice that he came to give inspiring speeches, but what’s happening in Mexico is far from what he talked about today,” Cruz said.

I’m afraid that what is happening in America is also far from what the President talked about in this speech. While his tone was upbeat and positive his speech was cliched and lacked meaningful substance. It was, as is usually the case, a campaign speech and likely targeted to influence in the areas of immigration and gun reform.

As for guns, violence, and the culpability of the American people, I invite you to read this from the site, “Armed Females of America” and this from “Stratfor” which includes the following:

It has now become quite common to hear U.S. officials confidently assert that 90 percent of the weapons used by the Mexican drug cartels come from the United States. However, a close examination of the dynamics of the cartel wars in Mexico — and of how the oft-echoed 90 percent number was reached — clearly demonstrates that the number is more political rhetoric than empirical fact.

As we discussed in a previous analysis, the 90 percent number was derived from a June 2009 U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report to Congress on U.S. efforts to combat arms trafficking to Mexico (see external link).

According to the GAO report, some 30,000 firearms were seized from criminals by Mexican authorities in 2008. Of these 30,000 firearms, information pertaining to 7,200 of them (24 percent) was submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing. Of these 7,200 guns, only about 4,000 could be traced by the ATF, and of these 4,000, some 3,480 (87 percent) were shown to have come from the United States.

This means that the 87 percent figure relates to the number of weapons submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF that could be successfully traced and not from the total number of weapons seized by Mexican authorities or even from the total number of weapons submitted to the ATF for tracing. In fact, the 3,480 guns positively traced to the United States equals less than 12 percent of the total arms seized in Mexico in 2008 and less than 48 percent of all those submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF for tracing. This means that almost 90 percent of the guns seized in Mexico in 2008 were not traced back to the United States.

I give the President an E for effort in Mexico. I’m tired of America being characterized as the guilty party in all of the world’s problems. And truth be told, I’m pretty tired of the Presidents endless, boring campaigning.


A Small Break Thru in My Art

  This is my latest painting and it represents a sort of break thru in technical skill.  If you have been following my previous submissions you can see the style taking shape and the progression of quality as I learn.  I hope I’m developing something that might be appreciated, but for now it’s just fun.  Some of my work will be on display at the Silver Dollar Fair this year.  The painting looks a lot better in person…IMHO, the colors and detail are much more pronounced.  

It’s done in acrylic on canvas, varnished and measures about 22″ by 30,” titled Covered Bridge.  Double click on the picture to see a larger version.  All comments are appreciated, good or bad!  This is how I learn.


PS  I like Kincaid and some of the study in light is inspired by his work, but the colors and style are all mine.  






Grand Jury Report on Chico

Get ready folks, there’s a Grand Jury report coming out about Chico…. can’t say more, just that you’ll find it very interesting.

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