Inertial Confinement Laser Fusion and Beyond

editors note:  I added the last link shown below.  I just thought it might help explain the way the improved Tokamak (ITER) works.

by Pie Guervara

For a decade I worked on several Inertial Confinement Laser Fusion (ICLF) projects at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in target diagnostics.  ICLF has since been shortened to Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), a broader and more inclusive description.  Nevertheless it is still lasers (as opposed to masers or particle beams) that are the primary drivers in the large ICF projects.

At that time (1970-s -1990-s) magnetic compression fusion (Tokamak) pretty much died and lost most of it’s research funding in the USA. Magnetic bottle fusion was kept alive for basic research but could not create the forces required to get a positive energy yield and create or sustain a fusion process.  Neither has ICF until, maybe, recently, at the giant National Ignition Facility.  (Heck, I thought Shiva and Nova were huge.)

We (that is we in the USA) have the NIF which has yielded a huge amount of basic physics research and engineering progress fruit but never the goal of clean cheap energy.  I don’t know if the physicists at LLNL ever solved the problem of Broullian scattering despite pulse and wavelength tailoring and driver transformations to x-ray using holrahm targets.  (This was once classified information but was let out of the bucket decades ago.)

In any case, Tokomak (magnetically compressed bottle fusion) is back.  I find it exciting, even invigorating.  But then, maybe I am just an idiot.  I think funding research of the “counterintuitve morphology” of the genitals of ducks just a plain stupid waste of tax dollars.  But, hey, maybe that is just me.



2008 Election Fraud Convictions

Posted by Tina

Two former Democrat Party officials in Indiana have been convicted on multiple counts of election fraud according to a report by the Daily Caller:

Two St. Joseph County Democratic operatives have been found guilty of conspiring to forge signatures in order to get both Obama and then-presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on the ballot in Indiana. Fox News reports:

Former longtime St. Joseph County Democratic Party Chairman Butch Morgan Jr. was found guilty of felony conspiracy counts to commit petition fraud and forgery, and former county Board of Elections worker Dustin Blythe was found guilty of felony forgery counts and falsely making a petition, after being accused of faking petitions that enabled Obama, then an Illinois senator, to get on the presidential primary ballot for his first run for the White House.

Morgan was accused of being the mastermind behind the plot.

One witness testified that Morgan ordered party workers to transfer names on a petition supporting Jim Schellinger, a candidate for governor, onto Democrat primary petitions to place Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the ballot.

This happened in Indiana but it is definitely “The Chicago Way”…sorry folks, but I have to wonder just how much of the election across the country flowed from this same brand of unscrupulous politics.

I have to say it…Tea Party is proven to be on the side of right once again. We should all do whatever we can to ensure that all legal votes count, all petitions are valid, and all registrations and ballots are securely cast…and don’t support people in your party that do this stuff…run them out of town.


Underhanded Civil Rights Politics Will Ruin the Nation We Love

Posted by Tina

Eric Holder made the following statement in remarks before the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund:

Creating a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million unauthorized immigrants in this country is essential. The way we treat our friends and neighbors who are undocumented – by creating a mechanism for them to earn citizenship and move out of the shadows – transcends the issue of immigration status. This is a matter of civil and human rights. It is about who we are as a nation. And it goes to the core of our treasured American principle of equal opportunity.

Sounds nice doesn’t it? Sounds fair. Who could argue with him! And yet, this guy is just being a ratty old dog, playing mud politics and misusing the language to divide the country for votes! Disgusting!

Peter Wehner, Commentary Magazine, calls Holder’s statement “reckless” and “pernicious” charging that Holder is attempting to frame immigration policy in terms of human rights:

As someone who believes in earned citizenship if it’s done in the context of other steps related to border security and encouraging more high-skilled workers coming to America, perhaps I have a bit of standing to say that what Holder said is nonsense. Offering earned citizenship to illegal aliens falls under the category of prudential arguments about immigration reform. There are serious policy arguments on both sides.

But Attorney General Holder’s claim is more than simply silly; it is also pernicious. It attempts to frame this debate not on the merits of granting a pathway to citizenship for those who have violated our laws; it’s an effort to frame it as a conflict between those who support (good people) and those who oppose (bad people) basic human rights. This is an effort, in other words, to demonize those with whom one disagrees, and therefore creates yet more polarization and anger and self-righteousness in a debate that probably needs less of it.

What Holder said also reveals a fairly common mindset of those on the left, which is to characterize whatever position they embrace not simply as correct but as a basic civil right. In other words, as something fundamental and teleological, as a right that is ours based on our nature as human beings.

This is another example of the PC/rights box I have been writing about on Post Scripts for some time. It has created unnecessary discord (divide and concuer) and it is destroying any chance for our representatives and congressmen to work honestly toward legislation that might work for the security and economic needs of our entire nation.

In comments today I posted an article about an FBI informant who claims there are Taliban living in America, waiting and preparing to strike cities and venues where the most damage will be felt. It is time to do something about securing our border and that will never happen as long as radicals in the Democrat Party leadership are allowed to frame every issue in a manner that discredits the opposition and along with them whatever ideas they bring to discussions on immigration reform and border control.

A political strategy that divides and creates disorder will never create a strong or healthy nation. But this ugliness will only end when the people wise up and put an end to it. Awareness of how our language is used for political power is a good first step. Let us strive together to reclaim the language, demand straight talk, and put an end to the civil/human rights manipulation that’s dividing and destroying our nation.


Stock Pick – ACHN is a Winner Today

by Jack

Remember that pharmaceutical stock I suggest you take a look at as I felt it was bottoming and due to surge because of excellent testing results on Hep-C?  Well, it went up almost 6% today.  That’s right, it went up exactly 5.87% in just one day!   You could have bought it for around $6.90 a share yesterday and sold it today for $7.40 a share.  That’s some quick turn around!  In fact it’s almost unheard of in this weak market place.

I rarely make announcements on stocks that I’m following because I would hate to say, buy this stock and then you lose money, so I only due it with great care, when I am almost certain it’s ready to shoot up.   To prove my point, out of the 6 stocks over the last few years that I have mentioned, every single one without fail has surged and made substantial gains almost right after the call.  The odds of that happening by coincidence are off the charts.

ACHN is probably due for a correction soon, so I make no calls on the short term direction when it’s popped this much in a day.  However, I’m pleased this stock was one of the top performing stocks today.  You would have made an equivalent to 2 years worth of interest income on a savings bond in just 24 hours if you bought the stock right after I mentioned it.   Hope you did and then you took the profits!

If the clinical trials continue as well as they have so far, I see ACHN trading above $15 within 12 months, unless the stockmarket  tanks or someone else beats them to the patent office .



Government Intervention Making Medical Industry Sick

Posted by Tina

If you like to have background information from someone who has been a witness to the process, if you like having an informed position, you will want to read this article. Dr. Jeffrey A. Singer summarizes how the medical field has been corrupted and nearly destroyed by government intervention, beginning with the passage of Medicare. From the coding system, to financial burdens and recordkeeping, to the coming two-tiered system the doctor spells out what has become a sick system in need of wellness reform.

I hope you will read, “How Government Killed the Medical Profession” published in Reason. Dr Singer has been a general surgeon for more than three decades.

The Obama health care legislation, passed in secret through bribery and intimidation, is a “huge train wreck”, according to Max Baucus, one of Obamacare’s architects and promoters. It’s time to dump it.


G.W. Bush Presidential Library Dedicated

Posted by Tina

Four living presidents join President Bush at the opening of the George W. Bush Library and Museum today. I note the occasion by posting from two articles that address the character and intelligence of the former president.

The first is an article written by Keith Hennessey. Mr. Hennessey does lectures at Stanford Graduate School of Business and Law. He served as a senior economic advisor to President Bush for seven years which, in my estimation, gives him the experience to make the provocative statement, “George W. Bush is Smarter than You.” The statement derives from a question he is asked by a student:

One of my students asked “How involved was President Bush with what was going on?” I smiled and responded, “What you really mean is, ‘Was President Bush smart enough to understand what was going on,’ right?”

The class went dead silent. Everyone knew that this was the true meaning of the question. Kudos to that student for asking the hard question and for framing it so politely. I had stripped away that decorum and exposed the raw nerve.

I looked hard at the 60 MBA students and said “President Bush is smarter than almost every one of you.”
More silence.

I could tell they were waiting for me to break the tension, laugh, and admit I was joking.
I did not. A few shifted in their seats, then I launched into a longer answer.

George W. Bush’s reputation as a dumb Texan is built upon the character assassination efforts of his political rivals. Mr. Hennessey’s article aims to set the record straight. I’m happy to hear he’s instructing his students, future voters, so that they will have an opportunity to consider the possibility and make voting decisions in future based on more than media and political spin. The questions he asks of his students are interesting. These two are my favorites; they remind me of our favorite student here at PS:

This is a hard one, for liberals only. Do you assume that he is unintelligent because he made policy choices with which you disagree? If so, your logic may be backwards. “I disagree with choice X that President Bush made. No intelligent person could conclude X, therefore President Bush is unintelligent.” Might it be possible that an intelligent, thoughtful conservative with different values and priorities than your own might have reached a different conclusion than you? Do you really think your policy views derive only from your intellect?

George Bush was criticized as all Presidents will be for decisions they make. But the charge that he was stupid are just flat out wrong.

Turns out he wasn’t careless or racist either. Proof that the media, in cahoots with radicals pushing lies in the Democrat Party, were determined to damage the reputation of GWB unfairly. CNN reports a message from Donna Brazile:

Hurricane Katrina’s devastation and the bungled rescue efforts are seared in the national memory. Bush’s “heckuva job” remark turned into a byword for government incompetence and public distrust. The shallowness of it coming at such a terrible and low point left deep wounds that are still healing. That was what it was.

But rather than rehash all that went wrong, I want to share what I believe to have been President Bush’s determination to follow up on commitments, and the intense, personal, dedicated efforts he made to revive and restore people’s futures. I know what I’m talking about. … (Tells her family’s personal experience)

… Bush understood the need for civility. I joined him despite my frustration because the need was too great for finger-pointing and blame-making. He flew to New Orleans and addressed the nation: “Tonight I also offer this pledge to the American people: Throughout the area hit by the hurricane, we will do what it takes. We will stay as long as it takes to help citizens rebuild their communities and their lives.”

George W. Bush was good as his word. He visited the Gulf states 17 times; went 13 times to New Orleans. Laura Bush made 24 trips. Bush saw that $126 billion in aid was sent to the Gulf’s residents, as some members of his own party in Congress balked.

Bush put a special emphasis on rebuilding schools and universities. He didn’t forget African-Americans: Bush provided $400 million to the historically black colleges, now integrated, that remain a pride, and magnet for African-American students. Laura Bush, a librarian, saw to it that thousands of books ruined by the floods were replaced. To this day, there are many local libraries with tributes devoted to her efforts.

It was a team effort. I’m glad to report the commission I served on went out-of-business in 2010. I’m also grateful and proud to report that President Bush was one of the leaders, and a very important member, of that team. Our recovery can be credited to the civility and tireless efforts of President Bush and other Americans, who united and worked together to help rebuild the Gulf and the place of my birth, New Orleans.


Mother Blames USA for Not Protecting Bombers

by Jack

MAKHACHKALA, Russia (AP) — The father of the two Boston bombing suspects said Thursday that he is soon leaving Russia for the United States, to visit one son and lay the other to rest. Their mother said she was still thinking over whether to make the journey.

“I am going there to see my son and bury my older one,” Anzor Tsarnaev said in an emotional meeting with journalists. “I have no bad thoughts, I’m not planning any bombings, I don’t want to do anything. I’m not offended by anyone. I want to know the truth, what happened. I want to work it out.” Yet, he’s on video claiming that “all hell would break loose” if something happened to his son, as in being sentenced to death. The State department chose to believe he doesn’t want to start any trouble and they have issued him a travel visa to come to the US. The bombers grew up around this man, they got their values from him and he guided them into Islam…and the State Department thinks he’s just a normal greiving parent?

Their parents returned last year to Dagestan, one of several predominantly Muslim provinces in southern Russia, where the family lived briefly before moving to the U.S. a decade ago. Why they would go back to an area they sought poltical asylum from remains a mystery.

The elder suspect spent the first half of 2012 in Russia’s Caucasus, which has been ravaged for years by an insurgency led by religious extremists. Anzor Tsarnaev said his son stayed with his father for at least three months in Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan, and spent one month with relatives, but he was unclear on where his son was for the remaining time, however, his views on the USA seemed to change radically about this time.

(Suspect’s father) The suspects’ mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, who was charged with shoplifting in the U.S. last summer, said she has been assured by lawyers that she would not be arrested, but said she was still deciding whether to go. She said she now regrets moving her family to the U.S. and believes they would have been better off in a village in her native Dagestan. Many American’s would probably agree with her. “You know, my kids would be with us, and we would be, like, fine,” she said. “So, yes, I would prefer not to live in America now! Why did I even go there? Why? I thought America is going to, like, protect us, our kids, it’s going to be safe.” She sounds like a victim of the Boston bombings, not the mother of the two that did it. How strange is that? She actually blaming the USA for not protecting her sons who murdered anyone American? She’s also wanted on theft charges and we’re not going to arrest her…why?

The Russian government contacted first the FBI and then the CIA in 2011 with concerns about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, but the FBI closed the case before any evidence of ties to extremists could be found. Guess they didn’t look at the parents….there’s your radical connection. Hiding in plain sight, funny the FBI didn’t notice? With parents like these two is it any wonder their kids turned out to be cold blooded killers?

The wife of the slain bomber has lawyered up. Heclaims his client wasworking 70-80 hours a week as a homehealth aide worker and had no idea her husband was building bombs in their house. The wife, Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, was attending university in Boston when friends introduced her to her future husband at a nightclub, her lawyer said. They dated on and off, then married in 2009 or 2010. She was raised as a Christian but at some point after meeting Tamerlan Tsarnaev she converted to Islam, he said. When asked why she converted, DeLuca said: “She believes in the tenets of Islam and of the Qur’an. I wonder if that includes killing infidels? The rumor is she came from a vrey liberal family. This might explain why she was so quick to give up her values for her husband’s.


Your Tax Dollars at Work!

The federal government is spending $152,000 to study “voice therapy” for transgenders, saying it is incumbent to being “accepted as one’s preferred gender.”

“This study will illuminate the capabilities of the human larynx and inform the relationship between voice production and perception,” states a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant, awarded to George Washington University. “The long term goal of this research is to inform and provide new directions for Transgender (TG) voice care, thereby improving the lives of TG people who feel their voice is a great obstacle to living as their preferred gender.”

“Incomplete gender presentation can negatively impact the TG individual’s job opportunities, relationships, and social acceptance,” the study explains. “Results of this project will advance an aspect of gender transition vital to being accepted as one’s preferred gender and living a successful, healthy life.”

George Washington University received $152,500 in 2012 from the NIH’s National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Adrienne B. Hancock, an assistant professor at GWU, is leading the project.

According to the University, her primary research addresses “transgender voice and communication.” “She has examined transgender voice physiology as well as the psychosocial influence of voice and communication skills for transgender speakers,” her bio states.

The project will compare male-to-female transgender voices with men and women voices, judged by 100 listeners to “judge the gender” of the speech samples. Those male-to-female transgenders who pass as a female voice will be placed in a separate group and then compared to those who still sound like men.

“Like voice therapy for other populations, [transgender] voice therapy should be grounded in knowledge of the vocal mechanism of the speaker,” the grant states. “It should not resort, as it currently does, to establishing acoustic goals based exclusively on differences between normative values of two gender groups and assumed gender perception boundaries.”

The study hopes to influence voice therapy methods for transgenders by its project end date in August 2014.

Its public health relevance statement reads: “The production and perception results of this study will inform voice therapy clinical protocols for Transgender speakers who face discrimination when their voice does not match their preferred gender presentation, which limits their ability to contribute to society and live healthy, safe lives.”

Although asked the NIH for comment on this particular grant, the agency’s public affairs office responded by e-mail with a general statement that read, “NIH research addresses the full spectrum of human health across all populations of Americans. Behavioral research will continue to be an important area of research supported by NIH. The details of the specific grant that you are inquiring about, including funding amounts and project start and end dates, can be found on NIH Reporter.


House Benghazi Report – Fort Hood – Boston Bombers

Posted by Tina

The Obama administration vowed in 2008 to fundamentally transform America. In many ways, including national security, he seems to be right on track. We have experienced several incidents that suggest security policy that isn’t working and represents a major change from the years prior to his taking office. The biggest change is in how this administration views the enemy that has sworn to destroy America through violence and through infiltration.

Let’s review findings from reports that suggest the trans-formative security policies this administration has adopted have severely weakened national security and the safety of the American people in the face of a dangerous, murderous enemy.

Five separate House investigations into events surrounding the Benghazi attack and the failures by our government to adequately provide security and defense for the Ambassador and his staff have been completed. The executive summary concludes in part the following:

Reductions of security levels prior to the attacks in Benghazi were approved at the highest levels of the State Department, up to and including Secretary Clinton. This fact contradicts her testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on January 23, 2013.

In the days following the attacks, White House and senior State Department officials altered accurate talking points drafted by the Intelligence Community in order to protect the State Department.
Contrary to Administration rhetoric, the talking points were not edited to protect classified information. Concern for classified information is never mentioned in email traffic among senior administration officials.

This report highlights the administrations careless disregard for American security. It reveals a concerted effort to deceive the American people on security measures. It provides a window into the “see no evil” position the administration has taken regarding the enemy. The President’s redistribution and transformation ambitions have taken precedence over security concerns as well as other issues that matter most to Americans.

Each of the five House committees investigating Benghazi will continue to investigate. The House summary on Benghazi concludes:

In sum, the events in Benghazi thus reflect this Administration’s lack of a comprehensive national security strategy or effective defense posture in the region. This singular event will be repeated unless the United States recognizes and responds to the threats faced around the world, and properly positions resources and security assets to reflect those threats. Until that time, the United States will remain in a reactionary mode and should expect many more situations like Benghazi, where those on the ground act bravely, but the United States simply fails to provide the resources for an adequate response. Ultimately, those opposed to U.S. interests will continue to take advantage of perceived U.S. weakness, the United States will continue to lose credibility with our allies, and we will face the worst of all possible outcomes in strategically important locations around the world.

Long before Boston, the Fort Hood case should have been instructive. It should have set off warning bells that caused the administration to rethink its security policy. But the administration’s weak analysis and response in Fort Hood is not inconsistent with the Obama position on terrorism and Islam. The President is unwilling to acknowledge that Islam has a direct role in the terrorism being inflicted around the world. He has a vested interest (what is it?) to downplay the role the Muslim religion plays. His propensity is to create moral equivalence with other religions. The message is that Islam is no more and no less relevant than other religions (or no religion) to the violent attacks on citizens in countries around the world.

George Neumayer reflects on the problem for The American Spectator:

The Obama administration tries to leave the public with the impression that its security failures are due to “incomprehensible” forces. But most of them are easy enough to comprehend, as they follow upon repeated and ignored warnings.

The father of the jihadist who tried to blow up a plane over Detroit in 2009 went to a CIA office in Africa and announced to anyone who cared to listen that his son was a threat to the U.S. No one did.

Major Nidal Hasan, the jihadist who shot up Fort Hood, spared American intelligence even that minor step of dot-connecting. He held public presentations on his hatred of America and sympathy for suicide bombers. The soldiers in the audience politely listened, not wanting to risk demotion or open themselves up to scoldings from their PC overlords. Some of Hasan’s colleagues even thought he had the makings of a thoughtful adviser to the government on Islamic affairs.

Short of a bombing or shooting, it is hard for Islamic warriors to get the attention of an administration that insists it is not at “war with Islam,” and even then no lessons are learned. The horror just becomes an occasion for more “diversity” and “understanding.”

I hope you will read the Spectator piece which states this case much better than I have.

The Presidents fundamental transformation of America includes stripping certain language from the lexicon to protect a religion that has been deemed “not responsible” for the brand of radicalism that is terrorizing people all over the world, including within American cities and military compounds. This is simply unacceptable. Unfortunately Obama’s new Secretary of State, John Kerry, doesn’t appear to be an improvement over Hillary Clinton:

I think the world has had enough of people who have no belief system, no policy for jobs, no policy for education, no policy for rule of law, but who just want to kill people because they don’t like what they see. There’s not room for that. That’s what we’ve been fighting against after all of the wars of the 20th century. Now we’re in the 21st century, and it’s time for a different organizational principle. And we need to, all of us, do a better job of communicating to people what the options of life are. And we’re open. Democracies are open to people participating in the democracy, not killing people. And so I hope that we can all figure out how we translate these better opportunities more effectively in our politics.

See how easy it is to dismiss the radical teachings that inspire murder and mayhem in the name of Islam? You just say (pretend) those bombers don’t believe in anything!

The next step in the Benghazi hearings will include the testimony of whistle blowers. Let’s hope that their revelations will get the attention of the American people. Our cities and our military serving around the world deserve much better than they are getting from this Commander-in-Chief and his sorry national security staff.


Abuse of Language and Meaning at School

by Tina Grazier

Children as young as five have been scolded and dismissed from school for something as innocent as forming fingers in the shape of a gun or drawing a picture that features an explosion. Ridiculous! Children naturally play and draw pictures of things that attract their attention. They have no intention to do harm and presumably will have many years ahead to be instructed at home and at school about good and evil, right and wrong. The absurdity of scolding over trivial matters is part of the slaughtering of language and meaning that has been going on in America for some time. It is not at all surprising to read this morning that a second grade teacher in Chicago was suspended for bringing ordinary tools (wrench, screw driver, pliers) to his classroom for a discussion. The children were not given access to the tools:

Despite the fact that all potentially hazardous items were kept out of the students’ reach, school officials at Washington Irving Elementary School informed Doug Bartlett, a 17-year veteran in the classroom, that his use of the tools as visual aids endangered his students. Bartlett was subsequently penalized with a four-day suspension without pay – charged with possessing, carrying, storing or using a weapon.

Mr. Bartlett is suing and rightly so. The big lessons of the day in his classroom were that ordinary tools are dangerous in everyone’s hands and you can never really trust adults/teachers. The absurdity has to be incredibly confusing to these young minds

His case is much larger than the humiliation, loss of reputation, and loss of wages this teacher had to endure. A teaching industry that has shown itself, again and again, to be incapable to make a simple distinction between a real threat to students and a teaching discussion on the proper use of household tools, or a child’s imaginative play, has lost it’s ability to properly educate our children. This is no longer a teaching profession; it is a sociological and political mind management industry.