Posted by Tina
Thanks to research done by Michael Bargo Jr. at The American Thinker we can all rest assured that immigration control, and a considerable amount of gun and bomb violence prevention, is already within the power of the US government and the various states. Turns out, we don’t need more immigration control measures, we already have them, but the progressive radicals in control of the Democrat Party ignore those laws and work tirelessly instead to facilitate illegal entry into the US. Political opponents calling for our laws to be upheld are simply profiled and dismissed as racist. We live in dangerous times. We can’t afford to be dumb or unaware right now.
We are by now aware of the instructions given to would be (illegal) immigrants regarding the benefits they can apply to receive once they manage to cross the border. And we’re equally aware of “sanctuary cities established where progressives control government. But have you heard of the “Matricula Consular” card?
…the Cook County, Illinois, board of commissioners passed a law making the matricula consular card, which does not have background checks, a valid form of I.D. The Chairman of that Committee is John Daley, the brother of Bill Daley who served as Obama’s Chief of Staff. The president knows of these I.D. issues and has the authority to stop them.
This is something I had not heard of. Find more information here and here.
In Illinois these cards have been used in sanctuary cities to obtain drivers licenses, register to vote, and even to purchase homes under the lax lending policies established under Bill Clinton.
At the same time Democrats have made the matricula consular card available to immigrants, they have aggressively fought any moves to “document” these persons through official channels. For example, they fight Voter I.D. laws, national I.Ds., and efforts to restrict the decennial Census count to citizens. All of these actions have one goal in common: they are efforts crafted to ensure that Democrats stay in control of their “documentation.”
The immigration laws of this nation are being undermined and abused by radical left leaders that have no respect for our heritage or our Constitution and laws. Consider a few statistics Mr. Bargo gathered together:
In 2011 the General Accountability Office (GAO) published a report called “Criminal Alien Statistics.” This report listed the types of crimes for which illegal aliens were actually convicted from 2001 to 2009. Those who wish to prevent bombings such as occurred at the Boston marathon should note that from 2001 to 2009 the DOJ convicted 68 illegal aliens of terrorism related acts. These included actions related to the bombing of public places. (P. 25) In this time period the DOJ convicted an additional 9 illegal aliens who had links to international terrorism. (P.26). Illegal aliens were 17% of the total inmate population convicted as a result of terrorism-related investigations. These terrorists were able to enter the country unhindered due to the lack of background checks performed upon illegal immigrants. …
…And with regard to murder, the crime Democrats use as the rationale for passing strict (gun) background checks, the report found that in 2008 in the five states of New York, Texas, Arizona, Florida and California there were 6,300 illegal alien inmates convicted of homicide. An additional 1,550 were convicted of weapons violations. The homicide rate for illegal aliens was particularly high in New York State were 27% of all person convicted for homicide were illegal aliens. This suggests that if the background checks required by the normal process of legal immigration were conducted, the great majority of these 6,300 homicides would have been prevented. These background checks are already mandated by Federal law yet Democrats are primarily responsible for ignoring them.
What passes for leadership in the progressive Democrat Party is actually pure partisan conniving to establish power and control. Within a very short amount of time these radical progressives will have their talking points ducks in a row. They will introduce soothing words about the terror act in Boston to lull the people back to sleep; unfortunately most will gladly acquiesce.
The people in this country need to wise up and remove those in leadership who corrupt and ignore our laws and who serve the progressive cause over our precious republic. That goes for leadership in each of the states and our local cities and towns. We are living in difficult and dangerous times. We need strong, dedicated people at every level; people that will put America and American ideals above their self-serving “transformation” ambitions.
The immigration laws we have are adequate to manage legal immigration to our shores if they are used and enforced. We do need a system to secure our borders. It’s time we introduced a stand alone bill just for the purpose of securing our borders.