Power, Corruption, and Immigration Law

Posted by Tina

Thanks to research done by Michael Bargo Jr. at The American Thinker we can all rest assured that immigration control, and a considerable amount of gun and bomb violence prevention, is already within the power of the US government and the various states. Turns out, we don’t need more immigration control measures, we already have them, but the progressive radicals in control of the Democrat Party ignore those laws and work tirelessly instead to facilitate illegal entry into the US. Political opponents calling for our laws to be upheld are simply profiled and dismissed as racist. We live in dangerous times. We can’t afford to be dumb or unaware right now.

We are by now aware of the instructions given to would be (illegal) immigrants regarding the benefits they can apply to receive once they manage to cross the border. And we’re equally aware of “sanctuary cities established where progressives control government. But have you heard of the “Matricula Consular” card?

…the Cook County, Illinois, board of commissioners passed a law making the matricula consular card, which does not have background checks, a valid form of I.D. The Chairman of that Committee is John Daley, the brother of Bill Daley who served as Obama’s Chief of Staff. The president knows of these I.D. issues and has the authority to stop them.

This is something I had not heard of. Find more information here and here.

In Illinois these cards have been used in sanctuary cities to obtain drivers licenses, register to vote, and even to purchase homes under the lax lending policies established under Bill Clinton.

At the same time Democrats have made the matricula consular card available to immigrants, they have aggressively fought any moves to “document” these persons through official channels. For example, they fight Voter I.D. laws, national I.Ds., and efforts to restrict the decennial Census count to citizens. All of these actions have one goal in common: they are efforts crafted to ensure that Democrats stay in control of their “documentation.”

The immigration laws of this nation are being undermined and abused by radical left leaders that have no respect for our heritage or our Constitution and laws. Consider a few statistics Mr. Bargo gathered together:

In 2011 the General Accountability Office (GAO) published a report called “Criminal Alien Statistics.” This report listed the types of crimes for which illegal aliens were actually convicted from 2001 to 2009. Those who wish to prevent bombings such as occurred at the Boston marathon should note that from 2001 to 2009 the DOJ convicted 68 illegal aliens of terrorism related acts. These included actions related to the bombing of public places. (P. 25) In this time period the DOJ convicted an additional 9 illegal aliens who had links to international terrorism. (P.26). Illegal aliens were 17% of the total inmate population convicted as a result of terrorism-related investigations. These terrorists were able to enter the country unhindered due to the lack of background checks performed upon illegal immigrants. …

…And with regard to murder, the crime Democrats use as the rationale for passing strict (gun) background checks, the report found that in 2008 in the five states of New York, Texas, Arizona, Florida and California there were 6,300 illegal alien inmates convicted of homicide. An additional 1,550 were convicted of weapons violations. The homicide rate for illegal aliens was particularly high in New York State were 27% of all person convicted for homicide were illegal aliens. This suggests that if the background checks required by the normal process of legal immigration were conducted, the great majority of these 6,300 homicides would have been prevented. These background checks are already mandated by Federal law yet Democrats are primarily responsible for ignoring them.

What passes for leadership in the progressive Democrat Party is actually pure partisan conniving to establish power and control. Within a very short amount of time these radical progressives will have their talking points ducks in a row. They will introduce soothing words about the terror act in Boston to lull the people back to sleep; unfortunately most will gladly acquiesce.

The people in this country need to wise up and remove those in leadership who corrupt and ignore our laws and who serve the progressive cause over our precious republic. That goes for leadership in each of the states and our local cities and towns. We are living in difficult and dangerous times. We need strong, dedicated people at every level; people that will put America and American ideals above their self-serving “transformation” ambitions.

The immigration laws we have are adequate to manage legal immigration to our shores if they are used and enforced. We do need a system to secure our borders. It’s time we introduced a stand alone bill just for the purpose of securing our borders.


PC Rulebook: Failure to Connect the Dots?

Posted by Tina

“Teach them this: There is nothing more beloved to me than wanting to die as a mujahid.” – Shaykh Feiz Mohammed, Islamic Teacher

Were advisors such as the above quoted Islamic teacher off the FBI radar because of words? Kerry Picket of Breitbart, Big Peace reminds us that FBI training manuals were purged of certain words in 2009 that may have made it easy for the brothers Tsnarnaev to slip through the cracks:

The FBI insists to CBS that they took all the required steps that were permissable under the law. However, around the same time the bureau interviewed Tsarnaev, changes in the FBI training manual took place as well. The FBI’s own departmental counter-terrorism analytic lexicon was purged of key words that could reference Islamic terrorism. Words like Muslim, Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and sharia were not mentioned once in the FBI’s counter-terrorism lexicon afterwards.

Consider the words, “required steps that were permissible under the law”. Does that translate to “hands tied by political correctness? The FBI training manual is about much more than training agents in acceptable language, it’s about keeping America safe. I know it’s just words but come on, as the popular saying goes…words mean things! And they also have consequences.

The Boston bombing is a sharp reminder that keeping America safe requires clearly defined terms. It’s unsettling to think that this administration, having placed political correctness above the safety of American citizens, made it more probable that agents would let the latest pair of terrorists slip through the public safety net. Uncomfortable as it may be, I can’t help wondering how many sleeper cells are embedded in America and waiting for the next opportunity because our law doesn’t allow investigation or action based on a few words that powerful people have deemed to insensitive!

The latest information available in the Boston case as I write this comes from the Mirror in the UK:

More than 1,000 FBI agents were last night working to track down the cell and arrested a man and two women 60 miles from Boston in the hours before Dzhokhar’s dramatic capture after a bloody shootout on Friday.

A source close to the investigation said: “We have no doubt the brothers were not acting alone. The devices used to detonate the two bombs were highly sophisticated and not the kind of thing people learn from Google.

Do you suppose now the FBI manual will be restored to its previous state so we can better connect the dots? I kinda doubt it. this administration does not learn from past mistakes…at least not so far.

I don’t know about you but I’m longing for a little of the old cowboy tactics right now. George Bush didn’t speak eloquently or with incredible grace but his speeches were heartfelt, simple, and crystal clear.

With that I’m off to the land of Zzzzzzzzz’s. Night Pilgrims.


Many Muslims Celebrated Boston Murders – Few Were Heard Protesting

The details about the lives of the bombers and what motivated them are just starting to come in, but what we do have looks like a bonanza and helpful things to be learned.

One of the more disturbing revelations is the FBI was tipped off well ahead of the bombings that we had a potential terrorist living with us in suburbia. It looks like it was the Russian’s that tipped us off about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, saying in essence he was bad news, connected to a radical Islamic group back in Russia and we better watch out.

The FBI thought enough of this tip to contact Tsarnaev and have a little chat. The FBI then placed him on a sort of casual watch list, but eventually they lost interest and closed the case. They were unable to determine he was engaged in terrorist activities, although Tsarnaev recently took a 6 month trip back to mother Russia. That should have raised some red flags because he was here under the pretext of political asylum. So why go back? Must be a pretty compelling reason… like maybe hooking up with your terrorist pals for training in preparation for jihad in the USA?

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was the oldest bomber and he was married to a formerly all American girl, Katherine Russell and they had a small child. Prior to their marriage she dutifully converted over to Islam and things changed in her life.

The most obvious signs of change were her clothes, neighbors reported she was wearing baggy clothing and a headscarf all the time. This brings up a couple questions that I’m sure a few of you are already thinking: How does this woman live so intimately with a potential terrorist that the FBI visits, who makes bombs in the kitchen and still does not know he’s dangerous and planning something really awful?

If she was that clueless, does she now have any regrets about her choice in a marriage partner and/or becoming a Muslim? Will she be leaving the religion of peace that helped motivate her husband to murder? According to Sharia law it’s death sentence if she does. Ah, the religion of peace – once in, never out, heads up you all American girls engaged to Muslim fanatics.

According to some of their friends and neighbors there were plenty of clues to think this guy could go off the deep end. He recently told a neighbor that Americans uses the Bible to invade countries. Huh? That’s crazy talk, unless it’s coming from a Muslim extremist, then its reason to watch out. So here he is talking smack about American’s using the Bible to validate foreign invasions and yet he is a naturalized American? This is a sign of several things, first it’s disassociation and second, that he’s only pretending to be an American and didn’t really mean the pledge he took to become a citizen. Then his withdrawal from society coupled to his past radical association should have had him under close watch.

You have to wonder if right after the bombings and two young suspects were determined, if some FBI agent sitting in the Boston field office didn’t have an epiphany, “Gee I wonder if these two guys could be related to the two guys the Russians told us were going to commit terrorism and we better watch out?”

So, we see that over the last two-three years this guy began distancing himself from all his normal “American” activities and limited his contacts to a few Muslim friends and the Mosque and saying stupid stuff about America. He was withdrawing from our society, separating, becoming part of a hostile sub-culture. There was a clue he was building up to doing something really evil. And the clues extended to his brother as well. And his wife, she was separating too, although her separation may not have been completely voluntary. But, she was strangely silent during this whole build up to mass killings.

If we’re to learn from this horrible experience, then the time line of these brother life changing events and overt behavior should provide us with a valuable profile to spot others before they cross the line; unfortunately we will not be permitted to use it, because we don’t profile.

It’s been reported on the news that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, age 19 and referred to early on in this case as bomber number two, was discovered in a photo standing behind the slain 8 year old, Martin Richard.

He was probably dropping off the backpack bomb behind the child. If this is true and I have no reason to believe it’s not given their subsequent behavior, he’s showing zero concern for an innocent child or for the many innocent people standing next to his explosive backpack. All he has is a burning hate for everything American.

But, why hate America? If anything, he had more reason to hate the Russians given the war with ethnic Chechens in the old country. It would make more sense that they would attack a Russian target, like the Consulate that was close by. So, we have to ask ourselves, why would they embark on a suicidal rampage slaughtering Americans who were only to try to give them asylum? The answer this time is simple and it’s also widely known, because in the world of radical Islam America is the prime target, the Great Satan and because we’re such a big easy target. It’s why a number of Muslims around the world were yukking it up as soon as they heard what these two “heroes” did to American’s. Shown here is Officer Sean Collier who was killed in ambush by the bombers. He was 26.

Terrorists can always find plenty of unwitting dupes like Katherine Russell and her family willing to help them out. We’re a country full of suckers with no concept at all of the dangers we face from terrorists like these two… until the deed is done, then there is plenty of regret to go around. And denials too..I never saw it coming! They were so nice and quiet. Yeah, right.

Does anyone out here think that these two brothers spent their last few years here in a mosque talking with other members about how wonderful America is? Do you really think they are the only Muslims living here, talking trash about us, talking about how we deserve to die because we are sub-human (non-believers) in the eyes of Allah and obstructions to the spread of Islam? Why, killing us is akin to killing a parasite…it’s no big deal.

Elsewhere in the world… Muslim extremists throughout the Arab world celebrated the bombings at Monday’s Boston Marathon. Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and others reportedly danced and cheered in the streets of Gaza, even passing out sweets upon learning of the death and destruction in Boston, the Israeli News Agency said.

The head of a major Jordanian Muslim extremist group said he was “happy to see the horror in America,” The Associated Press reported Tuesday.
The al-Qaida linked, Somali terrorist group Al-Shabaab celebrated in its own way, by gloating on Twitter at 2:00 am Tuesday morning, PJ Media reported:


Bombing Suspects, 1 dead, 1 on the run.

Around 6:45 a.m., The Associated Press identifies the surviving Boston bomb suspect as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, who has been living in Cambridge, Mass.

— Around 8:40 a.m., a U.S. law enforcement official and the uncle of the suspects confirm that the name of the slain suspect is Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s older brother.

A friend said that suspect Dzhokhar was a University of Massachusetts student and was very quiet.



Tootsie Roll Story, It’s Not What You Think



The Seals Did It!? lol

by Pie Guervara

Because of a tweet from some numb nuts conspiracy theorist I just wasted 8 minutes and 5 seconds of my life watching this creepy nonsense –


Yep, I watched it all the way through expecting “The Onion” to pop up.  My recommendation is that all Post Script readers/contributors should not waste their lives too in order to get a better understanding of some of the abject lunacy that takes itself seriously out there.  I once thought InfoWars actually had some valid points to make on the few times I encountered them.   Not any more. I don’t know what or who they think are reaching with this pathetic drivel that attempts to be manipulative but fails on so many levels it is impossible to enumerate.

Editors note:  I found this link to be so absurd, so incredibly twisted, as to be comical…


Foreign Policy: War and Peace Prize

Posted by Tina

A must read article appears in The American Spectator today:

Obama, who less than nine months after his inauguration won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples” while fostering “a new climate” in international relations, especially in reaching out to the Islamic world, has the U.S. engaged in conflicts in six Muslim nations. Today Mr. Obama has more troops in Afghanistan than when he took office. He has widened the use of drones. (The U.S. now has 8,000 of the unmanned remote control planes.) He involved the U.S. military in an undeclared war in Libya, and waged covert wars in Yemen and Somalia. Perhaps most alarming, he is the first U.S. president to authorize the assassination of an American abroad (the New Mexican born Anwar al-Awlaki).

The number of uttered complaints, negative headlines, or speeches meant to destroy and damage Obama’s name have been few in number and are certainly not loud enough to reach the average citizens ears and eyes. I gather from this that the radical left progressives don’t hate war…they hate conservatives, freedom, a vibrant private sector, and power in the hands of the people. They protest and use war, when waged by a Republican, simply to grab power.

So far, according to The American Spectator, 20,000 signatures have been gathered to revoke the President’s Peace Prize in a bid with a goal of 25,000. The effort may only be a simple gesture, but it is worth noting if for no other reason than to point out the absurdity of a man who won the Presidency criticizing his predecessor for his war making.


Benghazi Whistleblowers Come Forward

Posted by Tina

Big Peace, Breitbart:

According to CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who has covered the Benghazi terror attack resulting in the death of four Americans including our Ambassador to Libya, new whistleblowers are speaking to Congressional investigators.

The media has been blatantly un-curious on Benghazi as well as guilty of covering for the administration. Those who escaped the deadly attack in Benghazi had been sequestered away…now they have a chance to come forward to speak.


You’re Probably a Terrorist If…

You are probably a Terrorist If…  (and these are things Homeland Security Watches for:)

you are a vet from Iraq or Afghanistan (assumed mentally unstable)

you own more than shotgun and a .22 pistol/rifle

you’re an active right to life advocate and you go to church regularly…then you’re also a fanatic terrorist.

you own any sort of firearm [[[[[ and ]]]]]] a pressure cooker!

you openly express support for the Constitution and the rule of law while speaking disrespectfully of politicians who do not

you always vote conservative and belong to the NRA

you have more than one stream of income, you might be a terrorist

you’re a woman who values her privacy, …you might be a terrorist.

you write down your grocery list while you’re on the bus, you might be a terrorist (Passengers and drivers on mass transportation are told to look out for people who have cameras, are drawing pictures or writing things down. )

you use cash to buy a one way airline ticket to anywhere.

you have to move a lot of stuff to your new house, you might be a terrorist if you rent a moving van.


CALIFORNIA RATES #1 FOR DINGBATS! (3 cheers for us!)

Sometimes even the L.A. Times gets it right . . .

Dianne Feinstein: “All vets are mentally ill and government should prevent them from owning firearms”

Kurt Nimmo: “Senator Feinstein insults all U.S. Veterans as she flays about in a vain attempt to save her bill.”

Quote of the Day from the Los Angeles Times:

“Frankly, I don’t know what it is about California, but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office. I’m not bragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine, even comes close. When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, we’re Number One. There’s no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on ‘Macbeth’.

The four of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don’t know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words.”

— Columnist Burt Prelutsky, Los Angeles Times