Gun Compromise Proposal Won’t Stop Nutcase Shootings but May Be Emotionally Gratifying

Posted by Tina

“The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control emotions by the application of reason.” – Marya Mannes (1904 – 1990), American Author and Critic

It looks like Democrats and Republicans have rached compromise in the Senate for gun legislation. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa have proposed strengthening background checks, while leaving private gun sales/gifting between hunters and family members alone. This proposal might pass but…ho hum! It will accomplish nothing to solve the recent crisis. But it will allow those pushing for more gun laws as a solution to Sandy Hook type murders to pat themselves on the back believing they have actually addressed the Sandy Hook “problem”…but nothing could be further from the truth! This is emotional reaction legislation and nothing more.

There are two things that escape the minds of masters in the “we-must-do-something” cult. One is that mentally unstable people who secretly plot to commit mass killings cannot always be stopped and the other is that such a person becomes dedicated and focused to accomplish the one thing that consumes his troubled mind, i.e., finding a way to acquire weapons.

A quick study of criminal history would show these merchants of emotional legislation that laws do not stop criminals. Laws may deter criminal activity to some extent but they do not stop crime from happening. Laws simply establish rules which can then be used to prosecute wrongdoers after a crime has been committed. The law is a tool of justice.

Our society was founded on the presumption that responsible citizens would obey the law and train their children to respect and obey the laws of the land. The law was established, however, with full realization that people do not always do the right thing. How in the world have we come to the place where citizens and legislators assume laws will prevent tragedy and so attempt to enact new law simply so they can feel better? Many of our legislators are aware of emotional plea legislation (politics). But the game rises or falls depending on the make-up of our chosen leaders. I fear the answer is that of late too many citizens and legislators lack the ability to reason and have failed to mature.


New Ad to Hit the Streets Soon


Evidence: U.S. Universities & Colleges Unworthy of Support

Posted by Tina

Is a college education worth it today? A number of people have been asking that question as the cost of higher education soars and the quality of higher education has been characterized as less than stellar. We may find some answers from a new study that came about under unusual circumstances. It all began with a dispute over the content of a conversation that occurred during a golf game between the President of Bowdoin College and a potential investor. The conflict between these two men eventually resulted in an investigation into the academic and diversity practices of Bowdoin College. The study was funded by the philanthropist in the dispute, Mr. Thomas Klingenstein.

The results of this study are in no way intended by me to characterize all colleges and universities across the nation as exactly the same. Not all have gone off course to become little more than indoctrination centers for the left agenda. I offer the reports findings as a cautionary to parents with college aged students and to spark curiosity and interest into another reason that higher education in America today is so often characterized as no bargain for those attending and/or paying the bills.

The Wall Street Journal has this most interesting story (link above), “The Golf Shot Heard Round the Academic World, by David Feith, which includes his reading of the findings of the study:

Published Wednesday, the report demonstrates how Bowdoin has become an intellectual monoculture dedicated above all to identity politics.

The school’s ideological pillars would likely be familiar to anyone who has paid attention to American higher education lately. There’s the obsession with race, class, gender and sexuality as the essential forces of history and markers of political identity. There’s the dedication to “sustainability,” or saving the planet from its imminent destruction by the forces of capitalism. And there are the paeans to “global citizenship,” or loving all countries except one’s own.

The Klingenstein report nicely captures the illiberal or fallacious aspects of this campus doctrine, but the paper’s true contribution is in recording some of its absurd manifestations at Bowdoin. For example, the college has “no curricular requirements that center on the American founding or the history of the nation.” Even history majors aren’t required to take a single course in American history. In the History Department, no course is devoted to American political, military, diplomatic or intellectual history—the only ones available are organized around some aspect of race, class, gender or sexuality.

One of the few requirements is that Bowdoin students take a yearlong freshman seminar. Some of the 37 seminars offered this year: “Affirmative Action and U.S. Society,” “Fictions of Freedom,” “Racism,” “Queer Gardens” (which “examines the work of gay and lesbian gardeners and traces how marginal identities find expression in specific garden spaces”), “Sexual Life of Colonialism” and “Modern Western Prostitutes.”

Regarding Bowdoin professors, the report estimates that “four or five out of approximately 182 full-time faculty members might be described as politically conservative.” In the 2012 election cycle, 100% of faculty donations went to President Obama. Not that any of this matters if you have ever asked around the faculty lounge.

Parents and students have power to alter how higher education is priced and taught through their academic and financial choices. Armed with information they are free to turn away from overpriced propaganda schools and to eschew courses that scream racial/gender activism. Turns out investors also have some power to expose and perhaps withhold funding to certain institutions.

Awareness and smart choices can help to restore our institutions of higher learning to become once again affordable houses of academic excellence…choose wisely America.


CA Gay Fertility Insurance Coverage Legislation Proposed

Posted by Tina

California is well known for nutty legislation but this one has to be the topper! Gay infertility is the topic…mandated insurance coverage the fix!

Wesley J. Smith at The Corner, National Review explains:

Leave it to my state of California to head off in radical and expensive directions. Legislation has been filed that would require group insurance to cover gay and lesbian infertility treatments just as they do heterosexual. But, as I note elsewhere, AB 460 isn’t limited to a finding of actual infertility. Nor does it require that gays and lesbians have tried to conceive or sire a child using heterosexual means, natural or artificial. Rather-as with heterosexual couples-merely the inability to get pregnant for a year while having active sexual relations is sufficient to demonstrate need for treatment, meaning if the bill becomes law, it would require insurance companies to pay for services such as artificial insemination, surrogacy, etc. for people who are actually fecund. Indeed, since the bill prevents discrimination based on marital or domestic partnership status, theoretically every gay and lesbian in the state could be deemed infertile for purposes of insurance coverage merely by the fact that they don’t wish to engage in heterosexual relations.

In case you are as unsure of the definition of fecund as I was, I looked it up: capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful.

Let’s see…this bill would force group insurance plans to provide coverage of fertility services to a same sex couple demanding it, if that couple visited the doc on Jan 1 of this year and had not conceived a child by engaging in sexual relations with each other exclusively by the following January first.

Talk about dumping both science and the language on their respective heads!

See also the excuse as expressed by the gay community here:

…they are denying infertility treatment benefits “based on [the policy holder’s] not having an opposite sex married partner in which to have one year of regular sexual relations without conception.” AB 460 would amend the law to add the following language:

Coverage for the treatment of infertility shall be offered and provided without discrimination on the basis of age, ancestry, color, disability, domestic partner status, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.

I keep telling you…left activism (lunacy) never stops!


Melissa Harris-Perry – “Kids Belong to Whole Communities”

Posted by Tina

Forget for a moment that kids don’t “belong” to anyone but are born and entrusted to parents for a time so they can be nourished and guided toward adulthood at which time they become independent thinking and contributing adult citizens of a free republic…just forget it. The new way…the grand forward thinking leftist idea about children was expressed by Melissa Harris-Perry in an ad for MSNBC…Breitbart reports:

We have never invested in public education as much as we should have, because we’ve always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours, and totally your responsibility. We haven’t had a very collective notion of “These are our children”; so part of it is that we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities. Once it’s everybody’s responsibility and not just the household’s, then we start making better investments.

Collective parenting…better for America’s children than a mother and father? I think not. Consider the cost, not only in dollars (a significant amount), but also in terms of our humanity, independent thinking, and freedom.

The collective is everything to those who favor socialist/communist systems of government. Collectively raising the children of the nation ensures the indoctrination to socialist principles of future generations. Never before in the history of America have the lovers of Marx and Lenin (tyranny) been so bold.

Wake up America.


Catholicism, Protestantism, Mormanism Extremist Organizations – US Army Reserve Equal Opportunity Training Power Point Slide

Posted by Tina

It’s been reported that a slide in a US Army Reserves training session characterized Catholicism, Mormanism, and Protestantism as religious extremism along with terror organizations Hamas and Al Qaeda. (See slide at link)

According to Rush a few moments ago the US government, Obama White House, denies that it had anything to do with creating the list presented in training sessions or placing the information in materials and that the content of the list was guided by consultation with the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Whatever the origin of the material it should be trashed immediately!

We’re losing the language and we’re losing our heritage, people, and this is another sterling example. The ability to distinguish differences is an important part of being awake and fully mindful. Propaganda that blurs the lines of distinction has only one purpose…domination and control.


R.I.P. Margaret Thatcher

Posted by Tina

The former Prime Minister Lady Thatcher of Great Briton has died in London at age 87. She is remembered as a woman of strong conviction and a love of freedom that kept her from “going all wobbly” when confronted by any problem or opposing figure. She was a woman who, through her strong convictions, turned her nation from a failing socialist model to a free, vibrant, and thriving economy. Her philosophy can be summed up in the following quotes:

“I think we’ve been through a period where too many people have been given to understand that if they have a problem, it’s the government’s job to cope with it. ‘I have a problem, I’ll get a grant.’ ‘I’m homeless, the government must house me.’ They’re casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It’s our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbour. People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations. There’s no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation.” ― Margaret Thatcher on socialism

“There are significant differences between the American and European version of capitalism. The American traditiionally emphasizes the need for limited government, light regulations, low taxes and maximum labour-market flexibility. Its success has been shown above all in the ability to create new jobs, in which it is consistently more successful than Europe.” ― Margaret Thatcher, The Path To Power

Margaret Thatcher, along with Ronald Reagan, inspired liberty, the entrepreneurial spirit, and economic freedom in people and nations all around the world. Prosperity blossomed and the blessings of freedom spread far and wide. We in America could surely use someone with her strength and convictions about now.

God bless this great lady and may God bless the United States and Briton by restoring to us through our leaders the principles and philosophy she championed and held so dear.


Begging Getting Worse in Chico

Well, the professional panhandlers were out in force this weekend… because some people in our community continue to give them money!  

If you know a tenderhearted person that gives money to these bums and degenerates please let these naive softhearted people know how the rest of Chico feels about their misdirected charity… TELL THEM TO KNOCK IT OFF!   These new bums are coming from all over and they are filling our shelters, causing crime, being drunk and disorderly and leaving their filth behind wherever they please.

We’re reasonable people, but frankly this is getting to be too much.  We’re getting real sick and tired of the foolish people who give directly to bums.  And were just as sick and tired of the bums asking for it.   This spare change isn’t helping!  It’s feeding the addictions of these freeloaders and it’s keeping them out of counselling and on the streets.

Chico has all kinds of help for these dropouts, these self-imposed homeless freeloaders!  Don’t give them ANY money, they don’t need it and it won’t help them.  There is ample free food and shelter for them, your spare change will only go to buy booze, sex or drugs.

The worst part is, begging is a good racket.  It pays about $10-$20 an hour and this is why they come here.

The new population of bums are taking a toll on Chico.  They are in effect stealing from our local limited charity by taking free food, free beds, and just taking whatever free things they can get and this often impacts what charity our real needy people get.

We’re a magnet for bums from all over the country thanks to local people giving them money.   But, lets be clear, when I say bums, I’m NOT talking about the true homeless and disabled.  I’m talking about the young and able, they are on drugs, they are the glue sniffers, the paint sniffers, the burnouts, the dropouts and the profession panhandlers!

So to the givers out here, I say:  Stop giving these bums a reason to be in Chico!   We don’t want them out on the street corners with their stupid cardboard signs begging!  The next person you see giving money to these bums… give them an earful for me, will ya?   That’s our right as much as it is theirs to give money to bums.  Let them know we don’t approve in the strongest possible terms.


The Corruption of Capitalism

by Jack Lee

There is mounting evidence the US economy is barely ahead a meager 1% since the first bubble burst in 2000.  The latest dreary employment numbers underscore that reality and what I’m about to say next:   We’ve stalled our economy, and it’s no coincidence that we did it just as quickly as government (and debt) has ballooned.  

Government now represents nearly 23% of the nation’s economy in terms of jobs, fat salaries, loans and big spending.  It’s chilling to think this was barely 3% just 100 years ago.  Government spending and all the unfriendly business regulations that went with it, has damaged and perhaps forever altered, the necessary climate for a healthy, growing economy.   Government did it to us with layers, upon layers, of socialist-lite over-regulation and heavy taxation.   Of course you know, Obama and Ben Bernanke both have this fuzzy  theory that somehow printing more money (more debt) is good for us….better,  prepare for the next big bubble.

Borrowing a line from Morning Joe, “For all practical purposes Wal-Mart is a proxy for Main Street America, so it is not surprising that its sales have stagnated since the end of the Greenspan bubble.”

The banks and Wall Street have been the major benefactors of bailouts, not us.  They’ve leverage off this influx of unlimited capital by front loading U.S. Government Bonds to the point that have created a bond balloon and a false economy.  This will be 4th balloon since 2000.  Consider that each balloon soon exploded wiping out stockholders and robbing us of trillions in savings.  Now we’re headed into another and perhaps final balloon.  It will be the largest yet and it threatens to devalue the dollars and trigger a global depression.

Currently, only one major European economy carries more debt than us, …Greece.   This is insane.  It’s destructive!  And we are all at risk, not just the banks and Wall Street.   The gang of 12 behind the Federal Reserve bank are experimenting with our futures.  They’re using a radical Keynesian plan that is untried in all of global history.   My personal take is that nobody tried it, because it’s so obviously doomed to failure; it’s just another ponzi scheme.   But, they’re telling us don’t worry about the debt, don’t worry about the QE’s, don’t worry, don’t worry….Washington will make it all better.  They will make all the necessary adjustment over time.  Well, here’s a news flash…Washington has never made it better and time is not on our side.   We’re over $7 trillion in debt and growing!  Time is running short and Washington has shown no signs of reversing course;  Obama hasn’t presented Congress with a budget since he took office.

I understand that when we speak in terms of trillions it doesn’t compute with most people.  It’s just too much to wrap our heads around.  However, if you were to chop off some zeros and call the US gross national product a household income of $23,000 a year it’s easier to understand.   And if that were the case, then that would mean our household is carrying a liabililty of about $730,000 and this money is accumulating interest every year.   Imagine that your household is in hock for $730k and you’re going to live on $23k and then pay that down enormous debt, plus interest?  It’s not going to happen and yet every day we keep adding to the credit card debt by the thousands of dollars?

Come on, folks, this in nuts!   This is a household headed straight into bankruptcy and it can be no other way.  We’re a big economy and it’s going to take a concerted effort to tear it down, but in another 2-4 years it will be torn down and with it will go the world’s greatest economies like a house of cards.    Yes, it’s that serious!  But, don’t take my word for it.  Read up!  There’s a ton of easy to follow books on this subject written by some of our best and brightest.

You want an example?  Here it is:  David Stockman’s book, “The Great Deformation – the destruction of capitalism in America.”

Here’s a snippet of what is in his book: “Defying right- and left-wing boxes, David Stockman provides a catalogue of corrupters and defenders of sound money, fiscal rectitude, and free markets. The former includes Franklin Roosevelt, who fathered crony capitalism; Richard Nixon, who destroyed national financial discipline and the Bretton Woods gold-backed dollar; Fed chairmen Greenspan and Bernanke, who fostered our present scourge of bubble finance and addiction to debt and speculation; George W. Bush, who repudiated fiscal rectitude and ballooned the warfare state via senseless wars; and Barack Obama, who revived failed Keynesian “borrow and spend” policies that have driven the national debt to perilous heights. By contrast, the book also traces a parade of statesmen who championed balanced budgets and financial market discipline including Carter Glass, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Bill Simon, Paul Volcker, Bill Clinton, and Sheila Bair. ”



ATF: Big Government Data Base Expansion?

Posted by Tina

Take a look at what the ATF is setting up!

A recent solicitation from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) reveals that the agency is seeking a “massive” online database capable of pulling up individuals’ personal information, connections and associates….The document says that the system will be utilized by staff “to provide rapid searches on various entities for example; names, telephone numbers, utility data and reverse phone look-ups, as a means to assist with investigations, and background research on people, assets and businesses.”

The overview of the solicitation states:

Staff will utilize “a number of internal databases as well as external sources to provide timely and relevant information and intelligence products to law enforcement agencies at the federal, state and local levels.”

Are they looking for terrorists, drug dealers, criminals, gun toting Bible thumpers…who?

Read the entire article and tell me, does this give you the creeps and if it does, why?

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