Republican Policy: How Sam Brownback Is Turning Kansas Around

Posted by Tina

Republican governors across the country are showing how it’s possible to fund needed services while at the same time creating economic stability and budget surpluses. One example is Republican Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas who began his term as governor with projected budget deficits of $500 million and less than $1000.00 in the bank. How did he turn his state around without raising taxes and without harming programs for the needy, education, and basic services? He did it with smart policies and good management of the people’s money! Brownback’s basic philosophy includes:

“…a more focused government that costs less. A taxing structure that encourages growth. An education system that produces measurable results. And a renewed focus on the incredible dignity of each and every person, no matter who they are.”

Since Republicans are always characterized as heartless money grubbers it’s important to summarize the things Brownback didn’t do. He didn’t cut funding to public schools, colleges or universities. He didn’t cut Medicaid or prison funding.

Changes that made a difference include consolidating agencies, offering an early retirement buyout program to state employees, eliminating outdated programs, reducing the cost of running the state, cutting taxes including eliminating the small business income tax entirely.

Brownback’s message is the conservative Republican message:

…a belief in the power of the people more than the control of government. This unleashes the creativity of entrepreneurs and the strength of hope and dreams.

Within two years Governor Sam Brownback has greatly improved his states budget and empowered the people to create a brighter future. Kansas now enjoys a budget surplus of $500 million and an unemployment rate of 5.5%, one of the lowest in the country.

Government has no money but what it takes from the people. Government can only spend without creating huge debt and/or inflation when the private sector is thriving and our elected leaders act responsibly to manage our heard earned tax dollars well. Public debt acts as a drag on private sector dreams and accomplishment. Republicans have a recipe to create stability, opportunity, and advancement for all citizens. If Sam Brownback can turn Kansas around governors of any state can, for that matter, so can the federal government. But it can only be done when polices that work are implementedHistory has shown us what works, we have only to elect people that know how to get the job done.


More Control Laws

by Jack


Notice I omitted the ‘gun’ word in the title?  And deliberately so… here we go again!   Another ill concieved, do nothing, crackpot law, proposed by a flaming liberal with NO expertise in the area of firearms or criminology.   Yet, this person by virtue of her own self assured ego has the gall to propose Assembly Bill 48, which has just passed the Assembly Public Safety Committee on a 5-2 party line vote Tuesday.

The author,  Ms. Skinner from Berkeley, thinks there are more regulations to purchase alcohol, cigarettes and some cold medicine than there are to buy ammunition, according to her website.  (Yeah, and who gave us all those regulations?)   Yet, bullets are what makes a “gun deadly.”  No Ms. Skinner, for the umteenth-million time:  It’s not the gun, it’s not even the bullets…it’s the person pulling the trigger that makes it deadly and your stupid bill won’t do one $#@^&* thing to punish a violent criminal.  But, her proposed law will once again punish the innocent and law abiding…that’s great, just great!  That’s exactly what we don’t need and worse there’s not been one ounce of evidence presented to support her theory.  But, never mind things like facts and evidence -  they have the votes to pass anything, anytime.

AB48 would require sellers to be licensed, buyers to present an ID, and ban kits that alter magazines to be able to fire more than 10 rounds. Purchases would need to be reported to the Department of Justice, and local law enforcement would have to be informed if someone buys 3,000 rounds of ammunition in five days, according to the bill.

Not one thing in this bill will make us safer, it’s a paper chase, another level of bearocracy and an additonal cost to taxpayers that we can’t afford.

Thanks to the gun-grabbing idiots like Skinner a box of 9 mm ammo that sold last year for about $15 now runs about $48, if you can even find a box!   ( Can the revolution be that far away? )

Here’s here contact information:

Ass. Nancy Skinner-D

Capitol Office: State Capitol P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249-0015 Tel: (916) 319-2015 Fax: (916) 319-2115



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North Korea About to Have the Last Word

by J.  Lee  (it’s said that if you go to the highest mountain in Korea and throw a rock, you will hit a Park, Kim or Lee)

Times up, where’s the war? 

Despite the deadline,  North Korea’s blustery dictator, Kim Jong Un, has not launched any missiles into Seoul, or sunk any patrol boats, or shelled any more villages.  And maybe they never intended too?

7 in 10 Americans say they are following the news on North Korea and 55% of them say, if the North attacks South Korea or any US military installation we should respond immediately with military force. However, the more time passes it seems unlikely that North Korea will start a fight.

Kim Jong Un is shown on the left with his military leaders.  When you take a look at the hand holding and how his two top generals are leaning on him, you have to wonder…with friends like these who needs enemies?  And that’s a fact, these guys are ready to seize power at the first opportunity.

Kim Jong Un is by all accounts still a kid, barely out of college.  He’s young, untested and was completely unknown until his strongman father suddenly bit the dust.   After that, Kim Jr. had a major meltdown because he was the heir apparent.. and he was not ready.   To relieve his tensions, he went on an eating binge, gaining some serious poundage.  This aggravated his high blood pressure and his diabetes.

Kim knows he’s only penciled in until he’s proven himself as a credible leader.  One major missed step and his military henchman will have his head on a platter.

Was this fear of being taken out by his military his only motivation for all this tough war talk?   Analysts tell us it was, and that it was mostly for internal consumption to pacify his not-so-loyal generals.  If true, then this kid must be scared to death and praying the USA doesn’t make a pre-emptive strike on those medium range missiles he’s put on the east coast.

So what should we expect next?

Probably the North will do a test firing of a missile or two in the direction of Japan.  Sure, it will be a serious provocation, but there will be no reason for a military response unless it goes terribly wrong and lands on Tokyo or on the deck of one of our carriers.

But, if all goes according to plan Kim Jong Un will look like he has walked up to the tiger (USA) poked it with a stick, and strolled away defiantly.  His handlers will be pleased and he will live to be the dictator for awhile longer.

But, he’s declared a state of war exists with the South and he gave a deadline for the destruction of America!  He can’t just walk away from that, can he?

Chances are he will and that he has arranged for China to ask publically that his Army not crush America this week nor invade South Korea.   Kim Jong Un will say, well, okay… just for you guys, and just this once.  They will make a grand concession to their beloved friends.   But, if their national honor is ever insulted again, it’s on brother!  He will then take credit for going eye ball to eye ball with America and staring us down and that will be that.



Restoring Freedom

Posted by Tina

I recently ran across this quote by Joseph Stalin:

“America, is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” – Joseph Stalin

The quote is quite profound in light of many of our recent discussions. Aside from many indicators of social and moral decay, we have talked about restrictions on our freedoms and the overreaching power of our federal government. We have spoken of complex and punishing tax and regulatory systems that are crushing small business and hurting the economy. We have discussed the failing school system and the impact that might have on low wages and good paying jobs for our children. We have expressed our dismay at the irresponsible manner in which government budgets are written and taxpayer money is managed. Governments are not working and overall morality is at an all time low. The frustration and dismay of the people is palpable.

We can take some comfort in knowing that a great many of our fellow Americans are looking for solutions to these problems and bring our governments back into line with the vision of our Founding Fathers. I was recently heartened to read an idea put forth by one such American. It’s my great pleasure to bring to your attention an interesting idea from one of my favorite web writers, Frank Miele, who writes for the “Daily Inter Lake” in Montana. Mr. Miele has proposed a “Restoration Amendment” to the Constitution:

For a long time, I have thought that the only hope for our country to continue as a bastion of freedom is to return to the original principles of the Constitution. But how exactly could you do so? An amendment demanding that the Constitution be interpreted according to the plain language in which it was written seemed too vague, just another lost cause like the 10th Amendment. An amendment throwing out case law as it applied to the Constitution and declaring a clean slate seemed hopelessly academic.
What was needed was an amendment which both stated plainly its intended goal — to strip the federal government of the power it has grabbed without authority over more than 200 years — and at the same time provided a clear mechanism for restoring America to the principles envisioned by the founders.

Frank Miele is a bright man with a firm grasp of history. I think you will find his proposal intriguing. It is, if nothing else, something to spark a few conversations.

Once you’ve read the main article and amendment be sure to read the
follow up article wherein he posts some of the suggestions that his followers thought should be incorporated into the amendment.

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North Korea Moves Missiles to Eastern Front – State of War Declared

by  J.  Lee

  Where do you go after you have promised to deliver a massive nuclear strike on the USA and South Korea and then you make the over act of moving ballistic missiles to shorten the range to your target? 

The White House press secretary has issued  several responses to the North’s threats of a nuclear holocaust, with words like this:  ”We take these threats very seriously,” but always adding,  “We don’t think North Korea has the technology to carry out their threats.”  So, is this is just more tough talk?   Maybe… but, we’re moving our portable anti-missile defenses to Alaska…just in case.

It’s a confusing situation.

The White House is saying this is merely more rhetoric coming from a young dictator in order to position himself as a strong leader.  Threatening the USA is for internal consumption.  This will help him gain credibility and keep his enemies at bay that might otherwise be plotting his overthrow.

Then we here from the same scources, that we are taking the rhetoric very seriously, because this is the first time the US has been openly threatened with a nuclear strike by North Korea (or anyone else for that matter) and we’re taking defensive measures.

The warning from North Korea gave a fairly precise deadline, ”Will will strike withing the next 1 or 2 days.”  Okay, so we’re on day 2 and they are moving a ballistic missile into position.  Their military is  deployed along the border in preparation for an invasion of South Korea… what’s next?  They’ve pretty much run out of room for more scarey rhetoric.

The forces line up like this:   The Korean People’s Army called the KPA is the world’s fifth largest military at 1.2 million personnel.   It has  4,100 tanks, 8,500 field artillery pieces and 5,100 multiple rocket launchers as well as 620 combat aircraft.  They also have over 600 Scud missiles that are capable of hitting targets anywhere in South Korea, plus another 200-300 that could reach as far as Japan and US military bases in that region.

The CIA believes North Korea has enough plutonium to make four to eight nuclear bombs, but no one knows whether it has the technology to deliver them as missile warheads.

Global military experts assure us that much of the KPA equipment is obsolete and plagued by shortages of fuel and spare parts. But conventional artillery and missiles could inflict heavy casualties and severe damage in Seoul, which lies just 50 kilometres (30 miles) south of the border.

The North is also believed to have up to 5,000 tons of chemical weapons deliverable by artillery or missile.

South Korea’s 655,000-strong military is supported by 28,000 US troops, based in the South since the 1950-53 war.   The South has about 2,400 battle tanks plus 50 US tanks, 5,200 field artillery pieces and 200 multiple rocket launchers.  The South has some 460 combat aircraft bolstered by around 90 US fighters.  The quality of the South’s armaments is superior to North’s and this is said to level the odds to even.   At sea, the South can deploy 19 combat vessels compared to the North’s three.

In a full-on invasion, using secret tunnels to bypass mine fields the North could reach Seoul in a matter of hours, if all went as planned.

Despite the dire threats of a nuclear first strike, most people in the know think the North would never risk it.  The US pulled it’s tactical nuclear warheads out in 1991.

Most North Korean troops and conventional firepower are based extremely close to the border with the South, theoretically allowing for a swift invasion as in 1950.  And it’s expected that an invasion attack would be preceded by a long, devastating artillery barrage on the populace and military positions.

AP- “The London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies said that with both sides would likely incur catastrophic losses, and that neither sides wants a war for fear of the horiffic consequences.”  However, you must consider this is only an assumption based on the belief that North Korea is fully aware of the US and South Korea’s war-fighting abilities.  But, what if they aren’t and the KPA has been kept from the truth, indoctrinated for generations into believing they could win easily?   What if, only a handful of fanatics know the truth, but are willing to take the gamble or see their life long efforts come to naught?

Most professional intelligence officers feel the danger is that war could start over a simple miscalculation, misperception or escalation, rather than by a premeditated design….maybe, maybe not.  Either way…war is but a heartbeat away at this moment.

UPDATE:  Cyber attacks have taken down North Korean websites… “An Anonymous hacktivist cell identified as Anonymous_Korea launched successful DDOS (distributed denial of service) attacks on multiple North Korean state websites on Saturday, March 30, only hours after the North Koreans issued an inflammatory statement declaring that they had entered into a “state of war” with South Korea.   (

Sites taken down include the Korean and English language versions of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the North Korean Committee for Cultural Relations and the state-owned airline Air Koryo.

North Korea declares it is now in State of War with South Korea.  Pledges to dissolve America.   (





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North Korean Government Approves Nuclear Strike on USA

by Jack Lee

In the latest round of war-rhetoric, North Korea says it has approved nuclear attack on the United States in its latest threat as US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel warned Pyongyang to back down (or we could ask the UN to issue a sternly worded letter to them.)

(This sounds like an April Fools story, but it’s actually taken from today’s news.)

The moment of explosion is approaching fast,” the North Korean military said, warning that war could break out “today or tomorrow”.  So we’ve got 30 hours more or less before the nukes start flying.

The General Staff of the Korean People’s Army said it was formally informing Washington that US threats would be “smashed by… cutting-edge smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear strike means”.   (If was good of them to issue us a warning)

It would launch “merciless” military strikes on the United States, involving the possible use of “cutting-edge” nuclear weapons.  (Merciless…isn’t that redundant when talking nuclear holcuast?)

“The merciless operation of (our) revolutionary armed forces in this regard has been finally examined and ratified.”  (So, start counting down)

Analysts have said North Korea is not technologically capable of carrying out a strike on the US mainland but could target US troops stationed in South Korea or Japan.  (Japan just can’t catch a break…first it was Tsuami, then an earthquake, now nuclear war…what’s next?)

The North Korean announcement came shortly after the US said it will deploy a ballistic missile defence system on its Pacific island of Guam as part of Washington’s efforts to beef up its military presence in the region.  (Forget the missile defense…how about deploying a few nuclear subs with enough missiles to turn the PRNK into a sandbox?)

The land-based Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (THAAD) “will strengthen defence capabilities for American citizens in the US territory of Guam and US forces stationed there,” the Pentagon said.

The land-based missile defense system includes a truck-mounted launcher, tracking radar, interceptor missiles, and an integrated fire control system.

Hagel called on Wednesday on Pyongyang to back down from its “dangerous rhetoric.”

“We take those threats seriously. We have to take those threats seriously,” Hagel said at the National Defence University in Washington.   (Why do we take them seriously?  Either they have the ability or they do not.  Our intel people say they don’t, then again they also assured us that Saddam had a nuclear pgrogram)

The US had taken measured, reasonable steps in response to North Korea’s recent moves, he said, noting the danger of being wrong about the seriousness of the threats.

“It only takes being wrong once, and I don’t want to be the secretary of defence who was wrong once,” Hagel said.  (Truer words… yep, you sure don’t get a do over in nuclear war)

“They have nuclear capacity now, they have missile delivery capacity now,” Hagel said, calling Pyongyang’s “bellicose dangerous rhetoric” problematic.

“We are doing everything we can, working with the Chinese and others to defuse that situation on the peninsula.  (And lets not forget the UN, cause they write those stern letters and that’s our ace in the hole if things get really rough)

If you believe the North Koreans, then expect the attack to arrive within 24 hours. Good luck.

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Black Conservatives Denied Free Speech?

Posted by Tina

Dr. Ben Carson isn’t the first black or minority person with conservative values to be targeted for destruction and he probably won’t be the last. The practice of targeting those who threaten to shake up the solidarity of minority Democrat voting pools began to get ugly during the Clarence Thomas hearings. Ugly depictions of conservative republicans like former Secretary of State Condi Rice and Michael Steele go unchallenged except by conservatives black and white. In a nation in which accusations of racism has practically become a cottage industry this seems outrageous. And yet the left continues to get away with targeting black conservatives like Dr. Carson.

Sean Hannity explored this issue on his television program (scroll down for video) where leftist attorney Leo Terrel insisted that Dr. Carson was a doctor and therefore lacked the credentials to speak about politics and as a community activist he had the “credentials” to express a political opinion. He later accused Niger Innis, national from the Congress of Racial Equality of being an apologist for FOX. Innis, a black conservative, responded he would be happy to go on other networks but their “censorship” against conservative black commentators prevents it.

Are conservatives denied free speech. No they are free to speak if they are courageous enough, and their families are courageous enough, to stand up to bullies on the left who can’t abide differing points of view, particularly when they are expressed by blacks men and women. They haven’t been averse to
targeting oriental conservatives for expressing opinions either, whether the subject be political or social!

The Human events article has an excellent point:

…it’s a demonstration of how the actual meaning of terms like “racist,” “sexist,” and “hater” has been bleached away by the Left, until its more slow-witted followers merely scream the words as generic curses devoid of intrinsic meaning. If you’re someone they don’t like, you’re guilty of racism, sexism, and hatred… and they see nothing incongruous about flinging accusations of hatred, crude ethnic slurs, and even threats of rape at a woman they have re-classified into a non-person.

I couldn’t have said it better. It is long past time to expose the lefts intolerant and ugly activism to control all thought and expression in this country and I am happy to join those who support free speech for everyone!


AP Issues PC Rules for Speech Covering…um…er…”Schmillegal Schmimigrants”?

Posted by Tina

(A while back) The AP has banned the use of the words “illegal immigrant” and issued new rules for journalist who cover stories involving….well, you know, groups of people who come here without benefit of papers and government blessing. A quote from the Washington times article on the new rules:

“The Stylebook no longer sanctions the term ‘illegal immigrant’ or the use of ‘illegal’ to describe a person. Instead, it tells users that ‘illegal’ should describe only an action, such as living in or immigrating to a country illegally,” said the senior vice president and executive editor Kathleen Carroll.

The wire service’s rationale goes on for many paragraphs before offering the actual Stylebook entry for earnest journalists to consider. It reads:

“Illegal immigration: Entering or residing in a country in violation of civil or criminal law. Except in direct quotes essential to the story, use illegal only to refer to an action, not a person: illegal immigration, but not illegal immigrant. Acceptable variations include living in or entering a country illegally or without legal permission.’

“Except in direct quotations, do not use the terms illegal alien, an illegal, illegals or undocumented.”
“Do not describe people as violating immigration laws without attribution. Specify wherever possible how someone entered the country illegally and from where. Crossed the border? Overstayed a visa? What nationality?”

“People who were brought into the country as children should not be described as having immigrated illegally. For people granted a temporary right to remain in the U.S. under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, use temporary resident status, with details on the program lower in the story.”

Ms. Carroll notes, “Is this the best way to describe someone in a country without permission? We believe that it is for now. We also believe more evolution is likely down the road. Will the new guidance make it harder for writers? Perhaps just a bit at first. But while labels may be more facile, they are not accurate.”

Reactions among journalists were immediate, with quips of many persuasions appearing on Twitter, gathered via a waggish #NewAPStyle hashtag.

“Pathetic,” declared, while New York Post editorial page editor John Podhoretz observed, “Maybe they should call them schmillegal schmimigrants.”

Mr. Podhoretz has a point. How silly is this? Extremely silly!

Are people who are in the country without benefit of citizenship alien to this country? Yes they are. If I travel to Canada I am an alien in that country as opposed to being a citizen or guest of that country.

Is a group of people, all of whom have sneaked into the US without authorization, here illegally or not? The answer is obvious; they are here illegally. Ergo, a perfectly acceptable and accurate name or label for that group of people whose members are not citizens and have not entered the nation by legal means is “illegal aliens”. Anyone here with visa or work permit do not fit in that group and should not assume it is a racial slur. Mass offense at the use of this term is unreasonable and petty.

Those who have the right to be here do not fit into the group called “illegal aliens”. Yet the PC left has decided to make this an issue of race in order to pound the he** out of anyone that wants reform. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to manage the influx of immigrants to avoid an overburden on state governments, preserve assimilation, prevent entry by undesirables (drug cartels, terrorists), and promote safer and more amenable entry for those who seek legal means to come to America if we are restricted and shamed every time we attempt to have an honest discussion. That is exactly the goal of the Democrats and their media support teams.

But the term has nothing to do with any particular race and is not racist. The term applies to all races.

People who are here with legal authorization of our government do have good reason to be offended by the left’s political use of this term; they have spent both time and money to come to this country legally. Distorting the meaning of this phrase, and the intention of those using the phrase when addressing the complex immigration issue, creates the illusion of bigotry where none exists. It assumes all people of a particular race are lumped together and targeted when in fact that is not the case at all. Why is this not considered racism?


Conservative Republicans of California Meet Tonight

Public Service Announcement for the CRC


3 Mar 2013  – From 7-8 pm

Logan’s Roadhouse – Conference Room – 1900 East 20th Street (behind the Chico Mall)

Link to website for info on the CRC:

The local chapter of the CRC will meet tonight at Logan’s Roadhouse, visitors are welcome.  Discussion  will be on the GOP California, is there reason for hope?  Special report from the GOP Convention.  Local issue;  Chico’s Homeless Problem – update.   Issues from the floor.

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Obama Warns North Korea – War Looms Near

by Jack

After years of teaching North Korea that it can shell villages, cross the border and kill guards and sink or capture warships on the high seas with total impunity, they (NKPR) became bold enough to actually threaten a nuclear strike on South Korea and/or the USA.

I guess that threat (nuking Washington) finally got the president’s attention.  Obama declared in his most stern warning to date, that if North Korea commits one act of aggression it will be met with force and presumably the hot war which has been on hold for the last 60 years will resume.

Many in the world think Kim Jong-un’s isn’t really serious about making good on its bellicose threats of war — that this propaganda-happy nation wouldn’t even fire a potential first shot in any conflict.   So why is the U.S. continuing its own show of force by moving a big ol destroyer and a mobile-radar station in the direction of North Korea? Because we are really not so sure!  ”We take these threats seriously and remain in close contact with our South Korean allies,” National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said in a statement. “But, we would also note that North Korea has a long history of bellicose rhetoric and threats and today’s announcement follows that familiar pattern.”

As Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Thursday, Hayden said, “we remain fully prepared and capable of defending and protecting the United States and our allies.”

“The U.S. Navy is moving at least one warship closer to the North Korean coastline and more may be on the way,” CNN’s Barbara Starr reported Monday afternoon, adding: “The SBX-1 radar, a sea-based platform with a radar on top, is also on the move.” That warship appears to be the USS Fitzgerald, which is being moved to the waters beyond the Korean peninsula. “The USS Fitzgerald is capable of intercepting and destroying a missile, should North Korea decide to fire one off,” reports NBC News, which adds that it is “unclear if the Fitzgerald was also part of the ongoing military drills.”

The SBX-1 seems like another defensive safety precaution. Here’s a quick description of from

The platform was developed by Boeing, as part of the ground-based midcourse defence (GMD) component of the US Ballistic Missile Defence System (BMDS). The GMD intercepts incoming warheads.

Yes, that’s the word “warhead” in that description. (And, no, this has nothing to do with the sequester.) The mobilization of warships doesn’t exactly seem to jibe what we’ve been told of late — that North Korea is puffing its chest up and is largely bluffing about its threats. But the mobilization of warships does match up with the passive-aggressive show of force from the U.S. military, which flew nuclear-capable stealth B-2 bombers over South Korea for the first time in history on Friday to send a message, then flew two F-22 Raptors over South Korea as part of a military exercise on Sunday.