Obama’s Legacy


So, You Thought Lefty Gun Grabbers Wouldn’t Go That Far?

Posted by Tina

Last Friday state officials in Ohio pushed legislation through that not only restricts new gun purchases it also punishes owners whose guns have been STOLEN from their homes:

Republican delegate Mike Smigiel offered an amendment that would have changed the language in S.B. 281 so as to protect gun owners by punishing criminals who steal guns instead, but Democrats mounted a push keep Smigiel’s amendment from passing.

The NRA issued a warning to gun owners and concerned citizens about the underhanded tactics used to pass the legislation, to no avail.


Google, Cesar Chavez, and Immigration Control

Posted by Tina

I guess over the weekend Google chose to celebrate and acknowledge the work of Cesar Chavez in lieu of tipping their gooogley hat to Christianity. That’s okay, it’s their choice to do as they please but, as The Daily Caller points out today, Chavez wasn’t always on the lefty side, at least in terms of immigration. He was strongly against illegal immigrants back in the day:

As a labor leader, Chavez realized that uncontrolled immigration undercut his workers’ bargaining position-as late as 1979 he inveighed against “illegal alien strikebreakers” before Congress…

You can always count on progressives. Lacking grounding in basic principles, and true to form, they just make the rules up as he they go along.

Numbers USA has the Chavez testimony:

For so many years we have been involved in agricultural strikes; organizing almost 30 years as a worker, as an organizer, and as president of the union–and for all these almost 30 years it is apparent that when the farm workers strike and their strike is successful, the employers go to Mexico and have unlimited, unrestricted use of illegal alien strikebreakers to break the strike. And, for over 30 years, the Immigration and Naturalization Service has looked the other way and assisted in the strikebreaking.

I do not remember one single instance in 30 years where the Immigration service has removed strikebreakers. We have observed all these years the Immigration Service has a policy as it has been related to us, that they will not take sides in any agricultural labor dispute. They have not taken sides means permitting the growers to have unrestricted use of illegal aliens as strikebreakers, and if that isn’t taking sides, I don’t know what taking sides means.

Today the man would be labeled a racist…if he were a white conservative or, god forbid, a Tea Party supporter.

Meanwhile the debate continues on immigration control with Obama pushing for a quick fix (Remember the Healthcare fix…shudder) for his legacy. Marco Rubio is slamming on the brakes following reports of a near done deal.

I’m not in a big hurry for another lousy piece of legislation pasted together behind closed doors for politics. If it’s going to be done it should be done right!


Education Unions Discover “What’s in It, Beyond the Fog of the Controversy”

Posted by Tina

Obamacare has become a nightmare for small businesses that fear the added expense will drive them to cut employees or employee hours or to the more extreme, completely out of business. Doctors have also expressed being discouraged by the many regulations and costs that will affect how they practice. Many say they will retire early. We can add educators to the growing numbers in disgruntled group.

The American Thinker had the story back in January:

Far too many teachers are uniformly uninquisitive. And, sadly, their vote for Obama is coming back to bite them as the consequences of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) are finally dawning on many of them.

When ObamaCare finally goes into effect in January 2014, if an employer does not supply health care to employees working 30 hours or more a week, the employer will have to pay a penalty.
Logic would dictate that an employer will not pay a penalty if there is an alternative. Ergo, colleges and universities across the country are now cutting back on the number of credits that adjunct instructors can teach per semester. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), a big-time supporter of Obama, basically sold its members a bill of goods.

See a follow up American Thinker article out today here.

I wonder how long it will take for the sheer ugly weight of the debacle known as Obamacare to finally crush its supporter’s hopes for this awful change. This surely is the most egregious example ever that not all change is good! I wish we could say Obamacare was just an April fools joke, Kings X, and see it disappear by tomorrow. But it won’t. The American people need real reforms in the healthcare industry to bring costs down; fairy tales and empty promises aren’t getting the job done.

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Lies from the Pulpit on Easter Sunday?

Posted by Tina

The Pastor of the church where the First Family attended Easter services this morning may not have intended to misinform his congregation but he most certainly did. Itn can be argued that his opinion is his own and he has a right to it. But I have an equal right to call his statement what it is, a bald-faced lie based on prejudice and error.

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back … for blacks to be back in the back of the bus … for women to be back in the kitchen … for immigrants to be back on their side of the border.” – Luis Leon, Saint John’s Church at Lafayette Square

I have no idea if this man of the cloth is political and merely expressing the standard leftist line or if he has indeed decided that the views he expressed resemble the true thinking of conservative Republicans or conservative Christians. Either way it is profoundly offensive to me that a pastor would disseminate such trash on Easter Sunday. Not one of his propaganda points express in any way the true ideas and feelings of conservatives, Tea Party supporters, or conservative/Republicans in leadership.

Another point is that if this was political in nature, rather than pure ignorance, the separation of church and state rhetoric of the left must once again be challenged as hypocritical.

Sources: The Washington Post



Large Sink Hole Blocks Traffic – 1200 Block Park Ave. (Chico, CA)

by Jack

“Chico, Ca. – 31 Mar 2013:  At one minute to midnight the sleeping occupants of the Jesus Center Rescue Mission on Park Avenue were suddenly awakened by a loud rumbling noise, then the walls began to shake.  “It  felt like a big earth quake.  I got scared and started yelling at everyone to wake up and get out!” said Ira A. transient, New Jersey.  

The startled occupants exited the shelter as quickly as they could, only to discover that a giant sink hole had consumed most of Park Avenue’s four lanes and at least two cars parked on the West side of the street.  

Fortunately, there were no injuries and no immediate damage to nearby structures.

(Photo courtesy of Enterprise Record, see page one of Monday’s special edition update for the full story.)

I heard about this on the radio this morning and drove by trying to get a picture, but the area is completely closed off for one block in all directions.   Traffic is being re-routed to parallel streets and City Officials would like pedestrians to stay clear of the area.

The photo shows the enormity of the hole, which at it’s widest, measures well over 165′ by almost 75′ deep.

The exact cause of the massive sink hole has yet to be determined.  However, speculation runs from an old mining shaft to an underground river that has long since dried up, leaving a large tunnel under the street.

City crews are still trying to estimated how far the cave could extend. Once a geologic picture is formed of the tunnel it could take  many months to fill at a potential cost of millions of dollars, but on the bright side,
you have to consider one important factor and

that is this story is, an Ap ril  Fo  ols  jo ke    …did I get ya?   How did you like my art work and that really is Park Ave.  I added the cones, the hole, the man and the cop car.


Smile, It’s Easter! Easter Funnies – G Rated

  1. What would you get if you crossed the Easter Bunny with an oversterssed person?         An Easter basket case!
  2. How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?           EGG-xercise and HARE-robics!
  3. What is the Easter Bunny’s favorite state capital?           Albunny, New York!
  4. What’s the difference between a counterfeit dollar bill and a crazy rabbit?           One is bad money, the other is a mad bunny!
  5. Knock knock           Who’s there?           Esther           Esther who?           Esther Bunny!
  6. How many Easter eggs can you put in an empty basket?           Only one – after that it’s not empty any more!
  7. What’s long and stylish and full of cats?           The Easter Purrade!
  8. Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke?           It might crack up!
  9. How does Easter end?           With the letter R!
  10. What’s pink, has five toes, and is carried by the Easter Bunny?           His lucky people’s foot!
  11. What’s yellow, has long ears, and grows on trees?           The Easter Bunana!
  12. How can you tell where the Easter Bunny has been?           Eggs (X) marks the spot!
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Happy Easter

Mathew 28: 5-10

5. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. 6. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. 7. And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you.

8. And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. 9. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. 10. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.

Wishing you and yours great joy on this Easter Sunday. For you pagans ruining the schools, happy bunny day or whatever.


Black Unemployment Rates an Ongoing Problem

Posted by Tina

Unemployment has been too high since the recovery in 2009. It has been particularly high for minorities. Many people on the right have wondered why the American people are so tolerant of this terrible statistic of economic failure. One man in the black community points to this as a chronic problem and is asking questions and seeking answers.

Black Entertainment Television Founder, Bob Johnson recently spoke about the high unemployment numbers for black Americans at The National Press Club saying, “This country would never tolerate white unemployment at 14 and 15 percent. No one would ever stay in office at 14 or 15 percent unemployment in this nation, but we’ve had that double unemployment for over 50 years.”

Mr. Johnson is right to be concerned about high unemployment numbers in the black community. A businessman, Johnson was determine to find the actual causes. To that end he had a poll conducted:

According to the poll Johnson commissioned, which was conducted by Zogby, 50 percent of African-Americans blame the “failure of the education system for minorities/African-Americans” for high unemployment among blacks, while 48 percent say the “lack of corporate commitment to hiring minorities/African-Americans” is to blame for unemployment in the black community.
Twenty-five percent of respondents blame the lack of government policies for the high rate of black unemployment. Eighteen percent don’t blame anyone or anything, and twelve percent aren’t sure.

We have known for some time that receiving a quality education has remained a key challenge for many black students. Many in poor neighborhoods are stuck in failing public schools. There are examples of remarkable achievement turnaround for black students that have managed to move into charter schools after leaving a failing school. This indicates their previous poor performance wasn’t due to a lack of learning ability and suggests that increasing opportunities for families to choose alternate schools would represent a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, the politically strong teachers union and the Democrat Party stand strongly against any plan to offer choices to black families.

Corporations are counted as a problem by some of the respondents in the poll. There may be many factors that contribute to low numbers of jobs for blacks in corporate America but education and experience are both factors to consider. Most white people, educated or not, will also never make it to the top in America’s corporations due to a lack of education and experience so race is not a strong likely cause. Confidence may play a role. Perhaps like many whites, successful blacks don’t always have the confidence or ambition to try for these jobs. There are a number of highly qualified blacks on corporate boards, however. See the top 100 here. As I see it fixing education challenges will naturally lead to higher numbers of minorities and blacks in corporate America, including as a result of corporations being founded by black and Hispanic Americans. The same natural improvement will happen in all sectors of the work force with more blacks owning and operating small businesses. A stronger economy would encourage improvement in this area.

Economic policy has a profound effect on employment opportunity in the black community. Over the past four years we have suffered under policies espoused by progressive Democrats who believe that economic growth and opportunity follow government spending…they call this spending “investment” but a better word to describe what has happened is gambling or poor risk. The result of President Obama’s economic policy has been ongoing high unemployment for blacks and for everyone else. This phenomenon is repeated in state governments run by progressive democrats across the nation. States with Republican governors that have adopted smart tax and spend policies are doing much better economically than are states where Democrats are in power.

In thinking about this problem I decided that it is time once again to revisit history to see if there are policies that have worked better to improve unemployment in the black community and I found an article from January of 2011 that will serve as a history lesson. Writing for TownHall in 2011 Michael Reagan compared the unemployment situation under President Obama to that of his father, Ronald Reagan:

Ronald Reagan was a far better friend to black Americans than Barack Obama has been. Just compare the Reagan and Obama records. Under Obama, black unemployment rose from 12.6 percent in January 2009 to 16.0 percent today. This means that black unemployment has increased by more than one-fourth since Obama took office.

And the Reagan record? African-American columnist Joseph Perkins has studied the effects of Reaganomics on black America. He found that, after the Reagan tax cuts gained traction, African-American unemployment fell from 19.5 percent in 1983 to 11.4 percent in 1989. Black-owned businesses saw income rise from $12.4 billion in 1982 to $18.1 billion in 1987-an annual average growth rate of 7.9 percent. The black middle class expanded by one-third during the Reagan years, from 3.6 million to 4.8 million.

These are startling numbers. It would be foolish to dismiss them if we are serious about forever changing the unemployment conditions that persist in black communities. Two out of the three of the challenges mentioned by blacks in the Zogby poll have been addressed with some success by Republican policies but they are always challenged by Democrats and unions. This resistance is political rather than practical as union workers do better when the economy is doing well. But Republicans have their own challenges not the least of which is an image problem in the black community. Most Republicans strongly support the basic polices that made the Reagan years successful. Our challenge is how to engage the black community so that blacks will begin to trust and lend their full support for these polices by voting for candidates that will put those policies in place. This is no easy task. Democrat strategies and propaganda have worked very well to convince most blacks that Republicans are racists who hate them and work to keep them down. The liberal media and progressive pundits go out of their way to promote this lie. But if real progress is to be made this barrier will have to be destroyed and Republican leaders will have to step into the gap to show blacks they do have their best interests at heart. High unemployment over many decades suggest that activism alone will not bring blacks into the mainstream of American life. Concerned citizens must be prepared to step out of the activism box to seek practical and spiritual solutions on a one on one, community centered basis.

America is strongest when individual citizens are prepared to stand on their own and have opportunities to work and make a contribution. We know what it takes economically and educationally to achieve a better result. It is long past time to put our feet on that workable path to solve these problems. If we do that we will also have the space to begin to address whatever social and spiritual problems there may be that are holding blacks back or condemning them to a life of dependency and poverty.

Why does unemployment remain high in America, especially for blacks and minorities? In the end it is because Americans don’t have all the facts and have been persuaded to fall into closed systems of thinking. Unemployment remains high because the citizens of this country have failed to realize the lessons of history and demand policies and changes that serve all American children, that create an abundance of opportunity and a strong economy. Unemployment remains high because we continue to ignore severe social problems while blaming them on politically expedient causes. We have high unemployment because we have opted for increases in handouts and empty promises instead of common sense, practical solutions.

Solving economic and educational problems will certainly help black people to move closer to achieving the American Dream but these fixes are not magic. It will also take a strong commitment from parents, clergy, volunteer organizations, the police, and successful business people in black communities to address the social and moral problems that rob children in poor communities of, as the President says, a fair shot in life.



Posted by Jack

Just when we are seeing a slight improve we learn Sacramento has been spending more than they are taking in again.  Ca 2013-14 budget is short by about 124 billion when long range bond debt is factored in among other things.

Rumor has it that Chico’s new City Administrator has been having trouble accessing financial data, now we’re told the Finance Officer is leaving for another job in SoCal.

Almost 20 years ago Councilman Ted Hubert was concerned that the shelter at the fair grounds was attracting the wrong kind of people to Chico.  His personal investigation turned up some pretty alarming conduct by shelter occupants.  His warning has been born-out given the current problems with the homeless in the the downtown.

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