by Jack Lee
- One in every fifteen African American men are incarcerated in comparison to one in every onehundred and six white men.
- According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime. Blacks have a disproportionate number of encounters with law enforcement. A report by the Department of Justice found African Americans almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with the police.
- Blacks make up two-fifths of confined youth today.
- According to recent data by the Department of Education, African American students are arrested far more often than their white classmates. The data showed that 96,000 students were arrested and 242,000 referred to law enforcement by schools during the 2009-10 school year.
- African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population
- African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites
- Nationwide, African-Americans represent 26% of juvenile arrests, 44% of youth who are detained, 46% of the youth who are judicially waived to criminal court, and 58% of the youth admitted to state prisons (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice).
- In over 52% of the murders in the US in 2011 in which the race of the murderer was known, the murderer was black. Over half of the victims of murder were also black. But blacks are only 13.6% of the population.
- The murder rate in the US for non-blacks was 2.6 per 100,000 in 2011.
One question that many of us fear to ask, much less answer, is… why are Blacks so greatly overrepresented in prison and prone to violent behavior?
It’s an inescapable fact that are, but it’s a touchy subject to discuss, especially if you are White. We frequently hear from credentialed authorities that it’s basically the fault of prejudiced Whites and their biased criminal justice system. Although as progress is made in racism and criminology/penology this theory holds less and less merit.
White racists and slave owners treated blacks horrible in early America and there is no escaping that ugly period of our nations history or the consequences of that inhumanity.
Yes, Blacks were brought here against their will as slaves and that was evil and wrong. Yes, they were brutalized and their family units were destroyed for many decades. And yes, the prejudice against Blacks kept them in poverty and ugly racists attitudes was quite evident among many Whites in the previous century.
It’s reasonable to say, that Blacks (and all minorities) are now treated with much more understanding and equality than ever before. Activist of all races, including Whites, are to be applauded for their nobel work to eliminate many of the old racist stereotypes and racist laws as they strive for equality among all. But, is this unfortunate history the key reason Blacks are overrepresented in prison today? I once thought that, but now I’m not so sure because I’ve found some startling information that take me in a totally different direction.
This one discovery could account for Black on Black violence and general criminal behavior, far more than poverty, unemployment, poor education, drugs, or broken homes. These things may ONLY be symptoms and not the cause! But, before I tell you what it is, let’s take a look how Blacks are doing in countries other than the USA and see what a change location has had on their collective outcome?
Every country in Europe that publishes their prison demographics, that had more than a few percent of Blacks among their population, seemed to share the same overrepresentation of Blacks in their prisons. But, how could that be? Most of these nations never participated in Black slavery, and a few of these countries were very progressive. They were places that took a great deal of pride in being tolerant and color blind. They think of themselves as the most enlightened, on everything societal, from gay marriage to mixed marriages. So, we can’t blame racism if they too have high incarceration rates for Blacks.
England, for example, tends to take the attitude that they do things better than their American cousins, yet when it came to Black crime statistics, their figures were remarkably similar to ours. Black prisoners make up a whopping 15% of the UK prisoner population, yet Blacks only comprise 2.2% of the general population! Again, how could this be?
“People will be and should be shocked by this data,” said Juliet Lyon, director of the Prison Reform Trust. “We have a tendency to say we are better than the US, but we have not got prison right.” Lyon said that although there had been “numerous efforts to address racism in the prison system … we have yet to get a better relationship between justice authorities and black communities. Instead we have ended up with mistrust breeding mistrust.” Sound familiar?
Blacks are 7 times more likely to be in a UK prison than anyone else, including any other minorities. And in France it was worse. It’s estimated that a majority of inmates classified as Muslim are of African ancestry. So we are forced to resort to guestimating. “About 60 to 70 percent of all inmates in the country’s prison system are Muslim, according to Muslim leaders, sociologists and researchers, though Muslims make up only about 12 percent of the country’s population. The Muslims referred to here are most commonly from North Africa. As a matter of policy, the French government does not collect data on race, religion or ethnicity on its citizens in any capacity, making it difficult to obtain precise figures on the makeup of prison populations. But demographers, sociologists and Muslim leaders have compiled generally accepted estimates showing Muslim inmate populations nationwide averaging between 60 and 70 percent.”
Despite the dramatic cultural differences and varying approaches to the criminal justice system, Blacks kept coming up as overrepresented in prison.
Was there some common denominator among the world’s Black population that could be attributed to this anomaly in demographics? Was there some sort of genetic or biological chemistry in play here, something that was pervasively affecting personality, physical attributes, aggression and even intelligence? The first clue came by way of an unlikely source, a deadly disease, prostrate cancer.
Researches found Blacks had an unusually high rate of prostate cancer and this hinted at a physical causal event that made them more prone to this type of cancer…testosterone.
Cancer researchers have long concluded that high testosterone levels is a contributory factor to prostrate cancer. And we know testosterone does have an impact of muscle building, personality and aggression. This is such a commonly accepted notion that emn are often the butt of jokes where the punch line is “he has too much testosterone.” Could high levels of testosterone account for the aggressive behaviors not found in other races? Is that all it could be…high testosterone?
Research in the USA has made a definitive discovery that has been completely kept from view because it’s not politically correct to mention it, even though it is a provable medical fact. Black males between the ages of 7 to 35 have exceptionally high levels of testosterone than do Whites or other races.
This might account for a number of personality and behavioral factors. Might, is the key word, and I say that with due caution because this unique chemical factor has yet to be determined as a casual factor of anything except prostrate cancer. It lacks scientific exploration…possibly because this is not an area of science we wish to explore due to ones politics? However, it could prove Black violence is an inherited behavior, a physiological difference, and all the legislation in the world won’t change that.
We’re heavily invested in a belief that says poverty, bigotry and other societal ills are the root cause of Black violence. And we hold that once we get beyond our racist attitudes, we will all be equal. The reality is we may not be equal and that is a disturbing thought, because we’re so invested in thinking in terms of oppressive and lack of opportunity. What if the root cause of Black violence was just a simple matter of higher testosterone levels between the ages of 7 and 35 and what if there was a fairly simple medical remedy? Shall we deny looking into this possibility because it doesn’t fit with our biases?
I copied this from an article from an untested source, but it seemed to mirror similar findings elsewhere, so I decided to use it, “Higher testosterone levels are linked to violent behavior. High testosterone results in lower IQ in males but better fighting and mating skills. Interestingly, the black male IQ is 83 and black female IQ is 87.
By the same token, Black females earn 99% of what White females earn when they are employed, implying either than White racism is minor in the US against Black females, or whatever racism exists is being effectively countered by diversity goals, affirmative action, etc.
Testosterone is an interesting hormone. A little extra testosterone makes a man – good visuospatial skills, etc. Lots of extra testosterone is too much of a good thing – it lowers IQ.
In the UK, young Black females have higher IQ’s than young Black males. However, Black females also have higher testosterone than White females. Black boys’ exposure to high testosterone begins in the womb. Black mothers’ wombs have higher testosterone, and this feeds to the fetus.” End
Keep in mind, it’s not all about Blacks when it comes to this theory about testosterone induced behavior. Whites after 35 start to see rising testosterone levels, and while they can be more aggressive in their older years, this is likely tempered by a sort of conditioned response or deeply rooted behaviors learned in their early years and thus it doesn’t have the same deleterious effect that it would if they had been similarly exposed at a very young age. Conversely, Black males after age 35 see significant declines in testosterone and this tends to mirror the demographic decline in aggressive behavior.
I don’t pretend to say this is the definitive answer to explaining high rates of violence among Blacks or that we should discount the effects of under employment, poverty, broken homes, etc., It all surely plays a role in emotional development and decision making. However, this one provable physiological difference is an area that is worth exploring, especially since so little research has been done.
Why do Blacks have higher testosterone levels? It likely because of evolution needs. Look at Africa, a nation of hunters and warriors, where physical attributes were often necessary to survive. Those people with higher levels of testosteron were more likely to survive…it’s how natural selection and evolution work.
In closing, it seems foolish that on one hand we are often quick to point to environmental factors as greatly effecting our physical and mental well-being and on the other hand we dare not consider that environmental factors may also evolved a chemical difference in particular race. Science must be free from politics in order to find the answers.
Disclaimer: In doing this story I may have inadvertently used a website/author that is not racially impartial and/or that could have some racist undertones. If that has occurred, I offer my apologies right up front. Please know, I was simply trying to gather statistical information without getting into the rhetoric or stereotyping thyat may accompany such information. I think it’s healthy to discuss controversial issues and have a fair and open dialog.
This was a tough subject to research and I’ve tried to bring forth only factual information. If you have data that strongly contradicts the above, please send it in and if it can be corroborated we will post it.