Forced Life Saving

by Jack

Did you know that when the elderly become wards of the state, or anyone for that matter, and are confined in care facilities, they are given “code” status?  That means that any time they are in full arrest extreme measures must be used to bring them back.   This allows care facilities to collect money from the state longer by artificially extending life.  It’s brutal on the patient, since life saving techniques often involve breaking ribs and the sternum, plus various injections and it causes the patient to suffer needless pain, when they could go peacefully. This is why it’s important to get a DNR before being mentally incapacitated.

Source:  Nursing staff Enloe Hospital


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More Evidence We’re Living In Crazy and Dangerous Times

This is a stunner of a story.  I give it a strong 8 on the ol 1 to 10 scale.  10 being the most outrageous.  -Jack

If you can stand to hear about one more, this is heartbreaking, but a youth approached a women pushing a stroller and demanded money.  She said he threatened her and said he was going to shoot her dead and kill her baby if she didn’t produce the cash!  He then fired at her head, striking her in the ear and then turned the gun on the little baby and shot him in the face…killing him instantly.  Hear the mother’s own words and see this killer.  Oddly enough, he looks just like he could be Obama’s son.


An Unbelievable Story of Corruption, Greed and Apathy – Bonus story Chico Council Meeting Tuesday

by Jack

As most of you know, I have been long been an outspoken advocate for peaceful resolutions to egregious errors that impede good governance i.e., voting down stupid issues and voting out stupid politicians.  However, the older I get, and the more outrageous stupidity that is foisted upon us by government, the more I’m convinced there are special times when we need an angry mob with torches and pitchforks to storm the castle.  The following is such a case.  Please hang onto your hat,  here’s another stranger-than-fiction story of government runamuck, from the pages of the San Francisco Chronicle I submit this:

Alameda County supervisors have really taken to heart the adage that  government should run like a business, rewarding county Administrator Susan Muranishi with the Wall Street-like wage of $423,664 a  year.

For the rest of her life!

According to county pay records, in addition to her $301,000 base salary,  Muranishi receives:

— $24,000, plus change, in “equity pay” to guarantee that she makes at least  10 percent more than anyone else in the county.

— About $54,000 a year in “longevity” pay for having stayed with the county  for more than 30 years.

— An annual performance bonus of $24,000.

— And an additional $9,000 a year for serving on the county’s three-member  Surplus Property Authority, an ad hoc committee of the Board of Supervisors that  oversees the sale of excess land.

Like other county executives, Muranishi also gets an $8,292-a-year car  allowance.

Muranishi has been with the county for 38 years, and she’s 63. When  retirement day comes, she’ll be getting a lot more than a gold watch.

That’s because, according to the county auditor’s office, Muranishi’s annual  pension will be equal to the dollar total of her entire yearly package -  $413,000. She also has a separate executive private pension plan, for which the  county chips in $46,500 a year.

“And she’s worth every dime,” said Supervisor Scott Haggerty, who was on the board when it promoted Muranishi to  county administrator in 1995, voted for her and joined in approving her base pay  and perks.   (end of Examiner story)

This can only be the end result of insulated, ignorant, bureaucratic thinking and/or outright greed because they are standing in the same gravy train line.   These supervisors have fooled their constituents into thinking that nobody else in the world could do this job equally as well for half the money.  Somehow in their pea brained heads, they are able to justify a humble county official making more than the Governor of the State, more than the President of the United States and more than 97% of the residents of Alameda county!

I wonder…how is possible that an angry mob of taxpayers has not set fire to the supervisor’s chambers, and with them in it?   What devious government drug have they used to numb the minds of the citizenry into such a state of complacency, that they would not react in shock, horror and disbelief, followed by rage, revulsion and violence?    What have the people in this county become…sheep for the slaughter?  In the words of Secretary John Kerry, “Would that it were…” only in this one county, but it seems epidemic in the state, and the nation!!!

BONUS STORY:   Oh, by the way. . . tomorrow there’s a City Council meeting in Chico to hold a discussion on our homeless problem.   On one side are the bleeding hearts, “build-more-homeless shelters” and on the other side, the taxpayers who aren’t buying their BS!   They don’t want new shelters, they don’t even want the old shelter, because it’s been magnet for drifters.  And they absolutely don’t want see their tax money go to these out-of-state bums on the road.   (See article below on the homeless in Chico for more details)  The charity and generosity of the people has been exploited by a new breed of young, able-bodied drop outs and people are fed up with their aggressive panhandling, thefts, drinking, drugs, public excrement and vandalism that has all but closed down businesses in the downtown and caused our beautiful city plaza with our recently dedicated veterans memorial to be renamed BUM CENTRAL! 

I wish everyone reading this would come this important meeting!  Voice your opposition to anything that would dare attract more so-called homeless to Butte County and Chico!  I suggest you also ask a friend or relative to show up too…and then be brave, speak up and be heard!  

There’s going to be a heated debate tomorrow at the City Council Chambers that much I can guarantee you!   So, it’s absolutely crucial that you show up, besides there’s nothing on TV that is going to rival this show.   Police will be standing by for the protection of the council.      






The Rich Are Dumping Stocks

From Newsmax…


Despite the 6.5% stock market rally over the last three months, a handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast.
Warren Buffett, who has been a cheerleader for U.S. stocks for quite some time, is dumping shares at an alarming rate. He recently complained of “disappointing performance” in dyed-in-the-wool American companies like Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Kraft Foods.
In the latest filing for Buffett’s holding company Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett has been drastically reducing his exposure to stocks that depend on consumer purchasing habits. Berkshire sold roughly 19 million shares of Johnson & Johnson, and reduced his overall stake in “consumer product stocks” by 21%. Berkshire Hathaway also sold its entire stake in California-based computer parts supplier Intel.
With 70% of the U.S. economy dependent on consumer spending, Buffett’s apparent lack of faith in these companies’ future prospects is worrisome.
Unfortunately Buffett isn’t alone.
Fellow billionaire John Paulson, who made a fortune betting on the subprime mortgage meltdown, is clearing out of U.S. stocks too. During the second quarter of the year, Paulson’s hedge fund, Paulson & Co., dumped 14 million shares of JPMorgan Chase. The fund also dumped its entire position in discount retailer Family Dollar and consumer-goods maker Sara Lee.
Finally, billionaire George Soros recently sold nearly all of his bank stocks, including shares of JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs. Between the three banks, Soros sold more than a million shares.
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Guy Got More Than He Paid For

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — A black female escort accused of attacking a man and nearly biting his penis off during a sexual encounter at an Orange County hotel was arrested on an attempted murder charge Tuesday morning.

Deputies were called to the Crestwood Suites on University Boulevard after multiple 911 callers “reported screaming and growling sounds from a room on the second floor” of the hotel.

They arrived to find the victim “covered in a significant amount of blood, with numerous bite wounds,” the report states. He was rushed to the Orlando Regional Medical Center trauma center. The man had “significant” bites to his penis and testicles, the report states, as well as damage to his leg, abdomen, chest and fingers.

The escort was found nude still in the victims motel room and snarling like an animal. The victim said she went crazy after ingesting extacy and started biting him, uh, everywhere… yee, ouch!

And he thought he was going to have a night of wild sex and nobody would ever know…not even his wife. Oh well, so much for being sneaky.

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What Has the Republican House Accomplished?

Posted by Tina

The economy and Jobs! Do the American people have to rush the halls of Congress to make our representatives aware of the urgency? It’s obvious that the economy is performing at a sluggish pace at best. It’s obvious that the middle and poor classes are suffering without opportunity and jobs. We tossed out the queen of healthcare and gave Republicans a second chance. So far it appears they have done nothing but fight with each other…that is, if we are to believe most of the media and blog stories that make headlines day in and out.

Do you share the opinions of these journalists and bloggers…especially those that have a vested interest in tearing the Republican Party to shreds? Are you frustrated over what appears to be a total lack of progress? Have you assumed Tea Party House members have had no redeeming influence or that the leadership has failed miserably and fought the Tea Party members every position? Have you wondered, recently, whether CBO projections have changed since Republicans were elected or how it is that the unemployment number has dropped? Is it possible, just possible, that House Republicans have actually worked together to made some progress?

You might be surprised to discover that, even in the face of a stone cold resistant Harry Reid in the Senate and a zealous transformer of America in the White House, Republicans have made some progress toward better management of the people’s money. Conn Carroll has written a piece for The Examiner, “What the Tea Party Congress Accomplished”:

…if you look at the hard numbers — if you look at the tax-and-spending trajectory that the United States was on before the 112th Congress was sworn into office, and then look at the path the U.S. is on now — you’d see that Republicans in Congress have made tremendous progress in shrinking the size and scope of the federal government.

Mr. Carroll goes on to inform that (according to the Congressional Budget Office) just prior to the last election, the fiscal year estimates for spending (2011-2021) under the Democrat controlled Congress was $3.7 trillion with a total cost of $50 trillion through 2021. Those numbers reflect 24.7% of the economy with taxes set to rise from 14.8% of GDP to 20.8%.

New CBO estimates following the 2011 Budget Control Act and the Sequester have brought those numbers down. The federal government is now on target to spend $46.2 trillion through 2021, a $3.6 trillion savings for taxpayers that represents 18.9% of GDP. In addition the debt projection dropped from the projected $18.2 trillion to the still utterly horrendous but improved $17.87 we currently owe. A trillion here a trillion there pretty soon we’re talking real money.

While it is true that President Obama secured the tax rate hike on the wealthy, it is also true that Republicans preserved the lower rates of the Bush tax cuts for the remainder of taxpayers. Until we can secure the votes to more radically alter the inefficient way Washington does business we should remember to highlight and celebrate the incremental advances our leaders do make…we sure can’t count on most in the media to trumpet our achievements or write about our success stories in a positive way.

What have the Republicans in Congress accomplished? Quite a bit, actually, given the extreme agenda and stubborn dedication of the opposition. Kudos to Conn Carroll and The Examiner!

Sidenote: At the same time we must always keep an eye on the future.


Homeless Problem in Chico – Council Befuddled

by Jack

“A very successful hotel owner realized there were some in his community that were homeless.  So, being a good man, he allocated a few of his hotel rooms to them free of charge.  He quickly filled these rooms.  But, the homeless were still coming expecting more free rooms.  Being a very generous man, he allocated even more rooms for the homeless and still more homeless arrived.  Soon his hotel started to show signs of decline, there was vandalism, trash and even the police had to be called to remove disorderly people.  His paying customers were in sharp decline.  Soon he had no choice but to lay off some staff jut to pay his bills.  This included a few of his gardeners, a few housekeepers and a few maintenance people and now these people were unemployed and he felt sad.  As the hotel fell into decline so did his business, until he was nearly broke.  Then he had a wonderful idea!  He would ask homeless to help him with the gardening, the maintenance and the housekeeping in exchange for free lodging.  To his surprise, the homeless soon disappeared, but by this time he was penniless, his business was ruined and now he too was homeless.”  Anon.

This could easily be about Chico and our homeless problem.  I recently read where another group wants to build yet another homeless shelter.  They want to spend over 1.4 million for more beds, but they don’t want to use their money of course…they want ours.  And isn’t that always the case with these libs?  They’re so generous when it comes to giving away somebody elses money!   As you might expect, the people who are behind this project are young adults, full of idealism and short on work experience.  They’re not giving much thought to the impact an additional shelter will have on our community.

Already the downtown plaza is being called “Bum Central”, do we really want to attract more?

Regarding this new shelter…the question nobody wants to answer is, if we build another shelter will it be enough?  Will it ever be enough?  Or will the demand always exceed the supply because by building another huge shelter, we are in essence asking for the homeless in other places to come to Chico?

This is a difficult problem and there is likely no easy nor perfect answer, but I think asking able-bodied homeless to donate some work in exchange for food and shelter is pretty close to a solution.  We might be surprised to see our homeless suddenly seek other places that don’t make such demands on them.   Imagine, having to work for your food…what a concept!  But, sooner or later its going to come to that or this problem is only going to get worse.  We have too many people taking advantage of Chico’s charity and giving back nothing in return – this must change.


Gun Control and Black Citizens

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Bill to Seize Guns – Aborted

by Jack

(  Rob Bonta, Assemblyman)     Thought you might like to know that someone in the State Assembly was stupid enough to think he could seize guns grandfathered in after the assault weapon ban was imposed and this includes over 10 shot magazines.   Never mind the 2nd Amendment,  never mind ownership rights as personal property, never mind fact that none of the 175,000 legally registered weapons were ever used in a crime, this guy desperately wanted to take them away from decent, law abiding citizens!

He is Assemblyman Rob Bonta, D-Oakland.  Bonta has never owned a firearm and knows nothing about them.  He apparently doesn’t even read DOJ statistics that prove so-called assault weapons aren’t the problem.  Bonta tried with all his power to introduce AB174 in January, but failed.   His bill was designed to declare the Legislature’s intent to end all “grandfather clauses” allowing ownership of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, but even this flaming lib had to admit it was a non-started….this time.  But, you can bet these misguided creatures will always lurk in the dark parts of the capital just waiting for their opportunity to strike.  (Vigilance is the price of liberty)  Here is his phone number in case you want to say hello …  (916) 319-2018.


You Need to Watch This Video

Priceless Video. Everyone should see this.  A piece of History that we should never forget.


  Civil war veteran soldier footage, captured between 1913 and 1938


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