NOTICE IS SERVED: First Amendment Rights Modified

by Jack

We at Post Scripts have learned that our Constitution is a living, breathing document, subject to modification with the changing times.  This was exemplified by our liberal  representatives latest attempts to exclude a number of guns from private ownership.  Clearly, this was a much needed reinterpretation of our 2nd Amendment right, so we learned by their fine example.  We now feel it is only fair that we restrict your right to say, “I support a minimum wage hike” … because we don’t like it; your opinion is a threat to us.   It is an opinion that could kill jobs, lots of jobs!

Not to worry, this is only a slight encroachment on your free speech, and it’s so minor it shouldn’t bother you, after-all it’s for the public good.

As of now, opposing views on the minimum wage debate closed.   We deemed them to be too dangerous to be tolerated in your possession.  (We know whats best for you)  Your dangerous opinions are now banned.    If this necessary action only saves one entry level job, then you should be happy to surrender your opinions.  There may be other topics we wish to ban, so stay tuned.  We’re just getting warmed up!

Oh, and by the way, there will be a buy back of your dangerous opinions next Friday.  You may surrender your deadly opinion to us (no questions asked) in exchange for 2 cents or a food credit, your choice.

And one other thing:  All persons holding a controversial opinion should register them with us, so that they may be tracked.   Tracked for what reason, you might ask?   Hey,  it should be good enough for you to know we just want to track your opinions!  Trust us.  But, if you really must know, maybe some day you might do something prohibited with your opinion and then we can use this information against you, or in times of crisis we’ll know who to watch!    Now …feel better?

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.




Is It Time for Diversity Considerations to Go?

Posted by Tina

It seems since America elected its first black president issues surrounding race and diversity have exploded. From the Presidents redistribution policies, to voting rights, and from accusations of racism to calls for diversity, the push for “advantage” for “people of color” has gained steam. Has this been positive or negative for America? Victor Davis Hansen raises some interesting questions in a great article at National Review this morning:

“In an increasingly multiracial society, it has grown hard to determine the racial ancestry of millions of Americans. Is someone who is ostensibly one-half Native American or African-American classified as a minority eligible for special consideration in hiring or college admissions, while someone one-quarter or one-eighth is not? How exactly does affirmative action adjudicate our precise ethnic identities these days? – Victor Davis Hansen, National Review

Hansen has an excellent point. How do we decide to give preferences when so many people come from mixed backgrounds? And are our institutions and politics way behind the curve anyway regarding opportunity and race? I look at the fact that whites will soon be a minority in America and the make up of school classrooms and, as is often the case, it seems like demographics are way out in front of expressions of white guilt.

While you’re pondering all of this consider what government programs (and education) are preaching/teaching volunteers and young people about white privilege in America:

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) wants its white VISTA volunteers who work with low-income, racially diverse public schools to examine the “privilege” their Caucasian race confers on them.

This organization has produced a get your mind right set of goals for its white volunteer workers:

— Set aside sections of the day to critically examine how privilege is working.

— Put a note on your mirror or computer screen as a reminder to think about privilege.

— Make a daily list of the ways privilege played out, and steps taken or not taken to address privilege.

— Find a person of color who is willing to hold you accountable for addressing privilege.

Perhaps the most disgusting of all is a suggestion to wear a white wrist band to remind the white person that they are privileged due to their lack of ethnic color and a bunch of luck. What’s next, rounding up white folks and shoving them into ovens?

I know, I know, that’s extreme and over the top! Yes it is…intentionally!

Oprah Winfrey, wealthy, successful black actress and talk show host is billionaire wealthy and living the life of the privileged person. There are many like her in the black community and they are not all movie stars and sports figures. Successful black own business, are on Wall Street, practice as doctors and lawyers. I absolutely dismiss all suggestions that Oprah got where she is by being lucky! Likewise, I dismiss the notion that luck is what caused whites to realize their dreams of success. I dismiss too the notion that white privilege keeps black people down. Talk about teaching people to fail!!!

The problem, as I see it, is that blacks have been told they were born without a chance for so long they believe it. They have been told they would be discriminated against to the point of giving up before they begin or at the first whiff of rejection whether its based in race or not. We have come a long way baby, as the saying goes. The biggest barrier to success for anyone in today’s world is the barriers we put in front of ourselves. Everyone has to overcome obstacles, rejection, failures and self doubt. Those who press on are the achievers. Look closely and you will see plenty of white skinned folks that have not been born to privilege and have not been “lucky”.

My answer to the questions posed by Hansen is that it’s time to let go of color politics and preferences. It’s time to embrace our common humanity and use excellence and achievement as the path to success and recognition.

What do you think?


Don’t Miss This Comment! Re Something Good is Happening in America

From Peggy…


Jack, I’m glad you addressed this. As you know I was at that GOP conference in Sacramento a couple of weekends ago and shared with you the impression all of those college-age young people had upon me. It was truly a personal pivotal moment for me in what their’s and my grandkid’s future could be. A future with jobs, economic stability and a tax base that allows them to keep most of what they earned.

The other event that took place was a huge historical pivotal moment. It was when Rand Paul stood upon the Senate floor and demanded the WH answer the question he’d been asking for six weeks. It wasn’t a new question as Holder indicated, it was the same question. Not ashamed to admit I watch over 12 hours of his filibuster. I missed the very first, but saw those who came to join and show their support and his last words. (Thank God for the DVR and the hold button.) Not in our life time do I believe we will witness such a moment again.

Rand’s filibuster was not only an, “In your face” challenge to this administration’s typical non-response response, it also put the “old-guard” GOP on notice they’re done as leaders. In my opinion McCain and Graham sealed the end of their political careers. I was even motivated to both call and email them the next day to tell them I’d contribute to the GOP/Independent candidates who ran against them to make sure they didn’t return to represent us. Graham’s voice mail was full so I wasn’t able to leave him a message. I’m assuming it was full from others who felt like I did so decided to not continue calling but did send the email.

Rand Paul quote: “I filibustered for the sake of the young people.”

Here are a couple of articles that I think indicate how others of like-minds see the change that is taking place. Of course the challenge will be to have enough join in to make a difference.

Star Parker – CURE: (Be sure to check out her other videos)

This Revealing Chart Shows You Exactly What the Calif. Exodus Looks Like: (Some comments indicate ex-Californians are not welcomed in other states.)

For those who have Dish TV check out “The Blaze” channel’s new program called, “On the Record.” Its first show aired last night called, “Surveillance State.” If you’re concerned about the drones violating someone’s civil rights you’ll be even more concerned about the NSA and the personal information that is being gathered and stored. Will Rand Paul, who appears in the show,  or another brave soul stand up again to protect our rights under our constitution?

For The Record exposes the terrifying surveillance state: (Be sure to check out the videos.)

“There is little information today the NSA cannot acquire if it wants to,” said American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) attorney Alexander Abdo. Using the firsthand accounts of four NSA whistleblowers, For The Record exposes the truth behind the government agency that is invading American’s privacy under the guise of national security.

“I took all the narration out of the episode because these people are whistleblowers, and I have to let them tell their story,” Joe Weasel , senior producer of TheBlaze documentary team, said about the episode. “I asked all the whistleblowers the exact same questions, so I could see if the stories were consistent, and then I got out of the way.

Yes, Jack people are rising up saying, “Enough is enough. We want our country back for our children.”

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The 266th Pope Has Arrived

by Jack

The new pope was announced on the white balcony on the front of St. Peter’s Basilica as thousands of the faithful cheered joyously below.   He is called Francis and he is the first pope not born in Europe since Columbus landed in the New World.  In choosing him, the cardinals sent a powerful message that the future of the Church lies in the Global South, home to the bulk of the world’s Catholics.  One of Benedict’s abiding preoccupations was the rise of secularism in Europe, and he took the name Benedict after the founder of European monastic culture.   Jorge Mario Bergoglio is from Argentina.  He is 76 years old.


Is Something Happening in America – Something Good?

by Jack

There is something big happening here in politics, something good.

We see the low information voter finally start to reject what Obama has been selling.   We see Hispanic voters drifting to the conservative side over traditional family values.  We see republicans standing firm for once, as if they were actually growing a backbone!  They called Obama’s bluff over sequestration and even Code Pink has turned on Obama!  Many of his allies in Congress couldn’t defend his drone strike policy on American soil that horrified the public.   The new enemy is no longer terrorism, it’s now Chinese cyber-theft and that began on Obama’s watch!   In California huge numbers of young people recently attended the GOP convention and with them came new ideas and a bold new outreach to the formerly disenfranchised voters re-registered as independents, declined to state and 3rd party members.   I’ve been advised some of the old powerbrokers in the State party have been tossed out, done in by their own seedy plots.   There’s a lot to digest here and it’s been coming in so fast… even the Tea Party is still gaining momentum.

Obamacare, the CA bullet train debacle, CA bankruptcy, the Washington pork spending, all the scandals and corruption in DC, a trillion dollars in new fed taxes, the high pump prices and its impact on the poor, the invasion of illegals that changed the demographics, the lack of jobs, the rampant deficit spending, the threats to Social Security, those costly corporate bailouts like Solyndra, therecent attacks on gun owners, sucking up to big unions, declining quality in education, etc.   IT’S ALL TOO MUCH AND THE PEOPLE ARE RISING UP!

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For Once the American People Seem to Get It

by Jack

The  American people are  finally figuring out the cost of the Obama presidency, namely Obamacare and also thanks in large part to the recent sequester budget that brought to light many things.

Obama campaigned long and hard that a sequester budget was going to starve the children, displace police and fire, cause prisoners to get an early release and more.   It was a bluff of course, but this time the republicans called him on it.   This shocked dems and the White House because the big bluff has always worked before, but not this time.   Finally, even the low information voter saw it for what is was and they backed sequestration and the Republicans.   So, the embolden GOP stood firm, sequester went forward and none of the dire predictions happened.  That is, unless there was a little White House interfernce to force the worst to happen.   We saw the evidence of that too, and this only added to the public’s disenchantment with Mr. Obama and his Chicago style of politics.   The polls show the strong-arm tactics failed and the result – the presidents credibility dropped sharply along with his poll numbers.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll makes clear that Obama has tumbled from the political heights he enjoyed in the first two months of the year.  His approval rating now sits at 50 percent with 46 percent disapproving, a far cry from the 55 percent approve/41 percent disapprove score he enjoyed in a mid-January Post-ABC poll.

If anything, the president is a pragmatist, and he’s willing to shfit with the political winds.  He saw a backlash coming and since his days of doom and gloom forecasts he’s changed his tune, trying to salvage what he could.  But, it was too late and the momentum has shifted to the republicans who are bringing to light flaws in the new democrat proposed budget by Patty Murray.

Their first budget in 4 years will add nearly 1 trillion dollars in new taxes!   The exposure of some of the more absurd inclusions has caused even democrat legislators to wince in shame.  For example, the dems budget provides for overpayment of 5% if a contract is awarded to native Hawaiian company.   The National Institutes of Health gets $1.5 million to find out why three quarters of lesbians are obese, but gay males are not.  The National Science Foundation gets $250,000 to study pictures of animals in the National Geographic and the list of waste goes on into the hundreds of billions.

Nothing in this democrat proposed budget does anything to curb the waste, quite the contrary!

Despite Obama’s warnings over sequestration the federal government has advertised for nearly 2,600 new jobs in just the last week-and-a-half! This failure to cut waste, the fraudulent claims, and an attempt to keep the US in crushing debt is traced right back to Obama’s overall failure of leadership. At this point his agenda is becoming clear even to the low information voter. Obama has no interest in cutting waste, fraud and abuse in government!  He has but one agenda, to transform this country to a socialist republic.   This was said in his book,  it was said repeatedly in his campaign speeches and it’s been carried out to it’s fullest potential by a ruinus Obamacare.

As the cost of Obama’s socialist penchant becomes clear the resentment grows against him and the democrats.   Many in Congress fear a reversal of fortunes similar to what befell republicans in the mid-term elections of 1998.   Patty Murray’s budget offers them no refuge.   Her budget is 527 pages of vote buying pork gimmicks and outright waste coupled to a trillion dollars in new taxes.

In contrast to Murray’s budget, Paul Ryan’s budget proposal it a rock solid plan leading us to prosperity.   It will shore up the dollar by reducing our debt to a near balanced budget in 10 years as it eliminates corrupt government projects and sorts out future waste.

The difference between these two parties has never been more clear.  Debt, new taxes and insolvency vs prosperity and a balanced budget. It’s your choice, which do you want?

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Sierra Nevada Beer in North Carolina?

Posted by Tina

Sierra Nevada Brewing Company is expanding to meet the demand for this most excellent beer on the east coast. They have chosen South Carolina as the perfect place to locate. Watching this company grow from a dream to a world wide success has been fun and I wish them all the best in their new endeavors. This company is a great example of what people can do with a dream in a free country.

The Post and Courier reports that twenty-eight beer tanks have arrived in South Carolina:

A prized new set of gargantuan beer cans arrived at Charleston’s port Tuesday after a 14-day voyage across the frothy Atlantic Ocean from Germany.
Twenty-eight beer brewing tanks — some large enough to hold up to 3,200 kegs worth of suds — made landfall at the Port of Charleston’s Columbus Street Terminal. They are bound for Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.’s new brewery in Mills River, N.C., about 12 miles south of Asheville.
The Chico, Calif.-based company announced the expansion last year, and the arrival of the tanks marks the next milestone in the brewery’s development, according to port officials. The stainless steel tanks, made by Ziemann Group in Burgstadt, Germany, came wrapped and tethered to the deck of a container ship with chains. They looked a bit like farm silos tipped on their sides or stages from a rocket laid end-to-end.

The companies product development manager, Bill Manley, described the massive tanks in terms of beer making:

“But this is the bread and butter of our brewery,” he said. “This is where the wort — the sugar water — turns into beer. That is an investment you never want to skimp on. That is an investment in the future of our brewery and our beer.”

Congratulations go out to Sierra Nevada.


Obamacare’s 7′ of Costly Regulations

Posted by Tina

Senator Mitch McConnel tweeted this photo yesterday to illustrate the complexity and size of regulations contained in Obamacare. The stack apparently only gets higher as regulations continue to be tweeked and adjusted. The original proposal was about the size of a standard city phone book. It just goes to show that righting a law that you have to “read to find out what’s in it…” is easier than is implementing the law.

Today we hear that taking your pet to the vet will also cost a lot more now because of the TAX on medical devices…woof!

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Hamas Declaration of War

by Jack

Hamas tells Pres. Obama if he visits the Temple on the Mount in Israel, it will be akin to a declaration of war on the Islamic world.  At first I thought this must be a joke, the statement was absurd. Then I thought, if it’s not a joke the people saying it must have no credibility with Hamas.  I mean, this is such an over the top, ridiculous thing to say, right?   Hamas is delusional if they think they can tell a US President where can and can’t visit.  However,  this presents a problem for our Ally, Israel.  Obama doesn’t want to stir up more trouble for Israel.  So, what would you do if you were Obama?

(This threat should give you a mild idea what Israel must deal with… every day. )

WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — Hamas is warning that if President Obama visits the Temple Mount it would be a “declaration of war” against the Islamic world.

Israel National News reports the terror group made the threat during a protest march at the religious site following riots on Friday.

Mushir al-Masri, a Hamas spokesman, called for a third intifada if Obama visits the contested religious site in Jerusalem’s Old City between Israelis and Muslims.

Public Security Minister Yitzchak Aharonovich believes the warning will lead to violence flaring up in the region ahead of the president’s visit.

“The Palestinians have not said the final word yet and we expect that there will be attempts to take advantage of the upcoming events, like the visit by Barack Obama, in order to continue the violence,” Aharonovich told Israel National News.

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Ryan’s New Budget Demands that Government Go On a Diet

By Tina Grazier

Government is expanding like the fat lady in the circus, every year she gets bigger and bigger. While a fat lady is an asset to the circus, a fat budget is a definite drag on the health of our country. The extra bulk is our debt and future debt which demanded $220 billion in 2012 but will rise dramatically when interest rates begin to go up. This debt is a result of unsustainable programs that need bold reform. Our representatives have failed to create dynamic changes in these programs even though they have known for years that it is making America sick. American legislators have made other poor choices through the years in the form of high calorie deserts. Americans are being asked to fund this fancy fair even as the numbers of citizens in poverty continues to grow. The current administration thinks the answer to our problem is a bigger and fancier feast. He is demanding more revenue through higher tax rates and added tax streams. This irresponsible position shows he has no intention to put the fat government lady on a diet no matter how misshapen and blubbery she gets. Paul Ryan’s new budget, once again, suggests a sensible diet that would serve the people today and into the future but unless the people demand it the President and the Democrats under Harry Reid will sabotage efforts to create healthier attitudes and behavior at the federal government. The American people have been squeezed every calorie from our budgets…it’s time our government went on a diet.

Over the last several years we the people have been asked to accept 7-8% as the new normal in unemployment even while DC adds to its employment roles and pay. Even after the sequester that was supposed to result in terrible job losses the government is still posting 2,600 job openings. The administration has mollified the people with extensions in unemployment benefits and food stamps. We have been asked to accept 1% growth in the economy as “making progress” in the recovery. This is unacceptable.

The President has used the bully pulpit to demand that the rich pay their “fair share” even though the rich have been carrying the biggest burden for decades by paying most of the federal tax and more taxes on the personal savings and investments that fuel the economy. Unsatisfied with recent increases in tax rates on the rich, the administration is asking for more.

The big government banquet is driven by an ideology that government knows best how to spend your money. As President Clinton infamously demonstrated on January 20, 1999 when asked if he should consider giving some of the surplus back to the taxpayer: “We could give [YOUR money] all back to you and hope you spend it right. But I think — here’s the problem: If you don’t spend it right, here’s what’s going to happen … [Social Security might go bankrupt in 13 years, etc., etc.]. He was right about what the future holds but he’s wrong that the government can continue to binge on private sector wealth without creating a bloated government in crisis.

But big government doesn’t work because, as Margaret Thatcher said, “eventually you run out of other people’s money.” We’ve been out of money for some time. We’ve known about the unsustainable nature of government programs like Medicare and Social Security for several decades and yet Washington has not been able to agree on a way to reform them in all of that time. They would not do what was needed when we had the republican surplus under Bill Clinton and they don’t show any signs of doing the right thing now when deficit spending (the high calorie feast) is at an all time high. The main reason is that the two big parties are at loggerheads about how big and controlling government should be. Democrats want an unrestrained ability to grow government and make spending decisions. They speak in the collective, “we” must do this or “we” must do that. Republicans believe that individuals making common sense decisions based on their own budgets are the best market force for keeping costs down and the less the federal government interferes the better. Democrats have won the argument more often than not and now we find ourselves with $16.68 Trillion in debt and thousands of calorie packed programs that continue based on borrowing.

Can there be any question that the big government feast must end? Washington must put itself on a diet. No more fatty sumptuous foods and calorie laden deserts…the people are demanding a slimmer and trimmer government! Do you really buy the Democrat lie that it can’t be done? Does the federal government really know best how to spend your money? Does their record show that they are good conservators and managers of the money that taxpayers have dutifully sent to Washington year after year since WWII?

Paul Ryan suggests that our representatives in Washington have not done the best job they could do and it is now time for Congress and the President to DIET! His plan deserves serious consideration and it deserves an earnest congressional debate…the tug and pull that results in a sound solution. Talk of bipartisan work doesn’t get it done.

Stories in the news today prove the time has come for DC to Diet:

CNS News:

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded $1.5 million to study biological and social factors for why “three-quarters” of lesbians are obese and why gay males are not, calling it an issue of “high public-health significance.” Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Mass., has received two grants administered by NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) to study the relationship between sexual orientation and obesity.

The Washington Times asks:

…can the government really afford to spend $227,437 to study pictures of animals in National Geographic magazines?

The Examiner in DC reports that “Five Guys” restaurant will raise the price of burgers and dogs to cover the costs associated with the new healthcare regulations:

“Any added costs are going to have to be passed on,” said Mike Ruffer, a Five Guys franchise holder with eight of the popular restaurants in the Raleigh-Durham, N.C. area. He will need all the profits from at least one of his eight outlets just to cover his estimated added $60,000-a year in new Obamacare costs.

What’s more, he’s iced plans to build another three restaurants until after the administration explains the exact rules and penalties employers will face. The law’s plan to have those available March 1 has been pushed back to October.

The American Thinker takes umbrage when Obama used the sequestration to eliminate tuition assistance to servicemen when there are so many areas of waste or frivolity that could be eliminated or reformed:

Federal dollars were spent to study “how cocaine affects the reproductive habits of Japanese quail” at a cost of $181,000.

Fourteen point eight million dollars is spent on unemployment checks sent to millionaires.

Senator Coburn says he sent a letter to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood outlining $1.2 billion in savings that cover the alleged $600-million shortfall two-to-one — a shortfall Secretary LaHood claims will cause flight delays.

Senator Coburn points out that the Transportation Department has $34 billion in funds lying around that have already been approved by Congress that could be spent, instead of just letting the money further waste away.

The senator also highlighted subsidies for airports serving fewer than ten passengers per day.

Over at Homeland Security, one $830-million grant program to protect a pumpkin festival in Keene, NH (my home state, and a good pumpkin festival, indeed…but not one deserving DHS protection) could be cut by one third to cover all TSA furloughs

According to Senator Coburn, his office did a report in 2008 showing that federal employees were AWOL for 3.5 million hours in 2007 — enough to “screen 1.7 billion checked bags, or enough to avoid security delays for nearly four years.”

The big area of waste Senator Coburn outlines is, of course, duplication: Another source of potential savings is duplication of federal services, which accounts for $364 billion spent every year, according to the Government Accountability Office. Washington spends $30 million for 15 financial-literacy programs run by 13 separate agencies. Taxpayers also spend $3.1 billion on 209 separate science, technology, engineering and mathematics education programs across 13 agencies. Why not fund one good program in these areas instead of dozens that don’t work and waste money?

The democrats under Harry Reid have chosen the same old tack, demonizing the plan and its author and releasing a rerun video featuring a Ryan look alike who tosses a dummy granny over a cliff. At this point their response is nothing short of clownish. It’s time for our leaders to grow up and get in shape. Drop the clownish posturing, cut the sugar and fat, and get the federal budget on a sustainable path.

Note from Tina: Apologies to all for yesterdays premature posting of this article in draft form and without title…old brain clicks on wrong button…twice!

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