President Obama is trying to curb murders and violence with a universal background check and a ban on assault weapons? Good luck with that one Barry!
There’s no excuse for the president to mislead the American people on gun violence. Study after study concludes that gun registration, gun background checks and gun bans have virtually no effect on the illegal use of guns by criminals. I’m going to make reference to some of those studies below. But, when it comes to liberals like Obama, never mind the facts, it’s politically correctness that matters most. For them, it’s all their long held fear and hatred of guns that keeps them obsessed with destroying the 2nd Amendment. They could care less about facts or even real solutions for solving violence in America…they only care about seizing guns and placating the idiots that support them. This is a travesty to every thinking American regardless of your politics or if you own a gun. You don’t deserve to be treated this way and this article has many of the facts you will need to refute these gun-grabbers, who will only be making matter worse if they have their way.
I want to address this straight to the President, on the off chance some it may actually reach him, but just as importantly I’m writing this for our local (liberal) legislators to consider. I know, I know, they are probably just as intransigent and unreachable as Obama, but I have to try! Please feel free to follow along with me and lets go over the facts and forget mere opinions:
Dear Mr. President, we’re not buying what you’re selling. I’m talking about your goofy ideas for new gun control laws. We know the facts Mr. President. We know that during 2002-03, 17 million background checks resulted in only 154 people prosecuted for trying to buy a firearm illegally…154 in the whole USA, Mr President! How are universal background checks going to help lower the gang killing, the armed holdups, or crazies shooting people with illegally obtained weapons?
Mr. President, your own federal Justice Department investigation said the “vast majority” of background denials under the federal check system were issued to people who are not “a danger to the public because the prohibiting factors are often minor or based on incidents that occurred many years in the past. As examples of such, agents stated that denials have been issued due to a 1941 felony conviction for stealing a pig and a 1969 felony conviction for stealing hubcaps. The same investigation audited 200 background check denials and found that 8% of denied applicants were not prohibited from lawfully possessing a firearm. During 2008, applicants appealed about 19% of the 70,725 background check denials issued that year. Of these, about 23% were later overturned and the applications approved. Mr. President, how do these statistics add up in any way to curbing gun violence?
Mr. President do you not know that California already has a universal background check in effect and yet some of the most violence prone cities anywhere are right here in California? California’s statewide homicide rate didn’t flinch a bit when the state legislature passed a plethora of gun-ban laws, including banning all kinds of so-called assault weapons, large capacity magazines among other things. All California accomplished was to make a lot of otherwise honest citizens into criminals because they might be out technical compliance.
Your home town of Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, yet they also have the highest murder rate in the nation. Washington D.C is no safer….and D.C. has a law that says handguns are prohibited. And what about the facts that so-called assault weapons play a tiny role in homicides, they are barely 1.5% of the homicide statistic. What does that tell you Barry? It’s tells us you don’t have a clue about how to lower murder rates. Your legislation proposal is in a word… stupid. And only stupid people could possibly fall for it.
Here are some helpful facts Mr. President, read them if you dare:
In 2012 Chicago had 512 homicides; Detroit had 411; Philadelphia had 331; and Baltimore had 215. Those cities are joined by other dangerous cities—such as St. Louis, Memphis, Tenn., Flint, Mich., and Camden, N.J. — and they also lead the nation in shootings, assaults, rapes and robberies. Both the populations of those cities and their crime victims are predominantly black. Each year, more than 7,000 blacks are murdered, mostly by blacks. That’s the ugly truth NOBODY in the leftwing media wants to speak about because it will offend to many within their own ranks.
Black Victims:
- Close to 100% of the time, the murderer is another black person.
- According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 1976 and 2011, there were 279,384 black murder victims.
- Though blacks are 13% of the nation’s population, they account for more than 50% of homicide victims.
Nationally, the black homicide victimization rate is six times that of whites, and in some cities, it’s 22 times that of whites.
Coupled with being most of the nation’s homicide victims, blacks are also most of the victims of violent personal crimes, such as assault and robbery.
The magnitude of this tragedy can be seen in another light. According to a Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute study, between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 blacks were lynched at the hands of whites.
What percentage of murders, irrespective of race, are committed with what are being called assault weapons? You’d be hard pressed to come up with an amount greater than 2%. In fact, according to FBI data from 2011, there were 323 murders committed with a rifle of any kind but 496 murders committed with a hammer or a club.
The feds can’t do much about hammers, clubs, fists or pistols, but by exploiting public ignorance, they might have a bit of success getting an “assault weapon” ban that will have little impact on violent crime.
There it is Mr. President… you have been put on record with the facts. And to our readers who have been following along, I say, please…please… contact your Representatives’ in Congress. Send them your opinions or this article. Demand they address the REAL problem with violence where it exists! Tell them… these foolish and dangerous attempts to erode our Constitutional freedoms must stop! Challenge them to do something about it NOW or tell them to get out of the way and let somebody in there who can! We’re not going to take it anymore – we demand action.