An Interesting Viewpoint on Gun Control….

…. From a legal immigrant:

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Arrest the Feds!

from J. Soden

A Texas lawmaker says he plans to file the Firearms Protection Act, which would make any federal laws that may be passed by Congress or imposed by Presidential order which would ban or restrict ownership of semi-automatic firearms or limit the size of gun magazines illegal in the state, 1200 WOAI news reports.

Republican Rep. Steve Toth says his measure also calls for felony criminal charges to be filed against any federal official who tries to enforce the rule in the state.

“If a federal official comes into the state of Texas to enforce the federal executive order, that person is subject to criminal prosecution,” Toth told 1200 WOAI’s Joe Pags Tuesday. He says his bill would make attempting to enforce a federal gun ban in Texas punishable by a $50,000 fine and up to five years in prison.

Toth says he will file his measure after speaking with the state’s Republican Attorney General, Greg Abbott, who has already vowed to fight any federal measures which call for restrictions on weapons possession.

Toth concedes that he would welcome a legal fight over his proposals.

“At some point there needs to be a showdown between the states and the federal government over the Supremacy Clause,” he said.

The Supremacy Clause is the portion of the Constitution which declares that federal laws and statutes are ‘the supreme law of the land.’

“It is our responsibility to push back when those laws are infringed by King Obama,” Toth said.

Texas is the second state to propose a measure to shield the state from the impact of any gun possession restrictions imposed by Congress or by Presidential order. A similar measure was introduced in Wyoming last week.

Read more:

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Dems Say the Funniest Things

by Jack Lee

Democrats say the funniest things, don’t they? For instance just two days ago Joe Biden (he’s always good for a laugh) announced once again,”if gun control saves just one life it’s worth it.” He didn’t get it the first time he said it and he still doesn’t get it, but the joke is on us because we’re the one’s who will eventually pay for his naivety and eagerness to encroach on the 2nd amendment. “If it will save one life it’s worth it!

Huh? What kind of a litmus test is this? Only an idiot would fail to see the flaws in this argument. There’s no end of freedoms we could surrender that would save a life, but at what cost? One could argue there is a certain amount of safety in slavery too, but we want our lives to be worth living and we’re prepared to lose lives to protect freedom. This is the heart and soul of democracy and the Vice President of the United States doesn’t get it… at the very least that’s unnerving to informed voters.

Next, on the comedy trail comes Barrack Obama in his Sunday address to the nation. He tells us, America doesn’t have a spending problem, we have a bill problem and he didn’t do it. George W. Bush is the one who started two wars and ran up all the bills. Now he’s stuck paying for them and that’s why we need to increase taxes. It’s not about bailouts, it’s not about Obamacare, it’s NOT about Solyndra and other similar boondoggles, it’s not about pork spending, it’s not about a protracted recession thanks to government missteps like “Quantitative Easing”, jobs migration and lack of jobs due to excessive government regulations, nor is it about high energy costs due to lack of oil exploration. It’s all about the former administration’s debt.

Dems say the funniest things, so why aren’t you laughing?

Right now our changing demographics have produced a majority of low information voters who are knee deep in the stuff that falls from the south end of a north bound bull and they don’t even know it. They are low information voters and they support what Obama is doing and at the same time they blame republicans for not compromising more!

There’s more… Obama goes on to say he supports Biden as he tells us there is much he can do about gun control without Congress. Really? If I were the leader of China this stuff would have me rolling on the floor laughing, but I’m not laughing because I’m an informed American voter. Obama scares me when he says he want’s full control of the debt ceiling.

The word CONTROL sure gets used a lot in his administration as presidential orders (dictates) are flying around right and left. Bunky, I think we’re in trouble.

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We’re Living Longer, but Are We Living Better?

by Jack Lee

The lifespan of someone born in the 1960’s is going to be greater than someone born in the 1930’s and we just accept this as a payoff of modern medicine, among other factors. So we’re living longer but is it in better health? Research says no, that we’re becoming increasingly less healthy and it’s showing up in our DNA. The only reason we living longer is because of artificial means, quality of life is not improved, just quantity.

The human genome-1 is actually degrading and that’s not good for the human race. Consider, if we were somehow able to go back in time and live side by side with our ancestors in the 1600’s there’s every reason to suspect we would be checking out years before they would.

We’ve all but eliminated many childhood diseases that used to kill huge numbers of infants and toddlers (cholera, whooping cough, typhoid, small pox, etc.) People with cancer are living 20-30 longer than they did just a few decades ago. All this moves the mortality average up considerably and that gives us the impression we’re living healthier, but that impression is not supported by the scientific data.

I hate the men who would prolong their lives
By foods and drinks and charms of magic art
Perverting nature’s course to keep off death
They ought, when they no longer serve the land
To quit this life, and clear the way for youth.
-Euripides 500 B.C.

There’s a heavy price to be paid by our supporting generations and this is growing more burdensome thanks to their shrinking population. Let’s look at some facts that could lead us to age based rationing of healthcare in the near future:

  • Elder care is consuming the overwhelming bulk of our physical and financial resources, especially in the last year of life.
  • Currently, about 12% of the population is 65 years or older.
  • By the year 2030, that figure is expected to reach 21%.
  • The fastest growing age group is the population aged 80 and over — the very segment of the population that tends to require expensive and intensive medical care.-2

Somewhere along our genetic history we’ve acquired imperfections in our DNA that have drastically affected our aging process. If we could pluck out the DNA chromosome that is causing premature failure we could live a much longer life span, as it appears we were intended, and the best part we would be more youthful appearance and in better health right up till the end. This part might relieve the burden on our up coming generations.

I know, I know, this all sounds unbelievable. Well, I think you better read on…

Living 900 Years – Scientists Say It’s Possible

In the book of Genesis, the Bible routinely records human lifespans which seem outrageously different from our experience today. Adam lived to 930 years; Noah even longer, to 950 years. These long lifespans are not haphazardly distributed; they are systematically greater before the Flood of Noah, and decline sharply afterwards. These great ages are not presented in the Bible as if they are in any way extraordinary for their times, let alone miraculous. -3

n the book of Genesis, the Bible routinely records human lifespans which seem outrageously different from our experience today. Adam lived to 930 years; Noah even longer, to 950 years. These long lifespans are not haphazardly distributed; they are systematically greater before the Flood of Noah, and decline sharply afterward.

These great ages are not presented in the Bible as if they are in any way extraordinary for their times, let alone miraculous.

The discovery of how cells age and die may be the key to proverbial the fountain of youth and it appears we have it in hand right now. Testing has not been done on humans yet, but animal studies have been very conclusive and the results remarkable. If we can allow cells to keep replicating in theory our body parts would not wear out, but this is not to say they wouldn’t fall victim to some other malady, disease, a bus accident, etc., thus immortality is most unlikely. However, life span could potentially reach that noted in Genesis and this is what the latest DNA discovery means to us.

The consequences of living just a few years more sends the government bean counters in hysteria, just imagine adding 800 more years! What does that do to our resources at every level?

Right now it’s estimated that our government spends more than $9000 per elderly person and less than $900 per child each year. The argument can be made that skewed distribution of health care resources is not only detrimental to the overall health of the society; it is also unjust, because the elderly receive a disproportionately large piece of the health care pie, while a far greater number of younger people are deprived of an equal share of the nation’s health care resources. On the flip side of this the elderly have paid into the system they now draw from and the youth have not.

The discovery of the human genome and how cells age seems to be the key to proverbial the fountain of youth and the research says we have the knowledge to extend life right now. Although testing has not been done on humans yet, animal studies have been very conclusive and the results remarkable.

If we allow our cells to replicate as is their potential then our body parts would not wear out, but this is not to say we wouldn’t fall victim to some other malady, disease, a bus accident, etc., thus immortality is most unlikely. However, life span could potentially reach that as noted in Genesis and this is what the latest cellular discovery means to us.
Let’s set aside the fantastic cell regeneration break-through for the moment, and lets look at what we have. This is an aging population, with all it’s infirmities and demands for more and more healthcare resources.

The reality of this picture is disturbing. Currently, about 12% of the population is 65 years or older. By the year 2030, that figure is expected to reach 21%. The fastest growing age group is the population aged 80 and over — the very segment of the population that tends to require expensive and intensive medical care.

It’s estimated that the government now spends more than $9000 per elderly person per year and less than $900 per child. The skewed distribution of health care resources raises the question of fairness and if this is not detrimental to the overall health of the society? True, the elderly receive a disproportionately large piece of the health care pie, but then they have contributed the disproportionate share of the financial resources. Still, a greater number of younger people are deprived of an equal share of the nation’s health care resources because of our aging population.

As you can see with longevity comes a whole new set of problems. Will the discovery of how cells regenerate be our salvation? This would allow health to be infused with longevity and that could solve a number of the problems. It’s an interesting dilemma and we’re right in the middle, caught between today’s reality and tomorrows promises.


1- The human genome comprises a sequence of approximately 3 billion component parts, called nucleotides, which are organized into DNA molecules–the double helix. The nucleotides, which serve as the alphabet for the language of life, are represented by just four letters: A, C, G, and T, corresponding to adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. The nucleotide alphabet codes for the sequence of amino acids the body will use to build proteins.

Combinations of three nucleotides indicate one of twenty possible amino acids (for example, CCT codes for the amino acid glycine), so sets of nucleotide triplets form the instructions that cells use to build proteins. These proteins perform the work of the cells from development throughout life, contributing to both our physical attributes and many of our less tangible features, such as behavior, learning, and predisposition to disease. A segment of a DNA molecule that codes for one complete protein is called a gene. The human genome is carried on 23 different chromosomes–or DNA molecules.
Genomes of other species contain more or fewer nucleotides and chromosomes but follow the same basic organizational scheme as the human genome



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Obama’s Stinkin’ Economy Puts Downward Pressure on Needy – Section 8 Crowd “Out of Control” as Desperation Takes Hold

Posted by Tina

A desperate situation erupted to chaos in Michigan as thousands of people waiting in line for section 8 housing vouchers began pushing and shoving in an attempt to reach the front of the line:

Police say thousands of people from all over the area were at the center. Many were homeless, single moms, or disabled. They were hoping to get help paying for their housing from the government.

“There was elderly, disabled people, pregnant single women. They were here for help, to get their section 8 vouchers. It just shows you what a desperate need… some were here since yesterday,” said Rhianna Rodriguez.

7 Action News is being told there were 1,000 vouchers available and 5,000 people showed up trying to get one.

The party that claims to care about the little guy has sure done a lousy job of lifting them out of poverty. Not only are the needy being appeased rather than helped with free cell phones but the competition for services has grown to record highs leaving the poor literally out in the cold. Shameful!

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Knives are the Big Killer Now

Posted by Tina

Munch on these stats, from CNS News, with your morning muffin:

( – A new Justice Department study looking at violent crimes committed against “youth”–defined as Americans from 12 to 17 years of age–discovered that the rate of “serious violent crime” committed against youth by a perpetrator using a firearm dropped 95 percent from 1994 to 2010.

The study–“Violent Crime Against Youth, 1994-2010”–also discovered that American youth who were victims of a serious violent crime in 2010 were six times more likely to have been attacked by a perpetrator wielding a knife than one wielding a gun.

Serious violent crimes against youth perpetrated at schools dropped 62 percent from 1994 to 2010, said the study, and students were less likely to become victims of a serious violent crime at school than they were away from school. In 2010, 6.6 out of every 1,000 youth became victims of a serious violent crime at school while 7.4 of every 1,000 became victims of a serious violent crime away from school.

The study, released Dec. 20, also discovered that an American youth was 3.8 times more likely to become the victim of a serious violent crime if he or she lived in a home where the householder was unmarried than if he or she lived with married parents. In 2010, 7.4 out of every 1,000 youth living with married parents became the victims of a serious violent crime. At the same time, 27.8 out of every 1,000 living with an unmarried householder became the victims of a serious violent crime.

I’ve got veggies to chop and meat to slice. Don’t even try comin’ after my cutlery!

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Oh oh, Economic Stimulus and Spending Not Rockin’ the Jobs

Posted by Tina

01-17-13 Our blog has been down for almost a week. Your comments have been posted at the edit page but they won’t post to the blog…nor will our articles. I don’t know if this message will post. i was working on it 6 days ago. Just wanted you all to know we’re okay and we hope to be up and running, possibly with a new format, very soon. thanks for your patience.

A number of stories in the news today are signaling a slowdown in the economy…possibly even another recession. So much for Obamas promised land assurances that spending money, bailing out unions, raising taxes and creating a big expensive bureaucracy or two will fix our economic problems.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Charles Plosser said the central bank’s record stimulus risks a surge in inflation and may impair efforts by households to repair their finances.

“Attempts to increase economic ‘stimulus’ may not help speed up the process and may actually prolong it. … “Efforts to drive real rates more negative or promises to keep rates low for a long time may have frustrated households’ efforts to rebuild their balance sheets without stimulating aggregate demand or consumption,” said Plosser, who doesn’t vote on monetary policy this year. He has repeatedly criticized Fed easing for risking higher inflation and jeopardizing the central bank’s credibility, and said the latest stimulus steps do little to boost growth.”

Hmmm…stimulus does little to boost growth. Well that’s been my experience over the last four years, how about you? Our economy has bumped along the bottom. A few jobs have been created but jobs have been lost as well and, the number of new jobs created doesn’t keep up with the pace of Americans seeking to enter the workforce. It hasn’t been pretty. In other news…

International Business News:

Early during the fiscal cliff negotiations with Republicans last month, Obama had initially proposed extending the payroll tax cut, but he dropped that demand as the January deadline loomed. Many critics, including the Washington Post’s Suzy Khimm, warned that the fiscal cliff deal would result in the expiration of the payroll tax cut, and they were right.

And people noticed. The 2 percent increase in payroll tax is stinging middle-income workers. Someone making $50,000, for instance, will take home $76.92 less every month, or $1,000 per year. That’s a phone bill, a new pair of shoes or a night out. What’s more, because Social Security payroll taxes are split between employers and employees, business owners will pay more, too.

Meanwhile, workers of all stripes have been venting their frustrations on Twitter, with some who had supported the president saying they now feel duped by his oft-repeated campaign mantra of not raising taxes on the middle class.

Good grief! These are what we on the right call “low information voters”. Not only do they buy the garbage the left spews about conservative policy they also buy Obama’s lies about how his policies will work! Even their own experiences of friends or neighbors losing their jobs or going on food stamps doesn’t penetrate. Could it be that “poor education voters” is the bigger problem? There’s more:

ABC News:

The U.S. trade deficit expanded in November to its widest point in seven months, driven by a surge in imports that outpaced only modest growth in exports.

The Commerce Department report Friday suggests trade will drag on economic growth in the October-December quarter. A wider trade gap slows growth because it means Americans spent more on foreign products while U.S. businesses earned less in overseas sales.


New York Times

The conversion to electronic health records has failed so far to produce the hoped-for savings in health care costs and has had mixed results, at best, in improving efficiency and patient care, according to a new analysis by the influential RAND Corporation.

Optimistic predictions by RAND in 2005 helped drive explosive growth in the electronic records industry and encouraged the federal government to give billions of dollars in financial incentives to hospitals and doctors that put the systems in place.

“We’ve not achieved the productivity and quality benefits that are unquestionably there for the taking,” said Dr. Arthur L. Kellermann, one of the authors of a reassessment by RAND that was published in this month’s edition of Health Affairs, an academic journal.

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Hillary Clinton Video Story on Benghazi Made 16+ Minutes Before Incident?

HOPING I CAN slip in this way, by editing an article that made it in before the great catastrophe at ER! If you are reading this we have been hit with a major event of some kind, maybe a virus? Our I.T. people have been unable to figure it out. We’re basically locked out of all blog sites. The ER was about to transition to a new format, maybe that will have to replace this one so we can get back into the action! You have no idea how frustrating this has been for us. We’re chomping at the bit …we have stories, news, comments, but we can’t TALK!!!! #@$&%^* -Jack


Posted by Tina

CNS News reports on information that suggests Hillary Clinton’s news conference announcement that an internet video caused a spontaneous protest that led to the deaths of the American ambassador, members of his staff and the marines that attempted a rescue was a bit premature:

The Associated Press’ Media Relations office confirmed to me that the AP first published its version of this story quoting Clinton’s statement at 10:58 p.m. Eastern time on Sept. 11.

A CIA timeline of the Benghazi events provided by a senior U.S. intelligence official, the Senate Homeland Security Committee’s report on Benghazi and the State Department’s own Accountability Review Board Report all indicate that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed at the U.S. “Annex” in Benghazi sometime between about 5:14 a.m. and 5:26 a.m. Benghazi time on Sept. 12. That would be between 11:14 p.m. and 11:26 p.m. on Sept. 11 in Washington, D.C. — or at least 16 minutes after the AP reported Clinton’s statement.

Clinton has said she will testify before Congress. This information could make “I do not recall,” likely. As many of us know this is her favorite hearing response to questioning.

Hillary has already taken responsibility for “security lapses” in Benghazi indicating that neither the President, nor the Vice President are responsible for security measures. She’s done her part to cover the administration and now they owe her…big time…but how will she explain the 16 minutes?


Rubio on Republican Agenda


Peggy’s find deserves to hit the front page at Post Scripts, “Hopefully, this is the GOP and America’s future”

“Conservatism is not about leaving people behind. Conservatism is about empowering people to catch up, to give them the tools at their disposal that make it possible for them to access all the, all the promise, all the opportunity that America offers.” – Marco Rubio

Empowering individuals to be the best they can be, to become productive participants as citizens, and to realize their personal hopes and dreams is a fundamental underpinning of conservatism. Republicans reforms and legislation of the past certainly reflected how Conservative republicans think both in terms of the untapped capability in all people but also in the incredible opportunity that freedom offers every person in this nation. I’m glad to see a Republican articulate this basic truth; we need to see it happen more often and in small intimate settings all across the land.


Wyoming Legislators Propose Serious Gun Law


Posted by Tina

Wyoming to the Federal Government, “Yippee Ki-yay gun grabbers!”

Washington Examiner:

Wyoming lawmakers have proposed a new bill that, if passed, would nullify any federal restrictions on guns, threatening to jail federal agents attempting to confiscate guns, ammunition magazines or ammunition.

The bill – HB0104 – states that “any federal law which attempts to ban a semi-automatic firearm or to limit the size of a magazine of a firearm or other limitation on firearms in this state shall be unenforceable in Wyoming.”

The law, if passed, will have BIG TEETH, at least in the state of Wyoming. According to the Examiner the bill would, “…charge federal officials attempting to enforce a federal gun law within the state with a felony – ‘subject to imprisonment for not more less than one (1) year and one (1) day or more than five (5) years, a fine of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or both.’ The bill also allows the Attorney General of Wyoming to defend a state citizen from any prosecution by the United States Government.”

Wyoming State Senator Larry Hicks told the Examiner his bill is Constitutional and reflects the Western culture in Wyoming.

Hicks cited the 10th and 2nd Amendments and said of his constituents, “They are very, very upset that we’re going to see some level of federal takeover of our weapons and abuse of our rights given to us by the Second Amendment. Also that the federal government will bypass our legislative officials and confiscate our weapons through executive order. This gives citizens of the Western United States a great deal of concern.”

In my opinion this is another state letting the federal government know that its citizens don’t appreciate the over reach in power. People are tired of overkill regulations and laws, the expanding revenue demands, and one size fits all mandates. Chicago has a big problem with youth violence…let them solve the problem. And if the federal government thinks it needs to investigate for causes of school shootings then for heavens sake make a thorough investigation. Passing knee jerk gun laws that emotionally appease those people who are brain dead enough to think guns kill people. It is shameless political opportunism and will do nothing to solve the problem.

A question for California gun owners, particularly the retiring Baby Boomers:

Given the death spiral status of the once “golden” state, could this add incentive to relocate to Wyoming?