Politics, Rule #94, Hypocrisy Loses Elections

by Jack Lee

“Whereas, the California Republican Assembly holds moral and ethical conduct to be of paramount importance.

Whereas, the California Republican Assembly is and should be, the highest moral and ethical example within the Republic Party.

Therefore, be it resolved that the the California Republican Assembly shall endorse only those candidates that solemnly promise before God to embrace our moral and economic principals and keep their personal and publican lives unsullied and above reproach while serving as our representatives.”

Can you believe that this humble resolution, that carried no weight of law, was once rejected by the CRA because it was felt by a majority of them that it would limit their candidate options? Limit their options to do what, vote for somebody who didn’t represent their ideals? Vote for a crook or a cheat? This is the kind of hypocritical crap that led to the fallout within the CRA and in a more general sense, the republican party itself.

The CRA lost it’s way and became more interested in internal political backstabbing and quid pro quo deals than they did about supporting good causes and good candidates. This all came to a head in a convention back in 2011 when about a third of the membership had enough of the games and quit in protest. And you know there’s something very, very wrong when that many decent people suddenly quit the team! The republican party is feeling the same kind of heat today and people are leaving them in droves.

Informed, conservative voters are fed up with the kind of marginal performance the GOP in Congress has delivered over the last three national election cycles and they are even more fed up with republican representatives who get caught up in scandals that violate everything the party says they stand for! This happens way too often.

When the voters handed the power over to the GOP under Bush, they controlled the House, the Senate and the Presidency… instead of seizing the day they rested on their laurels and turned a stunning victory into a humiliating defeat at the very next election. They’ve (GOP) never quite recovered from that embarrassing defeat because they never quite learned their lesson; even to this day they still don’t get it, as evidenced by the so called fiscal cliff bill that imposed new taxes and did next to nothing in cutting the national debt.

History provides valuable lessons; The mistakes made years ago within the California Republican Party slowly led to their utter demise as a viable political force in Sacramento. The GOP’s National Party is now following in their footsteps and once again we see as California goes, so goes the nation. The nation can’t afford to make the mistakes of California…it would be horrendously destructive and cause irreparable damage!

The only way to turn this around, to achieve true redemption and recovery is a revival of the Party of Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln set a high moral standard and a high standard for progress. His was the party that would move heaven and earth to do what was right, not what was popular or expedient. No cost was too great, no burden was to heavy, it was a matter principle and that mattered most above all else! And with that indomitable, righteous spirit the list of republican victories grew and grew and became part of some of the most inspired changes in the free world. It began thusly, the emancipation proclamation on January 1st, 1863 was signed by President Lincoln…

“By the President of the United States of America:

A Proclamation.

Whereas, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, a proclamation was issued by the President of the United States, containing, among other things, the following, to wit:

“That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.

“That the Executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States and parts of States, if any, in which the people thereof, respectively, shall then be in rebellion against the United States; and the fact that any State, or the people thereof, shall on that day be, in good faith, represented in the Congress of the United States by members chosen thereto at elections wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such State shall have participated, shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testimony, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State, and the people thereof, are not then in rebellion against the United States.”

Now, therefore I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander-in-Chief, of the Army and Navy of the United States in time of actual armed rebellion against the authority and government of the United States, and as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said rebellion, do, on this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in accordance with my purpose so to do publicly proclaimed for the full period of one hundred days, from the day first above mentioned, order and designate as the States and parts of States wherein the people thereof respectively, are this day in rebellion against the United States, the following, to wit: …..”

1920 – Passed by a Republican Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, the next year. The 19th amendment guarantees all American women the right to vote. Achieving this milestone required a lengthy and difficult struggle; victory took decades of agitation and protest.

1938 – The First Asian-American US Senator was a Republican!

1940 – The Republican Party first called for ending racial segregation in the military: According to the blurb, the 1940 RNC presidential platform had a plank: “Discrimination in the civil service, the army, navy, and all other branches of the Government must cease.” FDR and Truman are then blamed for “refusing” to integrate until in ’48 Truman “complied” with the “Republicans’ demands for racial justice in the US military.”

1952 – A Republicans Integrated the University of Mississippi!

1954 – A Republican Wrote the Brown v. Board of Education decision: That’s California politician Earl Warren, appointed Chief Justice by Eisenhower in 1953, who forged a unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Ed, which struck down Plessy v. Ferguson’s separate-but-equal acceptance …

1954 – Republicans Established the Federal Highway System.

1957 – Republicans Passed the Civil Rights Act!

1957 – Republicans Ended Racial Segregation in Little Rock!

1994 – Contract with America: Republican congressional candidates pledge to reform taxes, welfare, and Congressional exemptions to US law, and get a majority in the House for the first time since 50s!

Unfortunately the failure to follow through with their promises cost them dearly with voters (another painful lesson) and it’s been a slippery slope for the GOP ever since. But, look back on that noble legacy that began with Lincoln and you can see that there is still hope, if the party is willing to learn from history and respect the moral imperatives passed into their care. The GOP was once a great party of great visionaries. They achieved their greatness with a sort of humble eloquence. The courage of their convictions, their sense of decency and deep abiding belief in freedom won the battles, not special interest money and certainly not quid pro quo deals with bad people.

There can be no return to principles that made them great when people want to avoid endorsing ethics in lieu of keeping their options open for personal gain.

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Americans Need Jobs – America Needs a Booming Economy

Posted by Tina

How would tax cuts help Americans? The video below shows how jobs and opportunity will grow if government policies on taxes are pro-business and pro-worker:

President Obama chose a different path. He chose to increase the size of government following the recovery from the recession in 2009. His tax policy included a decrease in rates for employee on SS contributions, subsidies for green energy companies, ineffective tax breaks for business that require expenditures or taking out a loan and a temporary extension of tax rates set to expire.

The President wants to spend and redistribute wealth, as he told the American people time and again so the recent agreement on the so-called fiscal cliff included an increase on investment tax rates and those making over $400-$450 thousand but not one dime in spending cuts or restraints. In fact the president has recently declared to John Boehner that Washington doesn’t have a “spending problem”.

If the video above intrigued you the next installment just migh make your blood boil.

We can’t get Americans working again without creating certainty and enthusiasm in business owners. Americans can’t consume and drive the economy if they aren’t working and getting ahead. We need to change direction in Washington…NOW!


Thinking About the 2nd Amendment

(Thanks go to Peggy for this one)

In the wake of the heart-rending massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, a cry has arisen for gun control. But such calls are misdirected. The lessons of Scriptures and history are clear that the key is controlling what is in one’s heart, not what is in one’s hand. As the great Daniel Webster reminded a crowd at the U. S. Capitol:

[T]he cultivation of the religious sentiment represses licentiousness . . . inspires respect for law and order, and gives strength to the whole social fabric. Whatever makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens.

The Founders understood that the inside was the most important focus, not the outside. This is why Thomas Jefferson believed the teachings of Jesus were so effective, explaining:

The precepts of philosophy, and of the Hebrew code, laid hold of actions only. He [Jesus] pushed his scrutinies into the heart of man, erected his tribunal in the region of his thoughts, and purified the waters at the fountain head.

While civil law prohibits murder, the Bible addresses it before it occurs–while it is still only a thought in the heart (see Matthew 5:22-28). As John Quincy Adams explained:
Human legislators can undertake only to prescribe the actions of men: they acknowledge their inability to govern and direct the sentiments of the heart . . . . It is one of the greatest marks of Divine favor . . . that the Legislator gave them rules not only of action but for the government of the heart.


Whew, We Don’t Have a Spending Problem… Everybody Can Relax Now


Democrat Representative – Remove Spending Limits…Give Obama Blank Check Authority to Spend, Spend, Spend!

Posted by Tina

Thanks to the Daily Caller we have video that demonstrates the progressive view of the balance of power aspect of our constitution. The BIG SPENDERS of Washington want Obama to be given a big bland check:

Democratic Illinois Rep. Danny K. Davis told The Daily Caller that President Obama should have the power to raise the nation’s debt ceiling without congressional approval, citing the example of President Abraham Lincoln issuing the Emancipation Proclamation as a good use of presidential authority. (video below)

This gentleman is backed up by Nancy Pelosi and others of the progressive syndicate who will continue to work in Congress on eliminating tax breaks as a means of gobbling up more money from the private sector.

The welfare state is the new America, people. Absolute power and control in DC is the goal for these power hungry progressives…and permanent progressive control is “not off the table”.


Here’s A Glimpse into Our Future

by Jack

When a government raises taxes on the wealthy to the point they are virtually turning over their paycheck to the national treasury they leave, it’s cause and effect.

When France’s top tax rate suddenly went from 41% to 75% actor Gérard Depardieu said enough is enough and he moved his citizenship to Russia where the tax rate is substantially lower. Also a factor, Russia has a very simple tax system that anyone can figure out and file on one page.

When Russia was transitioning from communism to capitalism they took a hint from the IRS reformers in the USA and they went with a flat tax concept. And why not, it’s so simple, fair and it’s hard to cheat it just makes total sense. Which begs the question, you wonder why our lawmakers still impose the convoluted system on us?

Gérard Depardieu may be the most notable Frenchman to take a hiatus, but he is by no means the only one. Vincent Grandil, a partner in the Paris law firm Altexis, which caters to rich French citizens, is increasingly being asked by his clients if now would be a good time to flee France. “We’re getting a lot of calls from high earners who are asking whether they should get out of France. Even young, dynamic people pulling in 200,000 euros [$250,000] are wondering whether to remain in a country where making money is not considered a good thing.”

France has a population of about 65 million and the new tax rate of 75% will only affect
about 3000 of it’s citizens, so this tax hike can be seen more of a symbolic gesture than an economic necessity. What France’s new socialist president, Francois Hollande, is trying to say with this big tax hike is, you’re income is obscene! It’s a moral affront to a socialist nation for you to make so much money. Sound familiar?


President Sideline Plays Innocent Bystander

7261-obama hoops.081012.jpg

Posted by Tina

If President Obama is a master of anything it is the art of seeming to be uninvolved. The leader of the country is very good at making a speech about the problems that plague our nation while appearing as if he has just arrived from an alternate universe and is merely reporting on what he sees. He’s already begun to pose as above the fray in the coming battle about the debt ceiling.

C.S. Moniter:

“I will not compromise over … whether or not Congress should pay the tab for a bill they’ve already racked up,” Mr. Obama said in his taped weekly address, his first of the new year. “If Congress refuses to give the United States the ability to pay its bills on time, the consequences for the entire global economy could be catastrophic. The last time Congress threatened this course of action, our entire economy suffered for it. Our families and our businesses cannot afford that dangerous game again.” (emphasis mine)

As usual the buck never gets there with this administration. It’s always somebody else that’s been creating the fiscal nightmare and somebody else that must be responsible for fixing the problem.

The President arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue expressing shame on his predecessor for the $10.7 trillion in debt he had inherited.

He called the debt irresponsible and unpatriotic while campaigning to be the leader of our nation. The debt was $5.73 trillion when Bush took office and grew to $10.7 trillion over the eight years of Bush’s two terms. This was roundly criticized by media, democrats and republicans alike. The debt now stands at $16.4 trillion after only four years under Obama and criticism of the president on this debt is excused and explained away. That is unacceptable.


Will anyone hold Obama accountable for this massive and growing debt, for his failed policies, or for the hypocrisy he has shown since his election in 2008?

Rich Lowry takes a stab at it but a few conservative voices here and there will never reach the deaf ear of the average voter. Meanwhile republicans continue to be pounded on like a bongo. As democrats and media have shown, the best way to defeat the opposition is to hammer him day in and day out over time. The President and democrats just never receive that kind of criticism even though it is richly deserved.


If the American people continue to allow the President and his allies in Congress to play syndicate games, putting party power and his agenda above the interests of the American people, nothing of substance will be done to solve the serious problems that create crisis after crisis and inspire a never-ending string of temporary fixes. And the President will continue to enjoy a bystanders place. The leader of our nation is a man better suited to local community organizing. Golf, hoops, expensive vacations in Hawaii and standing in front of the cameras

making the same tired speech is all that’s required:

Right now our economy is still recovering from a very deep and damaging crisis, so our top priority has to be jobs and growth. We’ve got to build on the progress that we’ve made because this nation succeeds when we’ve got a growing, thriving middle class. And that’s the idea at the core of the plan that I talked about on the campaign trail over the last year — rewarding manufacturers and small businesses that create jobs here, not overseas; providing more Americans the chance to earn (sic) the skills that businesses are looking for right now; keeping this country at the forefront of research, technology and clean energy; putting people back to work rebuilding our roads, our bridges and our schools; and reducing our deficit in a balanced and responsible way.

It was the big bad recession that was the problem before it ended in 2009. Now that his recovery policy has not worked to create jobs and a growing economy, it’s a big bad “crisis” we must face down. What a joke!

As we fail to hold Obama accountable, as we fail to expose his unethical and self-serving posture and policy, as we fail to recognize the lies hidden in his rhetoric, uncertainty and a stagnant, shaky economy continues to be the booby prize we endure and unfortunately, well deserve. Meanwhile The President sits on the sidelines enjoying expensive vacations, parties at the White House, round after round of golf and his favorite game, basketball. I understand he also manages a few hours of bowling from time to time.

It’s the new normal…eight years of being paid big bucks for a life of leisure and photo ops.


NRA – Life of Duty: “To Be an American”

Submitted by RHT447

It’s all about our freedom people…learn to love and defend it…or lose it, it’s that simple.


DOJ Voter ID Case Waged Against S. Carolina Bogus and Costly


Posted by Tina

The antique media won’t report this so it is left to others. Thankfully J. Christian Adams at PJ Media Rule of Law blog is on the case.

A Federal Court has ruled that the DOJ must reimburse South Carolina in the amount of $3,500,000.00 for expenses it incurred in the politically driven legal attack waged against their voter ID law prior to the election:

A federal court has ruled that South Carolina was the prevailing party in the unnecessary Voter ID litigation, and therefore the Justice Department is liable for paying the state’s costs. South Carolina spent $3,500,000 to obtain federal court approval of the state’s Voter ID law as non-discriminatory under the Voting Rights Act. The lawsuit was made necessary only because of the political and ideological radicalism of Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez and his deputy Matthew Colangelo.

PJ Media had this exclusive report detailing that career Voting Section employees, including Voting Section Chief Chris Herren, recommended that the Voter ID law be approved in the first place by DOJ after a careful written analysis inside the Voting Section. Documents prepared by the career staff urged Perez and Colangelo to grant administrative approval to the South Carolina Voter ID law — but they refused. Their refusal was, in part, designed to energize a moribund political base heading into the 2012 election. The cost to the American taxpayers for their stunt will be significant.

Follow the link to PJ Media for the link to the “exclusive report”.

This is yet another example of the dirty tricks this administration and its minions use to further their goal to fundamentally transform our nation. This was a blatant attack designed to induce racial fear. Heads should roll but we cannot count on the media to expose dirty tricks of the leader of the Democrat Party and we cannot, therefore, depend on the American people to vote this administration out of office. Hell, we cannot even depend on many republicans who join the administration in putting the onus for the nations problems at the feet of the republican party, the conservative wing, the tea party…any entity other than the democrats in power.

It would be refreshing if we could hold individuals responsible when corruption and criminality invade our system. That only works, however, when the sword of justice cuts indiscriminately and without prejudice. There is little evidence to suggest that Democrats are held to account for their devious, contemptible, and at times criminal methods.

Change will not come until this particular field is leveled.

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Hamilton Model 930 c1898 – Prized Antique


by Jack Lee

I’m an amateur horologist and every now and then I thought I would share some tidbits from my hobby, you might need the diversion from politics!


If you’re fortunate enough to own a Hamilton pocket watch you probably know it’s as much an investment as it it a prized timepiece.

Hamilton pocket watches were originally made from handcrafted machinery by a company that began in 1874 as the Adams & Perry Watch Manufacturing Company.

In 1892 Adams and Perry became the Hamilton Watch Company and the quality became increasingly better. As noted in this article on ehow.com, “According to Antique Pocket Watch, an online watch publication, testament to the quality of the watches it produced is the fact that most of its watches ended up being bought for use on the railways.”

Typically the railroad watch was a 992 and 992c, but the 930 was virtually as accurate, but less costly to purchase new. However, the 1898 may eventually surpass the railroaders 992 model in collectability because of one thing…a low production number. Once again, value is all about supply and demand and back in 1898 only 200 of the 930 models were produced. That’s an incredibly small number! The reason being was Hamilton’s transition and new emphasis on slimmer model watch cases that were more in keeping with the times. The 930’s were fat, heavy and had unusually thick beveled crystals. This design had run it’s course over at least the past 150 years, but turn of the century fashion had spelled their doom.

The rare 1898 Hamilton 930, c1898, 18s, is one rare pocket watch. If you can find one buy it! It’s price is going up, up, up as are all collectible pocket watches.

UPDATE: The 930’s were made in 15J, however at the end of the production run they went with 17J, if you have one of the 17J models congratulations, they are extremely limited, perhaps as few as a 100 or less.