Posted by Tina
The progressive democrats keep yammering about the swell job they are doing with the economy. Their recent tax increase victory in the cliff deal has them busting out the confetti and balloons but according to Moody’s chief economist, Mark Zandi, Pantheon Macroeconomic Advisors chief economist Ian Shepherdson, and Gallup chief economist Dennis Jacobe agree it really just puts us another toe over the cliff. Investors Business Daily reports their view:
Moody’s Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi says the higher taxes on the wealthy and the increase in payroll taxes will shave close to 1 point off GDP growth this year and result in 600,000 fewer new jobs.
Pantheon Macroeconomic Advisors chief economist Ian Shepherdson figures the deal will cut GDP by 1.5 points. And Gallup’s chief economist Dennis Jacobe says the deal has created a “higher probability of recession — just the opposite of what fixing the fiscal cliff was intended to do.”
They went on to say that the creation of more tax brackets will complicate tax reform and referred to the historic record on raising taxes:
Tax hikes rarely produce as much revenues as expected, particularly when they’re targeted at the rich, who can more easily avoid the new taxes.
President George H.W. Bush’s tax hikes in 1990 generated $135 billion less than expected. (CBO?) And revenues as a share of GDP came in lower than predicted after Clinton’s tax hikes went into effect.
In a separate article Moody’s warned that the fiscal cliff deal will not help America avoid another downgrade:
The credit rater said the deal hammered out by Congress and the White House on taxes is merely a first step, and the U.S.’s credit rating could be affected “negatively” if Washington fails to take further steps to rein in the deficit. In fact, it said it was “necessary” for policymakers to adopt further measures to bring down the deficit to keep the U.S. rating intact.
Moody’s called the compromise a “further step” in clarifying the nation’s debt trajectory, but said it was far from sufficient.
Sounds like these credit guru’s want a more balanced approach to the problem than Obama and Reid demanded and got in this deal. So far the progressive democrat syndicate and their godfather have only delivered higher taxes; more spending and regulation; and a lukewarm economy with high unemployment, and stagnant wages.
This is a certainty in today’s world: We can count on progressive democrats to be obstinate, arrogant, and anything but fair about anything.
Gotta get this posted…I have a date to watch “Mars Attacks”…I need a good laugh and it never fails to amuse. Night all.