Hypocrisy: Create, Glorify, Celebrate… BUT Limit Guns for U.S. Citizens

Posted by Tina

A number of prominent celebrities were very, very serious as they called for gun control in a new ad. “Enough!” they declared.

YouTube user Mike Hunt decided to have a little fun with the ad and a few clips from the work of these very, very serious celebrities:

Source: Vulture


Lawless Administration Strikes Again!


Posted by Tina

The National Labor Relations Board voted 3-1 to overturn Supreme court decisions regarding workers rights and the union. Breitbart’s Big Government is on the story:

In the steamrolling style that is now the hallmark of the Obama administration and its extensions, the NLRB voted 3-1 to gut the Supreme Court’s 1988 Communication Workers of America v. Beck decision, whereby union workers in non-right-to-work states were able to withhold the portion of their dues that unions spend on political activism. The NLRB now allows that unions no longer are required to provide proof, through audits of their finances, to so-called “Beck objectors” that their money is not spent on union politics.

In addition to saving unions from mandatory financial audits, the NLRB also decided that lobbying expenses are now “chargeable to [Beck] objectors, to the extent that they are germane to collective bargaining, contract administration, or grievance adjustment.”

These new rules mean that workers who are forced to join unions and pay union dues have less control than ever over how their money is spent by union leaders. Labor bosses can now spend those funds on just about any lobbying expense whatsoever and never have to justify it.

The same NLRB also struck down, in another 3-1 vote, 50 years of precedent established with the Bethlehem Steel Case in 1962, by now requiring companies to subsidize unions that strike against them. NLRB found that “an employer’s obligation to collect union dues under a check-off agreement will continue after the contract expires and before a bargaining impasse occurs or a new contract is reached.”

Under this new rule, employees will now be told they can voluntarily protect themselves from getting behind on payment of union dues, and risking termination, by checking the box to have union dues automatically deducted by the employer. Undoubtedly, this decision will allow interminable support of striking workers without any fear of unions not receiving their dues.

NLRB gifts to the unions will continue into next year, when employers will be required to reveal all information regarding labor consultants they have hired, a rule that will likely result in the end of the business of being a labor consultant.

Waiting in the wings is another new NLRB rule that will require employers to divulge all employee contact information to unions during their organizing drives, a practice that will assist unions in the identification of prospective members. Workers themselves will have no right to privacy and no opting out of having their personal information provided to union leaders with this new rule.

How’s that vote for Obama workin out for you America?

Privacy and property rights mean nothing to these creeps. And we ain’t seen nothin’ yet! (Can you imagine four more years of this crap?)

This lawless bunch of thugs are drunk with power and determined to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM this nation into a permanent tyranny RULED by the elitist hierarchy of the Democrat Party Syndicate.

I’m told the Senate can do something about this…BUT…Reid is one of Obama’s under-bosses so no help can be found there.

Does the Supreme Court have any authority OR THE GUTS to stop this tyranny?

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New U.S.A.

Obama’s new America: The economic plan of Greece, the government runs like Italy and it’s all held together with the moral standards of Mexico.

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Iraq Veteran Brutalized Over Gun Possession

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) seems to have it out for our military. The department is using the city’s pointless firearm registration mandate to harass, arrest and jail servicemen.

Army 1st Sergeant Matthew Corrigan was woken in the middle of the night, forced out of his home, arrested, had his home ransacked, had his guns seized and was thrown in jail — where he was lost in the prison system for two weeks — all because the District refuses to recognize the meaning of the Second Amendment. This week, the city dropped all charges against Sgt. Corrigan, but the damage done to this reservist cannot be so easily erased.

This story will describe how Sgt. Corrigan went from sleeping at home at night to arrested. Subsequent installments of the series will cover the home raid without a warrant, the long-term imprisonment and the coverup by MPD.

Sgt. Corrigan, 35, and his attorney Richard Gardiner appeared before Judge Michael Ryan at D.C. Superior Court on Monday. The District’s assistant attorney general moved to dismiss all ten charges against him – three for unregistered firearms and seven for possession of ammunition in different calibers.

Wearing a blue suit and black-rimmed glasses, Sgt. Corrigan looked unemotional after the hearing that ended his two-year ordeal. Outside the courtroom, I asked him how he felt. I expected some vindication or, at least, relief. Instead, he was weighed down by the losses and trauma of the experience. “For court, I put on a face showing I’m okay,” he said. “Overall, this has broken me.”

Nighttime Raid

Sgt. Corrigan was asleep in rented apartment on North Capitol Street in the Stronghold neighborhood at 4 a.m. on Feb. 3, 2010, when he heard his name being called on a bullhorn from outside. There was a heavy snow falling — the first storm of what became known that winter as “snowmageddon.”

Flood lights glared through the front and back windows and doors of his English basement apartment. “Matt Corrigan, We’re here to help you, Matt,” the voice said in the darkness. An experienced combat soldier, he assumed a bunker mentality and hid in the dark room.

He turned on his cell phone and a police detective immediately phoned and said, “Matt, don’t you think this is a good time to walk your dog?” The SWAT team outside could obviously see the 11-year old pit bull, Matrix, a rescue from dog fighting, who had been with Sgt. Corrigan since graduate school in Northern California.

“I’ll come to the window and show myself,” he offered on the phone. Sgt. Corrigan still didn’t know why his house was surrounded, but he knew exactly what he should do in such situations. “I’ve been on the other end of that rifle trying to get someone out,” he explained.

He said that the cop on the phone answered that, “‘It’s gone beyond that now.'”


Sgt. Corrigan volunteered to serve for a year in Iraq from 2005-2006. He’s an Army reservist in a drill sergeant unit based in Alexandria. By day, he is a statistician at the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

His unit would generally never be needed overseas, but the Army need people to train the Iraqi soldiers. So, the then-drill sergeant signed up for the deployment because he thought it would be good for his military career.

The reservist and nine other soldiers were embedded with the Iraqi army to train them to be a functional military force. He was stationed in Fallujah during the transition from the assault on the city to allowing the civilian population to move back in and through the elections.

The team was spread out over 4 or 5 locations so that each Iraqi company could have a very different tasking from the Marines who operated that battle space.

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Only in Obamaland – President Orders Pay Raises

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Posted by Tina

Are you kidding me? What the hell can he be thinking? Is it possible for him to be this out of touch, arrogant, and elitist? More likely he believes that money grows on trees.

Yes I’m afraid he is that arrogant and out of touch…and we just gave him another four years to rub salt in our wounds and play at being the big swell in Obamaland.

The very same Congress that has made a mockery of our political system over the last four years (Senate has not passed a budget, required by law, in four years, for instance) will be getting a pay raise by executive order. All government workers will get a raise. The Weekly Standard has the story:

President Barack Obama issued an executive order to end the pay freeze on federal employees, in effect giving some federal workers a raise. One federal worker now to receive a pay increase is Vice President Joe Biden.

According to disclosure forms, Biden made a cool $225,521 last year. After the pay increase, he’ll now make $231,900 per year.

Members of Congress, from the House and Senate, also will receive a little bump, as their annual salary will go from $174,000 to 174,900. Leadership in Congress, including the speaker of the House, will likewise get an increase. …

…UPDATE: According to a senior Republican congressional aide who has reviewed the executive order and consulted with the Congressional Budget Office, Obama’s pay raise will cost $11 billion. “The CBO told us that the President’s pay raise for federal workers will cost $11 billion over ten years,” says the aide.

But not to worry…democrats assure us that our government is not too big and there is really nothing to worry about regarding explosive debt, high unemployment and unsustainable programs. They have a plan to fix that. It’s called “tax the rich”.

That’s a shot of dear leader in the upper left hand corner as he works vacations in Hawaii for Christmas…must be nice living like royalty while Americans suffer in the unemployment lines and Congress screws with our futures. “Hmmm”, dear leader wonders, “how can I fix this nasty cliff business? Greasing a few palms has worked before; keep those government slugs happy. I’ll just give ’em a nice raise.”

Whether or not this is a bribe it is unseemly in the current fiscal and political atmosphere! But then, what isn’t unseemly about this administration?

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French High Court Throws Out “Unfair” Tax on the Rich!

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Posted by Tina

According to a New York Post article, the French high court is smarter than the average American democrat politician:

PARIS — Embattled French President Francois Hollande suffered a fresh setback Saturday when France’s highest court threw out a plan to tax the ultrawealthy at a 75 percent rate, saying it was unfair.

In a stinging rebuke to one of Socialist Hollande’s flagship campaign promises, the constitutional council ruled Saturday that the way the highly contentious tax was designed was unconstitutional. It was intended to hit incomes over €1 million ($1.32 million)

All I can say is bravo!


Gandhi Quote Favors Second Amendment Rights – Facebook Don’t


Posted by Tina

The posting of a quote by Gandhi was apparently seen as too destructive to the PC narrative for Facebook. The site called Natural News posted the quote only to see it’s account suspended with a warning that “one more violation” of the “community guidelines” would result in permanent deactivation of the account. Here’s the outrageous quote:

“Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.” – Mohandas Gandhi, an Autobiography, page 446.

Hmmmm…Gandhi is famous for his dedication to peaceful struggle and protest against British tyranny. Could it be that this man of peace might have chosen a different path had the British not confiscated all of the weapons in India? Are there any history buffs out there with an opinion that could shed some light on this quote from Gandhi’s own autobiography?

Further along in the article we find that Facebook was (is) in the process of “running an across the board purge” of all pro-gun accounts according to Paul Watson at Infowars

Facebook stock is sure to take a dive if it hasn’t already.

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Egyptian Muslims tell Egyptian Jews in Israel: Come Back

Posted by Jack

Essam al-Erian, deputy head of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, called on Egyptian Jews to leave Israel to the Palestinians and return to their own homeland.

“Their presence in Palestine contributes to the Zionist occupation of Arab lands, and every Egyptian has the right to live in his country — nobody can deny that,” Erian said during an interview on the privately operated Dream TV on Thursday. …

“Egyptian Jews should refuse to live under a brutal, bloody and racist occupation stained with war crimes against humanity,” Erian said.


The problem coming back is recently mobs of Egyptians have been attacking Christians and Jews living in Egypt. A number of been murdered and their holy places vandalized. Life in Israel are much better, much more peaceful, than in Egypt. There’s no religious oppression in Israel and there’s no problem with Egyptians or anyone else living in Israel as long as they behave themselves. Egyptians living in Israel can’t related Erian claims that Jews are brutal or racist, it just isn’t true, but it is in Egypt.


Assault Weapons Anyone? Sales are Booming!

by Jack

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They are flying off the shelf as fast as dealers can stock them! I suppose this is over the fear of a return to the assault weapons ban that didn’t help anything, except to drive up the cost of used [assault] weapons aka semi-auto rifles.

If I were not a gun person, and I’m not interested in hunting, yet I still wanted one a great looking assault rifle of the kind that drives liberals wild… I would consider owning a genuine Colt brand AR15 or M4 version in .22 cal.

This is the kind you can buy at Big 5 for about $400-450 on sale. They hold their value too, the ammo is dirt cheap and they are a lot of fun for just plinking at the range.

They look exactly like their larger cal. counterpart, only they will never be banned because they’re a .22 cal long rifle. Decent shooting, easy to care for and won’t bust the budget. You can also put a scope on them. They look really scary too! Freaks out the liberals. lol

I’ve built several so-called assault rifle’s (legal in CA) and it was not a job for the amateur gun builder – so I don’t recommend this for everyone. It requires some very precise bending of the lower receiver. A mistake here and it’s all over, same goes for the head space clearance (between the bolt and the chambered round).

If one has the tools and the skill, well, then its fun and it’s cheap…otherwise it’s a pain in the pah-too-too!

In .223 as a straight up, off the shelf assault rifle, Colt, Armalite, Springfield are all top brands and will hold their value. There’s many models to choose from, and a nice place to browse is…


I also like browsing at Model One.

A popular new/used firearms site is GunsAmerica.

These sites will give you a pretty good idea of what’s out there and pricing.

The following might be helpful to our non-gun readers curious about “assault weapons”, it’s from Outdoor Life: “The debate is moot. Regardless of what you think or how you feel about using semi-automatic guns for hunting, autoloaders and AR-style rifles are becoming more common in camps and virtually every major manufacturer is producing these guns in calibers heavy enough to drop deer, hogs and bears. Not to mention the fact that they’re a blast on the range.

But what’s the real difference between an AR and a semi-automatic rifle? It’s seminal, and aesthetic. ARs were initially designed by ArmaLite Inc. — hence the AR designation — as civilian versions of military rifles, while the other semi-autos in this review were developed first and foremost as hunting or competitive shooting firearms. However, as ARs continue to grow in popularity as hunting rifles and semi-auto hunting rifle makers continue to borrow features from the AR world (synthetic stocks, detachable magazines) trying to separate the types of guns on a philosophical level is an exercise in futility. Both rifles fire a single bullet each time the trigger is pulled and they both automatically eject the spent cartridge and chamber in a new one. But from a technical standpoint, the two types of guns work off of a different platform and generally look different.”

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Assault Weapons Anyone?

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