Phony Obama Agreed with Republicans When it Fed His Purpose

Posted by Tina

President Obama is a phony because he to get elected in 2008 he told the American people the following:

The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents — #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.

He’s right, it was irresponsible. But his spending has been at least twice as bad. He has presided over the biggest explosion of debt the country has ever seen with the exception of WWII and in less time! To paraphrase him, this massive spending is not only irresponsible; it’s unpatriotic!

President Obama is a phony because in 2009, in order to increase his spending ability (by raising the debt ceiling) he told the American people the following during an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd:

Todd had asked Obama a question from Elkhart, Indiana resident Scott Ferguson who wanted Obama to explain why raising taxes in a recession could be good for the economy. Obama answered that it could not be good for the economy, saying it was just good economics not to raise taxes in a recession.

“First of all, he’s [Ferguson] right. Normally, you don’t raise taxes in a recession, which is why we haven’t and why we’ve instead cut taxes. So I guess what I’d say to Scott is – his economics are right. You don’t raise taxes in a recession. We haven’t raised taxes in a recession,” Obama said.

The end of the recession was declared in 2009. There was a slight uptick in the economy but it didn’t last and the economy has slogged along ever since. We are not suffering a declared recession but we are suffering an extended non-recovery. If Obama was serious about creating a thriving economy in which people get back to work he would work with Boehner and pressure Reid to cut spending and keep taxes low for all Americans.


Buffett correctly notes that the proposed tax increases will do little to alleviate the present fiscal problems of the United States. If taxes on the super-rich were raised so that they paid not the present 21.5 percent but 50 percent of their incomes, revenues from the top 400 earners would go up by $26 billion (one half of $90.9 billion minus the present $19.5 billion). Since this year alone, the U.S. federal deficit will be around $1.4 trillion, or $3.8 billion a day, the new revenue would cover less than seven days of deficits.

The numbers are even worse for total federal spending. In 2010, that amounted to $3.6 trillion or $9.7 billion a day. Buffett’s new taxes up against that would be gone in just 2.7 days.

Obama is a phony because he pretends concern when the truth is he is not concerned about anything but his personal agenda to create massive government and redistribute as much wealth as possible over the next four years. To do that taxes must go up in many ways and on all Americans. Big centralized government is his fundamentally transforming goal.

Watch what he does not what he says. If we go over the cliff and he makes a big show of riding in on a white horse to save the middle class be sure to read the fine print…he wants more and will find a way to get more from all of us.


Your ‘Elected Government


US Heading Over Fiscal Cliff

Posted by Jack

President Barack Obama is due back in Washington today, while Reid (D., Nev.) urged Republican leaders to offer ideas about averting tax increases, cuts in federal spending and the end of some unemployment insurance. He said in the Senate chamber, it “looks like” the U.S. is heading over the fiscal cliff.

Actually, the US went over the cliff years back when they voluntarily started spending more than they were taking in. Both sides, dems and reps are guilty of gross fiscal mismanagement. Most of us say it’s better to start the cutting now, roll back the debt clock and get it over with. Why drag it out to a disastrous conclusion in another decade? Now is the time.

While the cuts go forward think about all the pork that consumed billions of tax dollars. This pork was promised to disappear, if we elected a Washington outsider, Barrack Hussein Obama. He was going to put an end to pork spending and have the most transparent presidency in history! (Ha!)



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by Tina Grazier

OK…OK…I’m just being a big baby BUT…I’m truly fed up!

Several years ago the President formed a commission to address our budget problems. He stood before the American people and talked about the spending and debt problem and claimed that this bipartisan commission would come up with solutions that would help our lawmakers formulate a workable set of fixes to solve long term budget and deficit problems. The President’s commission’s suggestions were rejected. Instead the American people got another growing and expensive bureaucracy; expanded food stamp, disability and unemployment programs; new spending on special interest concerns, increased budgets for everyone…except the military, and absolutely nothing to reform programs!

I’m not linking to any of the back and forth bull s&#% that passes for congressional work because…THIS IS A RANT!

Continue reading “FED UP!” »


Reminder to Friends and Foes

by Jack Lee


“When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

The Declaration of Independence deliberately begins with the premise that it is sometimes necessary to engage in open revolt against an oppressive authority in order to re-establish the God-given rights of a civilized people, that by their stature warrant a free and just nationhood.

This one grand paragraph grants authority to dissolve any tyrannical relationship. It’s our legacy and its intended to serve as a reminder to the free and a warning to the tyrant.


Richard Henry Lee on June 7, 1776, introduced the following resolution to the Second Continental Congress proposing independence for the colonies. The Lee Resolution contained three parts: a declaration of independence, a call to form foreign alliances, and “a plan for confederation.”

This resolution reads: “Resolved, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.

That it is expedient forthwith to take the most effectual measures for forming foreign Alliances.

That a plan of confederation be prepared and transmitted to the respective Colonies for their consideration and approbation.”

Richard Lee was asked to write the Declaration of Independence, but he deferred to his good friend and ally, Thomas Jefferson. This humble resolution was the beginning of many great things that followed.

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History of Violence and a Sneak Preview of Coming Gun Legislation – 2013

by Jack


Good news! President Barack Hussein Obama and Vice President Joe F. Biden along with other key democrats have been diligently working on the problem of mass murders in defenseless schools. The great news is, they’re actually closing in on a multi-faceted solution! Yes they are! And some of those wonderful ideas are being run up the flag pole here, today, on Post Scripts! Let’s take a look at their research and see how things are shaping up, shall we?

The intense study begins with the first known school shooting right up to 2012. The first shooting was July 14, 1764 when 10 students were shot dead by four Lenape American Indians in Greencastle, Pennsylvania. The study moved forward, scanning the decades and they finally concluded with the shootings at the Sandy Hook elementary school in 2012. This was a global study too!

First knee jerk conclusions based on the available data were: The sales of black powder rifles to the current 3.81 million Indians living in America could be a problem. Consideration is being given to banning either Indians or black powder rifles.

Moving right along…in 1893 killing with guns and swords took the lives of 11 people, including an infant in Osaka, Japan.

Conclusion: Swords can kill people! Therefore some form of legislation is needed to prevent swords from falling into the hands of persons who might misuse them for something other than their original intended purpose, which was believed to be, hedge trimming?



In 1913, German Ernst Wagoner stabbed to death his wife and four children in Degerloch, near Stuttgart, then drove to Mühlhausen an der Enz where he opened fire on 20 people, killing at least nine, leaving two animals dead and several buildings burned to the ground.

In 1914 in the Italian village of Camerata Cornello, a man with a shotgun killed 7 persons.

In 1927, South African farmer Stephanus Swart shot dead at least 8 people and injured 3 others in Charlestown, South Africa, before committing suicide.

In 1938 almost half of the population of the rural village of Kaio, near Tsuyama city in Japan, was murdered as 21-year-old Mutsuo Toi killed 30 people with a shotgun, sword and axe, injured three others and then shot himself to death.

Continue reading “History of Violence and a Sneak Preview of Coming Gun Legislation – 2013” »


Columbine Had an Armed Guard? Yep…and Lives Were Saved!

Posted by Tina

It’s the story that wasn’t told! At least if it was, I didn’t hear it. According to an
Investors Business Daily article featuring quotes from Wayne La Pierre Columbine could have been much worse:

On April 20, 1999, Neil Gardner, an armed sheriff’s deputy who had been policing the school for almost two years, was eating lunch when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold arrived at Columbine with their deadly arsenal and deadlier intentions.
Gardner said he got a call from a custodian that he was needed in the school’s back parking lot. A few minutes later, he encountered Harris, and the two exchanged gunfire. The exchange with Harris lasted for an extended period of time, during which Harris’ gun jammed.

The deputy and the backup he immediately called for exchanged fire with the shooters a second time and helped begin the evacuation of students, all before SWAT teams arrived, and before Harris and Klebold eventually killed themselves in the library.

I deeply resent the fact that this important part of the story goes unreported or is downplayed. Citizens that use their bodies to guard others are heroes and much is made of their sacrifice but those who take a proactive offensive approach to stop the shooters are also heroes and the American public should be aware of their service to the community.


Seasons Greetings


from Jack/Tina @ Post Scripts

To all our liberal friends… please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, our best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral, unarmed, mangerless celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all at any time of the day or night without a nativity scene

We also wish you a fiscally successful, firearms banned, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2013, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical condition, disability, religious faith, weapon caliber or sexual preference of the person wanting to do anything, something or nothing.

For everybody else…please have a very merry Christmas!


Christmas Treat Featuring Michael Buble

Posted by Tina

In honor of our troops returning home….


New Jersey Suburb Will Put Armed Guards in Every School Jan 2nd

Posted by Tina

Marlboro Township in New Jersey isn’t waiting for a national conversation to take place to better protect their children. The people of Marlboro are doing what free American citizens have always done when confronted with a problem, they are relying on themselves! I take this as a positive sign for America.

From the New York Post:

It’s apparently the first district nationwide bent on packing heat in every schoolhouse since madman Adam Lanza gunned down 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14.

“We’ve made a collective decision as a town that we need armed security in each of our schools,” Mayor Jonathan Hornik told The Post.

“With this new evil, you can’t just sit there and hope that it doesn’t happen in your town. We must protect our kids.”

In addition to a police officer being stationed at every school The Post reports that the township will also consider, “…fortifying entrances with steel doors and bulletproof glass and installing surveillance cameras “all over” to feed to the police department”.

The federal government cannot solve every problem. Heck, they can’t solve most problems…and they often get in the way. It is time that American citizens learned to rely on themselves to solve problems. It’s time to take on the responsibilities that naturally come with being adult citizens of this great free nation. It’s time to send a signal that we will not tolerate wild, wild, west behaviors in our communities. It’s time to let our children know that their parents, not their government, are in charge and can be relied upon to keep them as safe as possible. It’s time to demand better from those raising our kids by giving them the emotional and structural help they need to raise their kids to be responsible productive adults. It’s time for communities began to tell the truth about what we have created as acceptable “culture” for our kids. It’s time to pressure media and entertainment to make better choices in their work. More needs to be done…have you any thoughts or any suggestions?

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