by Jack

Every household in America now owes $140,000 thanks to the National Debt. This debt is accruing at the rate of $2bn a day as we spend at the rate of $11bn a day! This overspending must STOP or we’re headed for a disaster of mega proportions!

When Andrew Jackson was president, the debt was just $34,000. In 2008 it had grown to over 8 trillion and by 2012 it was over 16 trillion! We can’t keep this is up, there is a day of reckoning approaching and it’s very, very close. The gun debate pales by a million times over compared to the economic calamity ahead.

Consider that from 1945-47 there was a huge drop in government spending because we were winding down from the war. There was a great fear that we would go right back into depression because many of us believed it was big government that was holding up our economy…it wasn’t. Big government and massive spending was actually holding us back and as government was cut back, guess what happened? The economy boomed! But, have we learned from history? It doesn’t appear so, if Congress doesn’t get control on being stupid and gutless our worst nightmares will come true.

Bottom line: Time is not on our side because of the interest that is accruing makes repayment almost impossible. This debt is approaching a level that will trigger a great implosion, the dollar will crash, bond debt will be wiped out, people will lose their life savings and there is every chance we will go into a global depression that will make 1929-30 look like a pretty good year.

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While We Were Shopping

Posted by Tina

You may have noticed I’ve been absent a bit over the last couple of weeks and I feel bad about that. While I was occupied with work and the holidays the world just kept turning…imagine that! You might have noticed a few things that didn’t get posted…

Unless our Congress can reach agreement (har…dee har har) tax rates will be raised on all working American’s come January first. If that news isn’t spectacular enough to light up the sky for 2013 then just remembering that new taxes and regulations embedded in Obamacare are also set to go into affect beginning in 2013. We in California will see both sales taxes and, for high income earners, higher rates on their state tax…we may see fireworks all year long.

President Obama left for his reported $4 million Christmas family getaway to Hawaii but not before releasing a list of 68 regulations he favors for 2013…most likely through EPA, HHS…you know the drill:

The administration put out its notice, called the unified regulatory agenda, online around 3 p.m. on the Friday before Christmas, after most lawmakers had left town. The proposed rules cover everything from power plant pollution to health-care standards to workplace safety. Critics who accuse President Obama of being an overzealous regulator said the timing of the announcement was no accident.

As the systematic destruction…oh…sorry, fundamental transformation of America continues the Benghazi hearings in Congress were forced to wait once again for Hillary Clinton’s testimony. She was unable to show up because of a reported fall (smirk) that resulted in a concussion (un huh) followed by a horrible flu bug. Not to worry though plenty of underlings (4) fell on their swords to protect the reputation of a future presidential candidate.

We’ve been at the fiscal cliff precipice for the entirety of the Christmas season, with nothing resolved. I can’t stand the thought of another marathon round without resolution featuring the unbending Grand Poobah Barack Obama. What a leader, huh? Given his sterling input, his creative solutions, his participation in talks that led to positive results…is there any question that he has put this nation, good jobs, and our economy above all else? I truly wish that were the case.

Fast and Furious is still without a resolution that satisfies many of us. The recent shooting in Connecticut has served as an alternative crisis, at least for purposes of gun control advocacy…Jack has done a great job on that story.

Good news! Some of our surge troops are coming home as the war in Afghanistan “winds down”…a wonderful Christmas gift for these military families.

These are a few of the stories that made headlines while we were shopping, baking cookies, wrapping gifts, and watching our children perform in Christmas and holiday plays and pageants. It’s good for us to take a break form the problems that face us if only for a few blessed moments during the Christmas season. I’ll be hoping and praying for better things for all of America’s families in the new year…Lord we could sure use a miracle up on Pennsylvania Avenue.


Rev. Blanchard Speaks

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Mayor Bloomberg Lying and Real Facts About Homicide Rate

by Jack Lee


In a news interview yesterday Mayor Bloomberg of New York said the people are prepared to move forward on gun control laws, whether the NRA likes it or not. He underscored this resolve by saying, “The United States has a murder rate on a scale that you simply cannot compare with other nations.” Actually you can Mr. Mayor, want to see how it plays out?

The Dept. of Justice tracks and reports murder rates. Right now, despite New York, and Washington D.C. where homicides are extremely high, our nation still has a relatively low murder rate.

USA has about 4 murders for every 100,000 citizens. We’re among the lowest in homicides on the north and south American continent.

Look almost anywhere on the African continent and the murder ranges between 400 and 900% higher than here. Is anybody screaming about that? All I hear is the echo coming from a vacant news room because they are all out covering fictionalized assault weapons.

Closer to home Trinidad and Tobago have a murder rate 8.5 times higher than the US! Wow, don’t visit those places. Honduras is 22.7X that of the USA and for sure stay away from there!

Do you see anybody screaming about an assault weapons ban in any of these countries? NO – they already have one.

Mexico’s gun laws are among the toughest in the world. Mexico is over 400% higher and likely more, because many murders are never reported. Panama has a murder rate 5 times the US, tougher gun laws too.

The countries with the top 10 highest murder rates also have the toughest gun control laws to be found anywhere. They are in ranking, El Salvador, Iraq, Jamaica, Honduras, Columbia, Venezuela, Guatemala and South Africa.

If the USA had not allowed over 6 million illegals into the country and we eliminated our five worst cities for homicide, like New York, we would look a lot like Canada. Anybody screaming about New York or Washington D.C. getting their act together to prevent murders or removing illegals? The silence here is deafening, I wonder where’s the outrage? Why aren’t the liberals marching for deporting illegals?

Wash. D.C., Ca and NY also have the toughest gun control laws too. IS ANYONE FREAKING PAYING ATTENTION TO THE FACTS? Do I have to reach out from this screen and grab you by your liberal neck to get your attention?

Bluntly speaking (as always) Mayor Bloomberg is just another anti-gun liberal hypocrite and his leftist propaganda won’t fly here. I’m calling him on it and all the hypocrisy coming from the left now trying to pass feel good gun control laws!

If guns in the home meant a violent society, Switzerland would be the worst. It’s not and far from it.

List of famous shootings in USA over the past 30 years:

1984, James Huberty, 42, opened fire in a McDonalds, weapons used two hand guns and semi-auto rifle. 22 killed. NO ASSAULT WEAPON USED.

1991, Robert Hawkins, 19, opened fire in a shopping mall in Nebraska, weapon was an assault rifle that had been stolen. he killed 6.

1998, Kiplan Kinkle, shot his parents and two classmates after he was expelled. He was rushed by 5 males students and subdued. NO ASSAULT WEAPON USED.

2004, Ohio, Nathan Gale, 25, killed 5 at night club. NO ASSAULT WEAPON USED.

2006, Jennifer San Marco, 44, postal worker, killed 8. NO ASSAULT WEAPON USED.

2007, Souliman Talovic, 18, went on a rampage in a Utah mall, 6 killed. NO ASSAULT WEAPON USED.

2007, West Virginia, Seung Cho, 23, opened fire on crowded classroom, killed 33. NO ASSAULT WEAPON USED.

2008, Kentucky, Joseph Wesbecker, 47, started shooting in his work place. Killed 9. 4 weapons used, including semi-auto AK-47 assault [style] rifle.

2008, Missouri, Charles Horton, 52, shot and killed 8 at a council meeting before being killed by police. NO ASSAULT WEAPON USED.

2009, Army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan, 39, started shooting a military ceremony, murdered 13 before being shot. NO ASSAULT WEAPON USED.

2011, Scott Dekraai, 43, opened fire in a beauty salon, killing 8. NO ASSAULT WEAPON USED.

2011, Jared Laughner, 22, started shooting at a political event. Killed 6. NO ASSAULT WEAPON USED.

2012, One Goh, student, killed 7 wounded 3. NO ASSAULT WEAPON USED.

2012, James Holmes, 22, used 3 weapons in a crowded movie theater, two pistols and semi-auto rifle of the type looked like an assault weapon, but technically was not (it jammed after a few shots) and killed 15.

There are 26 more cases, but only two other events that I could find included a semi-auto assault [style] weapon that would still be legal, with a limited 10 shot clip. And in the overwhelming majority of cases the people were suffering from chronic mental illness. About 25% of the cases were work place related where something happened that triggered their rage and temporary insanity.

Mental health is the problem and we need better tools to deal with dangerous individuals.

We would be infinitely better served if we examined the poor state of assistance for the mentally ill, rather than wringing our hands over the fictional belief that assault weapons are the problem. Statistically speaking their simply NOT. This is an absolutely provable false perception.


Telling It Like It Is!

by Jack


Full automatic sub-machine guns were once legal to own… until at the height of prohibition mobsters were using them against law enforcement. Then we passed a law banning said ownership… and suddenly all the mobsters turned in their machine guns and life was fine again – NO THEY DIDN’T AND NO IT WASN’T!!! It took lethal resistance, it took good guys with guns killing bad guys with guns. I digress, but the funny thing about freedom is, its always taken greater force to preserve it from those who would use force to take it. Thomas Jefferson said, “The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike.”

But, back to my original thought, passing a gun ban back then didn’t work and it’s a fantasy to do that today, except instead of machine guns we are talking about a few types of semi-automatic rifles, because they look mean. Will we ever learn from our mistakes?

It troubles me to know that at the time the machine gun was legal in America and we had ownership of other highly lethal things like the Browning automatic rifle (B.A.R.) and semi-auto pistols and high powered rifles, we STILL had no school shootings – NONE!!! And we had no postal killings and no McDonald’s shootings and no college classroom shootings.. what’s so different about the people then and the people now?

Why are our teens using guns to kill classmates? Why are young adults targeting school kids? What’s wrong with our culture today that did not exist before?

Could it be the influence from Hollywood, where they are constantly trying to out-do the last sick, gory movie of mayhem and sadistic acts?

Is it our insatiable appetite for drugs and a love of experimenting with drugs?

Why is it important for some teens want to dress down with baggie pants and emulate men in prison? Why does porn get more hits on the internet by a factor of 10,000 to 1 than over free online classes to better ourselves?

What has happened that causes a majority of Americans to constantly turn to the government and let somebody else deal with the (insert problem) than do it ourselves?

These questions are hard to answer because they are so uncomfortable, but I think we all know the truth deep down. These things are symptoms of a sick, sick, sick, society. Fifty years ago it would have been unacceptable if parents allowed their kids dress all in black like zombies, wearing nose rings and spiked green hair. They would have been outcasts. Parents of such teens would have said, you’re unemployable and you’re going to starve if you keep that up and probably a lot more was said that went along with a good swift kick to the butt.

Today, anything goes, the tattoo phase is rampant, we see young girls with more tattoos than sailor and they dress like whores. What’s the message here, what is in their heads? Whatever it is it can’t be healthy.

It’s a sick society that berates Christians and others fools because they want to protect the un-born. Our values are never more clearly defined than when we stand up to protect the helpless among us and the unborn babies are our most defenseless.

All these things and a lot more says we are a culture in meltdown.

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Sandy Hook school shooting: NRA news briefing

(CBS) – In its first public statement since the massacre at a Connecticut elementary school last week, the National Rifle Association called on Congress to “act immediately” to put armed police officers in every school in America.

“The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” said Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s CEO and executive vice president.

“We care about our president, so we protect him with armed Secret Service agents. Members of Congress work in offices surrounded by Capitol Police officers,” said LaPierre. “Yet, when it comes to our most beloved, innocent, and vulnerable members of the American family, our children, we as a society leave them every day utterly defenseless, and the monsters and the predators of the world know it, and exploit it.”

In the week since 20 children and six teachers were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., the national dialogue has turned to guns and gun control. On Dec. 19, President Obama announced the formation of a task force on gun safety. The NRA press conference came after a period of relative silence from the organization, which announced in a statement on Dec. 18 that, in the wake of Newtown, it would announce “meaningful contributions” to the debate on Friday.

LaPierre, who did not take questions, discussed a decline in gun prosecutions, the impact of violent video games and movies like “American Psycho” and “Natural Born Killers,” (which he said were “aired like propaganda loops on Splatterdays and every single day”). He also spoke of the nation’s “refusal to create an active national database of the mentally ill.”

Two protesters interrupted Friday’s presentation, one carrying a sign reading “NRA Killing our Kids” and another with a sign reading “NRA Blood on Your Hands.”

At the end of his speech, LaPierre introduced former Rep. Asa Hutchinson (R-Ark) who he said had been appointed the national director of the NRA’s new National Model School Shield Program.

“The NRA is [going to] bring all its knowledge, all its dedication and all its resources to develop a model national schools shield emergency response program for every single school in America that wants it,” said LaPierre.

“From armed security to building design and access control, to information technology, to student and teacher training, this multifaceted program will be developed by the very best experts in the field.”


Joe Biden Shows His Brilliance (It’s frightening)

by Jack

I’m listening to the news in my car while I run errands and I hear Vice President Biden comment on his new task force. He makes a windy statement how our great President Obama is going to take swift action to pass strong legislation to curb gun violence, like a ban on assault weapons and other such BS. Then he says something that just stunned me. I’m paraphrasing now because I didn’t have a note pad handy, “We are going to pass some tough gun control legislation, and even if it only saves one life, it will be worth it!” Really? That’s all it takes and you’re ready to pass laws to restrict freedoms?

Well, maybe we should stop driving cars then too, hey that will save even more lives. Maybe we should disband the military, because avoiding combat will save lives!

What a stupid, stupid thing to tell the American people. We’re going to take away some of your guns and along with them some of your freedoms too, because it might save one life! If this is Biden’s and Obama’s new litmus test for restricting freedoms then we’re all screwed.

Whatever happened to the idea that freedom carries certain inherent risks, lest we become the “safe” property of the state?

Vice President Biden, you sir are a very dangerous person. The stupidity that falls out of your big mouth is a greater threat to America than anyone’s legally owned firearm ever could be.


Horology – Watch Cleaning 101

By Jack

We can’t live politics all that time, it will drive you crazy, so I have a few other hobbies besides writing…to keep me relatively sane. The following is about one of them, collecting and/or repairing antique pocket watches. I thought you might the like diversion, given all the carnage lately. I did this article for the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. today.


When I received this pocket watch (grade 208, c1900 Elgin, 18s) it was not running. See picture to left. By the rust and grime on the case my guess was it probably hasn’t worked for decades. The first task is to find out what’s wrong, then determine if it’s worth repairing or if it will become a parts donor.

You can follow along by opening the 2nd picture for a step by step view. I begin by removing the watch from the case and placing the movement in my wood watch vice. Next, I remove the hands with a puller, but not before I slide a piece of clear plastic under the hands and against the dial to prevent any accidents. I removed the dial by loosening 3 tiny screws located around the rim. You may notice a hole on the movement directly under the main spring barrel? Put a probe into the hole and push, this will release the mainspring tension. Some pocket watches may have a tab sticking out that your push in to release the spring. This is a must before removing the barrel bridge, otherwise you risk damaging teeth on the wheel train. Good thing I released the spring on this one, it was wound tight!


The next step is to gently and carefully remove the balance bridge, balance wheel and hair spring – emphasis on carefully! I grab everything with my non-magnetic tweezers, then I set it aside without stretching the hairspring. While this is a simple task, many watch jobs are ruined right here, because if that balance wheel or bridge slips, the next thing you know is the hairspring is ruined. To prevent such an accident it’s better to release the hairspring. Back out a small set screw on the balance bridge (aka balance cock) and separate the hairspring. This time I did that after I removed it, but it’s up to you – your choice.

It’s always a good idea to keep your plate and bridge screws secure from accidents. I use plastic bottle caps because they are color coded. Watch screws and other tiny parts are known to grow legs and run away and this helps.

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Christmas Gift Suggestion – Support MusiCorps

Posted by Tina

We haven’t heard much lately about the fine men and women that serve and sacrifice for our freedoms in the U.S. military. During this wonderful season that reminds us of the power of love, forgiveness, and giving it’s heartwarming to learn of hopeful things being done to serve those who have sacrificed so dearly. I hope you might find MusiCorps worthy of your charitable giving.

Participants from MusiCorps are featured at the blog Dittoville…enjoy the music:

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Are You Willing to Disobey?

Posted by Tina

A tendancy toward obedience is the human trait at the heart of a provocative piece, “Why Some People are Prone to Obey,” by Eileen F. Toplansky, The American Thinker. Ms Toplansky seeks to discover how it’s possible for the American people to deny the dreadful state of our nation. How is it that we tolerate high unemployment, mounting debt, low growth, massive wasteful spending by means of the printing press, a president prone to bypassing Constitutional process, secrecy and obfuscation surrounding Fast & Furious and Benghazi, deal-making with corporations and unions, and attempts to silence any journalist or News outlet that dares question the authority or methodology of the President. Obviously the electorate chose obedience in the last election whether through their apathy or a rabid sense of obeisance to President Obama and the big government solution.
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