By Jack Lee (retired law enforcement)
In the most general terms our state’s have defined an assault weapon as a semi-automatic rifle, meaning it fires one shot with each trigger pull and it automatically chambers another round (bullet). Further, its equipped with a collapsible butt stock, a high capacity magazine, a quick release magazine button, a bayonet lug, a pistol grip, a grenade launcher and a flash hider to obscure the flame caused by gun powder when fired. Some states that have assault weapon bans will allow one of two of these features on a rifle, but not all of them.
A reasoned mind might therefore conclude these features make an assault extra lethal right? Okay, let’s take a look at each one and see how lethal they are:
A bayonet is a knife attached to a gun barrel to form a sort of spear. Fixing a bayonet to a rifle is usually a last resort. Typically this is done when the ammo runs out. If you have ammo, using a bayonet is not that desirable. A bayonet is mostly psychological, and it’s a carry over from the days when we also had cavalry charges and fired black powder cannons.
As of this date there’s no record of any mass bayoneting, bayonet charges or rifles with bayonets used to hold up your neighborhood 7-11. Your odds of being bayoneted are slim to none. A bayonet lug is therefore a moot point.
What about that collapsible butt stock? A collapsible butt stock typically has 3-5 positions and it is used to compensate for different arm lengths, other than that it serves no practical purpose. No soldier I know would prefer to completely close down the butt stock and fire from hip the ala Rambo style! This tactic works great in movies, but it’s not so good in real life. Accuracy drops by at least 70% or more when firing from the hip. It does make a rifle more concealable, but consider that the rifle (carbine) is still well over two feet long and at least 12 inches wide when that big magazine is inserted. Try hiding that hunk of metal in your pants! She’s gonna think you’re extra, extra, glad to see her!
In lethality terms there’s nothing gained by a collapsible stock. Overall for accuracy there as many pluses as there are minuses, but it looks mean and to a non-gun person this makes it [appear] more dangerous, even though it’s really not.
Next, a semi-auto and full auto are two vastly different concepts in rifles. A full auto hand carried carbine (short rifle), better known as a sub-machine gun, fires automatically as long as the trigger is held down and you have ammunition. Many people confuse semi-automatic and full automatic as one in the same. This confusion seems especially true in the mainstream news media when they lecture us about assault weapons.
In terms of cycle rate (rate of fire) between as so-called assault weapon and a semi-automatic rifle or shotgun, there is no difference. Both operate on the same principal and have the same cycle rate.
I heard a questionable expert on TV say that a semi-auto Bushmaster rifle (used at Sandy Hook) can fire 6 rounds per second. Let’s stop and think about this. Try to move your index finger like your squeezing a trigger, see how many times can you move it in one second? Even if you could, your accuracy drops dramatically – not the way to go if you want to hit what you are aiming at. But, it sounds scarey and it inflames passions to hear that baloney.
We have very strict laws about the sales and ownership of full automatic weapons and unless one was obtained illegally or created illegally, their contribution to crime is virtually nil. Another moot point, but one raised all the time to scare people and confuse the issue on gun control.
A flash hider is next on our list of banned items. The flash hider really doesn’t hide the flash, it diffuses it. And only modestly. In the dark you can still see the muzzle flash from a long distance. I’m not sure what great advantage there is by banning the flash hider. This is not a silencer, it merely reduces the flash, and just a little. however, in combat with gunfire everywhere, we want every advantage we can get, no matter how slight. So modern military weapons have flash hiders. Once again a military look means more than reality. So the humble flash hider was restricted by non-gun legislators who lacked the basic information in this article.
This brings us to high capacity magazines. When we think of an assault weapon or military weapon we tend to think of a long magazine that holds 30 or 40 round (bullets). Large capacity magazines for an AR-15 rifle (black rifle) tend to jam, so most AR owners prefer a 20 shot or less magazine. In California, and many other States like Connecticut, the capacity of a legal magazine is 10 rounds. Connecticut and California law limits 10 rounds to even pistols. California also bans the standard release button to drop the magazine.
The Bushmaster carbine used in Sandy Hook was not on the list of banned weapons in Connecticut because it was not an assault weapon, but that doesn’t stop the mainstream media from telling your an assault weapon was used. In fact, assault weapons are just about all you hear talked about! This is because of it’s military style appearance more than anything else. A black rifle looks mean and it scares some people. As a result of the bad press I can virtually promise you that the assault weapon ban will be put back into effect, regardless of the facts.
BONUS SECTION: The problem from my perspective is, drawing the line between an assault weapon and regular semi-auto rifle. This is a very fine line; it’s a mere baby step between finding an assault rifle too dangerous to be owned by the public and a semi-auto rifle also too dangerous. There is almost no rational difference, in terms of lethality, between these two classifications of weapons. This is a legitimate concern and foremost among the other concerns why we should resist anti-gun legislation.
Law abiding people are the only people harmed by gun bans. Gun free zones, bans on high capacity mags, so-called assault weapons, have no meaning to law breakers, we’ve simply made their mission easier.
Police react to shooting crimes after the fact almost all the time. Rarely are they lucky enough to prevent a shooting. When seconds count the police are minutes away. When your life or a loved one’s life is at risk, you can bet you’re on your own, Sandy Hook is a good example of that and look what happened.
The reality is we have over 200 million hand guns alone in America, not counting long guns. We should focus on ways to assist mental health professionals to reduce the threat from people with mental illness. That would do more than a ban on assault weapons. We should reverse the ban on certain qualified teachers being trained and licensed to carry a weapon. There’s a reasonable and safe solution waiting for us if we would only pursue it and work it out, just like we did for airline pilots.
No matter what we do there will be risk, we can’t legislate that away. No solution will ever be perfect…that’s a given. But, we should engage in talking about ideas using the facts and reason to reach a responsible plan. What I’m hearing from legislators and the media is hysteria and knee-jerk ideas…ban this, ban that, chip away at our 2nd amendment right … I think we can do better, if we want too.
Liberals want us as disarmed as Sweden, home of the world’s worst mass murder spree by a man armed with an illegal sub-machine gun. The want all states to have laws as tough as Washington D.C., murder capitol of the world. How rational is that?