Posted by Tina
IBD asks a good question:
The president says right-to-work laws mean “the right to work for less money.” So how does he explain the fact that incomes are up in RTW states while forced unionism is a proven job killer?
Not only is the President lying about pay he is also implying that right to work laws are attempts to take bargaining away from unions:
“What we shouldn’t be doing is trying to take away your rights to bargain for better wages. We don’t want a race to the bottom. We want a race to the top.”
The right to work without having to join a union has NOTHING to do with bargaining power.
The President is running around playing dishonest games with the public and his supporters in the union are screaming at reporters who ask them questions and in another encounter…punching Steven Crouter in the face…four times! Another lovely human being can be heard shouting: “I’ll kill a motherf*#%*r with a gun!”
This is the type of person we have elected to our highest office: thugs and liars with their slimy fat hands in our pockets, our children’s pockets, and our grandchildren’s pockets. These are persons that encourages American citizens to settle for a government handout instead of following their dreams; persons that would take your nest egg to redistribute to people that refuse to work, save, and risk.
The progressive left is elf to be just a just a bunch of immoral, violent, phony, liars.