Presidential Union Fib – Union Smash Face Thuggery

Posted by Tina

IBD asks a good question:

The president says right-to-work laws mean “the right to work for less money.” So how does he explain the fact that incomes are up in RTW states while forced unionism is a proven job killer?

Not only is the President lying about pay he is also implying that right to work laws are attempts to take bargaining away from unions:

“What we shouldn’t be doing is trying to take away your rights to bargain for better wages. We don’t want a race to the bottom. We want a race to the top.”

The right to work without having to join a union has NOTHING to do with bargaining power.

The President is running around playing dishonest games with the public and his supporters in the union are screaming at reporters who ask them questions and in another encounter…punching Steven Crouter in the face…four times! Another lovely human being can be heard shouting: “I’ll kill a motherf*#%*r with a gun!”

This is the type of person we have elected to our highest office: thugs and liars with their slimy fat hands in our pockets, our children’s pockets, and our grandchildren’s pockets. These are persons that encourages American citizens to settle for a government handout instead of following their dreams; persons that would take your nest egg to redistribute to people that refuse to work, save, and risk.

The progressive left is elf to be just a just a bunch of immoral, violent, phony, liars.


Highest Paid Public Employee

by Jack Lee

While the left is fully engaged in a war on the rich, meaning those who made their money in the private sector, (actors exempted) we have a new class of rich and they have the conservatives up in arms and rightfully so! It’s those who work in the public sector making far more than their counterparts in the private sector.

Quiz time… How much does the highest paid public employee make and who is it? No, it’s not the President of the United States, he makes half of what this guy makes and it’s not the baseball commissioner. It’s a psychiatrist from Afghanistan and his pay last year was $822,000. Which state do you think has that kind of disposable cash? Yeah, you guessed it, California of course…the nut state, ol Crazifornia, the People’s Republik of Kalifornia…the wackiest, most left-wing state in the union! And why were still allowed to be in the union is baffling. Clearly we are a bigger threat to a stable democracy than Al Qaeda…we should have been invaded, not Iraq and Afghanistan, but I digress.

Here’s the ugly details of today’s story: Dr. Mohammad Safi, graduate of a medical school in Afghanistan, collected $822,302 last year, up from $90,682 when he started in 2006, the data show.

Last year, 16 psychiatrists on California’s payroll, including Safi, made more than $400,000. Only one did in any other state in the data compiled by Bloomberg, a doctor in Texas. Safi earned more than twice as much as any state psychiatrist elsewhere, the data show.

Now, my father is a psychiatrist and so is my sister. I generally wish the profession good fortune. But to put Safi’s pay into perspective, a Manhattan shrink who sees 40 patients a week 52 weeks a year at $300 per session would gross $624,000.

Safi and other well-paid psychiatrists, however, don’t represent California public workers as a whole. According to Bloomberg, the average pay of a California state worker was $60,317 in 2011, the highest out of the 12 most populous states. Next came New York at $55,650. Georgia paid state employees an average of $28,682.

When the revolution starts and all the vast wealth has been looted by legislators, the first to swing from the lamp posts must be the bureaucrats who approved these exorbitant salaries.

I can see it now, the mobs of angry citizens with torches and pitchforks marching on Sacramento, they’ll seize the public employee records and they will start going down the list of who did what to us until they find you. So I say to these bureaucrats, you enjoy spending our tax money while you can… because there is an angry mob coming your way, it is inevitable.

PS Why oh why, did Californian’s ever pass Prop 30 and give these dolts in Sacramento another $50 billion to play with? Arrrrrggghhhhhh!


The Good Guys Win One

The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled today that Illinois’ total ban on carrying firearms for self-defense outside the home or business is unconstitutional. The case involves lead plaintiff Mary Shepard, an Illinois resident and a trained gun owner, who is licensed to carry a concealed handgun in both Utah and Florida. The National Rifle Association is funding this case. The Illinois State Rifle Association is a co-plaintiff in this case.

“Today’s ruling is a victory for all law abiding citizens in Illinois and gun owners throughout the country,” said Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President of NRA. “The court recognized that the text and history of the Second Amendment guarantee individuals the right to carry firearms outside the home for self-defense and other lawful purposes. In light of this ruling, Mary Shepard and the people of Illinois will finally be able to exercise their Second Amendment rights.”

On September 28, 2009, while working as the treasurer of her church, Ms. Shepard and an 83-year-old co-worker were viciously attacked and beaten by a six-foot-three-inch, 245 pound man with a violent past and a criminal record. Ms. Shepard and her co-worker were lucky to survive, as each of them suffered major injuries to the head, neck and upper body. Ms. Shepard’s injuries required extensive surgeries and she continues physical therapy to this day attempting to recover from her injuries.

In today’s decision, Judge Richard Posner ruled that Illinois’ ban on carriage is unconstitutional. The Judge went on to say, “One doesn’t have to be a historian to realize that a right to keep and bear arms for personal self-defense in the eighteenth century could not rationally have been limited to the home. . . . Twenty-first century Illinois has no hostile Indians. But a Chicagoan is a good deal more likely to be attacked on a sidewalk than in his apartment on the 35th floor.”


Taxing Authority – The Folly in the 16th Amendment

Posted by Tina

Taxes…will they go up? Will they only go up on the rich? The people have a right to know and that right is being ignored as our leaders play serious games with our futures.

Frustration about the current situation in DC and concerns about the next four years gave way to curiosity today as I thought about our leaders’ own sense of entitlement to remove private property from our pockets indiscriminately, arbitrarily, and without even the slightest hint of guilt or humility. How dare they behave with such careless disregard for the needs of our families! We face higher taxation in the next four years under Obamacare. Some of this taxation falls on the well to do but other forms will be stealth and hit all of us in the form of higher prices for goods and services, healthcare, and healthcare insurance. Some of our citizens will pay more than 50% of what they earn in total federal, state and local taxes while nearly half will pay nothing or a pittance. I believe this disparity is not only unfair but outrageous, and an indication of the irresponsible leadership we have blindly tolerated for decades. Why are so many Americans still living in poverty and unable or unwilling to care and provide for themselves? In a land whose government has managed to create $16 trillion in debt on top of all of the many trillions that has been spent in the last sixty years this amounts to an intolerable failure!

So where did my curiosity take me? First of all, it took me to the text of the 16th Amendment, the document that gave our representatives permission to take whatever portion of our “incomes” they wanted. The 16th Amendment reads:

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Talk about a ticket to ride!
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2030 Forecast – West’s Future Looks Dim Says NIC

Posted by Jack

The National Intelligence Council has released their fifth installment in a series aimed at providing a framework for thinking about potential global trajectories in the next fifteen to twenty years.

The world of 2030 will be radically transformed from our world today. By 2030, no country–whether the US, China, or any other large country–will be a hegemonic power. The empowerment of individuals and diffusion of power among states and from states to informal networks will have a dramatic impact, largely reversing the historic rise of the West since 1750, restoring Asia’s weight in the global economy, and ushering in a new era of “democratization” at the international and domestic level. In addition to individual empowerment and the diffusion of state power, we believe that two other megatrends will shape our world out to 2030: demographic patterns, especially rapid aging; and growing resource demands which, in the cases of food and water, might lead to scarcities. These trends, which are virtually certain, exist today, but during the next 15-20 years they will gain much greater momentum. Underpinning the megatrends are tectonic shifts – critical changes to key features of our global environment that will affect how the world “works” (see table on page v).

Read full story….

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by J. Soden and R.H.T.


Want to fix our debt problem? Let’s START with those who created it:

1. No Tenure / No Pension. Member of Congress collects salary ONLY while in office.
2. Funds in Congressional retirement fund move to the SS system immediately. All future funds flow into the SS system, and Congress participates with the American people at the same benefit level. It may not be used for any other purpose.
3. Limit of 2 terms in Congress & a 5-year mandatory break before able to be hired by lobbyists.
4. Congress can no longer vote themselves a pay raise at any time.
5. Congress gets the same health care system as the American people with no “extra” benefits.
6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
7. Any elected official who benefits from voter fraud is unable to run for another term and will be barred from holding any future public office.
8. Benefit plans with past and present Congress members are null & void. The American people did not create a ruling class with extra perks – Congress did it for themselves.
9. Eliminate employer withholding tax. Make everyone make their own payments every two weeks.
10. Move the national elections to April 16th.

Editor’s note: My favorite is 10. And here’s a few more ideas…

11. Congress must abide by the same rules and laws as the rest of us. No special exemptions.
12. Stop the endless spending on campaigns that are 90% BS anyway. Let’s put a cap on election expenditures so we who can see who uses their money wisely. This makes living within a budget their first (and quite possibly their last) experience in politics!

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Must Read Book – Crazifornia

Posted by Jack

Note: In a way Post Scripts has been a serial version of “Crazifornia” for 7 years and now what we’ve been reporting is out in book form. This is yet one more example that our efforts to inform you about the dangerous level of stupidity in this state is absolutely true. The book vindicates everything we’ve been saying about waste, fraud and abuse of power in the late great state of California.


When the agency responsible for state roads spends $4 million on new cars and trucks, then parks them unused for two years, that’s Crazifornia. When cancer warnings are required on buildings because they may contain estrogen or testosterone (full of men), that’s Crazifornia. And when a full-frontal governmental assault on business drives enough people out of a state in ten years to double the population of Oregon, that’s Crazifornia, too.

Through tale after outrageous, funny, tragic tale, “Crazifornia: Tales from the Tarnished State” explains why California is crashing, making it a must-read for all Californians and for anyone who fears California may be coming their way soon.

Part One provides history and perspective, explaining how the PEER Axis – Progressives, Environmentalists, Educators and Reporters – took over the Golden State and work to keep it a leader in Progressivism, generation after generation.

Part Two looks at the current state of affairs in the Tarnished State – bureaucratic ineptitude, anti-business policies, a failed education system, entrenched environmentalism, unsustainable pensions and a perpetually unbalanced budget, and considers California’s options for the future.

This is a great book to read, tearfully, as you pack the house in Orange County and wait for the moving van to take you to Nevada.


Oliver Stone’s Untold History Cold War Re-Write a Real Stinker!

Posted by Tina

If you’ve had a chance to catch the first part of Oliver Stone’s cold war farce, “The Untold History of the United States” that’s currently airing on Showtime you might want to watch the video below and have your kids pull up a chair too!

TheUntold series is a companion to the book written by Stone and American University professor Peter Kuznik.

As Scott Johnson at Powerline
writes of their work, “…cultural artifacts such as the book and the series have done a lot of damage. It is a mistake to ignore them.”

That’s exactly what I thought as I watched the first part on Showtime this weekend! The video below features Roger Simon and Lionel Chetwynd as they interview historian Ronald Rodash about the book and series:

You can also read Ron Rodash’s article on the series at The Weekly Standard.


Inhofe Claims Obama is Giving Billions to UN for Global Warming!

Posted by Tina

I gotta tell ya, if this is true Obama’s tax the rich policy is a bigger bunch of hooey than we thought! Talk about a waste of money! You can sure tell this guy has never worked an honest day in his entire life!

In case we’ve forgotten in the midst of the insanity: THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED JOBS!! And the private sector could use that money to create JOBS. If this administration had a lick of sense, an honest bone, or a patriotic fervor it would know that and drop tax rates to unleash the American can do spirit.

I’ve been reading about education in America. This administration doesn’t…have a lick of sense.

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Something to Think About

by Jack Lee


I happened to come across a tidbit of information accidentally today while watching the Movie Flight 93. I thought it was interesting (important) enough that I wanted to share it with you.

On September the 11th, 2001, at exactly 10:03 a.m., EST, the President of the United States issued a direct order to the Commander of the United States Air Force and his immediate commanders and the order said, and I am paraphrasing, “Down any civilian aircraft deemed to have been hijacked to prevent it from reaching its intended target.” It was short, direct and unambiguous. It was exactly what NORAD officers were asking for. It was a bold decisive move and in hindsight the President did exactly the right thing.

Despite the urgency of that order, and despite the fact that 3 civilian passenger aircraft had already been used to attack key ground targets, the General of the USAF and his immediate commanders, refused to pass on that order to our fighter pilots. This is in utter disregard to the grave circumstances! They willfully failed to obey a direct order from the Commander-In-Chief! Can you believe that?

Their excuse later on was they feared that one of the fighters might accidentally shoot down a non-hijacked plane. They were second guessing the Commander-In-Chief during a time of extreme risk to the United States. These are the same kind of people who forced our Marines in Lebanon to carry unloaded weapons while guarding the headquarters. Better that a truck loaded with explosives crashes through their barricade and levels the building, than risk an accidental discharge by a thoroughly trained US Marine rifleman!

Many might consider this failure to follow orders one of the more serious offenses possible for a military commander, especially during a wartime situation when the nation was under attack.

No disciplinary actions were ever taken for their dereliction of duty, not even a notation of a reprimand in their personnel files. The same thing happened to the FBI agents who had the first opportunity to stop the 9/11 attack and did nothing.

Could this ever happen again in another high risk situation? What do you think? The precedent has been set.

Do you ever get the feeling we’re living in a gutless, CYA, society, that is too afraid to take bold moves even when their country is in grave danger? If you are not sure, then read the next article and I will help you figure it out. Read, Fiscal Cliff for Dummies.