Sunday Message: How Would You Feel If. . .

by Jack Lee

Karen Drucker writes, “Wouldn’t the world be a different place if we understood how important the other is in our lives? How would you feel if you suddenly realized that you needed that particular child crying in Haiti because it contracted cholera because the government did not clean the rivers?

How would you feel if you needed the very Chinese general who ousted the Dalai Lama from his homeland in Tibet? How would you feel if you needed the criminal sitting in jail who did the most horrible things to his or her fellow human being, but you needed them? How would you feel if you needed the one person you despise the most in the world? How would your feelings change if you knew that your very life depended on that person who is making your life the most miserable right now? How would you feel?”

I don’t know how others would feel my dear Karen, but here’s my take. I would of course feel bad for an innocent child, but if the parents of that adult caused it because of their own raw sewage entering a river that wasn’t the fault of government. This is a failure of personal responsibility and sadly Haiti is full of those types. They foolishly sit around waiting for someone else to do it all the work for them. They demand that others build houses, clean rivers, remove trash, provide medical, etc. Then they take out their frustrations by stoning doctors and relief workers because they are not working fast enough to help them, Bad things happen when people refuse to help themselves. Blaming others won’t get the job done either. Thats when the Darwin effect kicks and solves the problem.

Next. Karen, I will not ever find myself relying on creeps such as your communist general or a vicious criminal for my needs, I would rather rely on myself. Not sure where you are coming from, but you must realize that people reach an age of accountability and then what they do is on them.

This is how the real world works my dear airhead.

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A Quote Worth Remembering

There is only one guarantee for peace and you can have it in one second…surrender. Ronald Reagan

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Saturday Mail Delivery – Is it Worth the Huge Cost?

by Jack Lee

The U.S. Post Officer reports they will be short about $7.5bn next year and $238bn over the next ten years. Unless something dramatic changes this means a sharp increase in postal rates and not just once, but many times. To offset this increase the postmaster has proposed we halt the Saturday delivery – it could save us about $40bn over the next decade. The democratic Congress opposes the idea, but with Republican’s in the House that may change.

Here’s an alternative thought: Why not stop Monday mail delivery and keep our Saturday? We get the same cost savings, but we also keep the convenience of a Saturday mail delivery. Is there anything so urgent we couldn’t send it by Fed Ex, UPS, fax or email on that one day (Monday) we propose to eliminate? I really don’t think so, and I believe it’s long past the time when we should stop this cost ineffective scheduling that so few countries of the world accept as necessary. Let’s keep our Saturday and eliminate Monday and help the post office be more cost effective. Personally I would like to see it become a private enterprise, but thats not going to happen in my lifetime, not with the over abundance of liberals blocking creative ideas and business progress. We’ll be #@$% lucky just to get them to agree to halting mail on Monday.

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It’s Time for a Change

by Ronald Reagan

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Reformed Liberal Talks


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Republican Corner: The Grand Old (Un-electable?) Party of California?


By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

In the last twenty years or so, American politics have seemed to become more divisive. There are a lot of theories out there on why this is, which range from the cultural (Bowling Alone) technological (internet) and ultra-political (right-left takeovers). My own theory incorporates some of all of these, but I believe that politics pre-Reagan was less combative because Republicans before Reagan had very few principles that differentiated them from the democrats. They also were unable to get elected outside of country club circles. It wasn’t until Republicans started to actually stand for real American values and won Congress that democrats went totally ballistic and threw fits like the demon-possessed getting holy water thrown on them. That’s my humble observation at least.

Whatever the case of national political turmoil, it’s funny to watch pundits after each election declaring the end to any given political movement or party. After the election of Barrack Hussein Obama in 2008, there were a lot of statements made about the death of conservatism, for example. After 1994 I’m sure a lot of Republicans also thought the democrats wouldn’t be coming back either. Right now a lot California political pundits are asking if Republicans can ever get elected in this state again. While California is certainly a difficult state for Republicans, I would wager the fight’s not over here. Why do I say that? Because I have patience friends.

All I have to do is wait for the democrats, who now completely run this shipwreck-bound state, to be themselves.

Continue reading “Republican Corner: The Grand Old (Un-electable?) Party of California?” »


America’s 3rd War

by Jack Lee

Here we go again, Iraq, Afghanistan and now. . .Mexico.

Afghanistan is what we consider a terrible war zone with death and danger around every rock or turn in the road. 1,900 people died from war there last year, but lets put that carnage into perspective. 9000 people died in a drug war in 2009 in Mexico and most wre murdered in the most violent and morbid ways; beheadings, acid attacks, electrocution, bombs, burnings, even being fed to pet lions.


(Map shows drug routes and main points of entry for drug gangs) From a news article in Mexico…”It was a brutal massacre even by the gruesome standards of Mexico’s drug war: 72 migrant workers gunned down by the “Zetas” – arguably the country’s most violent cartel – The Zetas have a fearsome reputation, but the real surprise is they learned their bloody trade at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, trained by US Special Forces.”

These were Mexican soldiers, recruited in Mexico for special duty because of their high standards. They were given the best of training in the US and once they returned to Mexico they easily turned to the dark side. How could that be? Mexico’s Special Forces earn $300 a month, as cartel members they can earn as much as $30,000 a month or more, as soldiers their families are more at risk too. There is no way Mexico can compete with those wages or intimidation tactics, the country is losing the drug war. And the worst part…its all paid for by American’s consuming their illegal products. This is America’s war make no mistake and blood is on the hands of every fool in America using illegal narcotics. American consumers are pulling the cartels with all their violence into a city near you. So don’t tell me busting drug users is so unfair, tell that to the families of those murdered by cartels.


It is currently estimated by the DEA that over 400 cities in America are drug distribution points for Mexican cartels.

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IPCC Official – Cancun to Be an Economy Summit

Posted by Tina

Redistribution is the admitted goal:

The Global Warming Policy Foundation

Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection, says the German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated.

What do you think, kiddies, big…bold…and in your face, or what?


Obama/Holder Justice a Travesty!

Posted by Tina

The venue meant that evidence would not be presented and the terrorist is found guilty of destruction of government property. Outrageous!

“Terror-trial travesty” – NY Post

Is there any better proof that Team Obama’s preferred approach to fight ing terror — through civilian courts — is dangerously misguided than yesterday’s acquittal of one of the 1998 US embassy bombers on all but one of 285 charges?

Ahmed Ghailani, the first Guantanamo Bay detainee to be tried in a civilian court, was convicted of only a single count of conspiracy to destroy government property and buildings using explosives.

Murder? No.

Terrorism? No.

He was up to his ears in a plot that took 224 lives, and he’s not a terrorist?


Indeed! It takes a grownup to properly try and convict a terrorist. Unfortunately we are extremely short on that vital commodity in this administration.