Bureaucracy Run Amuck – Exposing the Stupidity

by Jack Lee

Probably the greatest single achievement any terrorist organization could ever hope to achieve is to drain the life blood of a nation’s economy in such a way that it compromises not only government revenues and resources but it dramatically affects the way individuals go about their daily lives.


If there was an achievement award for terrorism then the prize of the century must go to Osama bin Laden’s and his Al Qaeda terrorist network and their one successful attack on 9/11/2001. This simple, low budget, easy-to-carry out attack just keeps on giving, or from the perspective of us victims, its a gift that keeps on taking from us. Government has made sure of that because they have made no end of stupid moves since then – all in the name of national security of course!

We’re a bureaucratic oriented superpower and that means we will always have a penchant for expanding government and its role in our daily lives and brother did 9/11 provide a great opening to do that! And to make matters worse, our dear leaders have done it in the most costly and ineffective ways imaginable, it’s been a series of blunders. We’re prone to be reactive not proactive, that’s just the way this system works because of so many people involved in the decision making. For example right after Pearl Harbor we found a thousand ways it could have been prevented and the same goes for 9/11. We great at closing barn doors afer the horses are out. Well, we analized 9/11 adnausium and sure enough we dropped the ball not once, but many times and it ended badly. It was easily preventable event just like Pearl Harbor and the blame rests on the actions or inactions of a few low level government employees.

Our leaders will do whatever they do for security with a certain amount of indifference or disconnect to the will (or wishes) of the every day citizen. (Surely you have noticed?) But, because we have such vast resources we can squander on boondoggles with little immediate discomfort or even much notice. If a lesser nation would do the same it would mean their immediate economic collapse, but for us it’s been, so far, to merely be the pooring of future generations. Although right now that pooring is starting to touch the current generation and our economic future has never been more uncertain. And its due in large part to one madman named Osama and all the useful fools in our government that have been spending our wealth in foolish ways under the guise of security.

Homeland Security was the greatest end product of Osama bin Laden’s scheme and even he could not have foreseen such a valuable payoff to his plot. He was just trying to influence American foreign policy and he got another federal bureaucracy able to squander hundreds of billions and weaken the nation for decades! The actual damages bin Laden caused on 9/11 pale compared to what we’ve done to ourselves since then. We’ve pumped in hundreds of billions of dollars to prevent another 9/11, yet in all the years since there’s never been more than a few isolated attempts by lone individuals carrying bombs that didn’t work.

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Israels Perfect Record


Senate Republicans Block Equity Pay Measure

Posted by Tina

I thought this was a done deal but apparently not (healthcare was too important I guess):

“GOP Blocks Pay Equity Measure in Senate” – CNS News

Washington (AP) – Senate Republicans have succeeded in blocking a measure designed to reduce wage disparities between men and women.
The 58-41 vote to take up the Paycheck Fairness Act fell short of the 60 needed to overcome GOP opposition.

Civil rights groups, labor leaders and the Obama administration all supported the bill, which would make employers prove that any disparities in wages are job-related and not sex-based.

Republicans and business groups said the bill would expose employers to more litigation by removing limits on punitive and compensatory damage awards.
The bill was one of the first measures passed by the House last year after President Barack Obama was elected.

There you go Libby, Republicans have come out of the gate…let the race begin!


Scanning the Public


Posted by Tina

The most obvious and profound statement I’ve read to date on the TSA scanner and pat down uproar is the following from KT McFarland on FOX News:

Why don’t we start profiling for terrorists and stop trying to put everyone from toddlers to granny through the same security procedures at airports? We’re wasting money, time and the people’s patience in an effort to be politically correct. In the end, it’s not keeping us any safer; if anything it’s making us less safe since it’s diverting resources that could otherwise be used on better intelligence gathering, or developing screening devices for cargo on commercial and civilian aircraft, or checking containers before they enter U.S. ports.

Are public buses and trains next? How thrilled are you about the prospect of flying under these new security methods? Do you agree profiling would work better?


Keynes Quote Blows the Mind

Posted by Tina

In case you’ve been residing under a rock and were unaware that the current administration has been greatly influenced by Keynesian economic policy let this serve as a wide awake up call. The following quote is attributed to Keynes. As you read it think GM/union bailouts, think AIG and Goldman Sachs…think massive amounts of tax dollars spent on targeted green industries and Democrat supporter states…think about the trillions of dollars piling up as debt, think about your children’s and grandchildren’s future earnings being spent today for power…think about the millions of lost jobs.

Was the purpose of all that stimulus money…the massive wealth transfer…to FIX the economy or was something else going on? Here’s the Keynes quote:

“By a continuous process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens…and while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some…. The process engages all of the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner that not one man in a million can diagnose.” –John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) From “Economic Consequences of the Peace” 1920

Words like “confiscate” and “destruction” are not inadvertently used here. Keynes had to know exactly what he was saying. Isn’t it logical to assume that this administration also knows what it’s doing in adopting Keynes as their economic guru?

We the people are being used and abused in a grand scheme that, intended or not, will destroy America. Want more? Try a quote from the billionaire progressive and Democrat supporting, “Mr. Moneybags”, George Soros:

“I have always harbored an exaggerated view of my self-importance. To put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes….”–George Soros from “The Alchemy of Finance” 1987

These are not men who care about opportunity for the average person. Gratification comes through the power to manipulation and control the masses to their own ends. (All emphasis mine)

Read more in an eye popping article on Canada Free Press


A Short Trip That is Long on Fun

by Jack Lee

Looking for a little travel adventure right now to stave off the winter blues? Here’s an idea and it’s right in your own backyard, if you live in Northern California . It is our local world class wineries! This week’s trip was to a winery just minutes north of Chico on Hwy. 99 to the New Clairvaux winery in Vina. .


This winery is a little different than most because it’s also a monastery run by Trappist monks. The architechture alone is worth the trip. There’s a 15th century imported French church reconstructed on the site. The Trappist winemakers have been creating excellent red and white wines for over five generations, and if you doubt this just try a bottle of their Nouveau Temperanillo that was released last Friday. It was by far one of the most pleasantly surprising red wines we’ve tasted all year.

My personal favorite is a Petite Syrah and New Clairvaux makes an incredible Syrah of very strong character. It’s a full bodied red, rich in color with complex tastes found in only the finest wines. It’s not too dry, just right actually, with a very mild cab-like saltiness combined with a resinous American oak flavor. Wine makers often complain that Syrah soaks up the oak, but I found it about right. This Petite Syrah has an excellent nose that bested my more costly bottle of Sierra Vista Reserve Sirah 2009, which is also an excellent wine.

A little history on the Sirah/Syrah: Petite Syrah has been linked by DNA testing to Durif, Syrah and Peloursin, the latter an obscure southern French grape. Syrah, of course, is the premier red of the Northern Rhne, and Durif is a variety planted in southern France. In 1884, the Durif grape was introduced into California where some growers called it “Petite Sirah,” the name it was known by in the south of France. Controversy regarding Petite Syrah’s parentage persisted until 1999, when UC-Davis professor Carole Meredith set the record straight with DNA testing that showed conclusively that Syrah was the “father” of Durif and that, in fact, Durif and Petite Sirah are two names for the same grape. Over the years, Petite Syrah plantings have been up and down in California, thanks to the market demand. After a peak of more than 14,000 acres planted in 1976, acreage plummeted to 1,700 in 1995, but its climbed back to 7,500 acres by 2009 because of the demand from increasingly more sophisticated wine drinkers.

Now here’s the kicker…. Syrah is its modestly priced wine, especially compared to Cabs and it can hold its own against them too.

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Sometimes You Can Take Technology Too Far . . .

It all began with an iPhone….

March was when my son celebrated his 15th birthday, and I got him an iPhone. He just loved it. Who wouldn’t? I celebrated my birthday in July and my wife made me very happy when she bought me an iPad. My daughter’s birthday was in August so I got her an iPod Touch. September came by, so for her birthday I got my wife an iRon. . . .

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Take Away His Flag . . .

by Jack Lee

13 year old Cody Alicea had been riding his bike to school for about two months with the American flag attached to it. Earlier this week he was asked to remove it by a school yard supervisor.

“In this country we’re supposed to be free,” said Cody. “And I should be able to wave my flag wherever I want to. And they’re telling me I can’t.” Cody had to take the flag off his bike and put it in his backpack, where he kept it all week. This action came one day before Veterans Day. Cody’s grandfather was a WWII vet and he was lavid.


Ed Parraz, the Superintendent of the Denair School District reported that the yard supervisor asked Cody to take down the flag over concern about his safety. Some students had complained about it and had apparently made threats.

Parraz said all national flags were banned from campus after a Cinco De Mayo incident when tensions escalated between students displaying the Mexican flag and those waving the Stars and Stripes.

“I think it would be irresponsible of us if we kind of shined it on and let him have the flag and he got jumped or something like that and got hurt,” said Parraz. And this is true, but it would be even more irresponsible to force Cody to be deneid his right to fly the American flag and show some patriotism while giving a free pass to those who are upset and angry because they don’t like the American flag and want to fly the Mexican flag.

Here’s a news flash: Those Hispanic students are wrong and its time they were told they are wrong! This is still America and we have a right to fly the American flag here.

If after being advised in detail how they are wrong and they still object and wish to threaten others who fly the American flag or they demand to fly their former country’s flag then they should consider leaving this country! They are not welcome and believe I can safely speak for every sane American with an IQ over 80 and an ounce of patriotism when I say, we are a melting pot society and people either believe in it or they should get out.

No matter how hard working they are or what wonderful family values they hold dear, if they won’t assimilate into our culture and behave as American’s first and foremost they are of little value to our society. Their attitude brings in more national security problems than we can tolerate.

Back at the middle school, Cody was greeted by a swarm of media outlets when he got out. At home he did more interviews with print, radio and television reporters. He was a bit unnerved by all the attention. His biggest concern was that Parraz was being vilified. “I don’t want him to be fired. I know where he was coming from. He’s a nice guy,” said Alicea.

We also recognize that the yard supervisor (a female) was acting with good intentions, but she should have taken this matter of threats up with the principal/superintendant before going any further.

Those making the threats should have been targeted and dealt with not the intended victim.

This is what we get when we have over 12 million illegal aliens invading this country, skipping past all the normal steps to insure a fair understanding of what America is and their role in this society as responsible citizens. THANK YOU LIBERALS AND DEMOCRATS FOR YOUR COWARDLY AND MORONIC STAND ON SANCTUARY CITIES AND OPEN BORDERS!


Latinos now make up a majority of California’s Public School Students, cracking the 50 percent barrier for the first time in the state’s history, according to data released Friday by the state Department of Education.

Almost 50.4 percent of the state’s Students in the 2009-10 School year identified themselves as Hispanic or Latino, up 1.36 percent from the previous year.

In comparison, 27 percent of California’s 6.2 million Students identified themselves as white, 9 percent as Asian and 7 pe…. SF Chronical

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Healthcare Waivers – Government Picks Winners & Losers

The current list of “winners” can be found on the Health & Human Services website.