Ron Paul’s Big Transparency Plan

Posted by Tina

The American people are clamoring for transparency in Government and it looks like Rand Paul has every intention to deliver:

“Ron Paul Is About to Totally Revolutionize the House Monetary Policy Panel,” by John Carney – CNBC

Ron Paul, the Republican Congressman from Texas, is the ranking member of the monetary policy subcommittee, and when the next Congress takes over he’ll likely be the chairman of the subcommittee.

And Congressman Paul has some big plans.

“I will approach that committee like no one has ever approached it because we’re living in times like no one has ever seen,” Paul said in an interview with NetNet Thursday.
Paul said his first priority will be to open up the books of the Federal Reserve to the American people.

“We need to create transparency there. To see what it is they are buying and lending, and who it is they are dealing with,” Paul said.


Coconuts Sacrficed for Obama


The BBC reports that authorities in Mumbai have cut down all of the coconuts surrounding the city’s Gandhi museum, a stop Obama plans to make on Saturday, to ensure the fruits don’t drop on his head.

“We told the authorities to remove the dry coconuts from trees near the building,” the museum’s executive secretary, Meghshyam Ajgaonkar, told the BBC. “Why take a chance?”

Ajgaonkar says the two-story building, a tourist attraction that houses the Gandhi museum and a room where Mahatma Gandhi stayed, also has been painted and renovated for Obama’s visit.


Post Scripts Staff at Play – What We Do in Our Spare Time

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Left Economic Policies Sinking All Boats?

Posted by Tina

Well that does it! When even a lovely green company with loan guarantees and government subsidies is announcing cut backs and worker layoffs…in totally GREEN California…isn’t that an indication that Democrat tax and spend policies don’t work?

In fact it’s more than that…it’s an indication that high taxes and increased spending will eventually sink all boats!

Read it and weep:

LA Times

It isn’t easy being green for Solyndra Inc., the controversial Bay Area solar power system manufacturing company.

The company said Wednesday that it is shuttering one of its factories to save $60 million in capital expenditures, laying off 40 employees and letting the contracts for more than 100 temporary workers expire.

All this despite a $535-million federal loan guarantee, more than $1 billion in private equity funds and supportive visits from luminaries such as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Energy Secretary Steven Chu and President Barack Obama.

China can do it cheaper it seems!
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California’s Two Main Reasons for Failure

by Jack lee

Here is the main reason why we are in trouble and why many republican candidates have trouble winning in California. As of 2008 the democrat voters outnumber the republicans by well over 1.5 million votes. There are 6,518,631 registered democrats in CA. as opposed to 5, 364,832 reps. This is why we keep reelecting the same old bums and expecting better results.

Note: Oddly, only 68% of those legible to vote have registered to vote and on average only about 36% turnout to vote.

Here is the next reason why California’s economy is stalled: Taxes. As of 2008 we were the 6th most heavily taxed state in the nation and we would rank first today if it were not for Prop 13. Taxes collections grew by a factor of 33X since 1967 to 1997. If you were making $900 a month in 1967 you should be making $29,700 a month today, if your salary kept pace with the state revenues from taxes, so are you? The federal government took $314 billion in taxes out of this state in 2007.

So its ignorant (uninformed) voters and high taxes that are killing CA, but you probably knew that already, I just added a few statistics to bolster our logic.

Source: CA Dept. of Finance

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Can 7 Million People All Be Radical Right Wing Nuts?

Posted by Tina

The AP reports that a lot of people preferred the FOX News channel for their election coverage:

Fox News Channel more than doubled the audience it had for the 2006 midterm election. The Nielsen Co. said Wednesday that just under 7 million people watched Fox’s election coverage Tuesday night, a rough night for President Barack Obama. In 2006, which was a rough night for President George W. Bush, the network had 3.1 million viewers. CNN had 2.4 million viewers on Tuesday night, while MSNBC had 1.9 million. Nielsen had no immediate estimate of the audience for the broadcast networks, promising it for Thursday.

Six and a half million more viwers than the second most watched news contender is a considerable edge. Does anybody really believe that nearly seven million people are as nutty as the left asserts?

I think you have to be a little batty yourself to think nearly seven million people are part of a “fringe” group of extremists…but that’s just me.


Question for the Readers

by Jack Lee

Normally I have a reasonable comprehension of political moves, but this one leaves me clueless and I was hoping someone out here could explain it to me. Why is it so important for Obama to take 3000 people along with him to Mumbai, India, as at cost of $200,000,000 per day? Do we have that much disposable cash, I thought we were broke? Would $900,000,000 pumped into the California school system or to law enforcement help us more than his 4 days in India?

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Learn from History, Mr. President

Posted by Tina

Thomas Sowell has good advice for the President if he will listen…there’s a lesson to be learned from our history:

Guess who said the following: ‘We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before, and it does not work.’ Was it Sarah Palin? Rush Limbaugh? Karl Rove? Not even close. It was Henry Morgenthau, secretary of the Treasury under Franklin D. Roosevelt and one of FDR’s closest advisers. He added, “After eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot!”“Roosevelt gets too much credit for ending Great Depression” (emphasis mine) – The Columbus Dispatch

Sound familiar? It should! Obama and Geitner are doing the exact same thing that Roosevelt and Morgenthau tried in the 30”s and it isn’t working any differently this time; unemployment remains high, business is in the dumper and inflation threatens as the dollar loses value. Obama Geitner are considering even more spending to fix this problem. That would be a huge mistake.

Will this election cause the President to reconsider? As he jets off to Mumbai (creating the biggest one shot footprint in the history of mankind in the process) it seems unlikely that he has the capacity to look out for the nation’s, or the worlds, best interest.

I’m always open to miracles and surprises but as in California the current crop of Dems seem to be slow learners (or suffering from insanity)!


Taxing the Rich

Did you know that the top 1% of wage earners in California pay for 25% of the State’s total tax revenue?


2010 CA – Election Analysis

by Jack Lee


The nationwide trend was to dump incumbents which was in effect a referendum on democrat policies in general and President Obama in particular. . . except in California where we tend to do things a little differently.

Given a 9% approval rating and the fact they brought down one of the world’s greatest economies why would CA voters reelect the democrats? If there was ever a case to be made to dump incumbents you would think it would be right here. Amazingly voters did just the opposite of smart, they rewarded the same old gang by reelecting most of them and to compound it they passed a proposition that requires only a simple majority vote to pass the state’s budget. This was the last hole card for the republicans and without it they have just been made irrelevant. California has one party in charge of everything and they can do pretty much whatever they wish, with one exception. The voters also passed the proposition that requires a 2/3rds vote to raise taxes and thus the voters have giveth and taketh.

Many republicans are wringing their hands and scratching their heads wondering where do we go from here, because both Whitman and Fiorina were rejected by about the same huge margins, far greater margins than the polls indicated. And this would be referendum against past republican transgressions that caused nearly all of the swing voters, those disaffected independents, to go to Brown and Boxer. This was 20% of the total CA vote and republicans blew it by fielding at least one of the two candidates that many within the party and the independent sector could not support.

Going into the battle to dump Boxer the republicans had the advantage of the anti-incumbency backlash and the same could be said for Jerry Brown who served two previous terms as governor. Both Boxer and Brown (Gov. Moonbeam) are tired old political hacks that have failed repeated to deliver while in the same office they were just reelected too. The only way this can happen is if the Republican Party, its leaders and followers failed bring forth good candidates that could win the independent vote. When traditional supporters of conservatives like the L.A. Times said they couldn’t endorse Whitman because she was a RINO you know republicans blew it.

Beyond our borders where republicans fielded solid conservatives with a history voters could trust they won and that is the lesson for the CRP. If there is an upside in this election it’s that democrats have nowhere to hide nor anyone else to blame. They clearly run this state from top to bottom, and if our schools run short of cash or police and fire get laid off, it’s all on them. The dems are responsible for the budget because republicans have nothing left to leverage Based on their past performance it would seem that California is heading for an even great economic disaster beyond the disaster that dems have already created. Given this, wouldn’t you rather have Gov. Moonbeam at the helm when this ship sinks?

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