Rand Paul Victory Sends a Clear Message

by Mike (in Chico)

I’m sure many Republicans were afraid that Rand Paul was unelectable because he was “ultraconservative”. His big win shows how many voted for him because he believes we should have more personal freedom and less big government. They voted for the Tea Party principles of 1. Limited Constitutional government, 2. Fiscal Responsibility and 3. Free Markets.

Let’s hope that Republican and Democrat Party bosses wake up to the fact that we want all the freedoms that our Constitution intended. We don’t want our hard earned money and liberties taken away by government employee unions, big business lobbyists and the useful idiots who vote for more and more government control. Aynn Rand fled Russia and warned us about tyrannical government power in Atlas Shrugged. Rand Paul and the Tea Party can help us regain the liberties that government has been taking away.


Gee My State Taxes Are Sure High

by Jack Lee


To ad to some of my disappointment on election day I received a notice from the Franchise Tax Board that said bluntly, “Notice of State Income Tax Due”. This was for my tax year 2007 and they further said, “The proposed assessment for the tax year 2007 is now final and must be paid. Failure to pay the amount due within 15 days may result in the assessment of a collection fee. My tax due $58,240.98.

I thought I had 07 all taken care of, but apparently the state has another idea and they generously gave me until Nov. 16 to pay up or else! Oh, these bloodsuckers! Hey, should I just write them a check for this chump change and forget it or should I protest and see if they will cut me some slack? Hmmmm…what to do? I know, since I don’t have anywhere close to $58k in my checking account at the moment, I’m about $56k short – I’ll protest! I think I have a pretty good case too. You see in both 2006 and 2007 I had a negative income, that means I lost money in those years and no its not a result of tricky bookkeeping. I honestly lost money. I hate to think what my taxes might have been if I actually earned any money.

ONLY our tax folks using the new math could calculate that a citizen with no income owes $58 240.98 tax due. But, and here’s the really bad part, you know I’ll have to jump through all sorts of hoops to convince them its their blatantly obvious error, right? These guys are ready to file a lien against my home per gov. code section 7171…good grief!

Soaps, you got any good deals on property in AZ?


Tea Party Candidate Rand Paul Wins Big!

Kentucky voters made Rand Paul their next senator Tuesday in a convincing display of tea party strength that defied Democratic hopes and early Republican fears that his ultraconservative views made him unelectable.

Rand Paul joins a growing list of Tea Party candidates from across the nation that won by a landslide and stunned democrats.

In closing seems to me like there was one more thing…. Let’s see…oh yeah, I remember now, it was an election prediction by one Quentin Colgan. He said, “Republicans will pick up less than twenty seats. The TEA party will pick up ZERO seats.” Even if he is the world’s worst election predictor, we still like ol Quentin and we wish him well in his election bid for our city council. We supported Evans, Sorensen and Kromer, but we can still respect and congratulate Quentin for giving it his best shot, no matter how it works out.


Polling Place Overwhelmed

by Jack Lee

If my polling station (Hooker Oak in Chico) is anything like the other polling places around this city and state we are about to have a record voter turnout. It was expected that 45% of us would not bother to vote this year, but I think that must be wrong. We had long lines out the auditorium and into the church parking lot. The frantic poll workers said they had never seen anything like it! They were stunned at the massive turnout and feeling the effects of a long day that began at 6 a.m.

They warned me in the hopes I would pass it along… that if people show up one minute after 8 p.m. they will be locked out and won’t get to vote. Those who are in line when the doors are closed will still be allowed to cast a ballot.

What irks me are the people who wait until they are in the voting booth to read their ballot. They are in there forever! I’m sure that was happening tonight because I voted in less than 3 minutes and a guy in front of me was the same booth for almost 20 minutes. I felt like saying, if you take any longer you can vote on the 2012 ballot too!

Unfortunately for me, there were only two electronic voting machines and the rest were paper ballots and I picked the machine before I realized the log jam. Oh well, at least I won’t have a hanging chad.

Note: It’s still an hour from the poll closing, but I see the early returns show GOP victories in the south are crushing democrats by a 2 to 1 margin. I hope it continues like this and if it does the Republicans will soon retake the House. This is amazing.

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Real Time Election Map

Posted by Tina

Political junkies should check out the New York Times real time map for the entire country. If you put your cursor over any district in the nation the latest election standing for that district pops up. Have fun and enjoy the ride…don’t stay up too late!

NYT Real Time House Map

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Operation Black Storm

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The Economy…STUPID!


Posted by Tina

They said it before…why are they puzzled now…and why haven’t they learned:

“Heading into what appears to be a disastrous midterm election, the Obama Democrats profess to be puzzled. The president’s record, they insist, is moderate, accommodating — if anything, overcautious. So why do most American voters seem to be angrily rejecting it? ** That’s one way of looking at it. Another way is to say that the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress have increased government’s share of gross domestic product from 21 percent, where it’s hovered for the last several decades, to about 25 percent and have put the national debt on a trajectory to increase from 40 to 90 percent of GDP.” (emphasis mine)- Michael Barone – Real Clear Politics

That’s bad news but this kind of news, news we’ve heard month after month for over 18 months, should also have given Democrats a clue:

As the BBC points out, “US personal income registered an unexpected fall in September, while consumer spending was also weak, data from the Commerce Department shows.”

Stories like that help to explain this poor woman’s lot in life since Democrats started “fixing” things:

“A struggling mom who wrote to President Obama about her financial hardship and received a handwritten response from him saying, “Things will get better!,” has had to sell the letter to an autograph dealer to help pay for a house.Jennifer Cline, 28, from Monroe, Mich., wrote to Obama describing how she and her husband had lost their jobs in 2007. She wrote, “I lost my job, my health benefits and my self-worth in a matter of five days.”Then she was diagnosed with two types of skin cancer, and she had no health insurance.” – New York Post

I’ll bet the uncertainty in the health care industry has rocked her world too. It is the economy…stupid! And PS, it’s a lot more!


“I’ll Be Sorry Mommy”

3726-Child bawling.jpg

by Tina Grazier

I was camping with my family a few years back when a drama began to unfold in the neighboring camp. A three year old was running from his mother around the picnic table and through the trees. He was screaming, “I’ll be sorry, Mommy, I’ll be sorry.” Obviously this mother had warned her child before…and followed through on her promise to punish bad behavior!

Well kiddies, it is now D-Day in America for all incumbants. It’s time for errant servants of the people to begin cry and beg in earnest for another chance as they attempt to hold on to their seats in Congress. Yes, D-Day, the day they make their most desperate pleas to manipulate the intentions of voters. Harry Reid, for example, is promising to push immigration reform through the lame duck Congress. Lame is right! This is like that naughty little boy pleading with his mommy…”I’m sorry…I promise I’ll listen to you now…please, please, just give me another chance! Whaaaaa”

Sorry Harry. Maybe you should have listened and responded like a responsible adult when you had the chance. Maybe you should have behaved like an honorable and dedicated servant of the people instead of a haughty, smart-a**ed, power hungry brat.

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99% of Incumbents Get Reelected

by Jack Lee


Depending on who’s poll you believe there is somewhere between 9 and 12% of us that approve of the California legislature. So how is it that 99% of the incumbents get reelected? The Bathist Party had a better turnover than that!

Here’s how they stick it to us election after election: Gerrymandered districts! Those carfully crafted boundaries that favor one party over the other, that the simple fact that incumbents always get the lion’s share of large donations from the special interest lobby.

Proposition 20 will hopefully fix the first part, because it takes away control of redistricting from the political party’s and gives it to the people. The second part of this problem remains to be fixed.

Every previous attempt at reforming campaign contributions has passed by wide voter approvals only to be sued to death for technicalities by one party or the other or both. Neither wants to give up the golden goose, i.e. special interest money and the influence buying that goes with it. It’s a matter of them placing their partisan interests ahead of our interests.

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The People Sing…Tomorrow!