Here are our long considered voter recommendations:

1. Governor – Meg Whitman

2. Lt. Gov. – Abel Maldanado

3. Senate – Carly Fiorina

4. Attorney General – Steve Cooley

5. Secretary of State – Damon Dunn

6. Insurance Commissioner – Tony Strickland

7. State Treasurer – MiMi Walters

8. Insurance Commissioner – Mike Villines

  2. Prop 20 SUPPORT
  3. Prop 21 OPPOSE
  4. Prop 22 NEUTRAL
  6. Prop 24 OPPOSE
  7. Prop 25 OPPOSE
  8. Prop 26 SUPPORT
  9. Prop 27 OPPOSE

Chico City Council

  • Mark Sorensen
  • Bob Evans
  • Bob Kromer

ps strongly opposes the Chico City Council incumbents because they (excluding Larry Wahl) cost the city over a million dollars in a lawsuit that could have been avoided. Our City Attoreny warned them, but they ignored his advice and acted to reverse their position and shut down a legal subdivision. This cost the taxpayers big time when it went to court and the city lost! We say fire this current city council – we strongly support Sorensen, Evans and Kromer, they are our best hope for good city government!

Biggs City Council

  • Angela Thompson

Chico Unified School District, Governing Board Member

  • Sean H. Worthington
  • Dean V. Stefanides
  • Erik Lyon

City of Oroville, City Council Member

  • Barbara Cheri Bunker
  • Gordon Andoe

City of Oroville, Mayor

  • Victoria K. Coots

Town of Paradise, Town Council Member

  • Tim Titus


Summary of Propositions

Proposition 19. Legalizes Marijuana Under California But Not Federal Law. Permits Local Governments to Regulate and Tax Commercial Production, Distribution, and Sale of Marijuana — State of California (Initiative Statute – Majority Approval Required)

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Send In The Sanity Clowns!

A selection of photos from the Jon Stewart rally submitted by Pie Guevara :

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3715-Stewart Crime Girl2.jpg
3716-Stewart Rally Beck.jpg
3717-Stewart Rally nut.jpg

Caution: Photo’s under the fold may offend…

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Happy Halloween Guys


Sharing “The Mind of America”

3710-We the people 2.jpg

Posted by Tina

John Hayward of American Thinker has captured the essence of the American spirit in his piece, “The Mind of America”. Since the current election has brought with it such incredible fatigue I thought this an excellent reminder. It contains the essence of what we are working so hard to preserve and restore. I hope you read it in its entirety and feel refreshed…and once again spirited to win! Though the task is difficult the purpose is a mighty one.

Here’s John Hayward:

It is often said the people of America are her heart and soul. It’s important to understand that they are also her mind.

The mind of America is an unconscious engine of fantastic power and perception. Its nerve endings reach through every cash register and cell phone. Its dreams swell into factories and skyscrapers, burn themselves into circuit boards, and flow across bookshelves.

The mind of America can hold many different ideas at once. The genius of a farmer may not be applicable in the heart of a city. A business plan that brings riches to a company in Wisconsin might be a dismal failure in South Carolina. The desires of vacationers and retirees along the coast of Florida are different from those of old families with deep roots planted in the soil of Illinois. A garage mechanic from Detroit might become a business tycoon in Seattle. The notion of bottling so much diverse energy into a central plan, designed by politicians, is absurd. The high voltage of the American mind will melt any antique machinery Washington plugs into it.

Let us never forget, it is “we the people” that matter and make America great.

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Palin Exposes Corrupt Alaska CBS Affiliate


Sunday Morning Wisdom

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. – Hellen Keller

Use this day to rest up for the coming adventure!


Election Fatigue?

by Jack Lee

Will you be glad to see this election season end? I know I sure will. I’m tired of the fake pollsters calling me at odd hours of the day and night. And I’ve had it with all the slick mailers, deceptive fliers and the barrage of emails asking for more money. And don’t get me started on all those negative ads. This year has been the worst for negative ads – they work like weapons for mutually assured destruction and we wind up being turned off by both sides!

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I Miss Ol Bill for One Reason

Bill Clitnon was always a great souce for a joke…

Chrysler Corporation is adding a new car to its line to honor Bill Clinton. The Dodge Drafter and it will be built in Canada ..

When asked what he thought about foreign affairs, Clinton replied, “Golly, I don’t know – I don’t think I ever had one.”

The Clinton (revised) judicial oath: “I solemnly swear to tell the truth as I know it, the whole truth as I believe it to be, and nothing but what I think you need to know.”

Bill Clinton will be recorded in history as the only President to do Hanky Panky between the Bushes.

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Liberal VFW Appointees Kicked Off Committee

by Jack Lee (with thanks to O.V. at Gate)

First it was the AARP, their members were fed up with the liberals that had hijacked their good name and used their control to expressed many liberal opinions and support for socialists that riled the greater majority of members. Now it’s the VFW’s turn to root out the lefties.

Their (VFW) political actions committee has been suspended due to too many angry letters from members complaining about their liberal socialist policies. Thety hated the endorsements from the VFW PAC. The people and issues on the left are not at all what the vets fought for; they fought for a free, democratic America that was in step with the ideals of the founding fathers.

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Time for a Hero to Step Forward

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