
Conservative Friends,

Carly Fiorina will be in Chico tomorrow afternoon at Republican Headquarters, 896 East ave. We need to have a strong showing of supporters at HQ! Please come at 3:30 pm and be ready to wave signs and shout down any of Boxer’s protest lackeys who will undoubtedly be in the parking lot to pester us. They are absolutely scared of Carly because they know that she can win this race!

Carly will be welcomed by our own local Assemblyman Dan Logue, Supervisor-elect Larry Wahl, and many others. Please be sure and attend, and don’t forget to vote this Tuesday!

Steve Thompson, Chairman
Butte County Republican Party

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Nevada Union Worker Files Formal Voter Intimidation Complaint


Posted by Tina

The last election was fraught with allegations of voter fraud, particularly by the organization “ACORN”. Many of those people were found guilty and were sentenced to jailtime and/or fined. This year there have already been instances of intimidation and voter fraud. Today a woman in Nevada who belongs to a union has taken a very brave step and chosen to blow the whistle on her union leaders. God bless her for seeing the value of the secret ballot and for protecting the voting process. Babette Rutherford filed her formal complaint through an attorney in Reno, Nevada alleging voter intimidation and bribery. See a copy of the “Election Integrity Violation Report” at Redstate.

A portion of the complaint follows:

4. Complainant respectfully requests that the Secretary of State and Task Force take immediate steps to protect the right of all union members in the State of nevada to be able to cast a secret ballot for the candidates of their choice at the 2010 general election (hereinafter, “the Election”), without fear of reprisas, recriminations, job loss, or other adverse actions resulting from union bosses’ improper and heavy-handed infringement upon their members’ fundamental voting rights, which rights are guaranteed to every citizen of the United States.

5. During the course of early voting, Complainant has actually witnessed, and is aware of numerous reports about, labor union leaders’ activities in and around polling places in Clark County. The reports indicate that several unions are engaging in activities that appear to be intended to intimidate and coerce their members into casting their votes in the Election under the close scrutiny and supervision of union personnel. (continues)

Unfortunately we will see a lot of this in our elections unless local authorities come down hard on offenders. If found guilty I hope this bunch pays in full measure for what they are doing to the elective process in America.

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Dire Global Warming Prediction

This why we study history – read to the last line!

The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway.

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the Gulf Stream still very warm.
Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.

Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelt which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
More below:

I’m sorry, I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922 as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post… nearly 88 years ago!… But we’re still here!


Lesson #1: Don’t Mess With Libertarians

by Jack Lee

It was supposed to be just another mild mannered republican political rally they were going to disrupt. So the characters were dispatched to the event to act up and disrupt the keynote speaker Rand Paul, but there was just one minor problem:

This wasn’t exactly a republican event, nor was it even a Tea Party event, this was really a Libertarian event for Paul who is running under the (R) in order to get the votes needed to win a crucial election.

Unfortunately the liberals from MoveOn. Org didn’t understand who they were dealing with, but they soon found out. The hapless protestors walked right into buzz saw.
I watched as a female protestor was dragged to ground where somebody put a boot on her head.

She now claims to have suffered a concusion and the mainstream media is giving her a lot of press. Odd the same media that was eager to talk to this protestor, but in September 2009 the networks failed to give any coverage to a man having his finger bitten off by a supporter at a California ObamaCare rally.

At the September 2 event, 65-year-old William Rice, an ObamaCare opponent, got into an altercation with an unidentified MoveOn protestor, who proceeded to bite off the tip of Rice’s left pinky finger. Not only did CBS not interview Rice about the violent attack, but it offered no mention of the incident at all.


Taxpayers in Buffalo School System Ripped-Off!


Posted by Tina

Ever wonder why education costs so much? How about health care? This comes from Buffalo but similar stuff is going on in governments and government run institutions all over America:

Cosmetic surgery costs for Buffalo Public Schools employees have skyrocketed from less than $1 million in 2004 to nearly $9 million last year. The vast majority of those procedures — nine out of 10 of them — were chemical peels, laser hair removal, skin rejuvenation and other skin treatments. All of them were elective procedures that required a doctor’s approval. (Snip) Because the district is self-insured for its cosmetic surgery rider, taxpayers cover the entire cost directly, district officials said. – Buffalo News

Nine Million Bucks! Bet those people could make a few housepayments or put some groceries in the fridge with that back in their pockets! But big bureaucratic government systems work well, right? Those hard earned dollars turned over to government for “THE SCHOOL SYSTEM” is worth it right? Those kids need good lookin’ teachers or they just can’t learn…right?

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Damning Video Link Via Hillbuzz – “We Will Not Be Silenced”

Posted by Tina

I posted the Letter to Rush in a hurry last night and did not realize that the video linked in that letter was extensively revealing and damning regarding the primary between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. These are Democrats sharing what happened to them during that primary. See the video, “We Will Not Be Silenced,” a film by Gigi Gaston and prepare to be either shocked or vindicated! As they assert…”We are Americans, not angry liberals.


This makes me proud to be an American. Americans, both conservative and liberal, must stand for decency, honesty, the rule of law and the rules of fair play.
Here’s a question for you…where has the media been all this time? (covering for and promoting their choice!)

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DNC HIT LIST for 2012


Posted by Tina

The DNC has filed Freedom of Information requests with military agencies for all correspondence of their potential “enemies”…that would be fellow Americans who happen to be potential Republican presidential candidates for 2012 according to Rick Klein of ABC…

“Exclusive: Democrats Ask Pentagon for Info on Potential Obama Challengers” – ABC News

The Democratic National Committee formally has asked the Pentagon for reams of correspondence between military agencies and nine potential Republican presidential candidates, a clear indication that Democrats are building opposition-research files on specific 2012 contenders even before the midterm elections. ** The nine Republicans that Democrats are seeking information on are former Gov. Sarah Palin, R-Alaska; former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass.; Gov. Haley Barbour, R-Miss.; Gov. Tim Pawlenty, R-Minn.; former Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Ark.; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga.; Sen. John Thune, R-S.D.; Gov. Mitch Daniels, R-Ind.; Gov. Bobby Jindal, R-La.

The DNC is obviously feeling the growing frustration of a disastisfied electorate and they know the discontent has very deep roots! Running scared? You betcha!



Posted by Tina

WOW! This is incredible!

I don’t know if any of you are familiar with the weblog”Hillbuzz” but I do know many of you are fans of Rush Limbaugh and you will likely remember “Operation Chaos”. This was a plan to help Hillary win in the Democrat primary against Barack Obama. We know the outcome…painfully so. But what we haven’t known is what’s been going on with Hillary’s supporters since that primary election loss. Now they have given us a clue in the form of an open letter to Rush Limbaugh, written by the very funny Kevin DuPanto, that begins:

Dear Rush,

It’s my great hope that some of your listeners find a way to get this letter to you, or that it makes it to “Snerdley” and finds its way into your hands. I don’t think even you understand just how much damage Obama has done to the Democrat Party — to the point where formerly lifelong Democrats like myself, and everyone here at, are actively working to expose the party and literally burn it to the ground for the good of the country.

None of this is being reported in the media, but a Civil War in the Democrat ranks has been raging since May 31st, 2008…a date every Hillary Clinton supporter knows well, because that was the date of the Democrat Rules & Bylaws Committee Meeting where Howard Dean (then-DNC Chair), Donna Brazile, and scores of other Kool-Aid slurping Obama flunkies took off their masks and revealed the full extent of the Leftist coup that had taken over the party. This was the day when the DNC took delegates Hillary Clinton won in Michigan away from her and handed them to Obama (despite the fact he wasn’t even on the primary ballot in that state, because he removed his name when his campaign realized he’d come in third in that race).

May 31st, 2008 was a day when Hillary “babes” (as you call us sometimes) like us flew to Washington in large numbers to stand outside the Marriott near the National Zoo, where this Rules & Bylaws Committee Meeting was held, to shout for the DNC to count all the votes and operate the nominating process fairly — but they refused. The anger over that day has never abated. In fact, it’s grown considerably since then.

This was the determining factor in millions of us leaving the Democrat Party for good. This was the day when the P.U.M.A. movement began — in response to Donna Brazile’s calls for “party unity” following the Rules & Bylaws Committee Meeting, we “Hillary babes” said “Party Unity My A$$” (or People United Means Action, depending on how you want to phrase it). Exit polls showed 8 million PUMA voted Republican for the first time in our lives in the fall of 2008…casting ballots for McCain/Palin (and in truth, mainly for Palin, whom we support, and not to a small degree because she receives many of the same attacks lobbed at Hillary Clinton all these years)….

Go to to read the entire letter.

“Reverse Operation Chaos is in full swing…has been for some time! Democrats aren’t just toast; they are burnt toast!


Charges of Voter Fraud in Nevada

by Jack Lee

Teachers and their union have been buying Democrat votes with Starbucks gift cards? Election workers are alleged to be doctoring records in favor of Democrats and to top it off the majority leader of the U.S. Senate is accused of bribing college students with an offer of free pizza.


Allegations of dirty politics are being made by Republicans on behalf of Sharron Angle, who is challenging Harry Reid (shown at upper left) for his Senate seat. The GOP has filed 44 pages of documents detailing voter fraud that implicates Reid and Democrats and they say this should have been caught earlier by the Secretary of State in Nevada who is responsible for keeping elections clean. Violations are especially rampant in Clark and Washoe counties, say Republicans.

Secretary of State Ross Miller, a lifelong democrat hack was reluctantly forced to investigate the early voting irregularities. Like a good partisan, he immediately put it back on the Republicans who are the victims when he said, “Obviously, I am suspicious of any allegations just a week before the election where rumors are perpetuated by political parties or candidates without any substantiated evidence,” he said, disregarding the 44 pages of substance that have been submitted. However, apparently unknown to Mr. Miller this is the time when most voting irregularities tend to show up. What a dunce!

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Largest Single Political Contributor 2010


Posted by Tina

Democrats continue to sneer about political contributions coming from the right. But if you haven’t yet voted you should know which group is providing the biggest cash infusion in this election cycle. The Washington Times reports:

Who is the largest single political contributor in the 2010 campaign cycle? You can be pardoned if you answer, erroneously, that it’s some new conservative group organized by Karl Rove. That’s campaign spin by the Obama Democrats, obediently relayed by certain elements of the so-called mainstream media. The real answer is AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. The union’s president, Gerald McEntee, reports proudly that AFSCME will be contributing $87.5 million in this cycle, entirely or almost entirely to Democrats. (emphasis mine)

Hmmm…very interesting!

1. These are the same people with public sector pensions that have been grossly underfunded. The plan is to have you, the taxpayer, pick up the tab for these underfunded pension plans.
2. These are the folks that make twice as much income in pay and benefits than the average private sector worker.
3. These are people that remain employed thanks to Obama’s jobs created and saved giant stimulus package…the one that has our children facing enormous future debt and has resulted in high sustained unemployment (10% – 17%) for the private sector.

Public sector union workers can afford to spend $87.5 million dollars on an election but can’t, or won’t, fund their own pension plans. They are spending this money to elect Democrat candidates who will continue to GIVE YOU THE SHAFT!

Private sector jobs in California will not return if we continue to elect BIG GOVERNMENT DEMOCRATS that have repeatedly shown they have zero regard for private sector work and taxpayers in both the public and private sectors.

Read more about public sector union contributions this election cycle here.

Then resolve to vote for the conservative candidate that can win and will restore common sense to government!