Fiorina Hospitalized!

by Jack Lee


Carly Fiorina (shown left) was scheduled to appear in Chico next Saturday, but she was hospitalized yesterday for a serious infection. Fiorina underwent a double mastectomy for breast cancer last year and it appears complications from this are causing a problem.

It could not have come at a worse time, she’s fighting to take control away from one of the worst performing Senators in California’s history and the poll numbers are still teetering back and forth. I can’t begin to imagine what Fiorina felt like when she was told she must stand down and be hospitalized to fight this infection. She’s been such a tenacious campaigner and she was just about to unseat a career tax and spend politician. But, let’s not count her out yet. Any woman who can bounce back from cancer and a double mastectomy like she did deserves our support and her rock solid conservative politics deserves our vote. She’s a fighter and that’s the kind of representative we deserve not Barbara Boxer the check bouncing ultra-lib. She’s had 28 years to get it right, time’s up.

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A Coffee Shop Story…

by Jack Lee

I was indulging in a blend of French roast and caramel coffee at one of our downtown coffee shops and at the same time talking with several friends and acquaintances. One was new to our casual group, she was a CSUC student. She asked if she could run a problem by the group of us old guys and it went something like this. She’s a freshman and she was taking her first mid-term for a chemistry class. Things were going really well, she knew the answers and her test was done well ahead of most others. As she sat there she was looking around, more or less without really thinking about her actions and the teacher observed this. The teacher apparently thought she was cheating.

After class the teacher confronter her and said she had zero tolerance for cheating and her test grade on this important midterm exam would be a zero! The student was stunned and almost speechless. Nothing like this had ever happened to her before.

She’s an A student or at least she was in High School. She had no motive or reason to cheat, her grade was already strong and she was ahead in her reading assignments and was feeling very confident about the class. But, the bottom line here is it just ran against her own personal moral code. She said she would never cheat and there was no background for such behavior in school in her entire life. Further the teacher never said who she thought the student was cheating from.

As a freshman student, age 17, she doesn’t have a lot of life experience to draw on so she did what she could. She tried to be diplomatic and convince the teacher she really wasn’t cheating. The teacher finally said she would think about it and possibly give her another test. The next class the teacher informed the student said she didn’t feel it was fair to the other students to give her another test…she was getting the zero.

Our student went to her counselor, but the counselor said the teacher’s decision was final and there was little she could do. The counselor offered her the choice of dropping the class or continuing with the prospect of getting a D at best. The student was mortified and after calling home and discussing it with her parents she withdrew from the chemistry class – it was a disaster. Now she’s trying to get a refund for her tuition and that may not happen.

My take on this is, if a student was cheating as alleged then it’s likely happened before. However, this student has never been accused before…not cheating, not for anything. She’s a very moral person. Also if a person is guilty they don’t usually protest so much and show so much emotion. We really had no answer for this one, so I was wondering if anyone out here could come up with something?

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A thought for today

Abraham Lincoln may have freed all men but Sam Colt made them equal

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NJ Teachers Union Exposed

Posted by Tina


Stay tuned…apparently there is a second installment!


Gun Owners on the Endangered Species List in California

by Jack Lee

I’ve been looking for a local source for reloading powder (gunpowder) and other reloading items and I found it today at a strange place…the CVS pharmacy across from Trader Joes in the mall.

What a pleasant surprise! They have a great sporting goods section and their selection of various rifle and pistol powders in one pound cans was excellent and the prices were good too, about $5-7 less than what I would expect to pay at Huntington’s in Oroville. They also carried a wide variety of RCBS products and shooting related items. This was the best selection I’ve seen in Chico ever!

They had a decent supply of various types and brands bullets, various calibers of brass and all kinds of loaded ammo. I’m surprised that fascists in Chico let them move in or they didn’t force them to make cut backs like Michael Moore did to Wal-Mart! Around this town an unpopular corporate business gets the ol fire bomb treatment, remember poor Wendy’s in downtown? And there was also MacDonald’s on Mangrove that got bombed and some of Wittmeirs new SUV’s that those liberal tree hugging fascists hate so much were tagged or vandalized. Ah, our dear liberals, they’re all about peace and justice aren’t they?

Continue reading “Gun Owners on the Endangered Species List in California” »

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President Describes Americans as “Enemies”

3697-Obama talks.jpg

Posted by Tina

Well…not all Americans…still….

Has the President forgotten that he serves as the leader of our country for all Americans or is he just that immature and ill-suited to the office of president? (He should at least be thinking privately, OMG why did I say that?)

Speaking to Latino voters on the campaign trail the President said this:

“And if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, we’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder — and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd.” – President Obama, “Pioln por la Maana” program on Univision Radio.

I don’t know…he’s looking terribly un-presidential to me at this point. Where is the dignity, decorum, and respect for the voting process? Hell…where is the inclusiveness he pretends is so important to him and his party?

HT: Kathryn Jean Lopez “Did the President of the United States Describe Some Americans a Enemies?” – National Review

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Election Home Stretch and the Winners are. . .

by Jack Lee

November 2nd is right around the corner and a lot of anxious voters on both sides of the political isle are wondering, how’s the election going, are we winning?

Using all the available polling data and having spent most of the weekend listening to commentators and round table discussion I’ve boiled it down for those of you who have better things to do. Here’s my home stretch synopsis:

Dems are hoping Hispanic voters will be a deciding factor in many races because of their new large numbers, but in reality they could have been the deciding factor. Because outside this State, Hispanic voters are expected to have a low turnout. Hispanic voters tend to be younger, under 40 and politics is not a big thing, but having a job and putting food on the table is, so a rep win could be good for them. Hispanics don’t have a lot of compelling issues this time around, so don’t expect a big block of Hispanic voters to sway anb election, they’re not that interested…today. But, it would be wrong to count them out as we head into 2012!

Within California the only race that has grabbed the Hispanic attention (mildly) is Whitman verses Brown and its likely Brown has a slight edge now. Had it not been for the Whitman’s maid incident the edge would probably have gone to Whitman at this point. The maid event of course was contrived and exploited by the Brown camp, but Hispanic voters appear not to see they’ve been manipulated, they think Whitman doesn’t like them.

A very small margin is going to decide this race…too close to call, a real cliff hanger.


Prop 19 and Prop 23 are our two hottest issues in Calif. The nation is looking at us and hoping Californian’s won’t legalize marijuana, so are the feds. They are concerned about a sudden, uncontrolled spread of narcotics and its costly societal impact. It looks like 19 is losing some of its appeal as the word spreads how poorly written it is. Too many unknowns and it leaves the work place wide open to employees who claim a medicinal need to smoke dope. The reality of what the Prop 19 people are asking appears to be too much. On the other prop, the opposition’s rhetoric has had more clout. Green issues have always been popular in this state, but with unemployment in many areas still over 11% and some ag areas as high as 14% jobs cancel green. The anti-23 crowd loses ground when pitted against informed voters and they gain ground with people who vote the democrat slate and knee jerk greens. So California’s terrible demographics once again goes against the well reasoned portion of our electorate, Prop 23 is now failing, but not by much.

In Nevada Harry Reid is running the race of his life. Reid is losing, but not by enough to call it game over. Angle is a mediocre politician and is too verbose. At times she over states her case so much she looks like a rambling nut. On the other side, Reid is a man of low ethics, purely partisan, willing to say and do whatever it takes to be re-elected. He comes off as mean spirited and untrustworthy. A decent challenger would have had him down by 15 percentage points at this late stage.

Overall Republicans are poised for victory, thanks mostly to Obama’s healthcare and reckless and extravagant stimulous and corporate bailouts.

Reps have solidified their voter base in areas where the dems are trailing and there is little or no hope dems will be able to turn it around now…for them it truly is game over. But, republicans will have won more than a numerical advantage in the House. They will have also won themselves a performance contract with America. And a breach of performance this time around will have disastrous long term consequences for the GOP. The upside is that by fulfilling their sworn obligations it will spell further disaster for the dems and their union allies.

PS Weather has a lot to do with the liberal turnout and it always has. If California is storming in SoCal on Nov. 2nd it could change the turnout just enough to allow Whitman a win, but it would be a squeeky thin margin. Currently long range forecast shows a high chance of really bad weather heading our way.

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The Street Beggar’s Philosophy


by Tina Grazier

Warning: excerpted material contains x-rated language

In my reading yesterday morning I came across an article by Heather MacDonald published in San Francisco’s “City Journal”. It’s about the young beggars who operate in cities up and down the west coast and who land in the Haight-Ashbury when in San Francisco. The city is considering a proposal to overturn their vagrancy laws, a move that if successful, will turn the sidewalks of the Haight into a legal “home” where these vagabonds can hang, sleep and beg. MacDonald describes their philosophy as she conducts informal interviews on the street. I realized that the way these kids think had a very familiar ring:

The defining characteristic of all these “travelers” seems to be an acute sense of entitlement. “If you can afford this shit on Haight Street, then goddamn, you can probably afford to kick down $20 [to a panhandler] and it won’t fucking hurt your wallet,” a smooth-faced blond boy from Spartanburg, South Carolina, defiantly tells the camera in The Haight Street Kids, a documentary by Stanford University’s art department. I ask the group on the blanket: Why should people give you money? “They got a dollar and I don’t,” Cory replies. Why don’t you work? “We do work,” retorts Eeyore. “I carry around this heavy backpack. We wake up at 7 AM and work all day. It’s hard work.” She’s referring to begging and drinking. She adds judiciously: “Okay, my liver hates me, but I like the idea of street performance. We’re trying to get a dollar for beer.” More specifically, they’re aiming for two Millers and a Colt 45 at the moment, explains Zombie. Aren’t you embarrassed to be begging? “I’m not begging, I’m just asking for money,” Cory says, seemingly convinced of the difference. How much do you make? “In San Francisco, you don’t get much–maybe $30 to $40 a day,” says Eeyore. “When you’re traveling, you can make about $100 on freeway off-ramps.” (emphasis mine)

The operative words here are, “They got a dollar and I don’t”. Street wisdom in a nutshell! A “what’s yours is mine” philosophy that boggles the mature adult mind. How did these young people become such empty vessels? What are the conditions that have left them exposed to such a worthless existence? Though freed from the responsibilities of becoming contributing members of society, they have trapped themselves in an aimless and pointless lifestyle with only booze or drugs to comfort them and give their lives purpose.

Continue reading “The Street Beggar’s Philosophy” »


A Dog Story – Enjoy

Adam and Eve said, ‘Lord, when we were in the garden, you walked with us every day. Now, we do not see you anymore. We are lonesome here, and it is difficult for us to remember how much you love us.’

And God said, “I will create a companion for you that will be with you and who will be a reflection of my love for you, so that you will love me even when you cannot see me.”


“Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be, this new companion will accept you as you are and will love you as I do, in spite of yourselves.”

And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam and Eve. And it was a good animal and God was pleased. And the new animal was pleased to be with Adam and Eve and he wagged his tail.

And Adam said, ‘Lord, I have already named all the animals in the Kingdom and I cannot think of a name for this new animal.’

And God said, ‘I have created this new animal to be a reflection of my love for you, his name will be a reflection of my own name, and you will call him DOG.’



And Dog lived with Adam and Eve and was a companion to them and loved them. And they were comforted.

And God was pleased.

And Dog was content and wagged his tail.

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David Zucker, Thank You …Still Giggling

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