Pit Bulls Attack Man in Wheel Chair


by Jack Lee

I was reading about this 57 year old man who was attacked by two pit bulls just outside his home. I recalled a story about a little girl who was killed by a neighbors pit bull in Corning about 3 years ago. Curious how often these dog attacks happen, I looked up the statistics.

In the last five years pit bulls and rottweilers accounted for 56% of all attacks, yet they represent only about 6% of the total dog population. From 2005 to 2009, pit bulls killed 103 people. 63% of these were children under the age of 12 and over half of these children were under the age 2, which in my mind says more about the parents than the animals.

Again, its just my observation, but it seems most people who own pitt bulls and rotts fall into one or more of the following categories, dog figthers, drug dealers, stoners or just ordinary scummers. Which makes me wonder if its the really the dogs and not the humans who are most in danger?

Does anyone know if the City of Chico requires special licensing of dangerous breeds? If they don’t, I think they should…if only for the sake of protecting the dogs from dangerous owners.

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The Truth About Marijuana

by Marc Myers – Yuba City

As a social worker with a long history in substance abuse counseling, I would like to provide correct clinical information about marijuana. Society needs to understand the dangers because they are not hearing about them, and the information on the streets are lies and misperceptions.

Marijuana is dangerous and addictive, not a benign drug. It causes medical, psychiatric, learning and social economic problems and diseases. It’s five times more carcinogenic then tobacco and it will cause cancer. As a controlled substance it will cause psychosis.

Marijuana causes cognitive problems such as difficulty concentrating, maintaining and shifting focus, memory, and processing information. These cognitive skills people need to drive, learn and communicate. These cognitive problems last up to 17 hours after use. Long-term use can lead to brain damage that can make these problems permanent.

Marijuana causes breathing and lung diseases, heart disease, a decrease in white blood cells, anxiety, panic attacks, depression and even sexual dysfunction. People who use marijuana weekly are three times more likely to have suicidal ideation than those who don’t. Marijuana now rivals cocaine as the No. 1 drug-induced reason people end up in the emergency room. It leads to behavioral changes such as impulsiveness, quick to anger, disobedience, aggression and violence.

The federal office of the National Drug Control Policy has pamphlets on marijuana titled, “Marijuana Myths and Facts,” and “What Americans need to know about Marijuana.” These can be obtained from the Internet. I encourage everyone to stay away from marijuana.

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Brown Leads Whitman

Latest poll. Real Clear Politics has the average as shown first followed by all individual polls.

  • RCP Average 10/10 – 10/21 — 46.2 41.4 Brown +4.8
  • Rasmussen Reports 10/21 – 10/21 750 LV 48 42 Brown +6
  • SurveyUSA 10/15 – 10/18 621 LV 47 40 Brown +7
  • PPIC 10/10 – 10/17 1067 LV 44 36 Brown +8
  • Wilson Research (R) 10/13 – 10/14 800 LV 44 45 Whitman +1
  • Reuters/Ipsos 10/12 – 10/14 448 LV 48 44 Brown +4
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Union Fires Man For Wearing Navy Sweatshirt at Obama Rally



President Obama Discovers “Creator” in the West

Posted by Tina

In the spirit of fairness I’m happy to report, via Byron York, that our President has gotten the message! During speeches in California and Nevada on Friday the President he finally got it right:

“Obama finally learns Declaration of Independence, includes ‘Creator’,” by Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent – The Washington Examiner

Suddenly, the “Creator” has appeared in the president’s speeches. And each time he discussed the Declaration, “Creator” included, his quotations were met with enthusiastic applause. Barack Obama has learned that Americans like to be reminded of their founding documents — even the passage that explains the ultimate source of those inalienable rights.

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Lame Duck Sessions – Is It Time to Change?

by Jack Lee

ATTENTION: Wally Herger, here’s a good idea for you, why don’t you write a bill for this once we get the GOP in control again?

When you get fired from your job you barely have enough time to gather your things before you’re heading down the road. So why do we give the people we fire at election time another two months to continue the polices that we disapproved? Consider, even if democrats are voted out of power in the House, they’ll still have several more key votes on policies we have rejected.

Do you think its time to make a change to the way we’ve always done it? I do and I would like to at least freeze the voting power on Congressman that have been fired by the voters. They can have the next two months to clean up their office and say good-bye to all their lobbyist friends and then line up jobs on some committee somewhere. But, once they have lost the election – they should also lose their vote in the House. What do you think?

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Republican Corner: America, Recover!


By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

Writers note: If you agree with this writer and want to help out, come to Chico Republican HQ, 896 East ave. this Saturday at 9:00am and help us take back our country.

In the roughly twenty years I’ve been politically involved, I can’t remember a time as pivotal as now. Darkness and misery on one side, prosperity and hope on the other. Perhaps we saw the warning signs (an overzealous environmental movement, tax and spend democrats creating deficits, socialism preached in the classrooms) but for so long so many of us thought it wouldn’t affect us personally. Until it did.

Look at where our country is right now. So far this year, 1 in 10 American homeowners missed a mortgage payment, 1 in 6 Americans are unemployed or left the workforce (BTW, if you’re a student out of college who can’t find work, they don’t count you as unemployed!), over 4 in 10 have been out of work for over six months, and 1 in 4 Americans have negative equity on their home mortgage. Pretty bleak proof that stimulus spending didn’t do much good, and chances are you know someone who is suffering right now as a result of the economy.

Continue reading “Republican Corner: America, Recover!” »


Armed with Political Correctness NPR Fires Juan Williams

Posted by Tina

Talk radio and the net are all abuzzzzz over the firing of Juan Williams by NPR for remarks he made on FOX expressing his own personal experience when he encounters Muslims dressed in traditional garb in airports:

“I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”

Williams has been a regular contributor to both NPR and FOX News. His opinions generally favor the left although he does his best to be even handed. Juan strikes me as a fairly reasonable mild mannered guy who can usually be counted on to admit the obvious even when it goes against the politically left message.

Willliams was on FOX News this morning to talk about this somewhat shocking state of affairs:

You can find the statement on his firing made by NPR in the article, NPR Ends Williams Contract After Muslim Remarks

Late Wednesday night, NPR issued a statement praising Williams as a valuable contributor but saying it had given him notice that it is severing his contract. “His remarks on The O’Reilly Factor this past Monday were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and undermined his credibility as a news analyst with NPR,” the statement read. Williams’ presence on the largely conservative and often contentious prime-time talk shows of Fox News has long been a sore point with NPR News executives. His status was earlier shifted from staff correspondent to analyst after he took clear-cut positions about public policy on television and in newspaper opinion pieces.

So maybe the real problem is FOX. apparently they have also had contentious things to say about Mara Liasson’s work on FOX.

What is it with the left (yes NPR, though government sponsored, represents the left)…they seem to be determined to stifle speech!

What are they afraid of?


After Four Years…Are We Better Off?


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America Stabbed in the Back With… Rare Metals?

by Jack Lee

What does yttrium, thorium, neodymium, boron and samarium have in common with you? Don’t know? Well, don’t feel too bad, it’s likely that 98% of us have never heard of these rare earth compounds before. They’re found in the periodic table of elements under lanthanides and we use these lanthanides in cell phones, computers and cars and that’s just for starters. The Toyota Prius uses more rare earth than any other car in the world. We’re absolutely dependant on these metals for so many critical things and one country controls 90% of the rare earth exports and its not us, it’s China.


There was a time when we produced about 10% of the worlds supply of rare earth metals and we had plenty on hand for our own home use. That was until about a decade ago when we felt it would be better to [outsource] the production. Mining is a dirty business and refineries are not very popular either, just look at all the regulations we impose on both of them! So, this business was a great candidate for outsourcing, its just too bad we had to turn to China. But, they produced the needed metals cheaper for a time and they had over-abundance of the stuff, in theory a win-win. So by dropping out we let China become the world’s sole suppliers of rare earth metals and all was well until our politics clatshed with theirs. Now China has decided to roll back production, allegedly until they have a chance to review some environmental concerns (choke).

This has made the rare earth metals, well, er,… rare (and expensive)! The lanthanides have been jokingly called unobtainium thanks to China’s penury production of the stuff. Japan has been cut off due to a territorial dispute and to flex their muscle a bit further, the Chinese have decided to boycott shipments to U.S. until we come around to their way of thinking on certain trade policies currently in dispute.

The U.S. does have lanthanides and we can mine them, albeit not in the quantity of China. To ramp up our mining and refinery production will take at least two more years and possibly three, maybe longer if the EPA gets involved. Meanwhile China controls the market and to some extent….us. We are virtually at their mercy for the present time. You know it’s going to cost us dearly to get the Chinese to resume exporting to us…I wonder what concessions we’ll have to make?

Now this is bad, I admit, but you haven’t heard the worst yet. So fasten your seat belts, because this next bit of news is going to send you into orbit and cause you to speak in rapid fire expletives.

There is a source of these “unobtanium metals” beyond China and the US…they’ve been recently discovered in Afghanistan! Lucky for us right? Hang on…so the Afghanistan government under the control of our dearest, best friend, Mohamed Karzai has negotiated a deal with Americ…, no, actually that would be with the Chinese government for [exclusive] rights to mine rare earth for processing back in China. Yes, exclusive rights and we’re completely shut out.

In effect NATO forces and that means our own U.S. soldiers are protecting the Chinese mining interests in Afghanistan. We’re fighting and dying only to be screwed over by an ungrateful Afghan government. This happened on President Obama’s watch and virtually right under our collective noses, yet it’s completely ignored by our government as if it really never happened! Until today even our own fast-asleep watchdog media missed this one. The BBC broke this story and we picked it up before anyone else in the mainstream media, but lets give it a few days to simmer and see what happens.

I think Obama owes us some answers on this deal, don’t you?

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